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Bree Giffen

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Everything posted by Bree Giffen

  1. I like hearing live music in SL. It's one of those things you must experience. I have a "music listening sway" dance just for those occasions. How to go about promoting it? One should go inworld and see how the process of a performance in SL works. Talk to the singer, their support people, venue owners, etc. You don't need to have a full band to perform. A singer with just a mic and a guitar would make a good show.
  2. What everyone says above is good advice. Follow the Linden. AR every violation and name of every alt used. Keep your own records of your ARs and build up a case to get the harasser ip banned or something. While doing all of this ignore them and dont respond.
  3. Only 1 linden dollar? A demo maybe. The ones I don't usually get cause they're a dollar.
  4. Do you mean the profile feed? When you take a snapshot it comes up as an option. If you post to your profile feed it makes a post in your inworld profile with that pic.
  5. Try rezzing the furniture in a sandbox on the ground. Also try resetting the camera zoom which is Ctrl 9 on Windows.
  6. I usually watch Youtube more than Netflix. I've recently been watching street food vendors preparing different kinds of food. The only series I have seen recently on Netflix is this one about people living in Alaska. It's a reality show and it makes me glad I dont live there. It's called Life Below Zero.
  7. You can log out of the forums and visit forum profiles anonymously. Not much to see really.
  8. SL is so many things to different people. It really isn't just a game! And yes, the forums got a facelift. But it went down for a while during the upgrade.
  9. You could attach the smokey transparent box to yourself and as long as you are not moving, as in a pose, you can move the attached box into position.
  10. An alt can't move your objects unless they have permission just like any other avatar. Perhaps you have group permissions enabled and you and your alt are in the same group?
  11. I just got a Belezza for an alt! There is a 'materials' button and slider near where you select skin tones. It looks like a sparkly button. If you press off, the shiny is turned off completely. If you leave it on, the slider makes the skin more or less shiny.
  12. The problem is creating an easy to use 3d modeling tool capable of making complex objects within a game environment. A monumentally difficult task I assume. If any kickstarter wannabe SL replacement wants to beat Sansar and Hi Fidelity such a tool would be the goal.
  13. It was on 4 sim corners so that would be like 4 x 40 avatars! I think one sim was blocked off so Scott could actually interact correctly. The first pic shows everyone still gray and loading but by the 2nd pic of the end event all textures have loaded. There were many silly comments that day.
  14. I found a few old pics in my hard drive. One is of the old popular places list. I believe back in 2008... as there is the campaign picture of Obama '08. The other two pics are when Scott Adams joined SL for a little chat. Thanks for that Aimee.
  15. When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth!
  16. Obviously the problem was that they could not delete the post!
  17. Typically, when you buy clothing you get a box (or bag, or whatever) and when you unpack it you get a huge amount of files. There might be system clothes, different mesh versions, huds, read-me files, landmarks, thank you notes, etc. Get rid of everything that you don't actually wear. Put the store landmark into your landmark folder (unless you already saved the same landmark from a previous clothing item). Keep the store box in a separate folder with all the other store boxes. Rename files if you can and make them more descriptive so you remember what they are simply by reading the name in inventory.
  18. I brought out the all-pet library girl combo! I couldn't include one pet in the picture because it auto adjusts it's height and it was out of the picture. This is a mod entry because I moved all the pets around.
  19. I loved to make things in SL when I was in-world. The sandbox platform I was in felt like a blank piece of paper. I suppose what I expected in SL's future was a transformative set of prim tools. Not just... go use blender. I like blender, I've made things but it's clunky. I had to watch a few lessons to make simple things. With prims, boom, I made a car. When I first tried Google's Sketchup, boom, I made a fully furnished house. It must be really really difficult to make a simple and intuitive 3d design tool because I havent seen it. Sketchup was good but limited. If there was such a tool everyone would be using it. It would be the key to a true SL2.
  20. Trying to think of the best analogy on mesh in SL. Mesh made SL avatars look better, it made furniture and pretty much everything else look good and allow for more items per land. At the same time it decreased creativity and limited choice. It truly felt like your world your imagination with prims and system avatars, even if it didnt look the best. Mesh made SL go from a vision of the future to just another platform to have 3d objects. I still like SL. I just think it might have gone another way.
  21. Even the old SL is still very complicated compared to minecraft.
  22. I've never had a Yorkshire pudding. Is it a piece of bread covered in gravy? It seems to be something else but I havent seen a description of what it is like exactly. Just people saying they like to eat it. That's not very helpful.
  23. I think I would like head cheese on top of a zeeuwse bolus. As for distinctive food in my area, maybe street tacos, el pollo loco chicken, and in-n-out burgers.
  24. My modus operandi is to rent a small parcel which has one of those rental boxes. I rent for a week to see how I like it and then I rent a month at a time. I have an alt who does the renting and has all the furniture. I honestly dont remember the last sim I was living in. Just looked up my old landmarks. I lived in Pahto and Whych. Some other places too.
  25. http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/graphics-card-myths,3694-5.html Here is an explantion of why you might need a large memory card. You also need to consider that SL has some very different behavior from pretty much every game out there. 1. Textures stream from the internet until cached on your computer. 2. SL is wildly unoptimized in texture usage.
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