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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. 4 GB RAM isn't enough to run any of the viewers now, you need to upgrade it (if you can afford it). Sorry, that is bull. When I look at my specs I only use a very small percentage of the availabe RAM. You seem to have some leakage in your system, maybe the OS or a bad viewer.
  2. When I called Dell this morning one of the Nvidia's he recommended was the GT 220. What do you think of that? I think it's crap, sorry. GT220 is the bottomfeeder in NVIDIA's lineup and won't give you much improvement over the onboard chip. In that case it would be better to invest in a new CPU and enjoy their much better Intel HD4000 chip. SL is a very demanding environment so try to get a NVIDIA GPU that starts with GTX instead of just GT. GTX 660 seems to be the best bang for buck card right now. Just make sure there is enough space in the case to fit it in and your PSU delivers enough electrical power to run it.
  3. Changing hardware wasn't a problem for me, neither on Win nor on Linux. When I made the final switch, after running dual boot for 1 year, everything ran right outta the box. Linux found all the hardware and installed it right away. Ok, my desktop is from 2010, so no stone old exotic stuff in it. It just works, which wasn't always the case with Win. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't always a windows hater, I actually enjoyed working with Win7. But my Linux Mint 15 is much smoother, what can I do?
  4. Although the last Microsoft product I ever used was Win7 I know from reliable sources that Win8 doesn't give you any problems with SL. Just make sure to have all the latest drivers installed, not from the MS site but directly from the manufacturers like NVIDIA or ATI. On the other hand, there is no reason not to buy a computer just because it comes with Win8. It's your computer afterall, isn't it? So you can install any OS you fancy, Win7, XP or Linux. Or, best solution, save some money and buy a computer without OS. Or even better, save more money and build that PC yourself.
  5. Also, das war nun wirklich unter aller Sau, Billyboy. :smileymad: Der Text war absolute Scheiße, du haettest ihn wenigstens redigieren sollen. Solche schlecht gemachten Amateurnachrichten uebernimmt man nicht mal eben einfach so. Das Ding wimmelte von Grammatik- und Orthographiefehlern. Wenn du wenigstens deinen persoenlichen Kommentar hinzugefuegt und im richtigen Subforum gepostest haettest, dann waere es ja noch halbwegs ok gewesen. Aber so ist es einfach nur erbaermlich. Und nur weil Syo dich darauf aufmerksam gemacht hat, flippst du gleich aus und schmeißt mit Gossensprache um dich, superpeinlich. :smileysad: Und gar nicht schreibt man gar nicht zusammen, das weiß doch wirklich jedes Kind. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3: ------------------------------------------ Sorry everybody but I had to answer this guy in German since I don't think he understands English. :smileysurprised:
  6. BSOD is your PC acting up, not SL.Your PC seems to be a strange breed in the first place. A Core 2 Duo from roundabout the stone age paired with a 6xx NVIDIA gpu from last year, makes no sense. Anyway, if it was running fine until recently it must be failing hardware. Most probably the RAM or MOBO. Some recommendations: # save everything and format your HD. Then reinstall Windows and all your software/data. Or better, install Linux. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3: # open up your machine and clean it thoroughly. Vacuum it out. Careful not too touch sensitive parts. # if problem still occurs bring it into service # only then should you think about purchasing new spare parts. Anyhoo, coming to think of it, yes, by all means get new RAM. 8 GB is better than 4 and not expensive these days. And while you're at it replace your bottomfeeder GPU with a GTX 660.
  7. Yes yes, it's a gpu/drivers problem. # Get a new driver directly from ATI but not the 2 latest versions since I heard they are giving probs on SL. # Play with your graphisc settings, disable/enable stuff until you stop getting those artefacts. Worst case scenario: your gpu might be giving in! :smileysurprised: Clean yourr lappy's inside. Dust is a killer! And then get a cooling stand to place your lappy on.
  8. True, Linux sucks if you are running very exotic hardware but for the run of the mill everyday user it's computing heaven. I have 2 external HDDs running, one for movies and one for personal data and stuff and we're exchanging USB-sticks all the time ... it's just plug and play. Super simple. I haven't used the console a single time since I installed Linux, just clickerclacker mousing around. Can't say much about games since I'm not a gamer but from what I hear you get many games from Steam and if not, many are supposedly running more smoothly under Wine (which is not an emulator) than under the original Win. Let half the world make programs for windows, there are still more than enough programs for Linux ... in any way more than there are for Apple. LOL. Maybe my expectations and my usage patterns aren't those of a power user, but for my needs I always found every software in the Linux repos. I also shut my computer down for the few hours when I'm doing non-computer stuff, like doing dishes, cooking, sleeping ... Anyway, I guess what he meant with "running for weeks on end" was that Linux is super stable and reliable. I could keeep the system running for years if I wanted. I only, have one monitor connected to my desktop, wouldn't know what to do with more, so I can't say anthing about multiscreen setup. AFAIK it works since I've seen Linux systems running on multiple screens. So, maybe Spatters used Win to record his YT clip but there are enough YTers who run completely on Linux. Let's have a look at what most ppl in SL/this forum are doing with their computers. A bit of office work, some image managing, email, skype, surfing, facetwitting and SL. Easy modern Linux OSes like Mint, *buntu, Fedora, Open SUSE, Debian are perfect for 90% of PC users!
  9. It's an old bug that reoccurs randomly. I've never looked into it, always suspecting my own connection first to give me such weird stuff. Sometimes I can clearly see a whole fleet of wrecked boats piled up at a sim border but I in grop chat I see all the skippers are happily sailing without any problems.
  10. Weapon ownership and low IQ go hand in hand it seems. :smileyindifferent: EDIT: there's nothing wrong with Anton's sig, except a tiny spelling error. We grammar nazis are waiting since years for the correction. LOL
  11. I am not technically savvy but I still tried Linux once. Frustration beyond compare, I don't like what MS does with the OS a lot of the time but at least I can use it. Just installing something in Linux was beyond me. And when the one I was using upgraded, what I had gotten to work, no longer worked. Like I said, I'm not technically savvy, so I just gave up on it and reloaded winders. Oy vey, Teagan, that must've been years ago. Nowadays installing a Linux OS is easier and faster than installing Windows and needs little to no maintenance once it's on your system. Anti Virus, Defragger, Speed-Up, all that crap I used to keep my Win happy is not needed anymore, not at all. And system updates are a one-click affair, and you do them when you find the time, not when MS decides it's time to shut down your system. Also the updates are updating all your software (which is usually automatically installed with the OS) at the same time. So no need to scamble the interwebz to find new versions and stuff. I rather spend my time working on my pc than maintaining it. I even got SL to work on my machine, it was the only additional software I couldn't find in any repo and had to get from the Singularity download site. Not a problem after I received some help from other Linux users in SL. And rest assured, I'm just a stupid housewife, as ungeeky as they come and learned all I know about komputahz and the interwebz in my time on SL. May I recommed you have a looksie at this vid?
  12. Why ever would I compare you to a stupid cow? Oh, if you knew me you would! Most do so. So in order to be a member of the cool kidz club you should adjust your attitude towards me. I'm loud, I'm harsh, I'm a spoiled brat, I'm a techno commie, I'm subversive, passive aggressive, often angry, impatient and spiteful. I'm the USA's worst nightmare. Need more?
  13. Why should being disproportionate be any "worse" than, say, having ears borrowed from another species or portraying an ethnic group one isn't actually in real life? Theresa, you're comparing apples to oranges here. Of course you can wear cat's ears and a dinosaur tail if you fancy it but that's not what this thread is about. We're talking about human shapes here, about the LL offering of a Girl Next Door (clearly sposed to be a human) and what other commercial shape makers are selling for our money. It's about how these very lazily configured shapes negatively influence millions of users when they make/mod their own shapes. It all starts with that trainwreck we all know as Appearance Editor. It's about the non-related 0 - 100 sliders, the totally wrong sizing compared to prim sizes, it's about the ultrabad standard camera angle and about the carelessly configurated LL light settings. They all have a negative influence on how we create and conceive our avatars. That's why most beds in SL are 4 meters long and ceilings 10 meters high. That's why you are considered a dwarf with a 2 meters tall female avie. The whole thing is outta proportion because LL was amateurish and lazy and refused to switch to a bettter, more conform, system. There are so many things totally wrong in SL, even the whole world is off. Most non-vehicle users may not know it but North in worldmap and minimap is actually at 90°. WTF???
  14. my fate as been sealed No, it isn't. You can switch from girl to boy 100 times a day if you wanna. Or be a tiny, a furry, a drow, a dinosaur, an airship, a car, a .... heck you can be anything you wanna be. BTW, why you had to uninstall the viewer (not the game) from your computer kinda escapes me. You'll never have the virtual world SL on your computer, not even your own inventory. It's all stored on LL's asset servers and it'll be there through various viewer, sex, species changes. Only thing that is your own is the viewer and your personal settings. The viewer is like your internet browser, nothing but a tool to navigate your avie through the virtuality.
  15. 1) using the public wifi spot of a library is not the best choice of connecting to SL. Maybe SL is blocked by the library's network admin. Also most probably the library doesn't have enough bandwith or other technical problems. And going wifi isn't a wise move in any way. 2) it doesn't really matter with what browser you're downloading the installation files for your viewer. After downloading the installation files you close the Browser anyway, no?
  16. I always love the smug attitude of Linux users about Viruses. Kind of similar to the attitude Mac users used to have. Thx for calling me smug and not just stupid cow, I appreciate that. :heart: Yes, I know there are viruses for Linux, exactly 47 at the last count. But even those few won't make it into the system, so we just shrug 'em off. But similar attitude to Mac users? No no no!!! These wannabe linuxers are not on the same level in so many points. I consider them sheeples falling for a closed restrictive system. They are in fact the nemesis of the Linux/GNU and open source philosophy. :smileymad: Worse than MIcrosoft. At least on my Win system I could run a lot of open source software, so much that Win7 was the only surviving commercial piece of software on my computer. Was just a logical step to get rid of it as well. :smileyvery-happy:
  17. I was always happy with the free Avira, enjoyed the placebo security of modern up to date virus scanners. Now I switched to Linux and don't have to worry about annoying stuff like that anymore. Really have better uses for my small bandwith.
  18. Orca probably got it - in the end. \o/ YAY! Me gotz it!!! \o/ Just read your OP in full for the first time, was too excited earlier and just looked for collaborations, not a butterfly effect.
  19. Peepels, pay attention! :smileyindifferent: She could login just fine with an alt, so it's not her hard/software or a connection problem. Must be a corrupted avie.
  20. Hi Jacky, for more educated guesses by the techie guys here we need more info. You don't neeed to be logged in world to get these figures. On your login page just clicker on Help --> About [your viewer]. Copy/paste the whole stuffz and post it with your question. For example mine looks like this: Singularity Viewer 1.8.1 (4863) Aug 12 2013 18:27:50 (Singularity) Release Notes Grid: Second Life Built with GCC version 40405 CPU: Intel® Core i5 CPU 650 @ 3.20GHz (1197 MHz) Memory: 7917 MB OS Version: Linux 3.8.0-19-generic #29-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 17 18:16:28 UTC 2013 x86_64 Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 260/PCIe/SSE2 OpenGL Version: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 313.30 Viewer SSE Version: SSE2 libcurl Version: libcurl/7.24.0 OpenSSL/1.0.0g zlib/1.2.6 c-ares/1.7.5 libidn/1.25 J2C Decoder Version: OpenJPEG: 1.5.2 Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.18 Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded) Most of that stuff is just blahblah for me but the more tech-oriented boys'n gurlz around here can tell you kinda exactly what's wrong with you. :smileyhappy: Also, did you conduct a speedtest.net (to Dallas/TX, USA)? Are you plugged into your router/modem? Are all your drivers up to date? Does your PC meet the requirements? Log in on a Linden ocean sim with not much traffic. Hahne, Hepurn or so. Might keep you alive for longer than when you log into a fancy shopping mall/club/RP area.
  21. Britpop? Who the hell are you talking about? Well, you started with Snow Patrol, and they are Irish/Scottish, so very much britpop if you ask me. :smileyhappy: But we'll cut you some slack for the incongruity of the mashup you have offered. What I have offered was the first musically good link in this thread. :smileytongue:
  22. Sorry, Narcissa, but nowehere in your hardware list was a gpu mentioned, so I just assumed you're operating on the onboard graphics chip. .............. oh my, I'm blind, just seeeing it now. :smileysurprised:
  23. Sounds to me like a connectivity problem. Did you do a speedtest or a tracert? Did you notice anything weird in normal internet surfing? Restart your modem, don't use wireless ... are often the simplest solutions.
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