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  1. Is this bait or are you serious? Because if you are serious and are really not doing anything offensive (like portraying a race that's not your own in a stereotypical or harmful way) then I don't see why you'd come here with what I'm reading as anger while trying to justify yourself. But maybe I'm over thinking this because my gut's telling me this is bait to cause drama. Disengaging now.
  2. The last time I logged on I ran into someone with a very nice, well put together avatar. I said hello and complimented their avatar and asked what bento head they used (I was genuinely curious because it looked unique). All-in-all I attempted to strike up a conversation. Their response? Thanks. They didn't even answer the question! And then proceeded to walk past me. For a social game she was very anti-social. Maybe she was busy, I'll give her that, but she was definitely rude. I hate it when people, in the virtual world or real world, are stuck up.
  3. It was probably me. Just let mine go about 6 minutes ago.
  4. Really I suppose the answer doesn't matter, I'm just curious. I'm not having fun on Second Life anymore. It was a short lived moment of fun. I think I have waaay more fun on the Forums than in-world. In fact I might stay on the forums but that's neither here nor there. I have one of the new Premium homes and just wanted to know if when I let it go will it just disappear into the ether or will someone who didn't get to get one earlier possibly have a chance to snag it? I hope the latter. If not I'd kind of feel bad for taking one when I know so many really wanted one, only to have me leave a couple weeks later.
  5. Thank you! Time to do some shopping
  6. Actually, this helped a lot. I know how to unpack and rez. The idea of losing what is put down if I move or whatever is a bit disconcerting, to say the least. Can you recommend any good inworld stores to visit so I can look at furniture? I've already learned Market Place can be a little deceptive (i.e. I've bought a few avatars that look awful in world no matter what edits I make but look great on MP)
  7. I feel like I might have posted this originally in the wrong thread so I am posting it here too. I'm really tired of my empty home lol I've got a new Linden home but have absolutely no furniture as of right now to put down in it. I've only recently found out you can hire decorators! So that seems the way to go. I'll need a little help with how to do things (no idea how I allow people to edit my home) but if you are willing to be patient with me then I am willing to pay. I am looking for soft, feminine designs throughout the house. Not princess-y, so to speak but close to it. Colors I prefer aka color themes I will like to stick close to as possible are soft pink and pale blues and light lavenders and whites. I also like fuzzy and fluffy things but that isn't a requirement, just a bonus. I play as a vertically challenged human dragon (long story, don't ask lol) so though tall people stuff is fine please keep in mind I'm the size of a child so chairs that are perfect for giantesses who wear foot tall boots and already stand 6'feet won't look all that nice in my home. Please let me know your price upfront after/if you decide to come to look at my traditional home. That way I can tell you if I can afford it or not and I won't waste anyone's time. Thank you for reading.
  8. How does your avatar look today? The same as it looks every day. Well, maybe not exactly. I think I'm going crazy but she looks even more unimpressed than usual.
  9. Not really sure how this works beyond I pay you and you do the work (I'm not sure how I allow you to edit my home) but if you have patience enough to explain things to me then I would love to hire you. I like colors like pale pink, light blues, lavenders, and whites. Feminine is a good thing. I also like things that are fuzzy and fluffy though that isn't exactly a requirement. If you think you have spare items that might fit my decorating needs then please contact me here or in world and tell me your prices and we'll go from there. Thank you very much.
  10. I've got to admit, it's nice to know that the biggest consensus thus far seems to be that it doesn't matter what your avatar looks like. I have to admit that panel kind of got into my head and made me think maybe I won't make any good connections with people because many will shy away from me because I'm not sporting SL Gucci. But I had also made up my mind regardless of what kind of response this thread got that I wouldn't change being what I liked on the chance more people would be willing to chat with me if I blended in more. So, yeah this is kinda putting my mind to ease that most still believe inner substance over outward fashion.
  11. I agree. But I thought to myself, maybe trying to rationalize the panel I saw, that the person wanted an experienced looking avatar because they didn't want to bother teaching new players things? I think it was unlikely in her case but maybe some people view status avatars that way. But maybe I'm just looking for the best in shallow people.
  12. True, but I'm not searching for the right or wrong answer - (though I do have my very own strong opinion on the matter) as I really do think if you take emotions out of the equation the 'right-wrong' answer doesn't exist in this case. Sorry if my title made it sound that way. I'm more or less interested in different people's thoughts on the matter.
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