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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. Honestly, when I first heard about mesh, I was yay, wow! Because I didn't think about mesh fashion at all. I just saw what cool things the talented creators could do in mesh, like houses, vehicles, all kinds of stuff. But clothes? Arrrgs, noooo!!! And up to this day I hardly see any mesh clothes that fit me correctly or have much appeal for me. Skirts? Give me the good old flexi prims any time. Bikinis, t-shirts, jeans? Paint them on me. It's all good and fine, no need for stiff, ill-fitting stuff that shows invisible alpha layers and won't even move nicely.
  2. Unscheduled System Maintenance [Posted 12:05 PM PDT, 01 September 2013] We are investigating network issues which are causing multiple errors throughout the system. During this time, some residents may be logged off and may be temporarily unable to log in for a brief period or may experience other losses in functionality. Please refrain from rezzing no copy objects or making inworld L$ transactions while this maintenance is in progress. Please check back here for updates.
  3. Maybe it has something to do with the unscheduled maintenance today. Many ppl fell victim to LL's shenanigans today. :smileymad: Unscheduled System Maintenance [Posted 12:05 PM PDT, 01 September 2013] We are investigating network issues which are causing multiple errors throughout the system. During this time, some residents may be logged off and may be temporarily unable to log in for a brief period or may experience other losses in functionality. Please refrain from rezzing no copy objects or making inworld L$ transactions while this maintenance is in progress. Please check back here for updates.
  4. now lost over half my stuff. No, you didn't lose it. All your stuff is save and sound on the asset server, don't worry. The message just told you the server wasn't able to load your assets. I've cleared cache Nooooo!!! Never do that, unless your cache is corrupted. Sometimes loading the invent takes longer than usual, which is prolly a problem with the asset server or your bandwith.
  5. Why would you wanna do such an unwise and totally useless thing? If you wanna get rid of the premium fee just downgrade to basic ... et voila, no more probs.
  6. I'm thinking about getting a macbook, not a macbook air I don't have grand fortune at my disposal! Woah! Macbook Air won't be such a great idea anyway! That's a - how do they call these things? - a ultrabook. It's made to a form factor (small, light, fashionable) not to a use factor. What's the most important thing for any machine running SL? Right, graphics! Yeah. A Macbook Air won't give you any pleasure in that aspect. If you really need (not want, but NEED) a laptop and have your mind set on Apple, then only a beefy Macbook Pro will do the job! No netbook, no tablet, no smartphone. I won't recommend any Apple product anyway. But, please, some ppl just liike to be laid in chains and guided into the computer experience as dreamed up by Microsoft, Apple and Google like small children. Please don't ever start thinking for yourself, rather pay their ridiculous prices and stop worrying. If you really wanna folow that path then just go ahead. :smileyindifferent:
  7. what are the chances... that people will stop being stuck in the past and think that anything newer is automatically worse? Wow, that was a general misconception if there ever was one. What are the chances that muslims will ever stop throwing bombs at the USA? What are the chances that n00bs will ever assume they might be clueless or wrong about anything? What are the chances that everyone used to an easy, well-functioning system will ever trade it in for something worse just coz it's new and shiny? What are the chances that people like you will ever grow a brain?
  8. FFS, Melita, use Singualrity or FS in Phoenix mode! Problem solved. That one incident with the Emerald devs happened long ago and was really a single guy who was a known griefer. They singled him out and doing their best now to avoid such shenanigans in the future. If you're so concerned about security and wanna escape the big brother then do it right and switch your whole system to Linux, save money, re-own your PC and enjoy real security. But even that sad incident with Emerald couldn't persuade me to use the LL viewer again. You now Emerald/Firestorm isn't he only TPV in town. There are many. Some are clinging to V1, like Singularity for example. I didn't use any official LL viewer since mid 07 and did never regret the move away from LL. Ok, once I felt tempted to switch to V2 coz I wanted to enjoy all the new stuff and future technology but as it turned out V2 was a still born child, a clueless attempt to turn the viewer into a browser, it was clunky and awkward and used much too much screen real property. All my favourite stuff was hidden away under layers of menus and it became clear to me the guys who designed that UI obviously didn't spend much time in world. So I went back to some TPV quite fast.
  9. By the way, if you have never taken a computer apart and added modules, boards, or memory it probably WILL take longer than five minutes, but it is by no means a complex or difficult task. Yeah, right. It might take a little longer; finding the correct screwdriver, finding the slots with RAM modules on the mobo and pushing a new one in, can take up to 6 minutes maybe. Overall it's just clickety clack. Like LEGO for adults, really. Also many many vids on YT where those nerdy geeks show exactly how it's done. After you watched it you'll lose all respect for those self-acclaimed hardware gurus. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  10. Perhaps someone misunderstood one of your posts and thought you were insulting or harassing them. Moi? Sweet little me? Cute as a button Orcsipoopsie? I'd never!!!
  11. You can always pick up freebie bikes if you want to ride at no cost, they mostly suck but they work and when one vanishes on a sim crossing it's no great loss. It's no loss anyway. Like 99.999% of vehicles are copy these days; any builder selling no copy vehicles is super stupid and should, go belly up soon. But yeah, freebie bikes do suck indeed. They are mostly running on the standard SL vehicle script which is a pita. No banking, no smooth movements, oldschool prim builds, you name it.
  12. 4 GB RAM isn't so hot neither. :smileysad: Invest in 8 or better 16 GB. RAM is cheap these days and the most easy and fast fix. Will cost you 40 $ and is done in 5 mins top.
  13. I was just recently suspended for 3 days, no explainification given. :smileysurprised: It's maybe because I called the moderators stupid evberytime they sent me a warning. Some people just can't handle the truth. :smileymad:
  14. Yeah, ACS is the engine used by most reasonable SL bike makers, it's mostly tweakable to your liking and allows you to fit the bike's size and seating position exactly to your avie. As was already meantioned before, price doesn't say anything about the quality of the bike. Most my favourite bikes are in the 500 - 1000 l$ price range. You can rez and ride your bike pretty much everywhere where rez is allowed. I'd start exploring the Linden Routes since I'm not a race track fanatic and as long as you stick to the road you won't be troubled by banlines. Also you'll find many rez spots, mostly at the beginnning end zones of the route and on intersections and crossroads. Check my Ridin' stories in my blogthingie. Just type ridin' into the search box. I have covered most mainland continents, maybe that's a good starting point.
  15. Whoohoo, ahoy sailor! :matte-motes-nerdy: I live on the other side of Nautilus, in Triumphal ... although, no wait, I don't actually live anywhere and gave up on owning land a couple weeks ago. But Triumphal is my port of call since I'm the High Cheese of the Triumphal Yacht Club. I never was into making a home for myself in SL and always used my lands for other stuff, had my OrCafé and Gallery and a motorcycle repair shop and am busy with another non-sailing thingie on a parcel on Heterocera right now. EDIT: just added your blog to my list
  16. In the SL sailing community we have our own Tumblr, called SL Boatporn, on which I reblog all my blogposts about sailing. It really helped me multiplying my readership. Apart from that I'm also in the aggravator list but can't really say if that helped in any way. And although I'm not into social networks at all I also integrated all that Google+ stuff eventhough I don't have the foggiest idea what it does. And, oh yes, I keep a blogroll in my sidebar in which I keep a list of my favourite blogs. It serves as my daily reading list as well. General tips: - post many many photos! If in doubt about your post, just add more photos. :smileyhappy: Images have generally a greater impact on people than just plain text. - don't expect your blog to become the world-changing bible. Nobody expects you to come up with another communist manifest or a new relativity theory. Stick to stuff you know, even if your field of expertise is rather limited. Nobody wants to read a blog about stuff where the writer has less of a clue than the reader. - have a comment section and make it easy for readers to leave feedback. - post often! I try to do at least one post/day. It's easier than you think if you keep your eyes open in world. Fortunately we all have our cameras with us all the time for a quick snapshot. Some times I have a snapshot on my desktop for days and then suddenly I have an idea for a text to go with it. Voila, one more post. :smileyvery-happy: - keep your blogs short! People, particularly SL resis, these days have a terribly short attention span. So try to not write a novel in each post but keep words to an acceptable mimimum. That's pretty easy for me since I'm writing my blog in English, a language of which I only have a rather limited vocabulary. :smileyhappy: - be opinionated! We have tooo many HOO! WEE! always positive yaysayers in SL as it is. You don't need to add one more voice to the choir. Dare to be your own person, dare to criticise, dare to rip stuff and ppl apart, dare to be the friction in the gear. Be prepared to meet opposition, aggression, hostilities. Dare to make enemies. As long as you can reason your opinion it won't be half bad. :matte-motes-evil: In other words: always be yourself, coquette with your own shortcomings and stupidities. As a worthwile blogger you just gotta be an entertainer, not a super hero. - DON'T do a fashion blog! Please please please, I beg you. :smileysad: We have more than enough fashionista bloggeristas in SL, and the quality of some is so unbelievably subterranean one could think they use their blogs only as a front to get cool new stuff from the designers. Of course there are some remarkable exceptions, fashion booggers who spice up their blogs with cool and intelligent words, but they are only a few.
  17. Hm, fragt sich doch erstmal welche Farbe Socken haben. Auch ein huebsches Muster, so'n Burlington caré eventuell? Poste doch mal ein Beweisfoto, damit wir bescheid wissen. So als Schnellschuss wuerde ich mal auf Grafikprobleme tippen. Evtl mal neuen Grafiktreiber installieren, oder den Viewer komplett "sauber" neu aufsetzen.
  18. Yeah, 1/4 homestead sim gives you 937 prims, perfect. I know Serena Estates have made some winter themed sims , please check for availability at their rental office in the Serena HUB sim.
  19. more german: driving the porcellain bus
  20. and another german idiom: drunk as thousand russians
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