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sirhc DeSantis

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Everything posted by sirhc DeSantis

  1. (rude words here) It may be something of people of a certain age of a certain demographic but this has hit more that Peel. God has now the best DJs. I hope She is happy. For Annie N - lets all dance to Joy Division. She would have hated it =^^=
  2. For Annie Nightingale Queen of the Airwaves. Too much techno to choose from but hope this sends You on your way. RIP (and if you have to ask.. ) See you there in Your slippers =^^=
  3. OK sorry to nitpick as I tend to agree with the rest but use of the term 'polluting' I find - problematic. As to the rest I was led to beleieve that ye olde BP was still allowed. Interesting thread
  4. No it is not This is the joy of SL. Our Would =^^=
  5. Just because - most will be lost in terms of comments
  6. Your reaction already has a -no sad allowed- flag
  7. Any one using the name of Sir Terry p has been auto added to my ban list. And the word has gone out unless - the estate has given the nod. Now 'Vimes' I would have paid for
  8. That is quite lovely - now I have to figure out how to do it:) Another reason I am liking this PBR stuff - another challenge. (As always with new SL stuff my first attempts are awful even by my standards but that has always been my way.)
  9. I think the poster has been pretty good in explaining (I remember the last one). Research does tend to take time and throw up differing layers and in this case we have no idea of the length of the program the poster is following. Yes there is often the same reaction here but the poster is at least doing it right. Will have to decline as the use of Teams would reveal my true identity as being Brenda Rodley, Her Grace the Dowager Duchess of Quirm
  10. Sue Ballion and Her band of Merry Troubadours in their one attempt at a festive album. Probably under threat. And awwww look at young Bobby! May your Goth be with you on this day. And to the Sisters and Brothers out there who are also cursed with being spawned today I give you the Eternal Pixie CPG - also known to some as the real Kristine Kochanski. =^^= Its cold outside etc.
  11. Yule food pet peeve. In thirty years and two continents I still can't find a decent beef suet. Not that I ever would have it in the house but I always whinge when making mince pies - even when I am doing the vegan thing. Its the principle of the thing, dagnabbit.
  12. Day two of our blended yuletime. Mince pies are done (but Rudolph gets a potato this year as I forgot the carrot). Nigella has done Amsterdam on the Beeb and I need one of those tulip biscuit cutters (and a lie down but thats just me), the Glögg is steeping, the almonds are flaked and the Brännvin snaps is chilled. The pepparkaka are, of course, to hand. It is now too late for the last minute Konsum run so before the ceremonial lighting of the fourth advent candle and we all sit down for Kalle Anka on SVT - it is a legal requirement here and the polis do check - from Sverige I wish you God Jul =^^=
  13. Yep can confirm. Second Life Release Beta Wanderton confirm needed relog Kroagnon (on bluesteel) confirm needed relog (Sorry, I do not do JIRA because - reasons - so posting here)
  14. Peeve. I have now been forced to change my outfit for the sixth time this year as I have been honoured to do the DJ thing at SL Pride Holidaze (details at https://second-pride.com/) for very good causes. This pressure on SLBlokes(tm) is becoming outrageous. We will be forced to.. shop. :;
  15. Interesting. I can see both (actually thought out) points of view. It should be an addon - not a deal breaker. I have played with both 'experiences' (stupid name) and 'RLV' (used to have a more stupider but apt name) and use the second for - some quite mundane things. The first gives me nothing I am interested in building that I can't already grab (as Qie says above). The second I never really got in to. Scriptwise anyway Now I *do* go 'okie dokie why not' for the first if someone thinks I ought to but mostly.. what was the point of the sitter one again? Still not worked that one out. Or a dance thing that asks 'is it ok to animate your avatar for eternity plus all this extra stuff'? Had one the other day. Sure, but why ask 'is it ok to animate' when I clicked on the one next to it the day after. Can't remember the last time I clicked on something to dance and went 'oh noes my soul is lost'. Other things, perhaps =^^= Its a half erm torso part never explained properly nor implemented.
  16. Huge fun! You should see me as Geri Halliwell - wannabe, obvs. I wanted to be sporty but never had the legs. Oh have to add, met someone at a Kid Rock tribute thing (well we all learn) back in.. 2008? 9? That seems to have worked out.
  17. Given that a) D.I.S.C.O. is Life b) It ain't Xmas without Boney M c) With PBR I so want those trousers d) Where did you think I learned to dance anyway I give you... (and seriously check out the Dublin 78 gig - now that is rock and/or roll. Oh my lord)
  18. Well thats me busted then. (I know I don't post much but seriously - does it always take 10 minutes for a simple quote?)
  19. Excellent idea. I have coded a few and also have a few - concerns. Maybe something over in 'general'?
  20. I remember Lennon. I also remember xmas 1980. This was on the radio and a PYT (ask yer grandma) was singing under Her breath as we - made coffee. 6th form common room at Harlington. We went dancing that weekend. Youth eh? Wasted on the young
  21. I like. Even this old potato PC makes it look - nice. Playing with it I have had to adjust a wee bit of ye olde shine but not very much. On an old GT 620 no less (I had a better but my PSU blew up so I am on a clockwork one). But - to be honest even with that I can't remember the last time I switched off ALM. Well done, SL tech team. Nice one
  22. Mister Benjamin Zephaniah - poet, activist and all round good bloke RIP. One of His 'lighter' ones for the season. (and one day I will post something thats not a [redacted] obit)
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