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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. A real life girlfriend suggested a dinner date companion last year, which I politely declined. In private thoughts. the first question that entered my mind, (of course), was, does he have a mesh body ^^?
  2. Once upon a time... there was toontopia... Now there's nothing.. (blubbers)... nothing at all.... waaaah! 8-/
  3. I were chairman Mayo" (face palm) said...
  4. Oh mai gawd... There is SL income, then there is the real world of e-commerce. The trick is to move from SL income to something real. Puhleeez... get serious Would you like me to calculate how much money I lost by reading this post and send you the bill?
  5. Nice PC! (smart buying too!). Ordered a new mouse and a temporary hybrid HD/SSD 2TB Firecuda Hard drive today as the beginnings of my 2018 PC build. \0/ Prolly go an i7 7700 CPU as well. MoBo->(might aim for M2 32gbps modules then), GPU & 64gb of RAM to come later. Hybrid drive not as fast as SSD of course, but my Samsung Evo 850 SSD is all filled up
  6. Mine is an old high school science lab bench with twin monitors and custom full tower PC underneath. Love it
  7. eChortled! whilst shivering Olives timbers
  8. https://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fs3.amazonaws.com%2Fhalleonard-pagepreviews%2FHL_DDS_920743Kv4RPd0OOj.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sheetmusicdirect.us%2Fsheetmusic%2Fsong%2F1000163889%2Fover-the-hills-and-far-away&docid=Hy0lfd7KpptDAM&tbnid=fa1unO1seDuHZM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjVp_OUmIzZAhVDnZQKHZsqCGsQMwhSKA0wDQ..i&w=522&h=696&bih=949&biw=1920&q=over the hills and far away&ved=0ahUKEwjVp_OUmIzZAhVDnZQKHZsqCGsQMwhSKA0wDQ&iact=mrc&uact=8
  9. I alternate between a scripted AO and custom Firestorm ones. You can have different avatar "auras" then. It would be nice to get geeky about it all though.
  10. revealing his hitherto transparent, grotesque
  11. 47yo gay man o.0? No way lol. What r u bat$hit crazy or something :))) Now where have I heard that before ^~? *winx Metinx you have far more cred than you realise. I remember you from >before< Amythyst.
  12. I'm a 1 on 1 cognitive disability assistant across 9 colleges, all disciplines and each case is entirely different. They read nothing, no matter how much I coax. Come exam time. its all down to sign language. Raise an eyebrow half a millimeter or slightly pursed lips thats when the "reading" starts. Fascinating stuff indeed. 8^)
  13. App 59k concurrency once again in the last 24hrs. How many hours of "gameplay" is that since release?
  14. Concurrency was 59k one night, (land of Oz time), there last week and I went \0/
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