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Nova Convair

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Everything posted by Nova Convair

  1. irihapeti wrote: jejejejje (: is the same when people say in the open chat: You are soooo muted they never do block you, bc when they say that, then you do actual start talking about them in the open chat. Whereas before you werent actual talking about them. Just talking about stuff they didnt want to hear they cant stand the idea that they cant hear what you now saying about them. bc their fav topic is themself. So they secret listen (: That is a great opportunity to torture them. Just talk about them in open chat and they can hear you but they can not answer! hahahahahaha If they put themselves into that situation they are incredible stupid.
  2. You can not TP on this sim but your alt can? Are you sure you are still allowed there? Is there a neighbour sim? If yes: go there and walk over the border and see what happens.
  3. In a planar setting you set a repetition per meter. If you have multiple different faces with the same texture you can use the same value for every one. Most TPV's have a texture align tool that adjusts a texture over multiple faces so it fits seamless. You need planar setting for that. The only advantage of the standard setting is: you can easily stretch a texture so it fills the whole face.
  4. I once watched one of this heads in a sim with very slow texture loading. The head has different material zones. Clearly visible in this case since they loaded one after another. Mouth and the zone around the eyes are texture animated. There was only this single sequence visible in the movie.
  5. Windlight settings are not sent to the viewer. Only the name of the WL setting is sent. That means the viewer has to have it installed. The viewer does not switch WL. It only does when set up to do so. If you are talking of the Linden version of WL. A custom parcel setting is no server thing. Only you can see it. If you make a custom setting for the whole sim. That is a server thing and others can see it. If they have active to use the default setting. Besides of that. The same WL setting can look completely different with different graphics settings. And an example: I never switch any setting automatic. I only see the default setting if it comes to my mind that it's worth to try.
  6. You want to point at a certain spot? That's problematic. You can not move your arm by script. You can play an animation and you need one animation per angle. That's the height. Now left/right. You can not rotate the avatar by script. You can sit on something. With a standing animation nobody will see that you sit. So you can rotate that way. Another way is a 2nd set of animations working on shoulder/chest/abdomen area. Schould be good for +/-30° without breaking your back. Or a combined animation for height and left right but that sums up pretty quick if you want a better resolution than just the quadrant. Well pretty complicated and alot of animations and work. You will need your AO off or an AO with lvl 3 animations so your lvl 4 animations can override that.
  7. You need to calculate it. llRotBetween(<0,0,1>,llVecNorm((TargetPos - llGetPos()))); Thats the global rotation for the z axis to your target If its linked you need to divide the result by the roots global rotation. This simple calculation will rotate the prim/object around the z axis. Ok for a single barrel but not ok for a turret like movement. There are rotation tutorials but I can't link here. This one is linkable: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Void_Singer/Rotations
  8. The classic solution is an if else chain: integer saywhat;default { touch_start(integer num) { if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) { ++saywhat; if (saywhat==1) { llOwnerSay("first"); } else if (saywhat==2) { llOwnerSay("second"); } else if (saywhat==3) { llOwnerSay("third"); } else { llOwnerSay("last"); } } }} count up saywhat on every touch and run through the chain to find an answer. Can become quite lengthy. Sometimes you can replace that by another solution like this: integer saywhat;default { touch_start(integer num) { if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) { list answers = ["first","second","third","last"]; integer length = llGetListLength(answers); ++saywhat; if (saywhat > length) saywhat=length; llOwnerSay(llList2String(answers,saywhat-1)); } }} Here you only add elements to the list if you need more answers. If that is useful depends on the single case. I often use list pickers instead of if else chains if that makes sense.
  9. You don't infringe any copyrights. All photo's are ok. but If you dare to post that on the internet - Facebook for example - that's a different story. In europe all of the photo's need permission if you post them. But there is some discussion in the works, so need to wait a bit.
  10. Millions of white sheep will click the express settings and if you ask them they will tell they have nothing to hide. I bet the porn collector will say that too - b4 this interesting incident happened of course. Win10 distributes updates in a peer to peer network that includes all the win10 installations. - MS should communicate that so people know where their update bandwidth goes and dont panic. - It's no problem atm but who knows about risks in the future? - You can switch that off completely or restrict the peer to peer function to your LAN. Ask google, my windows is not english so i will not waste my time to explain what to do.
  11. I can confirm Coby's observation. Tried a few viewers and the LL Viewer and Kokua (which is close to LL's) use the compatibility mode. The others don't. Another thing I noticed with win10 is that it took every little setting for network and system from win8.1 to win10. (except default apps) So if someone has a messed up system I have my doubts that the upgrade will repair anything.
  12. MS link for that: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-8/older-programs-compatible-version-windows Interesting is that no viewer needs that. (for me and most others it seems)
  13. I upgraded from win8.1 win10 replaced the nvidia drivers by an ms version. Thats ok since its a new system and surely does not want to use the old win8.1 drivers. SL runs fine with that drivers btw but I did not much testing and installed the new drivers from nvidia. Ok, all is fine, didn't detect any problems yet. win10 did not try to reinstall the ms drivers. I have read about that and was prepared to punch the system and prevent that but wasn't needed - it didn't even try. After checking that i have all the drivers I need - I switched off the automatic update for drivers. Just to make sure that I stay in control. Maybe need to add. I never tried any win10 beta stuff and I didnt reserve for the update. I kicked it in manually. 1st on a VM (with win7) and then on the main. Oh, another remark: I have a desktop but I can imagine that the standard driver is no good for any fancy laptop chip or hybrid chipset. If you have something like that you need a matching driver for win10! If that driver is not available you can not upgrade to win10!
  14. I think I know what you are doing. What you need is to have the helper object having the same rotation than the root of your furniture. For that your furniture can rez the helper object by using the same rotation. Then you can easily get relative rotation/translations out of it. If you have different rotations you have 2 different coordinate systems and need quite some calculations to translate between them. The question is: what would be the reason to do this?
  15. You can replace: if ((llAbs((integer)(yourpos.x-mypos.x)) > limit) || (llAbs((integer)(yourpos.y-mypos.y)) > limit) || (llAbs((integer)(yourpos.z-mypos.z)) > limit)) by if (llVecDist(mypos,yourpos)>(float)limit) Now your problem : you want to kill the object once the money is given. You should check the wiki about LSL syntax, then you see that you can group a couple of lines by enclosing them into {} writing: if (llDetectedGroup(number)) llGiveMoney(id, amount); else llSay(0, "Wrong active group!"); without using {} and not even indentation will bring noobs into trouble sooner or later if (llDetectedGroup(number)){ llGiveMoney(id, amount);}else{ llSay(0, "Wrong active group!");} this looks alot easier and you see now where to put the llDie() if (llDetectedGroup(number)){ llGiveMoney(id, amount); llDie();}else{ llSay(0, "Wrong active group!");} If the llDie is faster than the money giving command the avatar gets no money (I don't know if that happens but expect everything in SL) try it out. If that happens you add a line with: llSleep(1.0); before the llDie
  16. New system means new drivers. For Nvidia the MS drivers that win10 installs work fine (for me) but I replaced them by Nvidia's win10 drivers. For your Amd I suggest you do the same. Get new Amd drivers and try again.
  17. - Viewer settings can't be changed by script. - I doubt that many avatars would give your script a permission for RLV even if it's only the windlight - You can add this line to your parcels description: /*Windlight Sky: "[NB] Aftermath 0000"*/ All avatars with TPV's (Third Party Viewers) that have automatic windlight active will switch to your setting then. No LL viewers. Works only it that windlight is present - so exotic ones and selfmade ones are no good choice
  18. Tsk. Have you ever heard a gun saying "buy more ammo"? It makes a clicking noise! It's not that trivial. - you need a gun script and modify it so every shot decreases the ammo counter. Gun scripts usually have ammo counters - you need to take out the reload function then. - you need clips (no mod, no copy) and think about the handling. It's SL so you cant put the clip into the gun. Maybe just attach the clip. The clip then needs to communicate with your gun. Gun set ammo counter to clip size. Clip sets clip counter to 0. It would be great the clip doesn't become depleted if you are not wearing a gun or the gun already has ammo left. So there is some small stuff to script to make handling easy and foolproof. Communication to the right gun required. Easy since gun and clip have the same owner. - remove litter (depleted clip)
  19. "I got kicked out for no reason" - yes that's what they all say including the last one I kicked. So why you post your side of the story here? Without the other side of the story its worthless. And even then - only LL can check it. SL is not RL. It's a game (kind of). There are zero laws - besides LL's law (TOS) but that doesn't include residents disputes. From time to time someone posts that LL should get involved. Do you know how many people they need to work the cases of all this whining residents? And once a case is closed they will piss of someone - everytime on every case. I can imagine that LL will not do anything and will never do.
  20. I have no noticeable packet loss and never had some in the past and I'm on the other side of the world. So what makes you say "it can't be my connection". What exactly did you test to prove that? Let me guess - a speed test to a location next to you? That proves nothing. Connect by wire, reset router, make test to a LL server or next to it. The viewers packet loss display is not sufficient to find the source. It can be a problem in your ISP's net or on your end.
  21. DEP is a security feature that prevents against program errors and malicious code to inject over buffer overflow for example. Any special security software running? If you have EMET running then try to exclude the viewer. Check for Viruses/Trojans. Check RAM. Check Harddisk. Download and install the viewer again.
  22. That could make me wear a mesh body. The mesh that is available at the moment I'm not interested in for the reasons you posted. I have seen quite some avatars lately that are obviously overburdened and wear non matching mesh bodies and clothes. So there is probably some demand. On the other hand: they don't care or don't see it
  23. The distance is ZERO. For me - since you can switch that off in most or maybe even all viewers.
  24. Stop perving other people. Oh and if you set your own parcels privacy - that works both ways. Nobody can see you but you can't look out.
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