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Elise Banx

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Everything posted by Elise Banx

  1. bye bye now.... oh bytheway i see NEW users coming in EVERY day so you are wrong on that
  2. this is the landing for new residents in London city http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/London City/86/231/23
  3. send them to London City new user welcome hub. London Support Team are there to help new users coming through the gateway or landing needing help
  4. i use my own windlight/eep, never run day cycle. i like to see what im doing...
  5. open your head HUD, open your layers control, click SKIN in the list there and click a white colour under the colour select square... that should clear it
  6. seen you but you never asked when in london city did you? we are always there.
  7. honestly i have no idea you could try it you will see straight away if its accepted or not
  8. any bill that has your name and address on it will do
  9. first of all: theres always going to be someone that will complain about something doesnt matter what it is. The body given as a gift (if you are a member of teleporthub.com group), i have had alot of happy guys saying this is what it should be like, no fuss no muss, just add and that it. ALOT of guys dont want huds and other stuff they just want easy (and yes they usually only have two sets of clothing aswell ). as a first mesh body its not bad at all. The reason it was offered in the first place was to get users who are new or have come back to SL a chance to get an easy working mesh/bento avatar for a very low cost. my DJ is going on 14 years in sl and have refused mesh bodies up till now as he didnt want all the extras and mess with huds and stuff. he is VERY happy with this body, wear and on you go with your sl life. he liked his look before and didnt want too much of a change. and that is what this body is for... its not for you lot that have fifty eleven bodies already cos no matter what you will complain about something as you are used to huds and all the extras. there were a few problems with the first version that came out but the owner did fix that as soon as we they were found out. every mesh/bento body on the grid cant be for everyone. as some ppl cant help but complain yes im CSR at altamura and NO i didnt write this post as a CSR at altamura but this was my personal opinion all im going to say about this as im way too busy to sit and bicker about little stuff
  10. children have NO PLACE in SL ...end of...
  11. you can just take a screen shot of your online bills with your name and address on and submit that...i did with my online electric and rent bills
  12. couldnt agree more!! started to watch the EEP video stopped after 1 minute couldnt stand listening to that childlike voice. its not cute its not fun its horrible - we are ADULTS, would be nice if we were treated as adults in these videos.
  13. NO you can not do that unless you are an Official Gateway region... that means Only region that have been approved by Linden Lab to be apart of the Gateway project can have that on their website.
  14. yes it is in the Texture Tab click the texture box then under the texture box in the pop up you have inventory, local and bake. Use local for testing textures, its a fab feature and saves so much lindens while testing
  15. who wants to buy sansar??? its tainted oups did in say that... just ignore me
  16. another case of READ and re readbefore speaking out or should i say read and comprehend - yes i mean it and no im not nice all the time, seriously it was dead easy to understand doesnt say anything about tilia being removed or separated "possible effects on Second Life and Tilia." just the effects it might have on SL including Tilia ... whishful thinking much? And thanks Grupity for yet again clarifying something that wasnt at all hard to understand
  17. NO and if that happened i would leave that place and never go back!!! that is just RUDE!
  18. the very short answer to this is ... NO
  19. Altamura everyday of the week
  20. thats old system skins they had nails on fingers and toes... updated BoM skins doesnt. you can get a a fix for it there are several on MP for example [Stargazer Creations] Bakes on Mesh - Hand and Foot Fix - GIFT you wear it and then edit and colour it in to the shade your skin is.
  21. oh excists in rl....depends how much you have been drinking
  22. yes i have the same problem and it is very very annoying. have checked everything logged out and in again and nothing works
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