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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. Singularity is also popular but not quite as stable, according to those same statistics but is the choice for some people that have old computers as it isn't as feature rich as Firestorm and older machines handle it better. *cough cough Ahem ... I beg to differ. Sing is super stable. It never crashed on me yet and I'm using it since 20 years ... at least. If there is a statistical number that it crashes more often it's due to the fact Sing is the prefered viewer for action avies, which means sailors, pilots, bikers, drivers, surfers, hoverboarders, wargamers and so on. And as it is the case with action avies, we just crash. That's what we do, that's what we were trained for in the avatar stunt school, that's our style. :smileyhappy: Of course there still exists that silly rumour that Sing would be totally the hottest awesomesauce ever on old outdated weakling hardware. But as it so happens with those museum pieces, they tend to crash as well. Also, afaik Sing comes with RLV activated fresh outta the box. And it's much closer to Emerald than Phoenix ever was and FS in Phoenix mode can only dream about getting even close.
  2. Hello new n00b, welcome to the wonderfully warped world of SL and its cartoonish residents. As Freya already mentioned your experience points towards network lag. Please check your true connection speed to SL in the statistics window: ctrl-shift-1. That should open your eyes to how much your 15MB connection is worth. Particularly cable connection suffers badly the more people are connected to one specific cable. Say you live in a big apartment building, then all your neigbors are sucking from the same cable that leads into your house. 2 flats getting 7.5 MB a piece, 4 flats are getting 3.75MB each ... and so on. So if you are living in a medium sized block of flats (I hear in the USA medium sized can easily be more than 100 flats), and most of them have subscribed to cable service, it's not doing your internet connection much good. A friend of mine has subscribed and is paying for 32MB ... and a speedtest reveals he's actually receiving a meagre 2MB. Further, your graphics card's memory isn't that important since SL's max texture caché is 512MB. About all the other differences between games and SL there is enough talk in the forum already.
  3. Or are you meaning both? I must admit that my english is rather uh ... krappy, but yes it boils down to both. :smileywink:
  4. Now you start your childish game of wrong accusations over here, in this very thread, as well? Just for clarification (again!!!) and just FYI: I am not entitlemennt happy. How did you get that warped idea and how did I show it throughout the years? I stated repeatedly that every land owner is perfectly right to do whatever they fancy with and on their land. The OSP notecard spam? Please get your bearings right and define spam. It's notecards handed out to single parcel owners if we find them in breach of the TOS. You despise my information? I didn't give out much of info at all, just stated an opinion. May I remind you again that it was in fact you repeating the same old stuff I know since almost 7 years. And you don't find it obnoxious and presumptous to tell me to learn it? That defines as despicable in most everyone's book. I should act like an adult and move on? So you - and some cronies who admittedly don't share well - can go on playing the forum strong guy like all the other adolescent boys? Hmmm ... I don't think so. Your argue fu isn't strong enough. Why don't you climb a rooftop and shout it for everyone to hear that you are nothing but an ill-tempered schoolyard bully?!
  5. Solar Legion wrote: Mesh was never intended to be used for clothing items and the deformer is a cludge fix at best. On this one, I am going to be a bit rude: It is their playground, they make the rules and decide what code they will and will not include. You know, in a recent thread Solar outed himself as a terrible person and richard head but in this thread I can subscribe to his statement 100%. When I first heard about mesh the thought about clothes didn't even cross my mind. And then when I had a look at youtube vid tuts and internet tutorials what did I see? All the models they made were of good and useful stuff: houses, cars, planes and whathaveyou, but clothes? No, never!
  6. Yep, it's free. In my book it's free, anyway. Nope, it's not. In the case of sploders, money trees, camping and so forth you are the product. You help the sim owner gaining a nice high traffic rate. So maybe you're not the product but at least a grossly underpaid worker. Ever thought about why Google's various commodities are "free"? Why LL let's you play in their sandbox for "free"? Phil, they have us by the balls. :smileysurprised: Or, no, they have you by the balls. I don't have any. :smileytongue:
  7. You're right on almost all accounts, except that SSA thing. Yes, in a busy environment I gotta wait a while before I see all the avtatars fully dressed (Protip for voyeurs: if you wanna watch some nekkies just TP over to Collabor 88). But before SSA I had to wait much longer. Also when I rezz myself in world the initial declouding happens way way faster than ever before. It's a good thing. Anyhoo, my point comes now: all the things I mentioned just from the top of my head. Of course not all are great or a progress in most people's minds. Like you I still don't have the foggiest idea what pathfinding is, I never used voice and have no intent to do so. But tthey are all changes! Updates of the system. Exactly the stuff OP misses so badly.
  8. black is a common term because not everyone is african american.. LOL, most blacks never even heard about some strange land called America. And they won't accept being called African Americans since they are African Africans. And right, there are no races in humanity. The differences are biologically too insignificant to make different races. We're all just eveloped and mutated from the same protohuman. Now if we had quadrupled people, or tailed, or mermaids, with hoofs, two heads, six arms or with wings ... biologists could make a sub-species for them. But I guess even such extreme evolutions wouldn't qualify as a totally new race; we'd just be landhumans, waterhumans, airhumans. Parrot, budgie, eagle, vulture, ostrich, penguin, hawk, falcon, owl are very different animals, right? What they all have in commmon is the same race: Bird.
  9. Compare the cost of dinner and a movie, and for me and many others, the bigger bang per buck is Second Life. Not if you're hungry. Oh, that reminds me of something ... /me sprints off to the kitchen.
  10. It's 2013 A.D. if I'm correctly informed. Do we really have to discuss a silly n00bish complaint over 8 pages? The OP showed his ignorance very clearly right away. Linden Labs? No man it's Linden Research, aka Linden Lab. There are no labs. Game? No, it's a virtual world! A platform, a user-generated creative space. Not even the newest n00bs of the facetwit generation get away with the definition of SL as a game. 1000 sims? Sure. And LL's headquarter is 3 nerds fiddling with a handful of hand-me-down servers in daddy's garage, and they're making a killing from it. Other "games" are so much better? Sure. That's why they all fold after a year or so. Anyone remembers Blue Mars? Ya, that was really great in parts but a stillborn baby already from the initial idea. And it was the only VW considered a serious competition for SL. Where is it now? 4 years in SL? And you haven't noticed any updates in all that time? You never noticed the many grey sims in worldmap on tuesdays and wednesdays, never noticed the introduction of shadows, SSA, pathfinding, materials, mesh, voice, windlight??? Shills? Yes yes, we all love the Lindens to pieces! Mhm, honest; Rod take me now, I wanna be the mother of your children. :smileytongue:
  11. i thought it was because we are 3 on the connexion :'(, Oh, that explains a lot!!! When I'm doing more than standing around in world, like sailing or biking, I ask my husband to fuxen close the browser on his machine since I need all the bandwith for meeeeeeeee!!! , maybe see you in game !<3 Surely not in game but maybe in world. :smileytongue:
  12. Weren't you leaving the thread? Yes, kindasorta, but mainly I was leaving you! But here are also some much more pleasant people than you and the thread turned into some much nicer nonsense now. Also I'm easily distractable - so I was reeled right back in.
  13. I was amused. Very well done satire. No waste of time. Seeeerious!
  14. There's a little fisheye effect when you use the mousewheel zoom. Ya, but the fisheye effect is always there in SL. In fact we all have a steady fisheye on us. It's made so in order to have a wider viewing angle. There's no real use for telelenses and their narrowed field of vision. Anyhoo, it's highly recommended to change the setup of SL's standard camera viewpoint. The angle is too helicopterish, so first thing I do after installing a new viewer is to change the Z axis to a neutral 0.00 (in Singularity menu: Advanced - Debug Settings - type in 'CameraOffsetRearView', should be similar in other viewers).
  15. I must admit to giggling a lot at the ESLers in this thread pontificating about good English - and not realising how badly they are writing. Hey, haven't we just learned that it's not good but well english? LOL Also I might add that it's not the cool vocabulary or skillfull sentencing but the grammar that often makes us ESLers so good at english. There, their, they're are often confuslerizered by native speakers, while we ESLers almost always nail it. Same with the wrong ' in plural's, hehe. And don't fret, most germans aren't able to get it right in their own language neither. One of the reasons why I hardly ever peek in the german subforum; it's like a kindergarten there.
  16. Yeah, Carlyle always plays the most creepy lowlife creeps. In Trainspotting (his best role yet) as well. He's exactly how I envisioned Solar Legion to look like.
  17. He said its too exertive to always think about that stuff. LOL, wut? These are usally the people I say bye bye to as soon as they start typing. That "stuff" (I call it language) isn't anything one needs to think about if one has spent more than 3 or 4 years in a school. As a grown up person you shouldn't think about basic grammar rules, they are supposed to be automated in your brain. One doesn't need to think when opening a door or washing heir hands or eating an ice cream either. It's not needed to think in order to use of one's own language effectively. I see a lot of atrocious grammar in German forae as well, I bet our French, Italian, Russian and whatever friends notice the same. But what I never see is anyone totally ignoring punctuation. There must have something awfully wrong going on in Britsih and American classrooms. Totally weird that this comes from a culture where people often say "period" when they made an argument. So they rather type out a whole word than just setting its equivalent, a little dot, at the end of their sentences? No wonder that so many of them prefer to talk in voice and even stating it's easier to make yourself understood and less misunderstandable. This whole way of reversed thinking makes me sad. :smileysad:
  18. You can fry the motherboard that way. Huh? How do I fry a mobo by sucking at it?
  19. I sense the beginning of a wonderful biracial friendship here. /me gestures a psssht motion to the others and sneaks out ...
  20. That problem has nothing to do with the viewer. It's most probably dirt clogging up the internals of your machine. There is an easy fix for that. Open up your box/laptop and clean it thoroughly. No need to even send it into repair. Buy a spray can of compressed air and blow free the fans and all the heatsinks (those copper parts). This should be done usually every 6 months, 3 if you're a smoker. If you're on a desktop and the case comes with dust filters clean those as well. Just hold them under running water for a couple minutes. In case you have a good, beefy gpu, take it out as well (2 screws) and carefully clean the fan of that as well. Alternatively you may use a vacuum cleaner and carefully (vewwy vewwy carefully) vacuum all the dusty parts. Theoretically it's the better solution since you don't just blow the dust deeper in but extract it. In practice tho it has led to some unfortunate demolitions. :smileysurprised: Back to the viewer question: the patt of your computer producing the most heat is your gpu, so it's a question of how hard your viewer makes it work. And that is done by yourself in the graphic settings. A "lightweight" viewer won't help you in that regard. And just dialling everything down to full uglyness is only a short term solution as well and will in the long run end in tears - the total burnout of your gpu/mobo. Cleaning your machine is the only way to save your expensive komputah! The earlier you do it the better! In fact, log out, shut down the computer, pull the plugs! DO IT NAO!!!
  21. Haha, no you are not psychic Right, I'm not and never claimed to be. and can tell me what I know the difference between? I sure do, I So, why did you ask me then if all connected water sims are public? suppose you didn;t read my post of how I spend my time in SL. I did. And it became clear to me that you don't have much of a clue. Please Orca, give it a rest. I politely said i was done responding to you and continue to circle talk. Why should I give it a rest after that terrible slander? That would be a favour for you ... and you asked me not to do that. I always aim to please :matte-motes-nerdy: You don't own the waterways, the Blake, The parcels. I never claimed anything different. See, now you're the same like Solar, by repeating the same wrong assumptions over and over again. It's like I'm talking to a brick wall. I am NOT Solar and the key word is "Manipulation" flip it anyway you want. I know you're not Solar, as I happily stated in my last post and the one before, which you obviously didn't read carefully. But you share kinda the same fugly attitude. And flipping? That's a specialty of American argument culture, in northern Europe we prefer straight talk. I ask straight questions - you call that "psychic". I voice my opinion - you call it "force". I tell you where I'm coming from and whom I represent - you tell me I'm not. I'm member of a group who tries to help landowners to avoid ARs against them - you call that assumptious and "entitled". Sorry, obviously I can't help you. SO many people on sl think they can force others to believe what they think sl should be and it's just selfish. Oh do they? Teribble people those! Well, I'm completely innocent in that regard. Participating in an open discussion and voicing ones opinion has nothing to do with force. And discussing the shenanigans of some totally self obsessed landowners is selfish why? Do you at least admit that you're part of the problem, not the solution? P.S. I responded to you only because you were foolish enough to think I was another poster on here. I was foolish enougn to believe one could discuss stuff in this forum in a constructive way. I never thought you were another poster, why should I and how did you get that impression? Don't do me any favors by making an exception posting to me. I'm not in SL or in the forum to make any friends or do anyone a favour. I just made that one exception, and now the second, since I'm a bit OCD and need the feeling of closure. Not as a favour. But that's it now for me. You may badmouth me as much as you like, see if I care. I see you as a bunch of uncaring self-obsessed powerplayers and I don't like that particularly. I'm done with you!
  22. Ok, Malanya, since you're not Solar Legion (I hope) I'll make an exception for you. But then I really gotta run. Are we talking of the same Connected bodies of water lol? You actually are saying that all the parcels are owned by sailors and pilots? lmao. okay, you obviously aren't getting the point. You speak of "we" and not yourself. Bouncing off the parcels is ok? Oh I thought it was frustratiing. When you bounce off a parcel, though not getting sent home, what happenes to the vehicle you are in? All bodies of connected water are public, really? **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyhappy:" title="Smiley Happy" /> Haha, I guess you don't see the difference between Blake Sea and the connected private estates around it. Blake Sea is owned by LL, of course public as it gets, but sheriffed by a committee of the sailing estates around it. So as soon as you leave the sims starting with Blake Sea in the name to the north, east and south you're on private property: Sailors Cove, SL New England, Honah Lee, Balboa, Trudeau, Second Norway, Tug Harbor and so forth are privately owned. Still the estate owners in most of them have rules against orbs and banlines in place. When you leave BS to the west there are thousands of protected LL water sims as well. All the eastern coastal waterways up to Corsica, Dire Strait, Bingo Strait, North- and South Channel around Nautlilus City and much more are untouchable by land barons. Of course I speak of "we" since I know that all sailors would argue the same as I do. Fortunately they are not as stupid as me and waste their time in a silly SL forum. You know we have our own forae to discuss more important stuff. People like Solar Legion would have been banned from there long ago. Bouncing off any parcel is not ok for the bouncee, coz it hurts, wastes time and isn't good for the nerves. But it is acceptable since we're mostly able to edit out boats out of the banline and continue our journey. Also, as I stated already, it's every landowner's right to brick themself in as much as they fancy. Why they had to purchase a square of ocean, of all places, remains a mystery though. No, not all bodies of connected water are public. But the vast majority is. It's the sims owned by LL's DPW and they are protected. Unfortunately in times of uncontrolled growth (06 - 08), LL had to sell off formerly protected water sims since they couldn't deliver fresh sims fast enough to satisfy the increasingly rising demand. As a sad cenotaph of those times we still have the completely mucked-up Heterocera "Atoll". Or should I better say "ex-atoll" since the atoll part resembles a landfil more than anything. It's a regular dump these days, a slum. You could walk across the lagoon without getting wet feet. lol Me a judge of what? Huh? Coincidentally I know that there are much more un-organised sailors than organized ones. They outnumber us club-based sailors tenfold or hundredfold. They are not my concern as long as they happpily swallow the bitter pills and just give up on sailing after they crashed a couple times. As soon as they get involved they share exactly the same probs as all the "real" sailors do. So you're telling me you don't get mad when you're bounced off or stuck in a banline or sent home across the grid by a zero second warning orb? You don't ask yourself why ppl are so unthinking? And finally you show that you are much cleverer than Solar Legion and stop repeating the same well-known facts over and over again. Coz you're right, it won't change a thing. But you got me wrong in another point, sorry. It's not on me to decide who can buy what land/water parcel, I'd never take that freedom away from anybody. Ppl have to decide for themself if a horsey ranch is placed any good in the middle of an ocean, or if their medieval castle looks so prim and proper in a neighborhood that predominantly is made up from palm trees, exotic beaches and tiki huts. But I won't stop asking for the reasons ... and why should I? Just coz silly ppl like Solar Legion will just become aggro and say "because I can, now bugger off mofo"? And I, like many other sailors, always have a OSP notecard handy that I stick in the parcel owners mailbox if I find the time to investigate further. In that notecard is explained that someone discovered a banline or an erroneously set up orb and if the owner could be so kind to look into their security system and set them back a couple meters in order to free the Linden channel. We don't even threaten with AR and such childish things. The keyword here is co-operation.
  23. Nope - my understanding is perfectly sound - I understand perfectly well that no user can speak for anyone else here. That makes four times now that you have attempted to speak for others - and yes, I'm going to keep correcting you on that until it sinks in: You do not represent anyone here. Why do I need to keep reminding you that your opinion is just that? Simple: You seem to think that users who do not conform to your standards and allow you and others to explore, need to be 'educated'. No, no, no and no. No one has a right to explore a single blasted pixel of Second Life. You have a privelige which can very easily be taken away. If Linden Lab had wanted users to explore the entire "grid" they would not have given users tools (both parcel control and script function) to keep other users out of the lovely digital 'land' they offer. There is no 'education' to give to other users 'for the betterment of SL'. My Second Life experience is not made 'better' by allowing users a passthrough. Judging by the responses of a few other users to this very thread, their experiences have not exactly been made 'better' by allowing a passthrough for you either. No, the SL Sailing Association and SLOG are not 'organized communities' - they are user groups. For there to be a truly 'organized community' of vehicle users in Second Life, each and every vehicle user would have to be in these groups or otherwise agree with them. To have even ONE user disagree prevents them from being 'organized'. My responses are not 'brickheaded' Orca - mean, possibly and I really do not care if they are at this point. I have been a Second Life user for quite a while now, I have seen this very topic come and go. I am sick and tired of the entitlement attitude that a rather vocal set of groups has shown with regard to exploration. I cared (and still do care) enough about Second Life that I joined the Mentor program ears ago to help new users get acclimated to Second Life. I do not care for the "I must be allowed to explore anywhere I please" crowd. As to your closing remarks: What another user does with their parcel is none of your concern as long as it does not violate the ToS/CS or any real world laws. You are not the arbiter of what 'makes the grid a better place', there is no 'commonwealth' here and guess what? The concept of 'socially acceptable' does not apply to what a user does to keep others out of their parcels. Your final 'question' makes it quite clear that you're incapable of understanding most of this as well: No one is 'wiping out a whole kindergarden' by barring passage through a Second Life parcel. I won't answer any of your wrong accusations and slander anymore. You are just a troll. Your strategy of falsely interpreting what I said and the using those false implications against me reminds me of some of the worser trolls in this forum. Just a couple more things before I leave this less than productive thread: of course there is a commonwealth in SL. It's in our minds and spirits. If you are too dull to feel it I can only pity you, fool. And the concept of socially acceptable does apply every- and anywhere. Not even at republican party meetings are the participants actually backstabbing each other. They keep it civil enough to do it only literally. So you can repeat your weak arguments over and over and over (and over) again, they won't get any better or more true. You're not discussing with kids here, we all know the setup and its weakneses quite well, believe it or not. What you are doing is you blindly believe it's all great and super just because why? Because LL made it so? LL, the most inapt server host since the invention of the internet? A company where the terraformer has no clue about what the land seller in the next cubicle is planning to do with the land. A company that comes up with one knuckleheaded idea after the other until they've lost the last sim and the last. customer. Really, you care what they think? Being not happy with the things as they are is no crime, not yet. And it's no sense of entitlement tryingh to talk land owners into a more sensible handling of their affairs. You know the old saying with great property comes great responsibility. This is true in SL as well as anywhere else. But as I said, I don't care if you get it or not, those philosophies are probably wayyy over your head anyway. For me you and this thread are dead. What a waste of time and energy. :smileysad:
  24. have been ALL over the Blake including these narrow channels which bring you pretty close to land. I also fly out of Hollywood Airport exploring much of the airspace as well. Woah, that's a rather restricted area and of course you won't be pestered by banlines and orbs there. It's public water! And all the surrounding estates are owned by sailors and flyers, so it's kinda save haven. I don't have to belong to an association to acquire the abilities either. That's not what associations are there for. The SLSA is a communication tool and a roof organisation for various yacht clubs. I am trying to think where people are going to get slammed back home? LOL it amazes me. Since most sailors are cruisers (not racers) they don't like to stay put on the small ponds on which we have the racecourses. Instead they are branching out, exploring all avaiable waterways of SL, if posssible circumnavigating whole continents. I can assue you we don't do it with the intent of getting slamed back home. Isn't that an illegal interference into personal freedom in the first place? Bounce off parcel is ok, but sending back home is unnecessary and childish. And the atrocities you encounter during those cruises are terrible. And then you start asking yourself two questions: why did LL muck up their own terraforming by selling all the nice beaches and oceans to ppl who don't even want or need it. And secondly, why do a horse farmer, a wood elf, a big fashion house, a techno club, a wannabe king in his medieval castle want to own precious and pretty expensive coastal land? Are they double agents from LL's competition, about to make SL as fugly and abhorrent as possible in order to drive customers off?
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