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sirhc DeSantis

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Everything posted by sirhc DeSantis

  1. This seems to be being handled as well as the great big 'all your IP are belong to us' fiasco from back in the day. A little input from the Company addressing concerns would be nice.
  2. I have nothing against the idea. The company getting info out is fine by me. I still won't watch (unless forced to log in to the daft 'nexus' idea that sometimes gets floated here and forced to before proceeding). Simply because I don't watch meatspace 'talking heads' so why would I watch SL ones? (esp if I can't run an adblocker - I mean...doesn't everyone?) What I want is a bullet list of points published before with links to further explanation. Feel free to email that to me. I will even opt in. Also a text transcript published soon after first 'airing'. I can scan text 10 times as fast and it is nice to have a record that is easily quoted. (ser Inara does a sterling job - I want the official)
  3. Been a fascinating read. All I can add is that some sort of data storage I would have loved some, oh times go by.. close on 16 years ago. Yes I do have access to 3 'experience' wossnames but the only thing that caught my attention was this ability. This ranks up with Slice being added to lsl. So however it goes, I have a happy
  4. Yep. Changed continent and possibly led to a divorce but as I do not do lawyers then its a moot point. Actually that's a plus in retrospect.
  5. I had an alt to monitor when had to log in recently. Then it opened up. And yes. This part went away, in a sense, and nothing of value was lost in terms of SL. Make a group in World etc. Its what SL is for. The usual suspects etc there are other forum places to be out of touch in. But peeve - Win 10 quit adding stuff. Pet peeve - I bothered to log in to the forum despite my best efforts PP 2 - who is in charge of the forums anyway?
  6. Very happy. That the powers that be decided that only a teeny bit of the forum needs to be logged in to to read. Thank you Lindens
  7. Resonded to it. waste of time as always. Well it would be obvs
  8. Fascinating. I am always up for a new rental and the company the OP slated is now on my list, ain't adverts grand.
  9. Good to remember ser Lion. To think on. 'Know' is always useful before you commit
  10. I should have added that as a rudie it is extremely gratifying so was not disagreeing. Don't mean I am on the side of the angels, mind.
  11. Nope. I understand the viewpoint - Goddess knows I feel that way - but no.
  12. Bonne Fête Canada And actually watching Terrance And Philip which - would not last 10 seconds here. All I will say is 'Bombs Ready, Buddy'.
  13. As a landed immigrant to Canada I will jolly well celebrate. Bonne Fête:)
  14. 'Mission', 'Vision', 'MBA Flavour of the month here' =^^= (oh I was married to marketing once) Fascinating that here it went straight to.... gender of those cashing out. Besides - its a video? I do not *do* talking heads. Migh t be me getting deafer in my dotage but I like stuff written down. So I can quote it after a quick scan and cross reference. Announce it in writing as company policy and I will get back to you. On the responses so far, would probably have my support - after aforesaid cross checking. I can wait.
  15. 'Do you all think that Second Life is less sociable now than before?' Short answer - nope. Longer answer.. Depends how you define 'sociable'. Standing around flapping your lips still as popular, and dull, as ever. The myth of the 'social sandbox' is and ever was a myth. As is 'societal experiment' Whenever I get an IM out of the blue from a new Resident I always add 'Welcome to Second life'. Same as it ever was. More 'welcome back' now. Thats nice too. Still as grumpy on my platform whenever anyone is within 4 km - ok thats a bit newer, used to be lower=^^= but out and about - no prob. And.. 'Showtime!' Is something I learned to do. And love it. I came here to make sculptures and got distracted. Pole dancer will do that for you. And nobody believes me. Still exchange yearly seasonal greetings with people I met in 2007. Erm. My World My Imagination after all. And all you all's too Still what do I know? Eternal noob R me and only spent a quarter of my life here.
  16. Wee bit of memory lane. Herein lies the vid that heralded the third wave of initiation to the Cult of La Kate. (Stranger wogan?)
  17. Not my usual cup of tea. Derivative, retro, a wee bit trite but a total floor banger for summer '22 and I love it. Trigger warning - unless you have ever driven a bike at one in the morning after a nine hour ride in bank holiday roadwork traffic, avoid the last minute graphic wise.
  18. "Underwhelmed" Best to be polite afterall, with the caveat that there is still no official word on all this. I await with unbated breath
  19. Not had official notice yet. Will take woo grrrls on forums as usual suspects
  20. Had a guest ask why my 'nick' was - as it is. Explained it did not have that connotation back when we had erm choice of names. So it goes, after all these years. Will be another foot note in 15. So suggestion - 'DespiteYourBestEffortsStillHere' + a year
  21. I don't usually watch this sort of stuff but saw a link in another place and was caught up in it.
  22. Could be fun - do I get to bury that robot (the voice - shudder) under the foundation slab?
  23. Oh dear. Sounds like some of the middle management I managed to drive away actually did spawn. My commiserations. Any word on the HR parasites yet? =^^=
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