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Bree Giffen

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Everything posted by Bree Giffen

  1. Your arms seem rather large. Are you a body builder and a model?
  2. You have a small local ISP? It may have a fairly small pool of IP addresses and he could have probably gotten to your home address at least. From there, one could make an educated guess as to who uses Second Life in that household. Another thing to remember is when someone tries to guess your name you should always deny and not verify. There is really no way for him to know for sure unless you say so.
  3. You could dress yourself and an alt as identical twins and just sit yourselves together. for example.
  4. Check your animation overrider (AO). It replaces default animations with new ones so perhaps an idle animation or something is replaced with a running one. You could just remove your AO and see what happens. Are you double tapping a move key? Or making your avatar jump?
  5. I saw a male avatar wearing pants, shoes and a shirt. He had short hair and didnt have a lot of muscles. I know! Crazy right? I swear I saw him.
  6. I just got dropped into one of the Zindra hubs, Arapaima I believe, and it was filled with the usual people you find at an infohub. The adult rating for the Zindra hubs allows people to be more flamboyant than they were before.
  7. I tried blocking my alt and from what I see there is no way to know if you are blocked and they will not see you in any way. The blocked person can still push you around though. If you think they accidentally blocked you, which I've experienced, one way around is to either have someone else relay a message or log in with an alt account to let them know.
  8. You what? @Phil Deakins That's ok. I'm not sure I want to find it now. Too full of models who aren't allowed to drink the coffee and some might be vampires.
  9. Where is this? I flew around Amstertdam and Amsterdam 2 and didn't see it. Not really looking to make anything like it. I was just curious if it was in world. Found a lot of empty coffee houses along the way.
  10. In hindsight LL should have made a single login ID hidden from public knowledge and from that ID residents would create multiple characters and share inventory between them. What's done is done and name changes will probably not happen. We've had many fruitless discussions since the switch to single names and display names.
  11. I'm never on these forums and inworld at the same time. Too distracting. I once logged into SL and started browsing a website while waiting for a store to load. 3 hours later when I was turning off the computer I noticed my SL was still open and my avatar had gone to sleep. This place is a sort of home away from home.
  12. It can. What viewer are you using?
  13. Try resetting your camera. Press ctrl-9. Or was it ctrl-0? I forget. One of those.
  14. You can try making your own. Buy the animations you like from each animation store and install them into a custom AO.
  15. Actors? You mean that picture was staged? I found the bistro decorations on the sl marketplace but it didn't lead me to the establishment in question.
  16. Just say, "I would like to wish you a fond farewell but you have to do your part!"
  17. Does anyone know where the cafe at the top of the forums is located? Just curious. ? They look so happy.
  18. I had a little deja vu seeing this thread. It must be immortal.
  19. SL is like a popular 80s band still making music, releasing albums and playing gigs at small venues. People will say, "Theylre still around?" but the fans know.
  20. I just got on at a quarter to midnight and the screen is really, really, really white. It's like staring into a flashlight. Is there a user setting for changing the forum colors? Or maybe a toggle between a light theme and a dark theme?
  21. You can almost always translate real life photography lessons to second life. You can control the SL camera like a real camera. You can control the lighting by windlight or adding lighted prims.
  22. The biggest one I remember was Ginny of Dazzle and Last Call.
  23. I like to grab any free food and drinks being offered at SL locations and try them out while I'm there. Instead of enjoying the flavor I enjoy the textures, animations, sound and text that may be used. I also look at the scripting if possible. It's like looking at the recipe.
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