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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. 2 alts as fashion models, (hardly used anymore) is enough drama for me lol Both have the system last name of Solo though. Took 6 months to do that! 8^)
  2. You're either born OCD or not. Since 2009 (allowing for mesh additions)
  3. I had squillions but they all left for Sansar for a better life They'll be baaaaack.
  4. duly, the crew heaved ho... (with carrot bits)
  5. Here I am without my mesh head shape. I'm a natural at this pixel beauty thing! <3
  6. Rightyo then I AM >LWL< So of course, what I say matters most. AshaShanti I came to SL to make clothes. I didn't know about pixelling in SL or even BDSM in real life (remote area/sheltered life etc etc). I logged off confused and upset when I first found out about cartoon copulation and thought wow this is truly some sick weirdo game thingy I was mortified and truly disgusted when I came upon some dismemberment/sex sim. Those portrayed as victims were of course, all female. I understand exactly why you posted and how you felt about this. A special kind of SL advisor/sort of mentor, explained what dolcett was to me. I am truly glad for the assistance I had trying to make sense of it all in those early days. You're not alone on this issue I assure you. All bow to our High Priestess McNefarious
  7. No. But I taught myself 3d in RL because "prims" confused me when I joined SL in 2009. (hadn't ever heard of them) Now I make objects, (pendants & necklaces), get them printed to 16 micron accuracy, mold & cast them in Argentium 935, then sell them in RL. A tiny little start-up ecommerce business, that has awesome potential. Thank you so much LL.
  8. Seriously - you've all lost control ;P (no reply required). \m/ Grinspoon, Second Life, 1968
  9. Goofing off at the beach 8^) Last college/s semester coming to an end soon and I am exhausted.
  10. Return to sender Many advances keep it relevant enough for me. Like shopping for mesh clothes and shopping for mesh clothes then there's shopping for mesh clothes and dancing <3 and did I mention, you can dance while shopping for mesh clothes. Luv u SL xx
  11. I can tolerate most of what SL throws my way, except timed clothing demos. I mean... really Remembering a nice outfit, clicking....then.. "this demo has expired - you'll have to get another" *noise of Trashcan lid clattering closed... Billy Idol sneer.... footsteps growing fainter.....
  12. Hello Amanda. As it turns out Cindy was spot on with her advice. Mine IS an international account and all was well after resubmitting my data Thank goodness. Thanks for trying to help too!
  13. Will re enter data ty. MUST be the problem.
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