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Nova Convair

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Everything posted by Nova Convair

  1. I see. One script can animate multiple avatars with multiple animations but has to ask for permission everytime. So you need 1 script per avatar. In this case everyone needs to give the permission once. Maybe you want to read about the experience tools that will become added to SL "soon". That will allow to handle this with one script but I have no clue how long it will take until release. How many is many? 20 is nothing and it doesnt matter how you handle this. 100 is worth to think about it. 1000 is too many and you need to spread that on multiple prims.
  2. So button 1 uses channel -37262534 + 1 button 2 uses channel -37262534 + 2 and so on (for example). Why is that a problem? Listen is listen. If all scripts listen on one channel or every script on its own channel makes no difference. To save listens you can make 1 script listen and relay the messages by llMessageLinked to the other scripts. In this case again every script will be triggered on every message but only one listen is used. Most probably many listens are better than many unnecessary triggers. But that depends on the single case and on how often and how many messages you expect. Are you sure you need many scripts? Maybe one script can handle all this.
  3. Sure, but why? You can put a prefix in front of the message and every script will parse that and continue only if it matches. Very inefficient since all scripts trigger everytime. Just use a different channel for every script - there are enough.
  4. llGetPrimitiveParams can only get data about the object the script is running at. llGetObjectDetails is what you are looking for. That gives a quite a number of infos, but not the size. Getting data by using llCastRay and calculating the size is no option for a sim wide scan. I see no other scripted option. What's the purpose for this? I see no reason to check that.
  5. You mean your avatar has a story and a personality and playing that works like a charm. Yes, thats possible. Once you start to talk to your avatar or argue about things - get mental help - quick - before it's too late.
  6. What age? - The age the residents tell you when you ask them? - The age of the RL operator of the avatar? (the highest) - The age that reflects the mental development status? (the lowest) The only one you can find out is the 1st one. (ok the 3rd one too but that will be too exhausting) Go out and ask. Many will not answer, mute you or kick your ass off their land though. So you need to keep nagging and make multiple alts. So next year at the same time you can come back to this forum and tell us your results. Have fun. :smileyvery-happy:
  7. At the moment there is no reason to doubt that viewers will still run. You will know it when you try it and of course you need drivers for your hardware. I've read the informations carefully and it says that win10 is free for the device you upgraded on. So if I get a new computer that is a new device. I take it that I have to buy a new license everytime I get a new computer. Nothing is free here the payment is only postponed. It will not be possible to choose what updates you install. MS seems to go for a subscription model, maybe in 2-3 years and therefore will force everyone into that model. Refusing that is no option since a system that gets no more updates is worthless. The nagging software - that I removed already a few weeks ago - shows something. In the future you will not be able to refuse such updates. So you probably have to live with nagging software. The advertisement spots could also be rented out. All this is not official but MS got asked and they decided not to answer. That shows that they want to keep all options open. It's as simple as always: nothing is for free. Win 10 will probably make me switch my #1 (Windows) and my #2 (Linux) computers since I can easily do 90% of my stuff on Linux and I will surely wait a while and get many more infos before I decide if I upgrade to Win10.
  8. You need the owners key of the command script? You get that by using llGetOwnerKey(id) in the listen event.
  9. It's simple. Nothing is free! Somebody pays something somewhere somehow. If you don't see it - that doesn't mean that it doesn't happen. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  10. - You think that is sick? You didn't see much of SL. - If the security system didn't trigger it was offline / not configured / is crap. - If I go afk while staying online (which is very rare) I never do that on furniture with couple poses. - Don't confuse RL and SL. LL or anyone else will not be interested on that incident.
  11. Kokua, Firestorm and Singularity have a 64 bit Linux version and run fine under Mint. At least with the non free Nvidia drivers. (I never tried Ati) I never wasted my time trying to make a LL 32 bit viewer run on a 64 bit Linux and I will never waste my time using Wine when I can run it native. Kokua is like the LL viewer, with some extras. Firestorm is a ton of extras with a viewer. Singularity has the old v1 interface. I can still operate that but I don't want to.
  12. Alot of assumptions about other peoples motivations and problems although you know nothing and can only guess. Everything on a negative viewing angle nothing positive. You find what you seek You have my pity and I can imagine why you weren't in SL for a long time. Good decision
  13. samot Zhong wrote: Mag es sein, dass Lindenlabs diesmal die Niederlaender ausgesperrt hat, so, wie wir das in DL im April hatten? Meine Freundin lebt in den Niederlanden und kann sich abends nicht mehr einloggen. Wir hatten gar nichts im April. Du vielleicht, aber nicht wir. Und jetzt verallgemeinerst Du schon wieder und glaubst das bringt Dir was? Zunächst einmal Ping und Trace auf einen LL Server und einen Geschwindigkeits Test mit einem Server in der Nähe von LL machen. Das bringt vielleicht Erkenntnisse, vielleicht auch nicht. Falls der ISP das Problem hat, dann diesen damit freundlich konfrontieren. Einige sind daran durchaus interessiert und beheben solche Dinge.
  14. There are errors in your logic. You decrement alpha by 0.001 until it goes under zero. That's about 1001 rounds. At the same you decrement glow by 0.01 - 1001 times so it will end up at -9.01. Values must be within 0..1 There is a 2nd error 1st you decrement alpha and glow then you use that value in llSetLinkPrimitiveParams and then you test if its >=0 in the condition test of the while loop So the last round will have a value below zero for alpha since you decrement before using SLPPF. That will cause a run time error too. Another problem you have is that your script will not work. What are you doing? You change an object many 100 or 1000 times per second in a CPU-time-consuming loop. The server will update your viewer maybe about 15 times per second. That varies. So your loops will run through and then you will see the result. Edit: well, didn't test it for llSetLinkAlpha but you can try it out once you fixed the logic.
  15. In case you want to build a stealth helicopter - thats easy - just take an invisible plywood prim and throw the helicopter script in. Nobody will see the difference to a professional build. Oh - and always memoryze where you parked it! If that doesnt work. Make a new one. It's cheap.
  16. Keyboard or any other usb device or any software that can send keypresses. In all viewers you can control what a pressed PgUp key does - either liftoff or only jumping. Your description shows pretty clear that this key is pressed. By hard or software - thats up to you to find out.
  17. I have blocked RC4_128 in my browser. (This connections don't work anymore) Marketplace runs fine though and uses TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, 256 bit key, TLS 1.2. It's just another (of many) bad configured websites that uses the weakest possible encryption instead of the strongest. Or it's your bad configured browswer maybe? I'm too lazy to test that with an out of the box configured browser. edit: update: The Forum uses: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, 256 bit key, TLS 1.2 Login, Dashboard and Marketplace use: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, 128 bit key, TLS 1.2 That is considered as safe atm.
  18. Is there something wrong with you? of course - something is wrong with everybody. Friending people who don't match will soon get them into the "ring 3" group on your f-list (those you never talk to). My "ring 1" friends (inner circle) I never searched. It just happened.
  19. There are no script functions for that, so it's not possible. - It's possible to make an animation only affect one single joint and leave all others untouched. - You can play as many animations at the same time as you want. So what you can do is: for every joint make a number of poses - lets say in 2° steps - or whatever keeps the overall number of poses - lets say: under 500 A script can then play one pose per joint at the same time.
  20. An estate owner can change the default setting. If the visitors use the sim default then they will switch, but it's their decision to do so or not. For a parcel you can use windlight settings. Works with most TPV's. It's the visitors decision to allow automatic switching or not. So the resident decides in all cases if they want to switch the windlight/environmental setting automatic / with confirmation / never - and that's a good thing. Besides of that: Scripts run on the server and they have no viewer access so can't be used for that. There is RLV that allows scripted or manual commands to the viewer. But I don't know if windlight is included there and of course it will require a permission request.
  21. The number of open listens is limited to 65 So I assume this script opens listens but never closes one. - reset it regularly - better is: fix it
  22. right click on explorer (or whatever you use) - then: "run as adminstrator" No data related to SL is stored on your computer - so there is nothing to loose.
  23. That must not happen. Uninstall 2nd Life. Clean the folder manually. (C:\Program Files (x86)\SecondLifeViewer) You need to run an explorer as administrator to delete anything there. Now install again.
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