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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. that for many users it's not so much a question of ignoring (or not believing in) the upcoming SSB change and its consequences, but of limited options regarding a viewer change -be it due to limited hardware, too unfamiliar UI, or both. Weird argument, and yet so correct. When LL first introduced their DOA Viewer 2 the sceptics among us received nothing but hate and belittlement. And that V2 was a huge step backwards in regards of performance and usability. Now that only the code is changing but nothing in terms of your favourite UI we suddenly show understanding for the afraid and uninformed sceptics? Why o why? Afaik nothing will change for the users. There is nothing to fear. I guess to keep one's equipment fairly up to date isn't asked too much of the modern internet citizen, or is it?
  2. All you can do is AR the offenders individually.
  3. bad wireless, drawdistance, graphic settings, to high bandwidth in the settings, and of course low end graphic cards will never give you full capabilities for viewing sl. Eggzackerly! Also the hint not to clear cache was correct as well. Once you've cleared it your PC needs to fill it up again = slooooow! Even Jessica Lyon (head chief mistress of Phoenix/Firestorm) says so. In fact your cache acts like a swimming pool with steady running water supply. Once the pool is full the oldest items get purged to make space for new graphics. No need to purge it completely by yourself. Best way to speed up the rezzing would be to find a good balance of your bandwith speed. Optimal is 1/10 of your actual bandwith. For example if speedtest.net tells you you're on 10 Mbit, set bandwith in Preferences to 1000.
  4. Like I say I don't want shadows on 24/7 just for taking pictures and stuff then I'd turn them off. For photos both cards should do. Shadows will get your fps down when you're not on a superduper connection and live on the US westcoast anyway. Still the 7xxx card is preferable to the 6xxx. So paying 349 instead of settling for the 299 is a good choice. Of course you'd save some money if you'd get the parts and then build the machine yourself. It's not much more complicated to build than the Lego police station. But in that price range who cares anyway? So just go for it and enjoy while it lasts. Oh, wait a moment ... hang on. That seller seems like a small basement builder, so you won't get much of a warantee but on the plus side he should be pretty flexible so if you just contact him and tell him you want a nVidia GTX 660 instead of the ATI crap he should be able to swap it out for you.
  5. From the same guy comes this one: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SUPER-FAST-Quad-Core-4-0GHz-Gaming-PC-8GB-1TB-AMD-RADEON-HD7750-Desktop-Computer/200913656071?rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222002%26algo%3DSIC.FIT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D74%26meid%3D8509725572891981876%26pid%3D100005%26prg%3D1152%26rk%3D3%26sd%3D321127744002%26 I don't know much about AMD/ATI but the 7xxx series is newer/better than the 6xxx so I guess it would make sense to up your budget around 50 pounds. Processor isn't important. 2, 4 or a dozen cores won't help you at all in SL.
  6. Bring your RL hobby to SL! I guess it's fun for you, else you wouldn't do it in RL. :smileyhappy: You like driving/biking? Many bikes and cars free on marketplace. You like boating? Many free sailboats available at TYC in Dex. You like exploring? Heck, there's a whole big grid out there waiting to be explored by you. You like the arts? Many many galleries in SL. Also discussion groups about just anything you can imagine. You like sex? Oh my gaawd, I won't even start to count all the pick-up places. :smileyindifferent: So, I guess the best way to start is the search function in your viewer, then go to groups and look for the right ones that meet your interests ... join and start chatting. :smileyvery-happy:
  7. Still confused as to the 9000 series vs. the 640+ ones. AFAIK the timeline of nVidia cards is somehow like that: 8xxx, 9xxx, 2xx, 4xx, 5xx, 6xx, 7xx series. the higher the number behind the first number, the better the card. So it's like 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and GTX is better than GT. Lately nVidia adds to the confusion with Ti and boost versions, but they won't mess with the number system. A plain GTX 660 is still better than a 650 on steroids.
  8. SL isn't a game and has no objectives. Be nice, be happy, be an @$$, be unhappy, be honest, be a liar ... just be what you are in RL and you'll have roundabout the same experience. Be nice or useful or wise and you make friends. Be a republican and everybody hates you. All is fine and realistic and not a game at all.
  9. I met a real newbie recently who was really struggling to learn just how to walk and control the camera, etc. Really? I mean it's not nice from LL to abandon the orientation islands and all the newbie stuff we first had to go through when I was born in 07 but struggling to walk? 4 arrow keys is all it takes. I've never played any computer games before I found SL but moving my avie around I found pretty natural and logical. If he struggles with that then he should have problems switching the computer on or writing his own name.
  10. I save my pics to my PC by default. That way I can snap as many as I want without paying any upload fee. And only the best ones will be uploaded in world ... if any.
  11. The 7xx series is like totally new so not many people have seen or heard about those cards yet. Will they be better than the 6xx cards? Obviously. Will they be so much better to justify the higher price? Questionable.
  12. Hey Aarla, don't let them naysayers derive you from your chosen course. Just listen to the good guys like Rhys and auntie Orca ... and the girl (sorry, forgot the name now) with the Samsung. I have no clue what your sterling is valued right now and you might not get a Asus G or a Samsung 7 series inside your budget but I know for sure you get a MSI GE series (MSI's second best for gaming) for 800 €. You might lose some niceties (illuminated keyboard, indestructability) but still have a reasonable gaming lappy with a non-shiny screen, lotsa raw POWER and GRUNT that is better than most other lappies. Even better than most cheapo desktops ... if treated right. That means: - don't actually operate it on your lap, in bed, on cushy blankets, duvets or any smooshy surface - care for ample airflow around the box - get one of those nifty cooling stands with built-in fans for around 20-30 € - see that you have a wallplug nearby since SL just eats your short battery supply before breakfast - clean it regularly! It's easy: get a can of compressed air and a set of micro screwdrivers, open up the lower case panels and just swoosh out all the dust. 3 minutes labour every 3 months and you're done - MOST IMPORTANT: once you got your machine do not ever look at threads like this again! There will always be ppl telling you how crappy your lappy is compared to their much much (muchmuchmuchmuch) superior super machines
  13. I run on an ASUS G74S. 17.3 in, 12 GB machine that cost me about $1400 1.5 years ago. I wanted a moderately high end machine for my motorhome, and had intended to update my desktop at home. But this box works so well, it ended up replacing my desktop. Eggzackerly! You can't compare the beefy gaming lappies with run-of-the-mill entertainment/multimedia craptops. The Asus G series is a good example of how these things are built. They are realIy just minimized desktops, very sturdy, well ventilized and quite powerful. I'm often astonished by the wonderful photos and machinima people produce with good gaming laptops. So basically all you're trading off in regards of SL is less portability and battery life. Regarding your Asus machine: MSI GT series will blow them right out of the water. :smileyvery-happy:
  14. Asus 15.6": http://uk.asus.com/Notebooks/Gaming_Powerhouse/G53SW/ http://uk.asus.com/Notebooks/Gaming_Powerhouse/G53SX/ Asus 17.3": http://uk.asus.com/Notebooks/Gaming_Powerhouse/G75VW/ MSI (my fave brand): http://www.msi.com/product/nb/#/?sk=Gaming%20Series
  15. Hey Blue, it's okay to have an avie much younger than your RL self, kinda everybody does it. In two weeks I'm turning 47 but Orca is an always fresh 21 y/o idealistic socialist. Not a child in any way but also physically not me. And no fear, not all of SL is roleplay. In fact the RPers mostly stick to the designated sims where they live out their RP characters. When you go somewhere on the grid, say a party or concert, wearing your funny sailors costume from Babbage, do you want to be treated as a child? I know some child avies and I usually refuse to treat them as children. They often have very adult psychological problems, based on a crappy childhood. Now they want to relive a happy childhood they never had in RL. Well, that's sad but I'm not part of their RP, neither am I their therapist. For me they are just adult SL residents with cute avatars.
  16. 400,000 people sign up each month Yes, they do ... and that's all they do: signing up. Then they realize some things they don't particularly like, like having to download and install a viewer, facing a steep learning curve just in order to avoid running into walls, buying a powerful computer to have the whole setup running, needing to have some social skills, learning all the time ... blahblah. So they sign up and are never to be seen again.
  17. No, I never did. I never signed for premium account Uh ... errr ... the question was for LouAnna Aura, not for you. Are you by any chance an alt?
  18. Instead of speculating about future developments let's focus on the Here and Now for a moment: Here and Now you need a powerful machine and a big screen to really get the best out of SL. Here and Now impatient kids are crying for SL to be able to run on their tablets and not-so-smart phones. In the Here and Now I haven't heard of too many (if any) success stories about bringing these two very contradictionary demands technologically together. On the sociological side in the Here and Now we'll see a vastly diverging demography of SL users: the immersers who can really get lost in the virtual world and create content and entertain themself versus the leisurely playing consumers. The first group is content with their big immobile boxes since they believe in the right tool for the task. The second group is young and hip, upwardly mobile and don't have time/patience to learn anything and get immersed. They want to connect to SL for 3 minutes in the metro on their way to work/college. And they want to watch videos and do whatever one does on facebook as well. They are not the right target group for SL, I don't think. But they are the right target group for LL as future customers. And for them the rest of us hardcore SLers must sufffer all that nonsense we're faced with these days. In the end it comes down to a generational conflict. I conclude for myself there is no need to finally jump on the train to adhd-ville and get myself a smartphone or a tablet. Instead I shall rather spend my money on GPU and CPU upgrades for my big rig and maybe get a new lappy once in a while.
  19. I'm lazy with email, checking my account maybe every other week. And the last thing I wanna see in my email inbox are stupid SL things. On the other hand I gotta say I lovelovelove notecards. They are so much closer to real letters than some hastily scribbled IMs. You can structure them, you can make various points and arguments, carefully divided bx paragraphs and lines. No better way in SL to communicate user manuals, to-do lists, messages to a group of ppl and other stuff. IM is so blah bleh meh. Close the friggin box and it's gone. Useless crap other than in a realtime convo.
  20. Best is always to go directly to the source: http://www.gimp.org/
  21. Was your teacher in school also a pompous **bleep** when he gave you an F for raping the English language and grammar? Maybe you need to adjust your attitude and indeed start your brain before doing anything in SL.
  22. Ok Charles, count me in as well. Resident since 2007 and kinda sorta fluid in english as long as I don't have to speak it. Sorry, my nederlandse skills are practically non-existant. Also I guess for a scientific interview text based questions and answers are much more accurate and not as easy to be misunderstood as chat. Your method sounds interesting tho. Most researchers just send out questionaires where we tick boxes with values between 1 and 10. This might prove more flexible.
  23. That's the only boat listed. /me checks out the inworld location later. Weird, when I type BERDAVmarine into the searchbox on MP I get 5 pages of results. But it's really best to see their **bleep** inworld. You can even do a testride from their boatyard in Holly Kai Three. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&search[category_id]=&search[maturity_level]=GMA&search[keywords]=BERDAVmarine
  24. What I say is often irrelevent No, it's not irrelevent. But irrelevant. :smileytongue::smileyvery-happy:
  25. It is kinda new development, Perrie, they have an estate manager going wild and chasing away all naval traffic if she catches them. No problem tho since the adjoining North Sea and Eden areas are still open for all. And in the North Sea as well as Eden you are encouraged to bare all prims and textures and show of your sexy green skin.
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