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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. I'm looking to buy a speed boat any suggestion ? BERDAVmarine, no question, no competition. They are on MP but, much more important, they have a shop next to Blake Sea where you can demo the boats.
  2. Being a n00b was the best time I ever had in SL. Made all the mistakes, learned something new every day, was embarrassing myself, had lots of fun. It was pretty exciting. I'm kinda sad the excitement is wearing off after 6+ years. :smileyindifferent: One day I was even so bored outta my mind I joined this bizarre forum thingie. :smileytongue:
  3. I've ticked some box of the Nvidia site and they are sending me notification with link when a new driver becomes available. It's super easy. I'm on 320.18 for Win7 64bit and dunno exactly on which version I'm on Linux. Not upgrading as regularly as my Windows driver. I guess the current driver is even a one-for-all thing and covers pretty much every Nvidia GeForce card ever made, from the 9xxxx series up to the latest 6xx. So my Zotac GTX260 is covered as well as your GTX465. That's another good thing about Nvidia: their stuff just works. Unlike the Radeon garbage by a certain competitor. And if my card says it's a Nvidia GTX I wouldn't even bother checking if it's on the recommended list but just assume it is so. FFS it's from the world's biggest and best GPU manufacturer.
  4. Hi SLtester, yes, you're right. The i7 is nice to have, sure, but won't help you much for SL. I can't say if the 660 is actually sooooo much better than the 650 GPU. You should read up on that in the internet. The upgradabiity of the m17x (sure you don't mean m18x?) is a nice bonus ... but 300 bucks? Really? I'd say the golden soloution lies in the middle: 15.6" is the go-to size these days since good screens are 1920x1080 like on the bigger model Alienware. The 1366x768 solution of the m14x seems a bit weak. Also 15.6 is still portable but a 18" is a fuxxen brick to carry around. Apart from that I gotta say I'm not a big fan of Alienware at all. They are just Dells in super fugly cases that look like indestructable tanks but are actually rather cheap plastic products. If I had the money and was in the market for an SL laptop I'd rather look at MSI and ASUS offerings. Particularly MSI lappies are blowing everything else right out of the water these days. Here you get the GTX 660 in the cheaper series and the good series features GTX670. That's as good as it gets. Unfortunately MSIs aren't that well manufactured.
  5. My current computer has a gtx 690 and a I7 3770, AND it's fully upgradable So you got a top of the line PC, congratz. :smileyhappy: And that wasn't meant sarcastic in any way, I'm honestly jealous. Still your big manufacturer actually just plonks those parts in a case, nothing you or a small local shop couldn't do. And here we come to the subject of support. If my machine acts up (which it hasn't done in 4 years) I rather take the computer to my local shop instead of going thru the support with a big manufacturer. Hotlines = the horror, the horror. My local shop might not offer those perfect guarantees and service plans of the big players but they can find out which part crapped out, before you brought your box to the post office and sent it to some headquarters. And individual parts are covered by warrantee as well. Further advantages: No need to pay for an operating system. I'm still happy with Win 7 and Linux Mint and all the rest of my software is open source anyway. I know exactly what is inside my box, from the mobo to the RAM. The case is just right. Since I'm living in a rather sunny and hot place we picked a too huge case with lots of ventilation. I didn't even need to invest in additional fans or some voodoo cooling solutions. No compromises, no useless stuff. I went with the sales guy thru their store room and together we picked out what I wanted/needed. Not more, not less. Then he told me to bugger of and go shopping or drink a coffee. 2 hours later the computer was ready and he even carried it to the car for me. I didn't even break a nail! :smileyvery-happy:
  6. Sail for Life and BennyTunes are presenting Woodstock 2013 on June 1st, 9am - 9pm. Location, contact persons and more info, also about promo items can be found on my bloggy: orcasl.blogspot.com/2013/05/hippies-on-farm.html
  7. Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 645/PCIe/SSE2 Windows Graphics Driver Version: 9.18.0013.1106 See it? Your Nvidia card is running on a Microsoft driver. Please go directly to Nvidia's website and download the driver from there. Maybe that wil help you to get the best out of your GPU. At least you get the latest driver version then, which never hurts anyway.
  8. Also the HP as linked has an Nvidia 600 series GPU. Yes it has. And what a waste it is. It's a GT-620 for fux sake! The lowest of the low. Why go through the hassle to own a big fat tower if it's full of junk? I can understand using that chip in a cheapo 300-500 $€ lappy but anything that doesn't go by the GTX moniker in a desktop??? Oh please gods have mercy. :smileysad: That being said, the new Nvidia 7xx series will hit the market in june so we should see some tasty offers for machines with 6xx GPUs soon-ish.
  9. Please guys, consider all the big brands are actually not much different from each other. One had luck with their Toshi, others found that perfect Dell or HP or IBM or Acer ... who cares. It's all anecdotal. It's all personal experience and in no way reflective of real life business figures. You know what a big brand manufacturer actually does? They build a case. That's it more or less. Then they put in the cheapest mobo, PSU and RAM they can find (in taiwan) or produce themself (probaby also in Taiwan). Then they beef it up with a shiny processor and maybe, if you're lucky, a nice GPU. So in the end you always receive a gocart with a ferrari engine. Wanna upgrade to the latest GPU after 2 or 3 years? Well, bad luck. You're PSU is probably too weak and your chipset too inflexible/outdated to allow any upgrades. So buying a big brand desktop kinda contradicts the main reason for why we buy and keep up with those chunky towers. If you go the desktop route, do it right! Configure your own custom-tailored machine. It's easier than you think. Might not always be cheaper since there are so many irresistible components you just have to have. But it's so much more rewarding in the end. The PC you're configuring today may as well be your last one ... ever! So chose the case wisely since from now on all you gotta do is switch out parts.
  10. Here's the missing link: http://www.notebooksbilliger.de/notebooks/lenovo+notebooks/lenovo+lifestyle+home/lenovo+ideapad+z580 But be warned, that shop is mostly servicing Germany and Austria so most their products are sporting german keyboard layout. You know, with them funny extra special umlaut keys and the dreaded ß. :smileysurprised: And contrary to the one poster here who claims it's easy to switch to english (which it is) it won't help you getting rid of the actual keys. BTW, that's not something new in Win8; as far as I can think back (and that's quite a while) all Windows versions could do the trick. So are doing all the yummy Linux distros. Can't say about Mac but I assume switching the keyboard layout is possible in their elitist world as well. So, yes, by all means, no mattter if local shop or mailorder: buy from a UK retailer.
  11. A hub is a central place, be it a wheel hub or the hub of an estate, where it's a meeting place, hangout, rental office. A HUD otoh is a Head Up Display. These are prims, with info and clickable things, you wear on screen. You surely have an AO, don't you? There you can see what a hud is.
  12. The i7 might be a valuable upgrade for heavy photo/video/music encoding stuff; for everyday use and SL even a i3 does the trick quite well. SL is pathetically underpowered as well as many of our individual connections, so the real bottlenecks are beyond our control and renders faster hardware on the client side useless.
  13. Sounds good to me, Velvet. All things considering and blahblah ... well, you know. :smileyhappy: i5 3rd gen? Check! :smileyhappy: Enough RAM? Check! :smileyhappy: GPU? In that pricerange you won't find any much better. Check! :smileyhappy: Plus it's an IBM Lenovo, so proven and trusted quality on professional level. Made by the proper chinese, not some taiwanese wannabes. I'd say go for it. :smileyvery-happy: EDIT: just found on the website of a german dealer it comes now with the GT-640, not 635. Try to get one of those.
  14. CPU seems quite powerful. Can't say exactly tho sice I'm more of a Intel girl.:smileyindifferent: GPU is stated as a Nvidia GT-620. That's the lowest of the low. You won't have much joy with it on SL.:smileymad: 8 Gigs of 1600 Mhz RAM is cool.:smileyhappy: But as there's no replacement for RAM but more RAM, 16 GB should even be better for not much more money. No SSD! :smileysurprised: The case looks rather plastique fantastique. :smileysad: No word about the mobo or PSU, so I expect them to be just HP standard stuff which won't give you much headroom in terms of upgrading. That's always the problem with preconfigured machines by the huge manufacturers. A superfast, latest fashion processor so you gain bragging rights, and the rest is just carelessly assembled cheapo stuff. Most of the price you pay for the HP name and a lot of preinstalled useless crap like Win8, McAffee or Norton antivirus software or MS office testversions and other unwanted chit. So, yes, configure your own machine and save some bucks or get better for the same price. If you're located in the USA sites like Newegg. com are the go-to places.
  15. It also depends on if your parcel made use of the 10% group bonus or not. Because then you get automatically bumped into the next tier level as sole owner if your land size is bigger than your recent tier level. Let's say you're paying 25 US$/mth for 4096 m² but since you bought it initially for group you went all out and bought a 4506 m². Buying back the same parcel as single owner you get bumped up to 8192 m² tier.:smileysurprised: So, yes, make an alt and have him/her join the group. Problem solved.:smileyhappy:
  16. Those settings for windlight are somewhat outdated. They are probably supposed to make your avie's skin look nicer. So just chose one of the premade settings from your viewer. There ae usually several optimal skin settings available, depending on your viewer. And remember the effect will only be visible for you, others will see you according to their own WL settings. What this has to do with your eyes will probably remain a riddle.
  17. LL should have secured land for sailable water just as they did for mainland roads. Oh, they have. In fact there are many Protected Waterways nowadays. After they messed up the grid in their heydays by selling land up to the last corner of the grid they seem to have noticed now that it wasn't the best idea and trying their best to keep certain waterways open. Often it's visible in world and minimap, and once you're on such a channel you can see it in the land description above your screen. Also particularly helpful when navigating mainland waters or flight routes is a Ban Line and Full Parcel Hud.
  18. i've had friends that gave away that they were not women..but i just played it off and sooner or later fell back into taking them at face value.. Oh yes, what an excellent point. One of my friends is a gorgeous girl ... with a bulge in her panties. She's played by a RL male (d'uh) and totally open about her RL gender and SL trans. Nevertheless all of us are referring to him as "her" since the face and bewb value is so overwhelming in SL.
  19. Orca Flotta wrote: For women like me I coined the phrase SLesbian. **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyhappy:" title="Smiley Happy" /> That's not a phrase. It's a word **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-wink.gif" border="0" alt=":smileywink:" title="Smiley Wink" /> Oh my. And here I thought I cleverly borrowed some elegant wordsmithing from natural born englishers. Of course SLesbian isn't a phrase but a ... hm ... wait a moment ... ugh .... a term! Can we agree on that? BTW, what's wrong with anyone not being in SL primarily for pixel sex or founding virtual families or hooking up potential SLex partners? And why is it so important for many ppl to know other people's sexual preferences anyway? Want me to wear a pink triangle on my sleeve? They tried it in Germany between 1939-45; in the end it didn't make them too many friends. In my profile I state somewhere that for me SL= Second Life, not SL=Sex Life. But nowhere did I state my sexual preference. And I neither have a cam nor a microphone. Does that make me just outdated or a bad person?
  20. I'm like 90% straight in RL, happily married to a man since 15 years ... and a 150% lesbian in SL. Why? All the reasons we have heard: curiosity, better sex, more trust, living an alternative lifestyle. Male avies are primitives I mostly wanna avoid ... only that not getting hit on doesn't really work out, does it? Seeing a lesbian woman is a sporting challenge for many guys. "Just you wait, once you had me you'll never again look at girls!" :smileysad: For women like me I coined the phrase SLesbian. :smileyhappy:
  21. Don't cringe, just join the kool kidz klub and use one of the many many TPVs, where commmunication is still treated as something important.
  22. It's much more economic in the short term. There! You said it yourself: in the short term. Now try to think in the medium to long term. SL premium membership is almost for free if you pay annually and you get the first 512 land free of tiers. You and your friend can make a group and get 10% bonus land and if your partner is premium as well you can buy a 1126 m² parcel right away. Land is on an alltime low right now and you can buy the most crappy piece of mainland anyway since you are sky dwellers. And, yes, those ReBourne boxes are too expensive but it's a onetime investment and you can rez your box over and over again in many different places when you move.
  23. Do you have any idea how **bleep** that statement sounds? Can you read? Regardless of my straightforward bluntness and total disregard for politicaly correctness I obviously must be a quite interesting and likeable little person. So, how come I have 200+ friends? By being a non-involved consumer with no interests and no hobbies? Probably not. [Edited: Please do not use inappropriate language or offensive language]
  24. Make friends! This one is harder than it sounds if you want GOOD and CLOSE friends. Huh? What's so hard about making friends? I clean my f-llist out frequently and still never have less than 200 peepels in it. And the best thing is, I only offered friendship myself maybe 2 or 3 times. Okay, not all of them are very close friends but mostly aquaintences or allies or people you just need to know or they are in my community or sumfink. But still it's pretty easy to find friends if you yourself are interesting and worthy to have as a friend. I usually delete friends after a certain time of no contact or when they are of no use for me. On the other hand I still keep two dear friends in my list who passed away in RL. Just because I liked them so much.
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