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Beowulf Zessinthal

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  1. My senra Jamie needs a 'relaxed hands' animation. Is there a free one around that everyone uses .. as i didnt see one on MP?
  2. i see this on my main account .., only really in the last few days .. i have had large build items like floors and walls not rez. As a clue.. i can say i only ever use the SL viewer .. so its not a FS thing.
  3. Realistek are by far the most real to me .. and you can ride them at their main store. They have them as wearable and wanderers.
  4. I would hope that sometime when something 'big' changes or gets added to SL, they may consider a new name too and spend some promotional money on a relaunch. But it would have to be easier for new comers to get their avatars sorted i reckon .. is there a plan to simplify dressing of avatars? .. if so that could be the thing to set it all rolling?
  5. Over time, I have saved a few screenshots of avatars that were so good i had to capture the creation with a screen grab. Lately using the Occulus Rift i looked at those images .. they appeared in a 'big screen' way. The experience (just as a jpeg) was really unique and exciting.. one where i felt i was way up close to the avatar... really a big WOOOW! moment If the avatars were also breathing and in 3D, Im certain it would get a lot of attention in the VR world. It is a small but cool, and growing market. Also i imagine that if i could make my avatar smaller I would experience a world of giant fabulous avatars. Then i think that augmented reality will later make it even more exciting and useable. I understand that VR in SL has been tried and abandoned before. Im also aware that somewhere there is a way to get SL into a VR headset by hacking some old rare viewer or some such thing. There is a big disadvantage to that to my way of thinking. First i do not like messing with settings and strange extra viewers .. it may lead to inventory issues .. and the world seen through the headset would definately not be optimized for a VR experience. But I imagine it would be very possible to create islands, or parcels that are purposely built very low in prim and texture, so that we can start to explore a Second Life VR experience. To begin with, it would only have to be able to hold one or two avatars, to make everyone in VR suddenly want to open a SL account, and buy low prim builds of all sorts. Gradually a specialized VR optimized SL building industry would grow too. Please revisit VR SL. I realize it would begin with stated limitations etc .. but im sure it would be like the early years of SL.. where a new wave of excitment fills the air!
  6. was no problem after all!
  7. i thought i had it with this.. but it may be a bit off? //Join 2 prims and add this to child 'gerbil' prim vector startpos= <-0.217, -0.229, 0.070>;//start rotation startrot= <0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0>;//start vector diffpos;//relative move rotation diffrot= <1,1,1,1>;//relative move vector jumppos= <-0.149, -0.229, 0.117>;//target rotation jumprot= <0.0, 0.317, -0.0, 0.948>;//target default { state_entry(){ } touch_start(integer tch){ startpos= (vector)llList2String( llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_POS_LOCAL]), 0); startrot= (rotation)llList2String( llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_ROT_LOCAL]), 0); llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_POS_LOCAL, startpos, PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, startrot]); llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_THIS, [PRIM_TEXT, "Start startposrot",<0,1,0>, 1]); llSleep(2); if(diffrot == <1,1,1,1>){//calculate the relative move if not already done diffrot= jumprot/startrot; diffpos = (jumppos - startpos)/startrot; llOwnerSay("diffpos: "+ (string)diffpos); llOwnerSay("diffrot: "+ (string)diffrot); } llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_POS_LOCAL, startpos+ diffpos*startrot, PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, diffrot*startrot]); llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_THIS, [PRIM_TEXT, "Relative diffposrot try #1",<1,0,0>, 1]); llSleep(2); llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_POS_LOCAL, startpos, PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, startrot]); llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_THIS, [PRIM_TEXT, "Returned to startposrot",<1,1,1>, 1]); } }
  8. Hello, Im sure ive asked a similar question in the past, but i cannot get this one to work. Im better at making diagrams so i thought i would post this while i beaver away for the answer I need a child prim start position (whatever it is) to serve as a base for a different relative position (with both a pos and rot change). Thanks for any help!
  9. Thats it Wulfie! Thanks so much! Its magical for sure!
  10. Sorry DoteDote i dont follow you exactly .. My thinking is that in order to use the x & y vectors in any 'opposite' way, we have to 'multiply' the quat rotation in there too. I dont claim to understand how it works.. but i know quaternions can do these sort of magical things somehow!
  11. Thanks Wulfie, but it didnt quite work for me ? I have to be using local pos rots only .. and did this:
  12. My diagram shows a table as root prim, and a person standing at some vector vec and rotation rot offset. Is it possible to get the same relative result (using the original vec & rot data) when using the person as root? I know there is quaternion magic, and am hoping something like using "pos*quat/ZERO_ROTATION" can do it? Thanks for considering this!!!
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