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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. I don't get it. You bought already and are waiting for delivery. And only now you start worrying about the performance of your new system? Shouldn't you have done the market research like ... like BEFORE sinking good money on krappy computer? /me shakes head Oké, back to business: yes, what was going on in your head when you ordered a pc with a GT610??? Didn't you ever notice any of the forum threads here where ppl are complaining about how SL has their GPU for breakfast? Much more powerful GPUs than yours get fried and burned out on a regular basis. SL dosn't look like much but indeed needs much better graphic abilities than ANY OTHER application! So please toss that silly GT610 and upgrade to a GTX series card, at least 660. But check first if there is enough space and cooling in the case to fit it in and if your PSU delivers enough juice to run it.
  2. @Wolfbaginski - I think the tests Monty wants doing can only effectively be done from overseas Hm, depends on where this "overseas" is located exactly. From where I am sitting right now pretty much everything is overseas. And LOL, no I'm not in the UK. :smileytongue:
  3. OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 32-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) Why not 64-bit? Not that I will help with your crashprob. Just asking.:smileyindifferent: and i have good internet Do you? Really? :smileysurprised: Photos (screenshot of your speedtest to Dallas) or it didn't happen.
  4. So I've been playing sl for quite a few years now... ... and yet you never went shopping? You never read some fashionista blogs? You never looked at Market Place? Our ideas of beauty probably differ, my taste may be totally different from yours. I find many "models" particularly fugly, others find them beautiful. So if you ask around here for favourite skins and hairs you will get 32 different answers from 7 girls. For shape tho you will probably get the same answer from everybody: fecken do it yourself! There are guidelines about proportioning your avi available in blogs and even on marketplace. Ok, back to business: for skins I lately found The Skinnery very appealing, Their skins are very nice without any added makeup. Suits my natural style, For hairs I don't really have a favourite shop. Maybe Dura's unisex hairs since I'm so fond of short styles. But I also love to look around in small shops like Droha. As many other girls did as well, being a model was my first job in SL (after unsucessfully trying to be a whore) and contary to many other models I actually was booked for jobs. Not because I was so super beautiful but because I was different. One client looked at me and said "you look like trouble" and booked me right away. :smileyvery-happy: That was in 2007 tho, and times have changed quite a bit since then. Maybe nowadays it's better if you follow the mainsteam and meet the average boring idea of prettyness.
  5. ... I actually got some work done today without being nailed down with countless IMs and notices. What a great experience. :smileyvery-happy:
  6. I hear one can also get demoted in the forums. For example when you cause them brainless automatons (moderators) some grief. That should explain my lowly rank since I have to put up with their completely pointless accusations every other week or so. And my replies are obviously way beyond their grasp since they never answer anyway. But a couple weeks later I get to read the same **bleep**e from another mod. So I'm stuck as as the eternal (whatever my rank may be now).
  7. Why do you want G land? It's not like anyone is forcing you to do anything sexy on a M parcel. I always lived on M land and, quite honest now, I didn't have sex in years. Of course I go topless on tuesdays and I often sail in the nude but that's about it. Mostly I don't even know on what kind of rated land I am ... and neither do I care. Most of us in SL are 18 and older, so why should we restrict ourselves do disneyfied land?
  8. Teagan, I guesss it's all just a big misunderstanding here. OP has confused inworld names and tags with forum rank. If she has a real SL name it will stay that way. Nobody with a "real" SL name (first+last) will be made a Resident all of a sudden.
  9. Iceing, I wasn't talking about Asus crappy mobos (being a Gigabyte fangrrl myself for good reason) but about their ROG laptops. I mean any company having enough confidence in their product to give you a 3 year warrantee can't be too bad, no? After I fried the GPU in my old Asus lappy and took an oath to never buy another Asus product, my pc repair lady told me that Asus is indeed one of the least troublesome brands. At least in her shop. And a PC saleaman told me that Asus does the most reliable laptops, he gets almost no returns, quite contrary to all the other brand laptops who seem to die like flies. And sorry for my bad advice about ignoring the GPU table. Never knew such a stupid thing existed in the first place. Still my advice for GPU stands: - Nvidia all the way - GTX better than GT - the higher the generation number the better - the higher the middle number the bettter
  10. Hi Sandra, forget the table. :smileyhappy: LL are using it to determine the "perfect" graphics settings for you but, honestly now, who needs that? I always decide for myself and test out if the FPS goes way down when I enable a certain functionality. That's 10 minutes well spent to reach the best graphics for my taste and avialable from my particular gpu. That being said, while Nvidia's 7xx series is very modern and great the GTx45 is a rather low-midrange card. GT is the mulltimedia range, GTX is for gamers. And the i7 cpu is total overkill for SL. Look for a laptop with an i5 cpu but a better gpu to get the best out of SL. The fun starts at GTX x60. MSI and Asus are the brands to look for, avoid Toshiba, Sony, Alienware, Acer and similar crappola.
  11. When I was busy working as estate manager we made a rule of NO clubs, NO venues, NO shops on our homestead sims. When anyone was looking to build a music venue or such instead of selling them 1/4 homestead we gave them 4096 m² on a full sim. Same prim count but much better script handlng ability. BTW, yes, I think 4096 is the minimum size parcel for any publicly used venue.
  12. It is definately a hardware problem. While your gpu is old and never was top of the line it should run SL without problems. How does your pc fare with other applications? What are the temperatures? Cleaned it out lately? Ok, now the diagnostic part is complicated and way over my head. Too many maybes in the equation. RAM doing ok? Mobo? Everything connected nice and tightly? Sure your spunky new SSD is ok? PSU delivers enough juice?
  13. Tinies are kyoot! :heart: Even though a tiny cat friend of mine shreds my legs every time I say something mean I can't help but adore her to pieces. Oh, looking for human(oid) avies? Don't look no further than Orca Flotta: she's the definition of a sugarcoated candy bar. And completely without added articial sweeteners, mesh or sumfink stoopid. :smileyvery-happy:
  14. Ach Jeannie, jetzt hat er sich extra voll Muehe gegeben das echt peinliche Versagen von LL mit den Umlauten schoen zu verbessern ... und dann war's total fuer die Katz. Oh, der Mehrwert, der kommt jetzt: Oracul macht auch tolle, sehr lebendige AOs fuers schmale Geld. So um die 300 L$, da kann man nicht meckern. Ist mein Lieblings-AO, auch wenn meine Freunde mich alle fuer hyperaktiv halten.
  15. Can nobody see the elephant in the room? It's fees not fee's ... ffs!!! :smileymad: And in SL we call it tier anyway.
  16. And that, bois'n'gurlz, is why LL's viewers are regarded as "For n00b use only!" :smileyvery-happy:
  17. The only thing changed in the computer is the physical drive and the type of Windows 7. The physical drive shouldn't have any effect on SL BUT ... you switched from a 32-bit to a 64-bit OS! My admittedly uneducated guess is the problem is caused there. The Pentium Dual-Core E5200, hmmm, afaik that's a 32-bit cpu. But then it should give you probs in other applications as well I guess. I don't know, was just an idea.
  18. Your entire computer seems on the low-end for the SL experience. Yeah, I guess that's the main reason for OP's crashes, Freya. Even much more beefy machines have some performance trouble in busy sims. Last time I went to Callabor 88 on opening day everything needed an eternity to render and I could see how my poor fugly big block computer started to break a sweat and huff and puff until it turned blue in the face. :smileysurprised: Of course OP should follow your helpful suggestions nevertheless. @ OP: and, oh yes, by all means switch to Linux, forget about that silly voice stuff and use your computer like real people do.
  19. Flashing weird colours is always a sure sign of a failing/underpowered graphics chip. Doesn't matter if your lappy is brandnew, some (most) machines are just not fit to run a highly discriminating virtual world like SL. Was your lappy sold as a gaming - or at least a multimedia - laptop? If not then sorry, you're not using the correct tool for the task. In your second post you mentioned you never used it for anything out of the range of laptop use. Sorry to inform you about this: SL is out of range for most laptops. You really have to look in the upper echelons of each manufacturer to reach satisfying results with SL.
  20. Believe me, I know many people in SL that are technologically impaired. Yes, I do too. Heck, I myself didn't know **bleep** about computers when I joined SL with my portable typewriter back in 07. But since I was hooked on SL after about 5 minutes it became clear to me that I'd need to do some things in order to have a better experience in world. So I asked around, watched a lot of YouTube vids and bought a laptop with decent dedicated graphics. After that thing burned out I went for a custom made desktop. Also I clued up a bit on how the internet works and logged around 3 milion complaints with my ISP. Of course we are all in SL to relax. But forgetting about RL? I don't think so. I may neglect my RL, my kitchen is the living proof of that, but forgetting? My RL is ultra cool and nice, why should I wanna escape it? Oh and I never do things casually, as noone should do. Furthermore I've never played a single game in my life ... apart from the occasional round of Solitaire. But that hardly counts as a computer game, does it? I'm not saying i'm better than most but just wanna highlight the old universal truth: you only get out of SL what you put in. So all those complaints about "why does SL look bad on my smartphone?", "why does rendering stuff takes sooo long?" can and should be dismissed. SL isn't that easy by design, neither on your hardware nor on your brain.
  21. My new PC is 64 bit - last time I looked at the spec it only runs in 32 bit. I can't play on my new shiny PC. I keep crashing. All new hardware these days is 64-bit. That doesn't make it able to run highly graphics intense applications as SL. My hubby's new Acer ultrabook is super modern, and shiny lol, as are the Macbook Air and other "ladies purses" out there. Boy, does he get grief from me. These thingies have their purpose for certain things ... but using a super hitec application like SL isn't one of them. Let's face it, SL isn't mainsteam yet, it's not a thing for the facetwit masses, for the social butterflies and the casual light gamer, looking for some relaxation on the go. SL is still a thing for geeks, 3D world dreamers and builders by heart. SL is for active and technologically interested people. All the rest is just eye-candy.
  22. I assume the furniture to be "packed" into my inventory... Hold it! Now stop right there, young lady! If you stop paying your rent you'll have a very angry landlord in the first place. They'll going to eject you soon-ish and instead of packing everything up nicely for you they will just press a general RETURN button for all your stuff. That means you'll get your stuff as one coalgulated object and probably find it in your lost and found folder. To retrieve singe objects from it you'll need to rezz that object in a sandbox and take back all your single items. Muckin hassle that is. So taking all your stuff back before vacating the premises is not only much nicer and more respectful but highly recommended for technical reasons as well.
  23. Orca and Solar have taken it wildly off course. Yes, and I'm very sorry for draggging his name over here and regret it badly. But I found it funny that a guy I really really despise for ... for everything he is, would come up with an opinion I could wholeheartedly support in this thread. So I mentioned it in an anectdotal manner. Couldn't possible know he'd corner me again. Anyway, I can't change it, neither him nor his mucked up views so I leave this thread. Had quite enough of that douche.
  24. 1. I am not the one who dragged the other thread into this one Orca: You did. No, didn't. I just brought you over here, anecdotally. As it is within my rights, I must mention. 2. I have dealt with users who have shown their entitlement happy mindset over the years. Congratz. I wonder why you never learned to make the distinction then. 3. You presume that you have a right to tell users how to use the access controls and script functions available to them. And yes, you do presume this - otherwise you would not be handing out notecards to users who have not breached Linden Lab's ToS in any way. And I told you repeatedly that you are totally wrong. I don't presume anything, I just observe and react. I personally only stick those notecards to users who are very well in breach of the TOS (having security reaching into public channels and roads), would never do otherwise. Are you really that slow on the uptake or is that just a mean character streak (bullydom) on your side? 4. Any time you state that a yser can do as they please with their parcel, you negate that statement by stating that you will send them a notecard telling them that their access setting/security scripts are wrong. But I never did!!! I tell them they are wrong when they are wrong. 5. I despise your attitude. Sorry but that is your problem. You also despise elephants coz the are green or planes coz they park in your parking lot? 6. If the information I presented to you is information you have known for seven years ... Then why do you insist on acting as if your exploration is some right? Why do you insist on shoving notecards at users and telling them that they are "inconsiderate" for shutting off public access or using security scripts? Exploration is my right! It's everyone's right. Guess why Philip made the grid a world with continents, with roads and oceans in the first place and didn't start with just unconnected islands? That's the reason for me, very rarely, sticking notecards into ppl's inboxes. When their sec orbs encroaching over public protected land. 7. Yes, yes you should act like an adult and move on. You brought the argument here by so much as mentioning it and spewing out your rather mistaken view of me. A view I might add that was formed because you do not like being challenged. Oh. And your view on me is correct? You just need to tell those lies a few hundred times more and maybe some day you'll believe them yourself. But right I don't like to be challenged. That's the reason why I sail daily, why I still use motorcycles on public roads? Because I don't like the challenge? Right, I don't like to be challenged by unnecessary, out-of-place crap. As if LL's servers aren't challenging enough. Pfff. 8. Schoolyard bully? What, repeatedly correcting your emtitlement happy attitude and ideas makes me a schoolyard bully? That! Your unstoppable iies and hate defines you as a posterboy bully. It is quite clear to me that you have a bit of difficulty understanding english My understanding of written english is quite okay, I'm just a bit handicapped when it comes to expressing myself in an efficient way. And, ok, I still prefer to watch english language movies with english subtitles so I can make sense of texan babble and a diversity of english accents. - perhaps that is part of the problem. What problem? You got a problem? Either way, I really do not care. You blew any chance of my being polite to you the very second you took an attitude with me. This response brought to you by a forum user whose patience has been exhausted. Aaaaw. So why don't I feel sorry for your weak nerves then? To make you feel better I must just stop and admit you're right even though you aren't? Maybe want a headjob too, and a nice massage for your ego? Tell you what I'll do instead: if you accuse me once more of having an attitude, you'll be off my xmas list! Got that, boy?
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