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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. I'm an avid vehicle user, not because I need to go anywhere but because I want. I've crossed and explored most continents with various bikes and some of the smaller landmasses I cirumnavigated (or at least tried to) with sailboats. Some of my Ridin' stories you can find in my blogthingie. It's fun as long as you don't do it too fast and don't run into banlines or full parcels.
  2. I just logged in with the new FS and the flashing was so extreme I had to log out. That sounds pretty much like your GPU just can't cope with your settings, Pamela, nothing viewer related. My advice ... wait, you don't really wanna hear it, so better close your eyes roundabout in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... now: Get a more spunky computer and stay away from Apple products next time. A pc, capable of running SL on high graphics, mustn't cost the world if you can live without the Apple logo.
  3. "family owned" Friends of the Italian opera? La familia? That organisation which name we don't dare to speak?
  4. Hmm...maybe that's why my textures are rebaking every few seconds. Sorry, no. :smileysad: I'm not an expert but that sounds to me like you're having internet trubbels. I have it quite often as well and it's always happening when my internet is generally slower than usual, for example when my ISP has to reroute trafffic over secondary lines after a cable break or so. Please go to speedtest.net and do a local test and one to Dallas/Tx, USA and see if you're getting the speed your provider promised you.
  5. I LOVE Firestorm but she is being a brat right now.. sigh. A girl won't become the head honcho of a project run 99% by socially handicapped nerd guys when she plays the nice girl all the time. You gotta be a real **bleep** to get there in the first place. And I mean **bleep** in the most positive way. In that TV interview (can't find the url right now) I found her very nice, accessible and open. But all that doesn't matter; Jessica Lyon could be the meanest meanie in the world, it still won't matter. Why? Because she knows her stuffz inside out and she surely knows what she's talking about. Only that counts, for when Jessica says DON'T CLEAR CACHE I tend to believe her and not a bunch of wannabe experts in some forum.
  6. Why is everybody so keen on using AdBlock +? Is that little + sign so strong and makes you feel you actually get better and more from your adblocker? Just install the good old honest AdBlock without the + and be rid of all the shady deals behind closed doors. AFAIK the developers of AdBlock are earnest and good open source advocates and not taking any bribes.
  7. Thx Treasure. I'm over it by now, so I don't go to the memorial park to grieve but just to remember her in peace and silence.
  8. Yes Wolf, ISP bleepups are lways a possibility, I experience them twice daily. But from the OP there was nothing hinting on bad internet overall.
  9. It's Tuesday, Eric. Rollout time. Also LL is applying their Project Sunshine right now, so expect some weird behaviour on server side.
  10. My older sister was taken by cancer in 2006. When I want to spend some time alone with her I like to visit the Linden Memorial Park off the north shore of Corsica continent. It's a beautiful and tasteful setup. I sometimes do it in connection with a lengthy sailing trip from my home on Nautilus, which sets me in the right mood. It's maybe not what the OP had in mind as I dunno if there is any "therapy group" or stuff but I find it helpful for myself as I don't really wanna talk in those moments anyway. I'll have a silent discussion with my sister while I wander along all the gravestones and memorials. And then it's time to jump on my boat, go fight with banlines and laggy sims and sail back into the HOO! and YAY! of SL.
  11. Invest in a PC with the better components at lower prices. Think modular and D.I.Y. , Ricky40. Zacly! That was the best answer in this thread. Do some market research, collect all the parts from the cheapest supplier, get a pretty case and stick it all together. Building a computer from scratch is like Lego and not half as complicated as building a house in SL. You'll probably save some bucks, don't have to live with compromises and the result is your very own and individual compi. We're not talking rocket science here. Then install any OS you like ... *cough* linux *cough cough* ... and be happy ever after :matte-motes-nerdy:
  12. I'm still a n00b on Linux but as far as I know the original LL viewer only runs on 32bit Linuxes. Try it with another viewer like FS or Sing and see if that works for you.
  13. I'm guessing that those who started out later were exposed to those skins right away and just don't experience them as freakish the way I do, having joined earlier. Exactly. When I met the first creator of photorealistic skins and they showed me a demo I was like WTF? I couldn't see any difference to my freebie skin at all. Was on a 12" subnotebook with integrated Intel graphics then, we didn't have windlight or anything posh in SL in the first place. All skins of all creators looked exactly the same for me, except the makeup. And paying like 3000 L$ just because some salesppl told me their skin looks so much nicer??? I said thanks but no, thanks. Only later, in 2008, when I got a better lappy with some graphic ooomph I found out about all the small details that make a good skin. And since then I'm buying new skins every now and then, when I'm bored. What I think makes the biggest difference in avi appearance are hairs tho and I buy more hair than clothes. I seem to be trendy since women hairs are the most purchased items in SL. BTW, I still don't have a photorealistic skin since I don't need pores, wrinkles, freckles and blemishes (got more than enough of those in RL). And titty enhancers, mesh hands and feet and now mesh heads? OMG, never!!! That's not my idea of going light and lag-free and needs too much attention on my avie. It's what Orca does in world, not how she looks like, what makes SL interesting for me.
  14. It doesn't really matter anymore from what kinda box you're running SL these days. Macs are just posh PCs with supposedly better build quality. So if hardware doesn't make a big difference it all boils down to the OS. And for OS I prefer a Linux over the MacOS and Windows. In terms of hardware upgradeability I'd never buy a Mac since they are very restricted when it comes to swapping out parts. Not that important if you go for a laptop (you toss those in the bin after 3 years anyway) and desktops. But if you opt for an odd-shaped machine like iMac or those miniMac thingies you're trapped.
  15. Are these your specs? AMD E-1-1200, 1.40GHz, 4GB, 500GB, 8x SuperMulti DVD Burner, Wireless, Webcam, AMD Radeion HD 7310 Graphics I am not computer literate. Yes, we know. If you were you wouldn't have wasted your money on crap like that, sorry to say. :smileysad: The proci is very slow and the graphics chip is of the lowest standard and hardly able to run any games at all. It's not a dedicated card and takes its memory from your system RAM. Not the best conditions to run a powerhungry application like SL. No wonder the bouncers won't let you in.
  16. CoolVL or Singularity...which in my opinion are inferior viewers, along with LL's own viewer. Right, the LL viewer is crappola, I don't like Cool neither ... but what's so inferior about Singularity? It's sporting the best GUI ever, doesn't confuse you with a lot of unlogical windows and boxes and is the fastest rezzer and the most uncrashy viewer of them all. At least on my system it's working perfectly. Sing is also the weapon of choice for most vehicle users and RPers and oldbies. Sometimes I use FS, but only in Phoenix mode. I'd be lost on a V3 viewer, it would take all the fun out of SL.
  17. there are always a hundred and one more important things on the todo list ... like hanging out in this lame forum for example! :matte-motes-evil:
  18. Hm, this might be a stupid recommendation but what about shutting the AO off and just be on the standard SL anim? It's not fidgety at all and looks pretty natural until you start walking.:smileyindifferent:
  19. I like Singularity...I guess that means I have a fetish as I KNOW I'm not a 'Fanboi' Don't worry about it, Summer, for I share your fetish. Maybe we should open a fetish club ... although ... hang on, wait a second ... it might be misunderstood.
  20. I think everybody who wants their peace and quiet should first and foremost install the DoNotTrackMe add-on. It's such a wonderful and enlightening tool. It places a little cookie symbol in your navigation toolbar and every time someone is tracking your activities the cookie explodes! :smileytongue: What a nifty little tool. And it's so rewarding to see all those uninvited sniffers go BOOM :matte-motes-evil: and POOF from your system. The first days are really hectic and funny, my cookie exploded all the time while it flushed a lot of those vampires from my system with a funny little 'sploding anim. You'll see a lot of more than shady advertising and spying companies you've never heard of and never invited to your house. But it doesn't matter since they all get a punch on their noses. Feeling like a real hacker and totally geekish right now. :matte-motes-nerdy: Hey feckers, I'm claiming my hardware back! This is my computer, my data and my privacy, Not yours. Also, slightly off topic, y'all should not walk but run away from Microsoft and Apple softwares and install a Linux OS on your computers. I just recently decided to not be a whimp anymore and don't even have Windows as dual boot option. I guess that alone saves me from a lot of grievance. No need to clean your registry, have a anti-virus software or a firewall installed or doing any other voodoo magic tricks anymore. All my hardware is lean and clean now, nearly indestructible, faster and less resource hungry. A lightweight Linux distro will also work wonders on your older hardware. Got that terribly outdated laptop you want to kick in the bin? Don't! Install a Puppy Linux and see your craptop turning into Schwarzenegger's little brother. It really is that good.
  21. If you could just contain your "Uebermenschliches allzumenschliches" Huh? Wotz dat sposed to mean? as a so-called anarchistic socialist That's nonsense in itself. There is nothing like an anarchistic socialist. In fact socialism is exactly the antianarchistic way of organizing a society and a economy. and actually stick to facts instead of opinions that heavily bear on personal arrogance So because I'm arrogant (guilty as charged) I can't stick to facts? Maybe it's my knowledge of facts and my logical way of thinking that make me so arrogant. and the rejection of the well being of others, you'd have a point. And because I don't care psycologically for the wellbeing of others I don't have a point??? Woah, you're showing a very selective and narrow-minded way of discussing, don't you think? I don't reject the wellbeing of others, I'm very much for everybody's wellbeing. Socialist, remember? But if everybody is supposed to be well but some people are still whining about nothing my sympathy for them and their imaginative cause is on a minimum level. I betcha that half of the guys shouting they can't afford a new PC have bigger houses and much better cars, even a TV, a brandnew microwave, better clothes, maybe even kids. So why should I be overly concerned about their wellbeing? You're not being attacked at all. You are being confronted with your own postings and opinions. No. If Trin had opted to confront me she had brought up some counter-arguments instead opting for a 87% emotionally criticism of my language and my alleged state of mind. And this one's for brevity's sake. Oh, I didn't know that. Doesn't matter, since I'm not a religious person and also in the modern world there is very much a difference in meaning between the two sayings. When I say "so be it" it means "I can't help It so I leave it alone". I surely don't mean "yes, father!"
  22. I'm also using adblock (sans the +) 2.2.4 and have no probs with any ads. Works like a charme with Firefox under Linux. I hear the makers of adblock+ are allowing certain ads to show up which kinda negates the initial reason for installing an adblocker in the first place.
  23. Oh jeeze, another useless discussion. :smileysad: Let's make it short. You misunderstood my postings all the time so I won't go into depths and won't try to clarify my POV again. But let's just say I'm not avoiding reasoning for reason is the main point of my being here. And I care very much about what everyboidy else thinks or says ... if they have reason on their side instead of diffuse, unreliable and often illogical emotions. Believe it or not, I stopped caring ... until I stumble about personal attacks against my person. Then I need to set the record straight. I can take a lot of abuse but what I just can't stand are false accusations. I'm always kinda disappointed in how weak all those attacks are. I'm so imperfect and weak myself and leave a lot of room for attacks on me. But people are always jumping at the wrong target. And I don't believe in the survival of the technologically fittest, it's just a cold fact I learned to accept. What that got to do with academics will probably forever remain your secret. "So be it" doesn't equal "Amen". Maybe it needs more of empathy and not just semantics to know the difference between an "I'm not really happy but please go ahead" and a positively joyful glee. You find my way of posting unsympathetic? I think I'm doing quite well with my very limited vocabulary ... but go ahead, mix and mismatch opinions and think of me whatever you want.
  24. Then it also should be noted and written, that there's no superior quality to your moist flatulent lack of sympathy, which you apparantly confuse with lack of empathy. **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_robot-tongue.gif" border="0" alt=":robottongue:" title="Robot tongue" /> No, wrong. I can write books about the difference. But it's true I don't feel much sympathy for others. Not in the forum, since I hardly know anyone posting here. And the forum is the wrong place for sympathy anyway. But I can offer some empathy as far as opinions expressed in the forum go. Can I get an "Amen!" ? **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_robot-indifferent.gif" border="0" alt=":robotindifferent:" title="Robot Indifferent" /> No.
  25. I wont waste more time discussing with you... You think your way is far superior, that s great for you ! You didn't see that smiley did you? And for your information, i dont use to positionate myself as superior or inferior of others.. its not the way i work... i keep thinking ppl on a equality basis but just with different history, pov etc.... That's too bad. Didn't you know ppl aren't equal in all matters? Maybe in SL I am in fact superior to some others, also in academics. But I'm far inferior when it comes to other stuff. I'm a sloppy housewife, a lousy lover, a bad builder, a tasteless dresser, a reckless driver, a bad cook ... I really dont mind you think im agressive or stupid or whatever else... this is not a problem for me, since i am not and the more you display from you, the less im interested about what you can think about me... Good. Now you're finally talking with some sense. My job here is almost done. But if you enjoy hierarchy, pls do ! This is not my cup of tea, sorry, im anarchist.... Cool, I'm an anarchist as well. But since anarchy doesn't work when humans are involved I settled for the next best thing and became a socialist instead. The fact ill keep answering everytime that i ll think you or any other one is unfairly insulting other ppl, has nothing to see with you. Luckily I only insult bad and/ or stupid persons. And Texans for that matter. It's one of my many pet peeves ... enjoy your "superior" day ! :matte-motes-inlove: Thank you! :matte-motes-kiss:
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