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Nova Convair

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Everything posted by Nova Convair

  1. There is one problem: llAvatarOnSitTarget only works if the avatar is sitting on the sit target. But the owner already sits there. So you need to check the other sit targets with llAvatarOnLinkSitTarget. If there are no other sit targets you can link a prim with a sit target or set a sit target in another prim of the object. To unsit an avatar that doesn't sit on a sit target you neeed to scan the whole linkset in a loop and check if its an avatar. if (llGetAgentSize(uuid)) // true if it's an avatar Then check for not owner and unsit. You can move the avatar about max 1000m (within sim boundaries) b4 unsit but thats griefing. You can drop them 3m away if you want to add some force to the unsit. Another idea is to set the 2nd sit target to a location 10m away. (max 310m possible) That will work if there are no more sit targets on this object. You don't even need a script then. Just one to set the sit target once..
  2. The edit tab shows you the GLOBAL rotation relative to the sim. The script uses LOCAL rotations relative to the root. So on 1st click the Simon prim will align with the root and on the next clicks it will shift between 2 positions. You don't rotate back and forth you rotate 90° on the local Z-axis then 270° into the same direction then 90° and so on. So you don't do 180° rotations as you expected. After 2 moves you did a full 360° rotation so it isn't that obvious maybe. Looks to me that you want to use 180° and -180° or 180° and 180°.
  3. It's short, has a clear message and will make them think twice to IM again. Sounds perfect. How could anybody be offended by that message? I don't use the busy setting. The few IM's I get I can deal on my own.
  4. 1st of all, why don't you start a thread with a proper description? What stops you to use 2 root prims for 2 objects? For that you can find script examples. If you have something more complicated in mind you need to make a custom script or hire someone.
  5. The response body is max. 16384 for a mono script. If that isn't enough you need an external solution to solve it. Just read the description in teh wiki for llHttpRequest and use the HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH parameter.
  6. I don't see a reason to do bit operations at all for your case. The sender sends the "mode" and the receiver just uses it. Sender: string message = (string)(ANIM_ON | LOOP | SMOOTH); Receiver: integer mode = (integer)message;
  7. You need to spell the name correctly. The last name is "Resident" and not "resident" - my bad. In my scripts i dont care because I transform names read by notecards or typed in manually into usernames. string username(string legacyname) { return llDumpList2String (llParseString2List(llToLower(legacyname) + " ", [" resident ", " "],[]), ".");} So the capitalization and resident or not doesnt matter. Everything goes on a notecard. You only need to spell it right. llSensor can be used with usernames by setting AGENT_BY_USERNAME as the type parameter. The script you posted is for a follower - an object. I don't know what tests you make but if you test things in an attachment keep in mind. An attachment can not detect it's wearer.
  8. There is a drift sometimes. Except for llSetPos/llSetRot - but only if you test it The next sim restart will shift/rotate most of your prims by 0.0001 or something. So you should NEVER compare any float/vector/rotation by using "==" ! It may even work if you do. Often. At least until the sim is restarted.
  9. You really think a door is an obstacle? Well it will block at least a few noobs. You need a custom script for that. There is group access and payed groups but the membership will not end after an hour.
  10. Set the teleport landing point outside of the house. Only those who logged out while in the house will still land inside then. And if this ones dol not go when you are "busy" you can just remove them from the orb's whitelist. This is SL and not RL btw. so things work different here. Nobody rings the bell. If you aren't on a Linden home just move your bed 4000m higher, you don't even need a skybox - only if you think RL and not SL.
  11. The scripts are COMPILED. That means comments, variable and function names are menaingless since a compiler produces a code that will use pointers and no names at all. I don't know any details about this compiler though - but a compiler is a compiler and that is the basic functionality.
  12. Lets say you have 10 avatars on your sim. The timer event in your script fires and the global variables will run through all 10 avatars while you stack 10 dataserver events at the same time. Loop is finished and currID and currName contain the last avatar in the list. Once the timer event is finished the script can execute other events, there are 10 dataserver events that will fire now one after the other and use currName and currID and that contains the last avatar from the list. Your logic is faulty because you are assuming that event are interrupts. No, they are not. Events are only executed if the script is idle at that moment. If events come in faster than they are executed they are stored in a queue. (max. 64 entries)
  13. You can use 2 prims. The small invisible root will rotate and the big cube you can link to it in any angle you want.
  14. Most older scripts expect legacy names. Nova Convair is a legacy name botguide resident is a legacy name botguide is NOT a legacy name botguide is a username nova.convair is a username In addition to this 2 name types there are display names so there are 3 different names for each avatar.
  15. The drift by restart is small and goes back and forth. So in the long term things hold their positions - kind of. I never encountered bigger moves. You sure no script rattles at your prims? You can drop in a script that adds an entry everytime the position changes and how much. Checking every few mins is sufficient. Maybe the time of the movements will give you a hint?
  16. Happens on every sim restart. Usually a fraction of a mm (millimetre). I once had a problem that forced me to make an "unsharp" compare of positions/rotations that I use in scripts now. I made tests and restarted the sim a few times to verify. The reason? I can only guess that there is a different resolution or a conversion of the float variables used for saving the sim and when the sim operates.
  17. 2 things here: - I made tests a while ago. 5000 listening scripts that are triggered simultaneously will bring script execution of a sim nearly to a halt. But only the script exectution. Movement/TP/whatever should still work. - Don't bother with the parcels "no script" setting. That is irrelevant. Script execution is blocked from ground to 75m above ground thats it. And a scripter can script in a way that the scripts are even running on ground - in the no script zone. If I make a hud, that will always work fine in a no script zone.
  18. All viewers have the alpha bug. No exceptions. The alpha mask mode has no alpha bug but it's not that easy. - If you use it on a face the whole object will go into the LI system. Either it is already in or it happens not much or your LI explode and it will be returned - there is a range of possibilities. - You need to select a face to use it. I dont think all residents know how to do that. - It is an 1 bit alpha mode so it is not useable for windows. It will look like there is no glass in the window. The mode is good for fences or every other thing that dowes not need a gradient in the alpha channel. - Some textures trigger the alpha bug although they have no transparency. Thats because they were uploaded in a 32 bit image format with an (unused) alpha channel. Upload again in a 24 bit format or as jpg or use the alpha mask mode on them. - The alpha bug is only visible if there are 2 or more transparent textures in the line of sight. Depending on the angle the renderer does not know which one is in front.
  19. Makes no sense. It's nothing you wear. (that would affect you on all sims) It's nothing on your sim or connection. (that would affect your alt too) Are you talking of "your land" or just a piece of mainland where you have no rights? Did you try different landing spots? Your alt can make LM's. Set graphics to minimum Particles off View range to 2m or the lowest possible Activate geometry overload protection (if your viewer has that) Disable all media autoplay Then try again.
  20. One detail, you can't change a hud's name permanent while you wear it. (little SL bug) Rez it on ground, rename it, take it back.
  21. "Computer: make a sub routine using following specifications ... " Works fine - in Startrek - on earth maybe one day - however - LSL will be a few centuries behind. You can have a look at MiceOnABeam - http://www.miceonabeam.com/introduction/ Time is better invested in learning how to script for my opinion though.
  22. The script will always make the prim invisible. Always. If you put it in an object hat is made of 10 prims for example it will make the root prim invisible. The other 9 prims will stay as they are.
  23. The script will make the PRIM and NOT THE OBJECT where it is put in invisible and start the particles effect. If it doesnt work in some cases you - confuse prims and objects (objects can be simple prims or a group of linked prims - your script will end in the root prim if you select the whole object) - put a script in which was set to non running state - tried it at a place where scripts don't run.
  24. The script loads the notecard and sets the avatar and percentage for the split payment. (without any check for plausibility btw.) Then it waits for anyone to touch. This avatar will get the money. (It does not show who receives the money btw.) So it's simple. You rez the tipjar and I click 1st. Your click is too late and will be ignored and I get the money. If you use simple free scripts you need to be careful when money is involved. And if you changed it by removing the display of the receiver name you didn't think this through.
  25. You select by dragging with the mouse. Point to start - hold down left mouse button - move mouse to draw a selection window. To select columns you do the same but keep the ALT key pressed all of the time. By selecting the 1st 2 columns you can select the line numbers 1-99.
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