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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. Then we have Bob Trujillo (Infectious Grooves, Suicidal Tendencies, Ozzy Osbourne, Metallica), the arguably bestest and most funky bass player in heavy metal, as surprise guest at a Rodrigo y Gabriella show. The Mexican guitar wizards couple have some Metallica covers in their repertoire anyway, so it's kinda cool to have invited Trujillo to jam with them. EDIT: ooopsy, sorrysorrysorry, I got it all wrong. Thought you was looking for collaborations overall, and not just some based on the lamest band in britpop genre.
  2. I wonder, has not everybody read and comprehended Penny Patton's blog yet? Not saying that everybody must follow Penny's advice but she's a graphics artist in RL and knows the proportions of a human body. So reading her statements and guides will give you some worthwile info. She's also very wise with SL technology so there's some valid info about texturing and camera settings in her blog as well. As for myself, I largely ignored her shapes advice but have my arms corrected and set my camera viewpoint much lower than the standard SL angle. Apart from that I'm proud of my skinny malnutrioned avie. Since I'm rather tall in RL (178 cm) I'm probably one of the very few humanoid avatars who are smaller in SL (166 cm) than in reality.
  3. I wouldn't worry too much and just ask for a GTX ?60 card, no matter which fabricate, NVIDIA or any board partner. The 60 series has always been the most sensible choice for performance/cost ratio. 660s are on their way out by now so you should be able to find a good bargain. Heck, I'm still happy with my seriously old Zotac GTX-260, it handles SL quite well on high to ultra settings. Was the last one my local store had on the shelf so I grabbed it for rather cheap. :smileyvery-happy:
  4. Narcissa, sorry to say but your machine is hardly up to the task. It's rather old and slow and doesn't even have a dedicated graphics card but some onboard chip. Apart from that I recommed you check your internet connection with a speedtest.org to Dallas and find out your connection speed. Also don't use wireless but plug into the router if possible at all. In viewer set your bandwith to 500, if plugged in to maximal 1500.
  5. It is a bug, not a greifer attack ... and it seems to only happen to vehicles with passengers on board. Also it's not Linden Labs but simply Linden Lab. The Lindens don't read the forums anyway. :smileyindifferent:
  6. On the last LCC Sunday Cruise we had a lot of sailors complaining about exactly the same phenomenon. I sailed a mesh boat singlehandedly on the latest Sing viewer and haven't had any problems at all ... until i krashered and had to relog. But that's another story. :smileysad:
  7. Blake Sea was named in reference to this guy :smileyhappy: And, NO, you can't really do that. Blake Sea is very rare co-op of the United Sailing Sims (USS) and LL, in which the USS (130+ sims) got some extra special treatment after they threatened the lab to leave SL after the homestead scandal of 08. AFAIK you gotta ask the owners of the sims adjacent to your planned location if they'd accept you as their new neighbor. USS is comprised of a bunch of different estates and single sims bordering the BS directly: Honah Lee, Balboa, Trudeau, Sailors Cove, SLNE, NYC, Second Norway, Plug Harbor ... So best speak to the estate owner you wanna have as next door neighbor.
  8. I also find Mr Bearsfoot's posts often to be very knowledgeable and levelheaded. Anyhoo, my advice would be to not just run the usual speedtest but do a tracert to SL. This will show you on which hop you'll have the worst ping. Who knows, it might be close to home, at your local exchange (multiplexer, DSLam), or maybe already on your own premises.
  9. hm ... immaculate taste would be a good starting point.
  10. Mine has 3G of memory, but you probably don't need one with that much, which could knock some off the price... I wouldn't go under 1G though. SL has a maximum storage capacity of 512 MB for textures, so a GPU with 1 GB is more than enough in any case.
  11. Or get a 650Ti wich is a great card to dedicate for physx in the future when changing to a newer gpu The 650 Ti may be a good card but the 660 is better; the Ti moniker won't change that simple fact. The Ti places the 650 right inbetween the normal 650 and the 660. Nvidia's numbering system is infallible. :smileytongue:
  12. But i'm not sure what's better, to add a dedicated graphic card or to replace that integrated and what have attached with a dedicated graphic card... As was already explained before me, this isn't an either or scenario. Your integrated chip is integral part of your processor and can't be taken off. You just put a better dedicated card into a free slot in your motherboard and ... that's it. :smileyhappy:
  13. Thank you Coby! :smileyhappy: Although it makes me twitch every time I see anyone writing Linden Labs I never bothered reminding people of the correct term. My reputation as grammar nazi is bad enough as it is already. :smileysurprised:
  14. I sometimes wonder where ppl find those machines, in the bargain basement of walmart? And what a choice OP is presenting us with: one super trendy lifestyle weakling and one outdated secretary's typewriter. If you intend to spend money on either the answer according to your first question is a NO!
  15. Oy vey, Vanilla, that was a mistake listening to that guy. Fortunately not all is lost since you're using a tower PC and not a laptop. Your processsor is OK-ish, your RAM is super, so is your Gigabyte mobo. All you gotta do now is add a dedicated graphics card, if your PSU can handle it. A NVIDIA GTX comes highly recommended. Try a GTX660 or a GTX560 if you can still get one somewhere. They often come not directly from NIVIDIA but their "board partners" like MSI, Assus, Zotac and other modding companies. Putting them in is not any more complicated than putting some Lego bricks together. Much worse than your antialiasing problem is your bad drawing distance of only 32-64 meters. How anyone can play SL that shortsighted is beyond the grasp of my imagination. I'm usually playing on 256 meters and only for shopping or crowded places I go mellow and goodheartedly reduce to 128. For future reference: always start "building" your system around the graphics card. It's by far the most important part of any gaming PC and even more for a weird environment like SL.
  16. It seems hardly worthwhile posting - all that effort and so little useful end result. Hm ... maybe you're right, maybe you aren't. For me that post was important so it was very worthwile. Why do you bother? I HAD TO! I'm a bit OCD so I just couldn't live my life happily without having answered. That's also the reason for my first posting, seeing the "there" in the header line gave me nervous twitches.
  17. If you are going to go out of your way to correct someone's misspelling, make sure you check your own **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyhappy:" title="Smiley Happy" /> No, I don't since 1) I didn't went out of my way and 2) the there, their, they're confusiuon which is so mainsteam these days can't be defined as misspelling. It's more a logic failure in grasping and understanding of language structures. Also I'm excused for any and all mispellings, grammar and orthographic mistakes since I'm just an ESLer. Also I'm the most clumsy typist ever and although I try to correctify my mistakes I often make them worse since I always slip at the same key constellations. For example the last sentence took me 3 minutes of typing, proofreading and retyping and retyping again. So, in a matter I did exactly what you asked me to do; I checked my own misspellings. :smileysurprised:
  18. Do Hybrid Breasts Need There Own Sub Forum? No, but maybe hybrid breats need their own subforum. :matte-motes-nerdy:
  19. Hm, a GTX 660 is a reasonable gpu ... BUT ... 670, 680 are even better. And absolutely in reach when you go for a pc with similars specs but without Alienware logo.
  20. No reason for tantrum throwing, Melita, and may it be as small as you promise it to be. Just join the dark side (we have candy in the back of the van) and enjoy a very familiar gui and much more functionality than 1.23 ever dreamed of. Mesh, web on prim, ssa and other goodies, it's all there. And then some.
  21. @ Phil: I'm not using LL viewers since 07, I never ever used anything web based and I had nothing but joy from the oldstyle inworld profiles as delivered from Phoenix, Firestorm and my fave viewer right now; Singularity. I TP people also directly from IM window and radar. I know why LL went the way to put everything on the net: it's to be more welcoming for the facetwit crowd. Not a wise move if you ask me, since these people mostly don't "get" SL at all and can't log out and take their business to "social" sites fast enough. Wasted effort and a step in the wrong direction by LL.
  22. Brand:HP HP is just one of many brands. And the main difference between all of them is how pretty the box is. Internal parts are bought from Taiwan or proper China by all brands. HP, Dell, Toshi or DIY makes no difference. Windows 7 Home Premium 64 You surely have a Win 7 DVD laying around at home so that's money wasted if you buy a brand product. And let me guess, your nice HP comes with a lot of bloatware on top, right? MS Office test software, some commercial antivirus crap as well. First thing you wanna do after unpacking your computer is tossing all that crappy stuff in the bin. Processor: 3rd Generation Intel® Core i7-3770K quad-core processor [3.5GHz, 8MB Shared Cache] Ooooh shiny and new, something to brag about. Even comes with that fancy K moniker. Looks nice in marketing brochure but is total overkill. 2GB Nvidia GeForce GT630 [DVI, HDMI and VGA via adapter] Ooooh and Aaaah again. A Nvidia GeForce! Haven't we heard somewhere they are so cool for gaming? Yes and no. The devil is in the details, like always, as it's a GT card ... and you wanna have a GTX! GTX starts at x60 or x50 models nowadays. So your x30 GT is positioned rather low in the food chain. Not a recommended buy for your powerhouse computer. 8 GB DDR3-1333MHz SDRAM [2DIMMS 8 GB is sufficient for SL, so are 1333 MHz. Fairly standard these days. Hard drive: 1TB 7200 rpm SATA hard drive Same here. 1 TB spinning on 7200 rpm is not a standout feature. Not anymore. Wireless-N LAN card (1x1) Of course it has a wireless card, don't they all? Why anyone wants to use a stationary desktop machine on wireless is beyond my grasp tho. Might be personal housing situation (Router in the kitchen, PC is the study room) but generally plugging in is the preferred method when connecting to SL. Less packet loss and bandwith peaks. For that reason, and because the telephone socket and modem/router is positioned right next to my desk, I saved some money by not having a LAN card in my machine. Another 10 or 20 bucks saved, which I could put into my GPU instead. 460W Power supply Aha! That's why all the big brands can sell their stuff so cheaply. Just plonk some no-name power brick in the box, stupid consumers will never know. 460 W is rather weak these days, particularly if you intend to run a better graphics card. And what about the motherboard? Did they mention that anywhere? No, of course not since it's in all likelihood some cheapo homemade product or something HP grabbed for cheap off the world market. What about cooling? Has that HP box enough ventilation for when you need max performance in crowded clubs or texture laden sims? Are the fans any good? Is the HP easy to maintain or complicated to swap out parts and upgrade? Is the case metal or plastic? Is it easy to open up for cleaning? All those factors should be taken into consideration for when you plan on using it for a long time. For example my computer was made by a small shop in my hometown. It cost me 1000 € back in 2010 (without keyboard and monitor and without any OS) and was never anything awesome or to bragg about. It's as barebone as they come. But the shop guy used carefully selected parts, from giant oversized and somewhat fugly case to motherboard. He told me where I should spend some extra bucks and where I can save some ... and as a result I have it running nearly 24/7 since 2010. And it didn't miss a beat. A real warrior, just without a brand logo on it. I bought it with the purpose to stick with me for at least 10 more years. By then I'll have swapped out all the parts and replaced them with better, more modern stuff but I can do that slowly and won't have a need to buy a completely new computer every 2 or 3 years. For example I could drive to the local mall, get a better GPU, come back, put it in the case and be back online in about half an hour. Beacuse it will fit and be comparable with the rest of my hardware. I recently went from Windows to Linux as my OS - no problems at all. Everything was running right outta the box. Can you do that with your HP? Your other questions: Yes, a i5 is completely sufficient, even for SL. You only need the sheer power of an i7 for professional tasks, like movie, photo or music production or for compiling huge chunks of sofware. You know, those jobs that keep your 'puter busy for several hours or days. And, yes again, a 4 digit number isn't better, just older. So you won't get any 7xxx, 8xxxx or 9xxxx Nvidia cards anymore. Not when you buy new from a shop. If you're lucky you might still find some machines on 5xx cards. But as you've seen even your graphically underpowered HP is already on generation 6xx. My advice: don't ever buy brand products! Check out Newegg.com or similar sites (depending on your country of residence) and look for the same specs there ... and you'll notice right away you can get much better stuff for less money. I'd roughly look for a beefy i5 paired with at least a GTX x60. PSU at least 600 W and a no-nonsense mobo from Gigabyte. That might be somewhat more expensive than Asus or MSI stuff, and maybe not even look as fancy, but you wanna go for quality instead of shiny.
  23. It's not a SL problem but your OS. I guess you just forgot to install all the foreign language fonts and ASCII signs with your Windows system. Or something like that. :smileyindifferent:
  24. low FPS, in the range between 20 and 30 That's a fairly good fps regarding your surroundings. All alone on a skyplat you should get 60-70 fps, in a crowded club it might go down to 10. And there are sooooo many setttings you can change in your driver and on the SL Graphics tab, it's crazy and very easy to destroy your performance. I always open the stats window (ctrl-shift-1) to control my fps when I change any settings.
  25. Bobbie, haven't you heard of AdBlock add-ons for your browser? If you're using Firefox just clicker Tools --> Add-ons. There are dozens to chose from. I recommend Adblock Plus Edge. Installation wil take you about 20 seconds and give you peacce of mind forever. Oh, and while you're at it install DoNotTrackMe from the same source. For both add-ons no further tweaking is needed. Done. Finito.
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