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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. I highly doubt that it's the video card. But it is! GPUs are known for producing weird electrical, whining, whirring noises when under load, must'nt even be the fans but their innards can do it as well. Not much you can do about it but bringing the card back to the shop and ask for replacement. They might laugh at you and declare those noises as inside the tolerances and perfecly normal tho.
  2. Graphic card model numbers need some explanation for those of us who aren't into graphic cards **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyhappy:" title="Smiley Happy" /> Phil, it's actually very easy with NVIDIA: The old cards with 4 digits aren't available anymore. And back then a 9xxxx was better than a 8xxxx. Placing the 6800 of the OP right at the bottom of the food chain. Basically it hasn't changed with the 3 digit models. First digit is the generation of the card, so my 2xx is older than a 7xx from the latest generation. And although the newer generations are leaps and bounds better than the older ones it's the second digit that makes all the difference when you're on the market for a new card right now. Your 520 is very low at the bottom, while a 580 is very high up. But you won't get any of them from the stores anymore anyway. Another indicator are the letters in front. GT are the general use office and multimedia cards while GTX are speced for gamers. The changeover from GT to GTX happenedat the x6x traditionally. Lately they changed that again, I guess in the latest generation you get a GTX 750. Also they came up with some more stuff to confuse us even more, the Ti models. But that's kinda bs, since a standard 760 still beats a fancy 750 Ti. So if I was on the lookout for a new NVIDIA card I'd not look for anything that's at least a GTX 760. In the end it's actually even simpler: more expensive = more better! :smileyhappy:
  3. Zacly Kelli! Avi legs tend to be supernaturally long. I just reduced my leg length lately to 50% and they are still very long by all standards. Now according to the height-o-meter in Appearance (which is a lie, I know) I'm 1.66 meters tall, which is 12 cm (more than 4") shorter than my RL body. I love being small in SL, looks much more natural when using vehicles :smileyhappy: The best thing about using the legs slider is that you don't need to worry about all your other measurements.
  4. Free yourself from those evil clowns at Google and install a proper Linux, of which Chrome OS is just the little **bleep** brother anyway. For starters I can highly recommend Linux Mint with Cinnamon desktop. Using it myself with no problems ... and I'm the most ungeeky user ever.
  5. fork it in your own direction. You telling me to fork off? :smileysurprised: Language, young man! Watch your language. :smileymad: :smileytongue::smileyhappy:
  6. Uh, you guys know probably that Red Hat is at least partially owned by Microsoft, do ya? And Red Hat is the driving force behind Gnome3. If I was a sarcastic girl I'd say MS is using the Red Hat guys as double agents to destroy Linux from the inside. But I'm not that sarcastic so I shall shut my trap now.
  7. “We migrated key functions from Windows to Linux because we needed an operating system that was stable and reliable.” We can only hope and pray they didn't decide on Ubuntu, Red Hat or anything using Gnome 3 for that matter. They are giving Linux a bad name with their unstable, unlogical crap **bleep** so called operating systems. :smileymad: /me just remembers she's on Cinnamon herself, that goodlooking Gnome3 **bleep**. :smileysurprised: But I'm an ungeeky housewife so I'm forgiven for any bad decisions I may take, ain't I?
  8. Singularity viewer is 64-bit. No problem, when using a 64-bit Linux.
  9. LOL, just hada look at your Flickr as well and I guess I know why she asked. :smileyvery-happy: Honestly now, without trying to hurt your feelings but these photos and the avi look as if they were made in 2003. No atmo, bad photosourcing, system clothing ...
  10. Yes, the facts and statistics are on your side, Kwakkelde, but why would ignoring them be stupid? I'm looking for a computer that fits my needs, as minor as they may be in the greater scheme of the worldwide market. I start worrying about the market once there are no parts be developed anymore or available for purchase. Maybe once we're all back on glorified sexy pocket calculators I shall stop my SL hobby and go back to mom 'n' dad computing (checking email, buying stuff off amazon). As SL users we're a small minority in the first place, in my eyes it's a technological wonder that it's possible at all. The machinery needed to populate SL could be a PC big as a trunk, it would still amaze me. Now we can obviously play SL even on laptops, even on weak ones. And now slowly even on tablets. But why should we? Trading in all the functionality and immersiveness just so we can bragg about our sexy tablets? SL might be a 3D chatroom for many and they might be happy with Lumiya or tablet solutions, but that's not what the developers had in mind, that's not what most active communities have in mind. I could spend days without chatting (if my friends would let me) and just test boats, explore the grid, ride my bikes, do photos for my bloggy. I definately need some oomph from my hardware. As do most of the RPers and vehicle users need it as well. Why should I or my friends in the community spend a thought on all those losers who hang out at n00b hubs and trying to look cool? Why should anyone care about ppl who log in once a week for 5 minutes and want to run their reduced experience on a cellphone or tablet? I don't need a consumer's device. I need a beast that gets me around in SL and gives me even enough power to sometimes be creative. To make it short: I'd rather leave SL for good than scaling down!
  11. Oh **bleep**, now I made a quite long post about all the points where you are totally wrong and misguided about me and my intentions. Took abviously too long to take your confused post apart so I was timed out and my message disappeared. Well, in the end it all boils down to this conflict, as documented in the PBS doccie here. So, all I wanna ask you is to stay cool and refrain from further personal attacks against me. We're only discussing technical gadgets and their use for SL. Just some weighing of pro and contra. No need to question the integrity of an obviously much older and more seasoned and reasoned and resourceful woman. Oh, and get your definitions straight: Productive information, snippy, insinuating, gaming, ignorance, dying hardware and purchase decisions, complaining, whining, derailing of threads, trolling, useless banter, interest, discrediting, editing of posts. You're completely wrong on all those points. Fact is you started the thread with an attack, a slap in the face of 99% of SL residents. And now you're being aggressive because somebody (me) rained on your parade. Again: I'm happy for you if you found your dream machine and are happy with it. But your way of playing SL isn't the way of the majority, far from. What's so wrong with sitting down and concentrating on a nicely displayed SL on a big screen, without too much lag. Not everybody is done with their SL business in a matter of 5 minutes, during a bus ride or something. Why should we go out and catch a bus when we have our own cars? And why should I connect to SL while riding that bus? And why can't I just sit in the park and drink a beer instead of playing with my tech gadgets? Being available and online all the time? That's the detrimental sort of multitasking, the one we should avoid at all costs. Anyway, I wish you much fun with your Razer Pro. Oh, did you know that Razer is a gaming hardware manufacturer? They obviously noticed that tablets are selling very good these days and are trying to get a cut of the market. About the long term sustainability of a gaming specced tablet we have to decide later. PS: have you seen who posted that video about gaming with the surface pro? A youtuber or group of youtubers going by the name of "MIcrosoft Fanboys". LOL. Some people.
  12. I think I'll be just fine, just like all the other computers I've ever owned which had an integrated video card that lasted years. Yes, of course you'll be fine. My oldest still functional computer is a lappy from 2006, also with integrated graphics chip. And it's still going strong. I just won't play SL on it since the picture is too crappy, the fps is terribly bad and the fan is rotating on full speed. Apart from that it's still good for a couple more years. Haters are always going to hate. Aggro much? Else why would you totally ignore anything I said that sooooo won't make me a hater? Don't like reasoning? You must either be very young (say college or high school) or very old and haven't learned a thing. Anyhoo, I see a generation conflict in the making here I see no need to continue this discussion it's already gone. Fortunately it's not on biased self-important, overly self-assured people like you to decide if a discussion is over. There's a reason why LL decided nobody, not even the OP, can close/delete a thread. They leave that for their automaton/sock puppet mods.
  13. Seriously? A 2006 dual core, as found in my old computer is just as good as my one year old 3770k which is benchmarked a full ten times higher? Nonsense and you know it. Of course the latest GPUs are better, much better, than the old ones. But procis are not the bottleneck in SL. My 2006 dual core 1st gen would run SL just fine if I had more fancy graphics in that old lappy. If you don't use any of the fancy shaders, a simple GPU, including a HD4000 should perform just fine. Read the thread about the tablet thing for example. I wouldn't want to enter a club with one of those, but then again I don't want to do that in the first place. That's basically what I told him. HD4000 will work, just not satisfyingly. And of course I use the fancy shaders. If you do something you can as well do it right. Depends on what's the bottleneck in system performance. Higher resolution, higher VRAM use. HD would be twice the amount of pixels. I agree it's not as significant as gpu or cpu. It's a friggin laptop! A latptop!!! The resolution on these things is set by the panel maker, won't make much sense to fiddle with it. That's why I said his res is insignificant. And thank you, I was part of the tablet discussion.
  14. Oh yes, my 3rd point may have gotten a bit off-topic. But the rest are still game stoppers when it comes to SL. I don't wanna see your MIcrosoft tablet in about half a year, once you fried the integrated, not dedicated, graphics chip. Game over.
  15. Actually there is a touch keyboard. Pairing the physical bluetooth keyboard and mouse took less then 30 seconds, also, and totally isn't required. Wotz dat? Do I need all that technical stuffz? Touch keyboard? Doesn't give me enough feedback, bad for extended typing. And I don't have a single Bluetooth enabled item, what's that good for? But you're going to hate on the tablet no matter what judging from your response. **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyhappy:" title="Smiley Happy" /> No. I was even thinking about getting a tablet for quick internet access. But the decided against it since I really don't have a use for it. I don't even carry a cellphone when I leave the house. Not everybody needs to walk around with ultra graphics on. I certainly don't feel the need to go buy a top of the line gaming system merely to see prettier pixels in Second Life. You said it yourself: different strokes for different folks. WhenI log into world I wanna get the best of it. No unnecéssary compromises for me. Just because it doesn't work for you doesn't mean it doesn't work for other people. Different strokes for different folks. Yesyes. And most folks, if they are hardcore SL users, have absolutely no stroke for tablets. And why would a person want to use SL on the move? Being able to provide adequate customer service if you're a creator is a pretty good reason. **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyhappy:" title="Smiley Happy" /> Could do that from their cellphone as well. Going on a long trip to see family? Sure beats lugging around a laptop and all it's accessories. No, it doesn't. Since I only have it stowed somewhere in my luggage and only unpack it again once I reached my family I prefer my good old and trusted lappy. And guess what, we usually even lug two of those around with us. If you don't like it don't buy it, and open the window for some fresh air while you're sitting at your computer spending hours on end in world. **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyhappy:" title="Smiley Happy" /> I decided to not like it, so I didn't buy it. Simple as that. And no worries, my windows are almost always open here in sunny Africa, so I get some fresh sea breeze all the time. Wonderful. I think there's a time for everything. A time for travel and a time for computing. Sorry, I don't mix them up.
  16. I'm on the Alpha version 1.8.0 (4623) for Linux 64-bit and didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Works like a charme. But your problem sounds like some graphics driver issue.
  17. I'm using a Linux laptop with these hardware specs: Oh my. Please don't tell me you bought a Linux laptop, one specifically made for Linux. :smileysurprised: These things, as offered by System 76 and similar con artists suppliers, are major rip-offs. Modern Linuxes are designed to run on all kind of crappy, outdated hardware. It's no rocket science putting some hardware into a laptop barebone, calling it "Made for Linux" and slapping a higher pricetag on it. Why are ppl still falling for that old trick? We have different Linuxes running on my desktop and 3 laptops. None of them was specifically built with Linux in mind. And guess what, no hardware incompatibilities at all. OS: Fedora 18 (64-bit) Congrats. I'm using a 64-bit Linux as well (Mint Debian, Cinnamon desktop) and it's such a good OS and feels good to be finally rid of commercial crap. CPU: Intel® Core™ i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz × 4 That's cool although not important for SL. Any halfways modern proci (built after 2006) should do the trick. GPU: Intel® Ivybridge Mobile Huh? That's your GPU??? Let me hazard a guess: you're either on Intel HD 3000 or 4000. Hardly sufficient to run SL in a satisfying way but should work just so-so in a very limited way. Resolution: 1366x768 Insignificant.
  18. many of the newer systems today are completely overkill hardware wise for a game that's a decade old. WRONG! SL might be losely based on game dynamics from a decade ago BUT ... - SL isn't a game but a virtual world. That's a huge difference. SL has to deal with everchanging content which is fully made by amateurs. - Contrary to the basic game SL is developing forward. Okay, I gotta admit even your tablet is more powerfullerer than the typical gaming PC from 2003 but even the most powerful hadware of nowadays struggles to keep up with SL's demands. And when I look at your graphics settings in pic 2, well, they are not that impressive. DD 128 meters, no shadows, only static reflections in water ... pfff. - Tablets are useless for most SL users for an entirely different reason, a more philosophical one: why use SL on the move anyway? Most of us are sitting at home and spending hours on end in world, we're not riding the bus/metro. And when we do we have better things to do than staring at a small screen, for example we can look out the window and enjoy the real world. Also most of us need a keyboard and a mouse, things you gotta extra set up for your tablet and with that you're neglecting its most important feature: the mobility. Most people I know in SL are past 40, some of my friends are already in their 70s. We don't live in dorms, we have spacious housing, we have money, we have time. What we don't have is patience with the latest gadgety things. Little protip for better visibility in photos: switch to midday (ctrl+shift+y). Oh, can't do it since you don't have a keyboard? Sorry. :matte-motes-evil-invert:
  19. -Intel HD Graphics 3000 That's the culprit. No question! Also it could be a lossy wireless or otherwise lame internet connection.
  20. And you think LL cares why? Ever since Nicholaz brought out his first TPV in 2007 or so, all LL viewers are useless. And since V2 they are downright negative, destructive forces for the SL world. Please, go ahead and download a TPV. Any TPV will be better and more satisfying than LL's own. The avatar loading improvements have nothing to do with your viewer. SSA (Project Sunshine) will improve the rendering on all enabled viewers.
  21. My computer and graphics card are both very powerful but -- I have an ATI card. That is the problem. Not necessarily. There are many many ppl on ATI/AMD who are very happy with their cards. As long as you always keep your drivers up to date and have a fairly decent card from AMD's lineup all should be cool. I have had nothing but Macs at home for 25 yrs, way too late to change :-) Fair enough. I'm also slow to adapt to new systems, guess why I'm on Singularity. I just couldn't get my mind bent around V2/V3 GUIs. But an OS is a different thing. We hardly ever see it and most of us use it only to open their applications and save files, so I couldn't care less what system is working below that. Was no problem at all switching from Win95 to Mac OS 9.1 and back to Win XP and Win7. Was also absolutely no problem switching to Linux. In my eyes it's all kinda the same and pretty uninteresting anyway. Particularly a Linux desktop like Cinnamon should be right up every Mac user's alley. It's simple and elegant and supermodern if you want but can also look very cluttered and confusing like a badly managed Windows. It's all up to the single user.
  22. and you know this how? Spy satellite. And rewatching the whole BBC Sherlock series, which obviously had an effect on my smugness.
  23. Orca and others please stop with the Mac bashing. American much? I hardly know any ppl who are so quick to feel insulted and irritated and using completely inappropriate terms to vend. "Bashing" is a kinda harsh description for a friendly remark. I never intended to bash Apple or Mac. If I really wanted to bash something I'd have used different words. And who do you mean with "and others", are there more Mac bashers in this thread? Maybe you wanna send in the army and invade open source land? Yes, I'm a Linux person, but was a Windows person and even a Mac person before. Loved that funny egg of an iMac until it spent more time in repair than on my desk. Anyway, I never much cared what system I was using. That was until I gained some political awareness. Did you know that AppleOS is based on Open BSD, a Unix derivate and close brother of Linux? All Steve Jobs did was making it shiny and close the code of his variant, so that people need to actually pay money for something that is basically free. And who says open source users are permanently tinkering with their software? I never do, I just install the system and it works right outta the box. And when I need some specialist software I go to the software manager and install the stuff I need with a single mouseclick. Add to that the total absence of any voodoo magical wonderprograms just to keep my system happy, as we know them from the Windows ppl: Antivirus? Registry cleaner? Defragger? Speed up? No need for all that chit. I don't even have a firewall, how's that? Also there is no need to build your own box, how do you got that idea? I just recommend to DIY in order to save money and to get your dream machine, not the prefabs with all their compromises and preinstalled bloatware. In fact I'd recommend Linux particularly for non-tinkerers, for mom 'n' dad, for the elderly, for the clueless (like me), for all those who just need a working system which never needs any maintenance. Actually Linux is for everyone! And for all those who can live without your misinformation and capitalist propaganda.
  24. Do you know more regarding this? I know there is no water on mars. So what for could you possibly need a swim HUD?
  25. i think that is awesome where can i go to do that ,,can you please let me know i would love to expierence that. Destiny, I gather from your post that you're a farly new user. so answering your question would fill books since we don't know your knowledge level. Where you can do "that" is basically everywhere where rezzing is permitted. You rezz a bike, a boat, a plane, a heli, a bicycle or whatever you want, jump on and off you go. For land based transport I'd suggest any of the many Linden Routes. They have rez areas at the end points and mostly at intersections as well. You'll find Linden Routes at all mainland continents. That's what I would suggest anyway, staying at the continents, not using private estates in the beginning. If you wanna rez a boat your best start would be Linden owned open ocean like the Blake Sea for example. There you may rezz in all NE sim corners. For flying there are many airports in SL, which you may use if you can't find an open rez sport. Now to avoid your head from spinning, open the worldmap in your viewer and zoom far out. Then you'll see where the main continents are, compared to the private islands and estates.
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