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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. I have never heard anyone make that mistake in SL. 5.9 feet is FIVE POINT NINE FEET, not five feet and nine inches. I think they taught us how to recognize a decimal point when I was in grade school. In the US.
  2. Sometimes that makes a difference, because sometimes previous answers are stale. That's not always true, though. Some questions and their answers never go out of style. That's why there's no rule that says necro threads are necessarily a bad thing.
  3. Some words just get dropped into the communal Kool Aid for no apparent reason and are suddenly on everyone's tongue. Fad words like "Groovy" and "Rad" do that in every generation, but so do innocuous everyday words. I'm thinking for example of "brilliant", which seems to be a common adjective among Brits but is creeping into conversation here too. Maybe "excited" is another one. I hear them and think of Inigo Montoya's line from Princess Bride: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
  4. I can't remember visiting a place that had rules like that, but that's probably because my av is pretty "normal" and I don't pay a lot of attention. If I ran into someplace that didn't seem to want people like me, I guess I'd just leave. Their loss.
  5. Rolig Loon

    orange sea

    What sea? When? Where? This is a resident-to-resident forum, so you are simply talking to other residents. Lindens probably read these threads from time to time but they rarely respond in them. If you want them to do something about a problem, submit a Support Case and explain it.
  6. Oh, well that's different. The script controlling animations expects to have permission from you to activate them. Normally, this is granted silently and automatically whenever you sit on a scripted object. The permission applies to both starting and stopping the anim. When permission is not given, you will get that message. That might happen for many reasons, including: The script was written to respond only to specific people (group members, the owner, people who meet some coded requirement like SL age, ...) The script has been set to Not Running, deliberately or accidentally. The script was written ineptly, so it fails to request (or remember) the necessary permissions. (This is unfortunately common, since beginning scripters sometimes assume that "silent and automatic" granting means that the script doesn't even have to ask, which is not true.) The script is in an area where scripts have been disabled. Some of these failures can be blamed on poor scripting, but even well-written scripts may fail occasionally for arcane reasons. They might work again if restarted or (in extreme cases) if the region is restarted. As some replies in this thread suggest, permissions can be dropped too (or fail to register) if you have a wonky Internet connection.
  7. Welcome back! You may want to brush up and see what's new by skimming relevant articles in the Knowledge Base, starting with this one:
  8. If possible, then, try using a direct cable connection to the router instead of using wifi. If that's not possible, be sure she is near the router -- preferably in the same room.
  9. For the first month or so, you can't initiate any credit transfers. After that, your limit increases from zero in steps over time. That's partly to keep you from doing a lot of trading before you understand how SL works, and partly to discourage people from creating throwaway accounts that might be used for money laundering. You can check your current limits at https://accounts.secondlife.com/lindex/economic_limits and you can submit a Support Case to have your limits increased (although that is rarely successful).
  10. As opposed to impossible, the way it was until about two years ago? My guess is that LL would rather not be encouraging people to change names very frequently, because that could make life pretty confusing for some folks, and -- as Sam says -- because a moderately high fee brings in non-trivial revenue.
  11. Has she tried sitting on furniture elsewhere? I suppose it's possible that some of the pieces she has been trying so far are scripted to respond to group members only.
  12. The trend has been going on since WWII. The first house I remember living in was a two-story wood frame home on a 1/2 acre lot that my parents bought in 1949 for under $5,000. Dad was earning slightly more than $2,000 a year at that point. They sold that house in 1952 for a little over $12,000 and bought a larger farmhouse (in rotten condition) with a barn and 3 acres of land for $17,000. In 1963, they sold it for $53,000. By that time, Dad was finally earning $30,000 a year. The rates of increase for real estate and salaries have increased since then, but I remember reflecting on all of this in 2006, when I bought the small house in live in now (on 1/5 of an acre) for about twice what I was earning that year -- roughly comparable to the ratio that my parents paid when I was young. The big difference is that I am living in a much smaller place than I ever lived in as a child.
  13. Yes, although even then you could argue about whether that's any more expensive than what lots of people spend a month for RL hobbies, events, or travel. It also depends on whether that cost is partially offset by rental or sales income. Once you start talking about land ownership at the scale of regions, it's a business matter for many people, not simply a pastime.
  14. Putting the most generous interpretation on it ..... This is an example of an accidental ellipsis. The phrase is missing an implied component that makes it feel more like a put-down: "I could care less, but I don't". My own favorite accidental ellipsis is the barista's "I can help who's next", which is either missing punctuation and a pause ("I can help. Who's next?") or part of a word ("I can help whoever's next." ). Sometimes it doesn't pay to be a grammatical pedant. Just sigh and move on.
  15. They're in the first group, recognizing that the second group exists but not belonging to it. 😉
  16. Those who see two groups of people in SL. 🙄 Those who embrace ambiguity. 😎
  17. Those who appreciate order and predictability, expect things to work as planned, and strive for wardrobes and living spaces that reflect attention to details. They have (or wish they had) tidy inventories. They are easily upset when systems do not behave as expected and when other people or events upset their schedules or use of space. They respect boundaries and clear rules and they look for ways to mark and protect their own boundaries and rules, but they quietly admire the fact that some people don't have to work as much at keeping SL from becoming a chaotic mess. They would hire a good lawyer if SL had any. Those who enjoy unpredictability and finding quirks, expect things to fail occasionally, and are blithely unaware that they scatter things in odd places and ignore other people's schedules. They don't care to spend time organizing inventories. They take bugs and system failures in stride and change plans spontaneously when they happen. They take a relaxed view of boundaries and almost enjoy ambiguous rules, but they begrudgingly appreciate the fact that more organized people keep SL from falling apart. They would be good lawyers if there was a role for them in SL. There's an odd symbiosis between the two groups, and a bit of crossover. Each group would be upset if the other disappeared, and just as upset if they dominated SL. They do depend on each other, after all. The groups fill the gaps in each other's world views, even as they accuse each other of sending SL to hell in a handbasket.
  18. Your state might not be in a restricted area, but if your Internet connection is to a site across the border in a restricted state, you won't be able to get in. That's a problem for some SL residents.
  19. The minimum process credit amount allowed is $3, plus any applicable fees. The maximum amount per transaction for any account is $9,999 minus fees. If necessary, you can process a larger amount over multiple smaller transactions.
  20. No, not really. I wasn't suggesting what the OP should do with the L$ that her friend sends. It's simply a gift. She can do anything she wants with it. Meanwhile, since she's a Premium member anyway, she can pay for the name change with her own credit card (since she obviously has a payment method on file). In the end, she gets a name change and has the equivalent in L$ in her SL account, thanks to her friend.
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