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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. EvaFord wrote: WOW I am amazed at the nerve this touches. I do not think I am the appropriate target for your hostility. "Methinks the lady doth protest too much" Revealing information is NOT the issue. I t is not my place to out this ALT to his fans. But a Club owner has the right to know who she/he is hiring and if they are subjecting their guests to ridicule. Please KNOW that I will NEVER post this info. It is un ehtical. That is the ISSUE. Business ETHICS. Honesty in business practices is MY concern. And that HONESTY falls on the shoulders of the business owners and the Club owners. There should be a code of Ethics. Two-and-a-half hours ago you were saying you wanted to post this information in your profile and your only concern was whether you could get in trouble with TOS.
  2. There aren't any "public figures" in SL because there's no public sector or government. If asking for money was the definition of "public figure," everyone who owned a Subway shop in RL would be one. I also have a close friend who's a DJ in SL so I know what's involved. If someone's able to run two viewers simultaneously in a crowded club environment, juggling back and forth between them to make comments, while simultaneously streaming audio I'd be very impressed and want to know what kind of computer and internet service they had. I think the simpler explanation would be that you're, well, wrong.
  3. Have you tried clearing your cache and then checking your lost and found? And have you looked in your lost and found RECENTLY or only right after you hit the return button? Over 700 prims worth of stuff will make a huge bundle and it sometimes takes quite a bit of time for all the communication to get done.
  4. This is the text from a notecard I got from White Tiger Help Island some time ago: **********"A TRUE STORY"******** I was new. Technically not good with computers, and a little bored. I was wearing my short skirt, bling chest rings, covered of course, but blinging far and wide through my freebie leather jacket. It seemed that was the thing to do in Second Life. Second Life to me appeared to be lacking in depth and communication and I saw males running around wearing unmentionable attachments. (I had clearly been to the wrong places). “There must be some sensible people here somewhere” I thought. “Maybe there are some nice people at a yachting club”. I searched and found Nantucket Yacht Club and teleported onto a jetty. There was a man. No silly attachments, no fancy skin, no chat up lines. And very oddly…....no talking at all! I said hello, but he did not answer. Now, when you are new in Second Life, you don’t understand about chat lag, AFK, invisible avatars……so I believed this person was truly ignoring me. I said “hello” again. Still no answer. Off I walked and viewed the boats. Up one jetty, down the next. Then I arrived back where the man was. I said “hello” again. Still no reply. Determined, I asked “Do you have a yacht here?” *Sigh.* I walked away pretty much in disgust really at being ignored several times. Then……as I was leaving……I saw very faintly on my screen…….. ...............“Yes”. Maybe he does not speak English I thought. Then the next word from him…...….. ”Sail?” This was odd. Not what I was used to. But clearly this man (who I assumed did not speak good English) was asking if I wanted to sail in his boat! I accepted, and not yet having done anything very interesting in Second Life, was quite excited. I was on my best behaviour and followed the man as he walked along the jetties to his yacht. The sailing was just amazing! (Although in silence!!). I had not experienced anything like it! I asked him if I could take photographs. He said “Yes”. The sea, the land, the turns, the commands, a skipper on a small yacht, sailing it just for me. I was so flattered. After a long time out to sea, we returned to the jetty. The man stood up and walked away, without a word, - to the clubhouse. Well, as I like to talk, I really couldn’t accept this. I followed and walked to him and asked “What language do you speak?” No reply. It was puzzling. There were others in the clubhouse. Ravishal and Izabella. Rav (who I had never met before) sent me an IM. “Have you read his profile?” I was new in Second Life, why would I think doing of that? So I did. ******* That was the moment that changed my Second Life. ******* The mans name was Djduerer Zou. – He described himself in his profile……. ✲ Friendly, kind, tall, bedridden, sailor. ✲Can barely type. ✲ Difficulty seeing too. ✲ It gets worse in the afternoon SLT time. ✲ Slow. ✲ I use gestures to speak. ✲ In my life I am terminally ill (soon dead) with progressive brain disease, OPCA also known as MSA. ✲ No regrets, lived passionately. ✲ SL is my life. ✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲ ((**OPCA = Olivopontocerebellar atrophy. MSA = Multiple System Atrophy - also known as Shy Drager. **)). I could'nt imagine to have ever read such a thing in Second Life. I could'nt imagine to have met someone like this in Second Life. The reality of the situation made my mind a whirl. I had been sailing with a man who was living the last days of his Real Life here, in Second Life, living the Real Life that he had known. As a sailor. My computer was a blur. There was something different here, I understood that. Djduerer managed to type - - “dance” “I think he is asking you to dance” wrote Ravishal in an IM. After the short dance I walked outside and stood my avatar looking out to sea. Thinking. I logged off Second Life with a hollow feeling inside but at the same time - a spark - a feeling that there was real life here in these avatars. After this day I returned two times to see Djduerer, and both times he took me sailing. I dropped the bling chest rings and lengthened my skirt! I talked to him, not expecting a reply. I remember once as we were sailing saying to him - “You must have had a wonderful Real Life at sea”. His answer made me happy and sad at the same time….. ”Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” he said. Then a couple of weeks later I heard from someone, that Djduerer had passed away. Three years or more later, when I am helping New Residents in Second Life, this experience is never far from my mind. I see so many things in Second Life - some less than polite. But some wonderful things too. But at no time has anything in Second Life ever taught me so much as the day I met Djduerer Zou and discovered who was really behind the avatar. I see these young avatars ‘doing their thing’ and cannot help but wonder if they have given one moments thought to the other real person they are communicating with. Maybe they just don't know about the community in Second Life. Now, almost every person I meet, I understand very clearly not to take it for granted that who I am talking to is represented in any way by the visual effect they are giving. People come to Second Life for many different reasons and for every word they type there is a real person creating those words. I have used my experience of meeting Djduerer to explain to others who are new here about Second Life and to help them to have an open mind. I doubt my presence in Second Life meant much to Djduerer. If I kept him company for a few sailings, that makes me happy, however Djduerer’s presence in Second Life meant so much to me. He taught me the most important lesson I have learned here. ✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲ Since that time, I have spoken to Djduerer Zou's Real Life wife, who is still a resident. I would like to tell you what she told me about the time that she and Djduerer spent together here. She said that when he was ill, and Real Life a great trial to them both, they would come to Second Life together and live in the same way as they had always lived their real lives. Dancing, exploring, sailing. She told me that at the end of Djduerer's life, Second Life in a way gave them back the real lives they had lost. Of course, she really believes in the power of Second Life and what it can achieve for some people. We all meet moments of sadness in Second Life, but hopefully also many, many moments of fun, development, laughter and happiness. But let us never forget....think about how we relate to people......we never know who they are. ✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲ This story is distributed with the full permission of the Real Life wife of Djduerer Zou. Treacle Darlandes.
  5. The default next-owner permissions of things you make are "no copy/no modify/yes transfer" which is the reason you were having problems sending things to your alt. If you just set the object to "anyone can copy" without changing the next-owner permissions on the items there's nothing people can do commercially with the copies - they can't even read your scripts. If you changed the permissions AND set things to "anyone can copy"? You're out of luck.
  6. All I can suggest is that you delete this thread. You've basically told the world that you're upset that checking a box that says "Anyone can copy" means, well, anyone can copy. There are a number of reasons for people to want this function to behave exactly as it does and exactly as it has been pretty clearly described to do. You made a mistake. We all do. But you won't get much sympathy for something like this.
  7. When I was little - about five or six - I was very into cars. We lived near a church so Sunday mornings the streets around my house had various cars parked all up and down and I'd go out walking to take a look at them. At the time, about 1970... (My SL avatar looks up at me. "Gosh, you're old...") (Yes, I am, Theresa. Be quiet. Anyway...) At the time, about 1970, a ten-year old car was like something from Mars. Most people traded in their cars every three years and warranties were 1 year. Now, I drive a 10 year old car with over 100,000 miles on it and it's not even a particularly great car, just a pretty average one. You see ten, fifteen, twenty year old cars every day and nobody thinks anything about it. Throughout history, 90% of things were and are crap. However, when we look back in time the historical crap is long gone and forgotten and we only remember the 10% of things that were actually done well while we see the crappy 90% of the current world and think about how much better things were back then.
  8. MaxFox Howley wrote: I used other worlds based on the Open Simulator platform, and I think SL would beinfit from some of the features they use. Sim Crossing, you are held on a sim untill another can pick you up, no infinity walk between them. Who's with me? Actually, that's pretty much how it already works in SL, you just don't see it because the viewer's set up to try and guess your movement if its waiting for information from the server. If you go to "Develop" - "Network" and deselect "Velocity Interpolate Objects" you'll stop dead at border crossings and only move when the next sim has completed the handoff.
  9. I'm guessing that Rixty will soon be usable with Second Life but isn't yet - the page is a placeholder until the procedure has been worked out. That page might have been put up by mistake. It might not be until SL is available on Steam as well.
  10. JeanneAnne wrote: why is SL so dam quirky like this ?!?!? why dont they fix it ?!?! Jeanne Because people want to be able to use the system for free (sorry, couldn't help it.) Real answer - Avatar rendering, etc. is largely handled by the viewer, which "bakes" your avatar and sends the information to the servers. Information on what you're wearing is also saved in your viewer on your machine, which then sends the information to the server to give it information for other people to see. If you switch from one viewer to another and were wearing different outfits in each the information on what you're wearing in the servers can get out-of-date and other people will see you wearing half of the outfit from from one viewer and half from the other. Your viewer keeps track of what you're wearing separately so what you see in your viewer may be different. They're currently working on completely re-doing the way avatars are drawn to get around this, with separate servers to render avatars rather than relying on people's viewers. I just sent Nyx Linden a bunch of outffits to test the new system.
  11. Look at Redgrave and Dutch Touch too. My personal favorite light skins are from Natural Beauty, which are now only available on the Marketplace but you can still get demos. Also, Asian skin makers tend to use lighter skin tones than Western ones - most of the skins themselves don't look stereotypically "Asian." Look at Pink Fuel (best value for skins in Second Life in my opinion), Heaven's Gate (her "retail" skins tend to be more detailed than the free ones, which are quite nice for what they are as well) and you might consider Sakurako. (A bit dated and overpriced and now available only in world but her faces are lovely.) General advice: Don't worry about makeup because that can always be added with tattoos and give you much more flexibility, and don't pay too much attention to the promotional pictures - they're taken with very specialized, flattering lighting and in some cases (as I look at the skin you're using as your example and cough loudly) are heavily retouched. Always get a demo and look at it on your own shape, and don't automatically assume that a skinmaker's shape will be better - they're tuned to look good for close-up face shots and many of them don't hold up in real-fake-world situations. There are some skinmaker's shapes that I'd only wear to scare children on Halloween.
  12. The date you joined and the "titles" are connected to how long you've been participating on the forum instead of how long you've been participating in SL itself. In other words, you joined the FORUM in March 2012 and that's what you're seeing.
  13. Go to the "Preferences" menu, go to "Sound & Media" and make sure there's a check in the "Enabled" box by the "Voice Chat" bar. If there isn't, click on the box and then select "OK" to turn it on.
  14. By "double talking" do you mean that what you say gets printed out twice in a row, or more sometimes? That's caused by packet loss making your viewer think it needs to send the message again. I had the same problem for a while several weeks ago but it went away on its own. Between that and your inability to cross sim borders, I think there's some sort of issue with your connection.
  15. Did it say you were "banned" or just that it wouldn't let you in? The "age" issue was undoubtedly the fact that your account was only made on September 1 - many places don't allow very new avatars in for griefing reasons and to ensure the person playing them has a certain amount of experience in SL. Regions don't have any way of knowing your actual RL age to the best of my knowledge, only if you're "age verified" or not. The sim is still lthere - Tuesdays are days when much of the grid gets new server software which requires sims to be taken down for a period of time and today was abnormally hectic with many regions needing to be restarted more than once. You probably tried to locate it when it was temporarily offline due to a server update.
  16. Simplebear Bing wrote: Forgive me if this has already been answered among the forums but why is it so laggy to everyone in SL? not everything is rezzing and i can't walk. Others are having the same issues. Is their a cause for this? Whats going on? Most sims get updated server software on Tuesdays. Today, even though the software had been tested pretty thoroughly last week, the regions that have been restarted after installing the new software are running strangely and causing abnormal lag. Linden Lab is aware of it and is working on it.
  17. I'm seeing significant movement lag and slow rezzing on sims that have gone through the server roll as well. The sim statistics are typically fine - 45 frames per second with plenty of spare time. My ping and packet loss statistics show no problem at all, and I'm seeing normal performance in both RC regions and main channel releases that haven't gone through the server roll during the same login session. Rezzing seems to be helped slightly by turning off HTTP textures but it still is nowhere nere normal. Bandwidth use seems abnormally low in the problem regions. It doesn't seem to be getting above 30kbps in situations where you'd expect it to be much higher. Again, RC and non-updated main channels don't show this behavior.
  18. What viewer are you using, and what did you use successfully before? Since mesh came out, he standard SL viewer will crash if it uses more than about 1.5 gigabytes of memory and the quickest way to burn that much memory is to use the camera a lot in a crowded area. It has trouble releasing memory so it uses more and more until it reaches a point that it can't address any more because it's a 32 bit application that's not "large-address aware." A workaround is to use a viewer that IS large-address aware like Exodus or Dolphin. Dolphin also has a special movie-centered settings menu. Firestorm may also work because I believe they're using a different memory manager in the latest release.
  19. If you actually have been banned you would have gotten an E-mail saying you did. I once found myself getting that message for about a day (without being banned) but the problem corrected itself. Do you live in a situation where multiple people share an IP address? ETA - doesn't look like you've been banned because your profile is still online. See if you can log in from a remote location.
  20. Actually I suspect almost no SL models have custom mesh shapes because that would mean it wouild be impossible for them to model system clothing, skins and makeup or most mesh clothing.
  21. JeanneAnne wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: So, in other words, the only people who should be able to access SL are those who can spend $200 a year on "pretty cartoons"? Incidentally, that's well over twice what a premium account costs now. yep .. thats how it should be .. no "ownership" & no freeloading .. everyone contributes & everyone has equal access .. premium accounts are worthless anyway .. those who pay tier support everyone else .. this promotes classism conflict & griefing .. if everyone paid a user free & no one "owned property" & there was no L$ & all content was free .. sl would be a truly egalitatarian virtual society & everyone would be equal .. as it should be .. Jeanne Indeed - an equal gathering of a group of the leisure class.
  22. So, in other words, the only people who should be able to access SL are those who can spend $200 a year on "pretty cartoons"? Incidentally, that's well over twice what a premium account costs now.
  23. Actually there are a variety of ways people can approach SL. People can play completely for free, people can pay money in if they choose and people can actually make a living at it. It all depends on what you want to do. Actually a setup like that seems more egalitarian than models that some people propose like asking everyone to pay what would quickly end up to be hundreds of dollars a year to maintain the system and then forbidding them the chance to get any of that reimbursed.
  24. The title of your post is rather misleading. Most people are just fine talking about their own problems. What they dislike is LISTENING TO OTHER PEOPLE'S PROBLEMS. Especially if they don't know that person. And you said yourself, therapists get paid to listen to other people's problems. I'm sure you'll find my rates quite competitive.
  25. This is not meant to sound nasty, it's meant as a sincere question meant to help you - Why would anyone want to meet you? I'm not saying there isn't a reason; there probably is one. I'm sure you have lots of good qualities. But if you just stand around hoping for someone to start talking to you, nobody will ever know about them. And another question - Would YOU be interested in meeting someone who acts just the way you do? If you look at yourself and say, "Gee, maybe I WOULDN'T," maybe you should behave differently. Homework assignment: Watch the old Bill Murray movie, "Groundhog Day."
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