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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. It sounds like there needs to be some kind of list of spammy objects to the person who gets throttled. And just to clarify, all messages to local chat from all of your objects in the entire region will count towards the throttle. The issue might not be caused by a single spammy object. Once you become "chat blocked," you have to wait for the average to drop even after you delete your objects.
  2. I think the term you're looking for is "Contact Sets"... in Firestorm anyway, I'm not sure if it's called other things in other viewers. But still, I was not removed from my alt's contact set when I blocked my alt. My alt was also able to add me to a contact set even though my alt was blocked.
  3. Animesh hair is out there, I don't have a link handy right now. There's also medusa-style snake/tentacle attachments. Furries often use animesh for tails (especially multi-tails). It doesn't affect or interact with the avatar's usual skeleton, everything will clip right through unless the hair comes with its own AO with matching animations for the hair and the avatar (so sitting on furniture is a bad idea).
  4. Probably related: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/500593-unscheduled-maintenance-to-login-system/
  5. I was talking about just buying an individual parcel. And yeah, in most cases the option to "buy" land is unintuitive, but not because of LL. When you buy land, you do own/keep it indefinitely -- unless the estate owner reclaims it. While the general convention is that you keep paying into whatever rental system they use, it doesn't have to strictly work like that. It could just as well be a one-time purchase with no fees/rent afterwards. 🙂 For what it's worth there's a pretty good article about it:
  6. Yeah, basic accounts can buy land as long as it's not mainland. I'm pretty sure even payment info isn't required if I recall correctly.
  7. I'd pass on full-flexi hair like we had back in the day. Mesh hair (rigged or not) mixed with some flexi elements can look really nice, especially if it's short (shoulder length at most) hair. Fully-rigged shoulder-length mesh hair just doesn't hit the same. It always looks kinda glued on and lifeless. Longer hair looks fine fully rigged.
  8. I agree, and after some snooping I found out you can get a pretty good estimate for the product's age from some metadata. If you use Tampermonkey or a similar browser extension, you can get a script here: https://github.com/LittleBitwise/Userscripts/blob/7f2fb9b49799be4977ca87cd5b4279ac362d4dad/show-marketplace-last-modified.js
  9. The reason why all capital letters come before all lowercase letters is because that's how characters are sorted according to their ASCII value. You can convert all characters in a string to lower/uppercase with llToLower or llToUpper.
  10. If your script literally contains the line: llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 90005, "", <avatar_uuid>); Then you will need to replace the <avatar_uuid> part with a variable that actually contains the appropriate avatar UUID. Which variable that is will depend on your script.
  11. Report them. Relisting products is not allowed. The report button is on the right side: Select "disallowed listing practices" and "item was disabled and relisted"
  12. Utilizator (obviously) - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/44810 Apricot Paws - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/39364 Krankhaus - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/145129 Black Heart - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/114822 Rei's Stuff - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/40062 Wretch - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/61114 Glutz - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/166354 Torchi's - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/100826 Delirious - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/129490 Vixen - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/98611 Kiu - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/174092 CL Blue - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/170230 That should cover the biggest stores from the Kemono boom era.
  13. If your priority 5 animation was being overridden by Catwa animations, that means they're also using priority 5 or higher. That's bad, because you're now suggesting people to use priority 6. Next time when someone's priority 6 is being overridden, they'll get a suggestion to use priority 7... and so on. Priority 4 is the highest official priority. While 5 and 6 and higher work, it's not a documented feature and could change/break, even if it's unlikely. It's a hack we shouldn't rely on unless we really need to, and I don't think we should use it for full-body animations like Catwa did.
  14. Priority 5 and 6 are both unsupported priorities, neither of them should be used for standard or full-body animations. Doing so just causes creators to start using priorities more and more into the unsupported territory.
  15. The base LL body's head does not look that good. We're seeing the opposite - the default skin (when no skin texture is selected) is showing up on the EvoX head, which has its own UV mapping.
  16. Just to correct something that was said back in 2015, if you block somebody and they return your object (or delete, if they have permission to edit your objects), you will still get that item. It will not be lost.
  17. Been here for about 16.5 years as well and this (multiple wearables getting detached when one is removed) is new to me. Small thing to point out that while the eyeliner and skin are missing from the head, the lip-shine and diamonds around the eyes are still there. The blue makeup on the ears seems to be gone as well, is that supposed to be part of the eyeliner or is it separate? And most importantly, is the skin for the head actually detached if you look at it in your inventory when this happens?
  18. I went back to check and noticed that as well. If you search for "swim" with all permissions enabled You have "2062 matching items found" at the top and 2063 items total in categories. If you then restrict maximum price to 0 You still have "2062 matching items found" at the top, despite having significantly less results. There are 36 total products in categories. There are still 2063 products in the "price" breakdown. There are still 22 pages listed, but only 36 (out of 96) products on the first page. Whether or not it's related to the syntax error in console, can't say.
  19. What are your search criteria, exactly? (You can copypaste the URL of that result page to share everything.) As far as I can tell from the picture, you've searched for "swim" in all categories/ratings, with max price set to 0. There are over 10K results for that, so something's not the same. Edit: Ah, full perm items. The second result page has a syntax error (missing comma in a list), that's why they're not showing up. Actually, the error exists on all result pages, but only breaks some. @Linden Lab needs to fix it.
  20. A screenshot of the inventory contents (of both products) would help for specific advice! If the mod came with plain textures, you can rez a copy of the tail in-world, then simply drag the texture from your inventory onto the surface of the tail, to apply the texture to that surface. You can also select individual faces of the tail and set the texture from the Texture tab of the Build Tools window. That might be needed if the tail uses multiple textures, and/or different textures for different parts of the tail.
  21. The same thing I've said multiple times now. I'm not gonna repeat myself or continue with this since you can't engage.
  22. I'm sorry but... "it's a disaster" doesn't explain the problem at all. "My item isn't first anymore" isn't an actionable problem either. That Jira ticket is just a complaint, not a solution that LL can implement. "The top items are very old" is a subjective problem. Yes, the top 3 items in your search are 8-12 years old, but you should start by explaining how you think relevance should work in general. How do you determine what is a relevant product to a search? How do you apply that to all searches?
  23. No, you can gather support on the Jira with feature requests and bug reports. Explain to them very clearly what isn't working, why it isn't working, how it should work, and why it should work that way. Many tickets have been filed, some better than others, and then we must all wait for LL to implement those changes.
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