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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. Sorry Orca I only replied to your post so I could quote that one tidbit. It's really just a general post for the thread, not necessarily directed at just you, or really anyone. Ugh, Teri, had you posted that a little bit earlier I could've spared all the work on my reply to Trin. You see it exactly right and contrary to Trin and me you even found the right words. Talking about semantics; I purposely used the term "nonsense" to express some lightness in my opinion. I really can't care less at what people are using their money, but if they don't feel spending some on their tools I'm not showing much understanding for them if they are dropped out of SL. Also I should mention, again, that SSA is supposed to help those with weak hardware, not to scare them away. BTW, housing isn't nonsense at all. I'm living in a house as well, it's even our own and fully paid. Big surprise here. But it's cheap, small and nothing to bragg about. Also we don't have a fat plasma TV, no fancy cellphone, a rusty scrapheap of a car, no fancy furniture, a barely functional kitchen and not much luxury at all. Most people would find our lifestyle to be hippie-ish and nothing to aim for. Well, we can do with what we have. Maybe that's why I am able to get a new spare part for the computer every now and then.
  2. --1/ i didnt insulted you, saying your sentence is pathetic is not saying YOU are a pathetic person. You say im maybe stupid, so i guess you are wanting to step on another lever of cordiality, that, im sorry, i refuse to go... Wrong. I don't step nowhere, I just post my opinion. And I'm way too lazy to look up cordiality, Trin, this is a forum, so saying my post was pathetic is basically the same as saying my person is pathetic. --2/ i wont go either in the "victim-aggressor" game with you... Stop playing to be the victim here , you are not. and i wont play your aggressor role.. Im sorry for you... Maybe we can take all the history of your posts and mines and look who is the usual harsh one. I'm never a victim and I don't play one, neither in world (where it really counts) nor on this forum (which is insignificant). All that counts here are statements. And yours was offensive. --3/ i may assure i dont "give a fart" (your words) about you. So please stop this paranoia... Huh? Me paranoid? Where did you get that from? Can't you read? but at the contrary of you, i pay attention to who is writing the post i m reading. For the main raison, it helps me to get a better understanding knowing more about the point of view the post is said. In the writen communication we dont have the look expression, face expression, body language etc.. so we are missing a lot of important factors for communication. Wrong again. These factors should be totally ignored! Nothing is more powerful than the written word, no matter who said it. Knowing who wrote the post, give me some pieces of information about what wrote this person about the topic in the past (if i happened to read these ones of course), about other topics, sometimes some infos about rl (gender, age range, nationality.... ), what likes or does this person in SL etc..... Of course, im not doing an investigation about who is writing.. but sometimes knowing a lil more about the point of view exposed, give me a better understanding of what is said in the post... You seem to have a big lack about this and this may explain why you often seem to get wrong what ppl say. It's no lack, it's a chosen technique in order to view posts as uninhibited and neutral as possible. Let's imagine my arch enemy posts something ... and I find their post to be very clever, what then? I'm able to judge the post on its own, regardless of what an @$$ the person is inworld or in other topics. Are you? Now, since, you seem to have on your side (contrary to me) a firm idea about what i am.. and so you seems to think im rude with you or stupid, let me remind you some lil facts.... (ive already mentioned i have a gooooood memory, obviously contrarily to you) I don't have the faintest idea about what you are. I don't care what you are. I found your post to be very aggressive and mean spitited. Please read our own post again, in which you say you "expected" something like that from me ... or something in that regard. Now see who's blinded here. And who has a firm idea of who or what I am. you think im rude ? No. Not even your post was rude. It was personal, aggressive and offensive tho. It was indeed aimed at my person, admit it. And it showed a basic lack of understanding on your side. So let me quote this words from YOU. : " Oh, Trinity, you got me so wrong. My post wasn't aggressive at all. It was just straightforward, not dancing around the pudding. It's pretty normal speech behaviour where I come from (northern europe)." Now, just change Trinity by Orca and change the (nothern europe) by (south europe). You'll get my answer to you.. if this is your normal speech behaviour for you and where you come from, there is no reason for you feel offended when someone use the same speech beahaviour than yours, eh ? Right. Or are you just the only one allowed to feel offended by other, while you think its normal to answer everyone with rude answers as you do ..? I don't even understand the concept of rudeness or why many people seem to see rudeness all arouhd them, sorry. This was quoted from here : http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Not-sure-you-want-to-read-this-its-pitif... A great example of your usual empathy and how you care other feelings.... I'm very empathic in RL, a little bit less is SL and I downright refuse to show any empathy within the boundaries of a discussion forum. That's the worst place to let empathy get in the way of good judgement and proper arguments. So as i said, i wont play your poor lil game victim/agressor, i usually neither enjoy to be the victim, neither the agressor... but i want to make some things clear here.... And yet you did it again! Just now syou did it. I'm not playing any game, I just call it as it is. I posted a halfway serious post and you responded like a banshee, scorning me for voicing one small part of an explanation why some people might not have money for a decent computer. considering the posts without the poster is IMHO a big mistake and gives you only the half of the meaning... No! Quite to the contrary. There is only one meaning, it's the written word. Anyone not able to express themselves in that form is at the wrong place when joining an internet forum. You probably missed also the parts where i say im really happy to see the SSB coming, ive been one of the first one applauding the project... Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. It really doesn't matter. All that mattered was the moment you posted your reply to me and showed how badly you misunderstood me. And that although I only use simple and clear words. But yes, i cant be totally happy bec this party will exclude some of us.. and i dont think its correct to come here in the forum singing happily about this or, like you did, insult the persons who will have to leave SL... Hah! I didn't insult anyone, period. I just gave some possible, and less possible, explanations of why some people don't feel like upgrading their hardware from time to time. Your paranoia seems to display a hybris... really i may assure you dont have enough importance for me for i "have some personal problem with you". I just had a problem with what you said in your post and the way you said it.... There is a big difference. Ok, that's fair. That's how people should treat forum posts. But your post was full with personal attacks who were 100% wrong. You disregarded your own "Orca isn't important" rule but wrongly diagnosed paranoia for me. I wonder where you got that idea. Ever dealt with a paranoid person? I met some, and logically enough they both where from Texas :smileyvery-happy: (here's an emoticon for you, as you obviously need that extra visual help to judge in what spirit I made that remark). I can tell you from experience it's no fun dealing with those type. Okay, to bring this thing to an end since I'm bored with the topic: I'm a fair maiden, funny and totally free of any bad character traits ... except my sillyness. I assume you're the same. We're just talking different languages when it comes to forum discussions. My way is far superior to yours :smileytongue: but you might see it differently. So be it. Peace out.
  3. the only place I have had problems with slow-loading avatars, has been Bondage Ranch, and a couple of the welcome areas That's maybe because people on Bondage Ranch (woah, what shady places you're frequenting, LOL) and welcome areas (who goes there anyway?) carry lots of bad scripts and useless stuffz around with them. I once knew a girl who could bring a sim down just by standing there. She was packed with sexy scripts, so there you have it.
  4. Orca, I will say that Trinity has no mean bone in her body as well. Okay, but then why did she post such stupid and offensive crap? She had no point at all and was just about offending me. Either she is really THAT stupid or she has some personal problem with me. And that is hard to believe since I don't think I ever met her in world. Many people don't want to lose contact with or see the people they have come to care about here lose the ability to come inworld and enjoy the time with them as we have in the past. That's a given ... and yet has nothing to do with the topic. SSA won't kick anyone out of SL, quite the contrary. It will help your PC to cope better with the rendering of other avies. If your PC does well enough to keep you in SL now, there's no reason why you shouldn't be in SL after the implementation of SSA. I am sure there are a lot of people who feel that way. Feelings, shmeelings. Everybody has feelings, and in this case they are wrong. For example I felt attacked by Trinity, and rightfully so. Are we talking rendering technology or is this forum a therapy group now? Let's get this clear: Phoenix is dead and gone. Sing and Cool and some other TPVs and even the official viewer will be enabled for SSA. There will be no change in the respective GUIs or the load on your system. Contrary to the V2 disaster this time it's not a game changer. I almost dropped out of SL when V2 arrived but this time I'm quite confident that all will be good. Well, as far as LL can manage ...
  5. I was hoping that Orca was being facetious with that statement Yes, I was facetious (I had to look that term up before I could answer) ... to some degree. But we all know that in every humorous statement is a core of truth, innit? because the people doing that would be too dang busy with their hookers and blow to be using SL. But I could be wrong on both points. Sorry to say but you're wrong on that last point. In fact I couldn't care less than to worry about what other people are busy with. Fact is: if your hardware can run any halfway recent SL viewer it'll be able to run the SSA version as well. It will proabbly even run better and faster than it does now.
  6. Issues? Yes, according to my parents I have a lot of issues. :smileysurprised: But astonishingly in SL I don't have any.
  7. I can personally vouch that Trinity is not a "hostile and aggressive meanie." In fact, she is one of the most generous people I know on SL. She, like me, is passionate about what she believes in and will, like me, defend her position, but just wanted to clear up the misconception. Carry on. Well, I can personally vouch that I don't know Trinity at all, other than from this forum. And I never really care about who wrote what and why. I view posts as single entries, mostly not even Iooking at the poster's name. I probably wouldn't even notice if she or anyone else would stop posting here. There are just some posts I don't like, the OP for example, or Trinity's harsh and misguided reaction to mine. That post was indeed aggressive and offensive. I'd hazard a guess and think she did so on purpose. And I still have no idea what I did so terribly wrong other than trying to understand where the OP is coming from. So forgive me please for being a bit confused and irritated.
  8. This sentence is so pathetic and so reactionary, that i prefer to avoid to answer to this. Totally taken out of context, like you did, it could appear as pathetic and reactionary if read with a feeble and mean mindset, yes. I was only referring to people who really have other priorities in live than their SL performance. Well, they shan't complain about SL's technology passing them by. We already discussed about this topic, you seem to live in another planet than mine.. I was expecting such post from you in this thread, but with this sentence you went over my expectations... Well, I'm from planet earth and rather uninhibited by anything. I have no mission and no agenda but was just trying to level out opinions. And I can't remember to have ever discussed this topic with you. I bet all the ppl who cant afford a new pc for keeping their presence will enjoy to be insulted by your sentence. I don't give a wet fart if soemone feels insulted by my opinion. Let's take a look at the computer that is needed to run SL before we say there are ppl who can't afford a decent SL-able PC: my own laptop is from 2006, a first gen dual-core with built-in Intel graphics. It never ran SL great but it can handle all available viewers. I can see mesh and will be able to enjoy SSA as well. And guess what, machines of that generation cost you a whopping 12 US$ on Ebay. If you can't afford that you indeed have other priorities and I won't be too sad to see you leave. I guess they won't be too sad if I can't join them in other stuff they do because I can't afford a new car or a new bbq for my garden just because I blew away my little spare money on computer stuff. I don't know what I ever said or did that turned you into such a hostile and aggressive meanie. But okay, if it's fun for you so be it. It's your second life. It'sa ll about choice, that's what I tried to express.
  9. There are two viewers that, being essentially build on 1.x code (and thus somewhat lighter), have been adapted to SSB/A: Singularity and Cool VL. They remain good options for people with lower end hardware. Nuuuu, Sing only pretends to be on V1 code but is really on top notch actual 3.xxxx code. They just succeeded in keeping the V1 look and feel, quite contrary to FS's weak attempt. Can't say much about CoolVL, as far as I recall I didn't like it and so really can't be bothered. Sing gives me all the functionality and logic of 1.23 (and more), rezzes faster than everything else and is the right stuff for vehicle users. But you can't call it a lightweight viewer.
  10. Ok, I see the whole discussion two-fold: Of course the OP came across like a right **bleep**, no question about it. But otoh being overly sorry for the poor ppl who can't afford a decent PC is rather shortsighted as well. Maybe they are just too poor to buy a decent PC because they are blowing away all their money on drugs, hookers, sports cars, children, fashion, house, exotic vacations, giant TV screens and nonsense like that. Let them get left behind. And then there's the other type, the young and hip, upwardly mobile college students. They want to play SL on their stupid tablets and, if possible, even on their not-so-smart phones. Wrong tool for the job, idjits. Let them get left behind as well. Above mentioned groups aren't really invested in SL, they aren't hardcore users, they just want their quick fix of SL and they'll soon find the next big thing to keep them amused for a couple of weeks. Computer stuff is cheap as never before, with enough interest you should be able to have a decent system running without spending the world for it. I'm like monetary poor by all standards, being kinda pensioner, caring for my sick husband, living in a very small house, not having any expensive hobbies, driving a car that is more rust than steel, flying tourist class, gave up on some RL hobbies. But I spend a lot of time behind my computers, so I try to always stay fairly up to date. My hardware is ready for SSA (formerly SSB), as well as it was ready for WindLight, mesh, shadows and everything else the lab has thrown at us. At least my big rig is. The lappies are not ... but they will manage to keep me connected while travelling. If anyone is not ready, all I can say to them is Goodbye and Godspeed, be well, have fun. In case I liked you I'm sorry to see you go.
  11. Today, on the 4th of July, I had to bring my good SL computer to the repair shop, won't get it back before tomorrow. :smileysad: And my trusted, but hadly aging, office warrior laptop isn't fit enough for playing SL anymore, so no party for poor little Orcsi. :smileymad: Anyhoo happy bday America! :heart:
  12. I only see the bottom face, when I go into body edit mode, when I leave the upper face appears again. Yeah, that's kinda new feature in Appearence Mode, the viewer shines a light on you. At least in Singularity it does.
  13. Sounds like a connection/bandwith problem. Do a speedtest.net to Dallas and to Pensylvania to find out your true speed.
  14. Madeline, when was the last time you tried a Linux distro? 10 years ago or sumfink? Modern Linuxes like Mint, Manjaro, Ubuntu, Puppy run complete out of the box and hardly ever will you need that steenkin terminal. Actually Linux comes highly recommended particularly for total n00bs, since it causes much less problems and needs much less maintenance. No, you can't run PS on Linux without any tricks (well, you can with Wine) but you get the very capable Gimp ... and you get it for free. There is hardly any proprietary software for which there isn't any open source alternative available. Even when I was using Windows (up to a few weeks back) the OS was my only piece of commercial software. Also I didn't encounter a single problem with compability. All the internals and externals worked right out of the box. Drivers, controllers, interfaces, everything. Yes, you're right about Vista. If treated correctly it's absolutely capable of running SL. BUT Vista, like any Windows version, needs a lot of TLC: Antivirus program, firewall, registry cleaner, defragger ... Now that's what I call nerdy. No need for all that stuff on Linux. @ Everybody: Watch this vid!!!
  15. Orca, by your description, nVIDIA would not be able to produce a new generation of chips until the lowest performance in that generation exceeded the highest performance of the previous generation. No, why should it? A 680 is still better than a 730. How's that? I gotta admit that I didn't take nVidia's latest gaming tricks into consideration. So I should say the xx5 numbers were used for laptops, but now they are replaced by M. Oh my, I'm an old and confused woman ... don't ever listen to anything I say. GTX 285 = 1248 (Here, by your description, the 5 indicates "laptop") GT 730M = 1062 (Here, by my description, the M indicates "mobile') It's a logical outcome. The middle number indicates the speed of a card/chip. So even the much much older 285 outperforms the new lowspecced 730, as was to be expected. For currently available cards... GTX 680 = 5687 GTX 760 = 5198 and GTX 660 = 4104 GTX 680M = 3579 Same story here: 68 beats 76. And in the second pairing the desktop chip beats the mobile version. Within a generation (most significant digit) No, it isn't. Generational steps are often not as huge as marketing makes us believe. The most significant digit is the middle number.
  16. Also, I'm a little confused; In one sentence you said, "Vista was indeed a rather crappy Windows version [, however] it didn't have any probs running SL and can be ruled out as the problem..."Yet, in the very next sentence you said, "It may be the problematic part in your setup..." So...Vista isn't the problem but it might be the problem? My brain! Ouch. :smileysurprised: Maybe what I was trying to say was that Vista per se shouldn't be a problem but a not very well maintained individual Vista can be very much a problem. Further I make a clear distinction between Alienware gamers and Mac dummies. For one it's the choice of OS; a very fragile and high maintenance Windows vs a super easy and careless wannabe Linux Mac OS. Also up to a few years ago, before Dell bought out Alienware, it needed a good piece of research and knowledge to even know of the existence of that small garage business Alienware. So in conclusion I gotta say that I take Alienware owners/users as serious people ... quite contrary to our fruit lovers.
  17. Let's get over with the infights and let's just agree on this: BETTER IS BETTER! In case of nVidia it's easy to see what will be better: the letters in front and the middle number in the name says it all. - GTX xxx is better than GT xxx - 790 is better than 410 - desktop cards are better than laptop chips, so a 650 is better than a 650M - steroids don't mess with the system. A plain GTX 660 is still better than a GTX650ti
  18. (de facto very-very old game of 2003 year) Yes, some basic tech of SL is indeed based on old computer games but the requirements were always much higher. SL content is user created, so not optimised. SL eats GPUs for breakfast. Of course you can run SL on high settings ... for a while. We'll see how your machine turns out in 3 months time.
  19. Is Alienware just right or too much for SL? That like asking if Bob is a good name or is Paul better. Alienware is a brand name owned by Dell, it's the case, maybe the keyboard. All the rest are parts Dell purchased for their Alienware dpt on the international market. Now Alienware once used to be a good name in the gaming scene so they hopefully still have the skills to produce barebones with ample cooling and enough electricity supply to run all the stuff. Although I'm quite positive on that point I still think that you pay too much for the Alienware logo and styling, which doesn't necessarily show in the actual build quality and not at all in the performance. Performance-wise Alienware is regularly outdone by the Asus and MSI gaming laptops. To your OP questions: Yes, i5 is plenty good enough. No, you won't necessarily need 8 GB RAM ... but it's always nice to have some more horsepower if needed. RAM is super cheap right now. I don't know if you'll ever need all the RAM ... but go for 8 GB and have a better nights sleep. According to nVidia's logic the GT650 is better than the GT730. Heck, the 730 might be a rebranded 650, like they sometimes do during a generational switch ... but both are rather bottom of the line. Aim for something that says GTX in front of the numbers to get something with serious oomph.
  20. With Nvidia it's like that: the higher the number the better! Period! The first number shows the generation of cards. So right now the new cards are 7xx. The second number shows the performance of the card: x1x = crap, x8x = can't be much better, x9x = SLI. Cards with a 5 at the end are for laptops, the even numbers are for desktops. And while you can't compare the performance of a, say, 6x5 to a proper 6x0, it's still the same numbers game in their respective setups. Cards up to x50 used to be GT and above that they were GTX. In the latest editions nVidia starts the GTX series with their x50s cards already So without any reasearch and nitpicking the answer is an easy one: laptop 1 is the preferred buy over laptop 2. Simple as that! :smileyhappy: .
  21. I once used an Asus lappy with very similar specs and it ran SL quite well ... until it fried the ATI card. :smileysurprised: But that's a different thing. Your problem may be caused by outdated drivers, as we all know how badly AMD/ATI are programming those. :smileysad: But while Vista was indeed a rather crappy Windows version it didn't have any probs running SL and can be ruled out as the problematic part of your setup. It may be the problematic part in your setup tho. Vista is a very fragile **bleep** piece of software and needs permanent maintenance (anti-virus, registry cleaner, defragging ...) and may not give you the same performance like when it came fresh out of the box. Particularly Vista is famous for eating all your resources and blocking itself with heaps of unwanted crap. Nevertheless I can only recommend switching to a simple and clever Linux distro (Mint Debian is the best for n00bs) and be done with all the proprietary chit. On Linux you won't need to bother with antivirus or defragging stuff, you might even get away without a firewall. Further up your RAM to 8 GB, which will work wonders, don't use WiFi and for future purchases stay away from Alienware. Do a proper CLEAN install of your viewer. Firestorm and Singularity (for old people) come highly recommended.
  22. There's an oxymoron if ever I've heard one. Outdated tech back porting new tec and claiming to be advanced. Priceless! Yes, I thought so myself after reading my bold statement myself. Don't ask me how it works but it's true. Singularity is based on 1.23, right? Still it shows mesh, supports SSB and will be ready for materials. And all that while still rendering much faster and crashing much less and keeping to the best, most user friendly UI, which was V1. :heart: Singularity for me is the new Nicholaz. :heart:
  23. Pricing of Macs is relative. If you swap out your machine every 2 years you can sell your old MAC with much less loss than a PC. A Apple store guy told me he pays around 200 € every time he gets a new Mac. Of course you have to shell out a bit more for the initial investment. Still, I wouldn't buy an Apple. I have a big fugly PC tower and just swap out internals whenever I need some technical upgade. As for the OS: I use neither Apple nor Win. Linux is perfect and fast and stable and needs much less maintenance than the big commercial softwares.
  24. Seen a "Linden Grant" in your transaction history but confused what it means? A Linden Grant is not like a grant one would receive for educational or research purposes. The term Linden Grant refers to the bonuses and stipends which the system automatically grants a Resident for upgrading to a Premium account and storing billing information. You receive the grant 45 days after storing your card information and upgrading to Premium. You get a full grant of L$1250 for this: L$250 for your card details. L$1000 for choosing Premium. These details appear on your transaction history as a Linden Grant.
  25. Sounds Like fun. Should be a "Burning of the Viewer" ceremony lol Singularity, Kool and FS users had the ceremony already weeks ago. :smileytongue: And once again V1 viewers prove how much they are advanced over all the crappy V2 and 3 teenager stuff. :matte-motes-evil:
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