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mikka Luik

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Everything posted by mikka Luik

  1. Eurovision : Nul Points Although gets a bonus if it annoys the Soviets again this year =^^^=
  2. From the site : 'Security is a reasonable concern with any online service...At Bright Canopy, we also have access to install things on the machine running the viewer....it’s worth remembering that our founder is a bearded Unix guy...do our very best to protect your information.' Reasonable, eh:)
  3. Quick search via slu found a few.Ttry these to start : Estate ban list unreliable BUG-8768 Continued issues with estate bans being ignored BUG-8052
  4. Oh dear well I changed to 321drowssap to be safe so that should be ok.... Do other online places have the rash of 'omithing my account been hacked' nonsense that SL seems to generate?
  5. It does indeed to be that time of year, so with my freshly madeup office on the Isle of Man I am now again open to offer an exchange of Bitcoinz or (insert something buzzword plausible) to rock steady Lindens but due to (obscure european 'school' of economic theory) now at 1L for 2 (made up currency). Hurry while stocks strangely vanish. Also with genuine random squares on whitespace pretending to be QRCode.
  6. I don't use the web version inworld and the profiles as set up work fine. Honestly, if some daft system was implemented to 'show friends list' a la FB what could it possibly accomplish? If we got a bounty for 'most pointless additions in a given week' then fine More to the point, how would you handle opting out (as can be done in showing groups) without adding even more spaghetti code? There are more than enough avenues for 'communication' (I know of several avatar focussed ones). Why try to bolt on something already available that adds nothing?
  7. Start a few of those crowd funding things with the stated aim to raise cash for a buy out. Once enough scammed, make an offer that was bound to be laughed at and refused. Report to the marks 'we are sorry but our offer was refused' Move somewhere warm on the pickings.... Or more likely, say ' that was fun and thanks ' and find something else to dabble in.
  8. Or just leave the group. And start your own, if its popular. Any open post group without owner moderation is just that. Post you are starting anew. Make it pay to join if it helps. Solved. No TOS nonsense needed.
  9. Now I get it - OP obviously born as a result of a corporate fizzy drink. Always nice when they make that clear - saves time. (edit changed to fizzy drink from original)
  10. RIP indeed. For me more than two decades of joy, including his end game. I can see Death showing him the desert and..I would like to see what Sir T would have replied 'NON QVOD MANEAT, SED QVOD ADIMIMVS'
  11. File an AR - let the Lab make the call on this one.
  12. Sorry, I would have to say 'Yes' and 'No' - depending. If I am taking photos (or fine tuning a final build) then I run ultra, shadows, DoF, all of it with the caveat that its the only thing I am doing. Switching back and forth between external applications and the viewer when wip building/scripting/meshing/texture making or just going for a wander around or drive round the mainland or clubbing - I don't bother. So to the survey I had to say that usually its no. Even though I use AL a fair bit.
  13. Wouldn't bother me a bit if ads were shown. As I use the time taken to TP to indicate a problem - i.e. longer == bad - then any ad I saw in that process == bad too. Yep, sell that ad sharks longer exposure equates to greater negative impression. So go for it. As to targetting ... lots of PG only? So yep on first point, if my TPV of choice has equiv of adblock ( oh look - it does ) not a diff. As for what the Lab do with any possible revenue - who cares?
  14. Not really, as there is no difference within SL A 'bot' here is just another avatar account. Yes an account can be scripted and yes its actually quite easy, But no - there are no 'bots' as such to be identified. Other grids yes.
  15. Sort of agree. I have only over the last 18 months had a machine capable of ALM and personally I love it - in small doses. With the emphasis on personal, so if someones creation depends on it - good. It is the choice they make. If it is a case of users/customers having to tweak their viewer settings to see - then is also the creators choice. Choose your market.
  16. Taking a small but oh so telling out of context i know ' I just want to restrict the ability to sell to those who are premium members' Good for you only selling to premium members Will remember that when we set up an 'exchange' for 'trade' =^^= Its basic stuffs really
  17. Certain aspects of the overall sub sections - yes. I refer to them as well. They are of use and merchant/creation/answers even 'wanted' - very much so. As for alternative structures I do not believe this is a genuine attempt now. The Lab has email - we get the odd one so it must still work. It has to have a better return on effort through sheer numbers than 'reaching' here?
  18. The ability to see a 'review history' is something I would very much support, in fact it is something that has been nagging at me for some time. An MP banlist type set up has been raised before though and recieved quite a lot of heat at the very suggestion. Your other points, yes. Agree
  19. A two four and a pack of smokes usually helps. Vodka if posh
  20. The only thing that springs to mind is that in the past I have found that using LINK_ALL_CHILDREN seemed to hit a 'throttle' so that the prim paras were not applied to the whole set. Not sure if thats the case here but to work around that I used a counter to iterate through the linked prims to set individually (using the *Fast version of set paras to avoid the delay ).
  21. Sassy Romano : '...what was the intent of the original post and what do you want to happen and why? ' I am curious too, all I got from the thread is I would be too bored and even baffled trying to work this 'game' out to worry or even try playing the thing, let alone feed it cash. Even blender makes more sense to me...
  22. 1) all sorts (although 'products' is stretching a bit as do a lot of 'bits' for others) 2) anywhere between a couple of hours and (so far at least) 5 years 3) photos, far too long as not my strong point, listing couple of minutes max.
  23. The obvious answer is I am in this 'RL' 100% of the time. If I am cooking for 1.5 hours out of a given 24 then I am not RL x% Cooking y% after all (and yes probably 5 days a week I do) My 'RL' is made up of a variety of activities, most of which over lap. Example, I fire up my box and log in here. Unless I need all the box resource for some other intensive task (ie an over lap activity such as a render) then I will close down the browser. Otherwise I stay logged on. If that results in being logged 16 out of 24 is that 66.6% of the time in 'SL'? And by the same token I also have open at least 2 news sites more or less all day..does that count as Not 'RL'? Actually logging inworld now - can be anything from zero to.. well til whatever I was doing is done. Perhaps a more general and interesting question would ask about how much time is spent online in total, rather than narrowing it to SL. In which case, I am online all the time that one of my boxes is on - ie 24 hours a day.
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