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Nova Convair

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Everything posted by Nova Convair

  1. In Firefox you go to settings then applications. In the list you select secondlife then you select the viewer or find the viewers executable if it's not in list. I don't use Chrome. Edit: Oh I overlooked "mac" - usually I shut up about things I don't know but Firestorm works that way in Windows and Linux, can't be much different on a mac.
  2. Yes, we have different styles of formatting the code. Since I also don't use brackets for one-liner if-then-else (except nested if-then-else) I have an advantage here to see the logic
  3. The logic is ok, well I'm pretty sure of that No brackets nor direct TRUE/FALSE assignment will change that. Did you hit <ESC> after camset()? Shouldn't be necessary every time though. I tried it out too. Put script in a box, attached, sat on a scripted seat, clicked on the box a few times and it worked everytime, camera was moving between default and scripted position. Whatever it is, it's not just the script. Some other factor kicks in here.
  4. It's useless to increment start_parameter on every touch. The script will still work as expected but from a script like that a beginner doesn't learn something, they just get distracted. Ok, they learn something - not everything in scripts and examples they see makes sense.
  5. Not sure how the start_parameter will help you since the rezzed object gets that info from the rezzer. The "object_rez" event is triggered in the rezzer when it rezzes an object. It delivers the uuid of that rezzed object. Store that in a global variable. On next rez you use llGetObjectDetails with that uuid. If you get an empty list the object is not in sim and you can rez it. If you get the requested value the object is already there and you don't rez it again.
  6. You find the windlight settings here: c:\Program Files\Firestorm-Releasex64\app_settings\windlight\skies The viewers I know expect user made windlight settings here: c:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\<viewers folder>\user_settings\windlight\skies Nothing stops you from copying that.
  7. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/World_API http://gridsurvey.com/economy.php There are API's that will help you maybe. But if you look for someone that runs and maintains a database and gives you free access you surely will be out of luck.
  8. goodlighttreeheart wrote: So Is it possible to read the texture uuid from a body part or clothing item held in a prims inventory by a script in the prim? No. You can read anything from any prim when it's rezzed with llGetLinkPrimitiveParams. For texture uuid's the object needs to be full perm then. If the object is in a prims inventory you only have the llGetInventoryxxx functions.
  9. @Bent Luik: The script seems to flip the animated faces 100 times per second - but that does not happen. The server works in frames of 0.0222 seconds and so it will change prim properties max 45 times per second - every 3rd timer - and only if there is free time for that. But the server will not update every viewer in range 45 times per second. That rate can be significantly lower. That's the reason why the script does not cause lag and runs choppy. The more busy the server is the fewer face flips and viewer updates will happen.
  10. That is a threat? You have a low level for that hmmm? Right click that avatar / block - anything else is waste of time.
  11. For win10 you need working win10 drivers for your hardware. If that isn't available then you can not upgrade to win10. If you ignore that you are with the windows generic drivers which aren't good for playing. In case win10 overrides your special drivers with the microsoft drivers just switch off the automatic driver install. (I do that anyways - drivers are my job not some auto updaters)
  12. Depends where your main bottleneck is. The CPU will stay the same so it must be fast enough to not limit the Graphics card. The benchmarks for graphics cards don't show much interesting stuff - they show the performance for optimized directX games. SL does not use directX and is the opposite of "optimized". The 970 will be faster so you can use higher settings and will get a higher fps. How much that will be and if it's worth the price I don't know. Most probably "yes" (from my point of view and thats not everyones view) - and only if the rest of your system doesn't limit the performance too much.
  13. The warpPos hack will probably stay but you never know. It's outdated and uses alot of memory at execution for far jumps. The official replacement is llSetRegionPos: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetRegionPos
  14. I made a test rezzer and test hud for temp attach lately and it works just fine. So I have no clue what problem you have - except that the hud did attach - but you just dont see it. (outside of screen, invisible, invisible from one side)
  15. I often use projector lights. You need advanced lighting on to see them. They can have a huge effect on materials when shining on a surface at a low angle. Like every light in SL they shine through prims. To prevent that you need to have shadows on. Well it's SL so it doesnt work 100% but it dampens the shine-through-effect alot. The rest you do by clever placement and an adjusted light radius. Projector lights can cast shadows and it's pretty cool if you walk through the light and see your shadow at the wall or floor or whatever. They will not show a visible light cone even with fog (in windlight). They draw a light cone/circle/square/every pattern on a prim though. You can adjust the focus of the projector so its up to you if the margins are blurry or sharp.
  16. Rhonda Huntress wrote: kalliopi Ziplon wrote: pre paid card , master card Pre-paid cards will not work. I have 2 and both work for years so it's not that simple. I assume that pre paid cards without verification - so that you are anonymous - will not work.
  17. leannabright wrote: can you saY "REDZONE" all over again? using moap like this also gets an avatsr's ip address as well as key.................................... Every web content you see reveals your IP - of course - but not your UUID. The scripted object can get your UUID - of course - if you click it. I have MOAP always off in my viewer. I can only see it if I click it. Usually I have no reason to click some unknown MOAP prims or links. By my opinion MOAP makes only sense in a closed group where I know what I click. In all other cases most avatars will not see it.
  18. Many people don't care about such things. If they get a notice how many other avtars can't see them - THAT will make them think about such things. The creators have to follow their customers demands or vanish. All in all the jelly babes sounds like a plan that could work.
  19. I use SL to spend my free time, relax and have fun. So it's a game. But - what am I playing? Playing myself maybe? I'm not a space pirate and rocket engineer in RL. ( but working on it ) The main difference between SL and RL is that: in SL I am absolutely free to do what I want as long as I keep SL and RL 100% separated. For me SL is a game but I am not really playing anything.
  20. Check the log Let Norton take back the quarantine Set the SL viewer on the list of exceptions And if you don't know how to do it you just have to RTFM
  21. Es gibt Millionen von Dummschwaetzern. Darum kuemmere ich mich nicht. Details zu den Sim's findest Du hier: http://gridsurvey.com/economy.php Es gibt etwas mehr als 25000 Sim's und ueber 20 passen auf einen Server. Es gibt sicherlich schwaechere Server und Sim's mit viel Traffic, also da sind es dann weniger. Dazu kommen noch ein paar hundert Infrastruktur-Server. LL ist also nichts grosses. (sofern man es mit Google vergleicht)
  22. 7000 L$ a week is not 28000 L$ a month but approx. 30300 L$. (how many weeks has a year hmmm?) That is a little below 125 US$ but of course you can't make any money at that rates, but loose a bit. So a big landowner either gets a rebate or has quite a number of grandfathered sims to keep things in the plus. I'd be interested too in how that works.
  23. I kicked that Adobe crap off my computer at the end of last year. And Steve Jobs was right when he said: "nobody needs flash" I don't have an Apple btw. nor am I a fan but flash is multi platform crap.
  24. ChinRey wrote: You can do that with default mapping too. Nope. If you want the same sized pattern on different faces you need to set different repetitions on every face. A completely useless waste of time to even think of doing it that way.
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