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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. I'd strongly recommend using default settings for testing, and using settings close to default for your sales art. If you don't you're going to get a lot of angry customers if the skins look significantly different from how they look under default settings.
  2. I doubt that computer will give you high framerates on Ultra. The way Nvidia's card numbering system works, the first digit (6) is the card's "generation", with higher numbers indicating more recent technology, and the second digit (1) is the relative performance of that card in the Nvidia lineup, with a higher number indicating more performance. The second digit of 1 tells me that the graphics setup is pretty low-end on that machine. It should run SL but not give you great performance, especially with "Ultra" settings.
  3. There's no technical difference between any two non-mesh shapes in SL - they're all based on the same sliders everyone has access to in the "Create a New Shape" panel. What you're paying for is the shape manipulator's skills and service. Tell the maker you're considering buying the shape but want a style card . If she won't give you one laugh in her virtual face. If you'd pay L$1500 for a shape she should be giving you free footrubs and hot chocolate and washing your car for a year.
  4. Loki Kahanamoku wrote: I have a sim and I have been building a urban city on a sky platform. Today, Linden Labs restarted my sim and my roads and sidewalks were returned saying they went offsim. I had this problem on the ground a few weeks ago. I was 3 meters from the sim boarder and it kept returning the sidewalks. But, I moved them back a little and it solved it. But, here is my problem now. Around the perimeter of the sky platform, I have buildings. I had several sidewalks and roads linked together to make it easier to move in the middle. On each side, they had 20 or more meters available. When the sim reset, all my roads and sidewalks were returned saying they went off sim but the buildings and the landscape walls I put up (which are all closer to the boarders) did not return. has anyone experienced this? Could it be because I have so much linked together over a 100 meters each way. I linked all the sidewalks and roads together in one and turned them convex to reduce the land impact. The system's designed so that the maximum distance between the centerpoint of items in a linkset is 54 meters - this is so that people don't crash into an invisible child prim of a linkset they can't see because the root prim (the prim that determines whether your viewer should draw an object) is out of their draw distance. A few weeks ago this setting got broken and you could link items that were farther apart than 54 meters, but this was changed back in the recent server updates.
  5. silver575 Moonites wrote: sorry anyway is there a way to stop the avatar from glitching, like when you fall the arms and legs kind of pop off can that be stopped? Because of the way pony avatar are put together they need custom animations for everything because they have to fold and deform the underlying "human" shape all avatars and animations are designed for to make it look like a pony. You should have gotten an AO with your pony. However, seeing as falling isnt' a common action the maker might not have bothered to make a special falling animation and you're playing the default human fall which looks odd with a pony. Easiest solution is to not fall ; )
  6. Boudicca Littlebird wrote: Seem we have only two choices as to how we got here, one that we were made in 7 days and the there being that we evolved due to survival of the fittest, I would like to propose a 3rd view, that both the above are wrong and it is food that changes life forms, I give ants and bees as an example, they use food to mod the structure of their body's to make queens, workers and solders, I think that this was well known ages ago by the elite and the GMO crops use these same chemicals which is making the bees die out as they can't make the life forms they need for each job. It's a stretch to say that "food" is used to modify ant/bee structures. Royal jelly is a substance made by the insects themselves that contains a specific hormonal cocktail that triggers a pre-coded genetic sequence. It's basically the same as when a mammalian brain sends an electrical signal to an endocrine gland which then produces hormones that travel through the bloodstream and causes cells down the line to perform certain pre-coded functions. The only difference is that in a mammal all the body parts are connected and in an insect colony the parts are physically separated. It's certainly possible that encountering chemicals in the wild can trigger certain unexpected reactions, and that encountering some chemicals at specific points in an organism's gestation can cause genetic mutation. However, there's a huge stretch between that and saying that a species is the way it is because at some point in the past one of its ancestors ate a strawberry.
  7. Any graphics driver upgrade will have to come from either Intel or your computer manufacturer. Atom processors are designed for low cost and low power consumption and I doubt the built-in graphics capability will be suitable for SL.
  8. UsikuFarasi, part of your problem may be that your video system isn't even close to meeting the standards SL needs - your OpenGL version is 1.4 and the bare minimum for SL is 2.1 with a preference for later versions (the current version is 4.2.) Also, your 4% packet loss indicates you've got a bad connection. And under the circumstances I'd avoid trying to run voice with that setup as well. If you still want to try using it you might try the Beta viewer - they've been making modifications and I think at one point they thought they had the Skydrive problem fixed.
  9. I've noticed that HTTP vs. UDP texture loading is very hardware/service dependent. With my old erratic DSL and a Linksys router UDP loading was generally more reliable and faster than HTTP. With Comcast cable and a Motorola router HTTP beats UDP like a rented mule.
  10. Saturn Serendipity wrote: I posted this, going to add my system info: Just some numbers: When I rez in my home in sl, using Phoenix 1.5.2, the frame rate is about 35 fps. When log off and relog at the EXACT same spot in Firestorrm 4.2.2 I get about 1 tenth the frame rate, yes, 3-4 fps. My home is on a residential sim that is usually deserted and a crowd is 2-4 people any where on the sim. Now going to somewhere like Franks Place in Phoenix, depending on the crowd, I get 1-5 fps. If I go there in Firestorm, I just CRASH as soon as I land --- IF I even get there. Update: My computer is a Mac Pro (early 2008) Intel Dual Quad Core (Xeon, 8 CPUs), 16 GB RAM, on Comcast with 36 MB/sec download spead, Graphics Card is ATI 5870 1 GB Video RAM, running Mac OS X 10.8.2 More: I run Phoenix with ALL of the graphics maxed out on Ultra graphics setting and ALL custom Setting at Maximum and most important in Debug settings I have RenderAppleMultiGL set to TRUE, for multi-threaded graphics rendering which makes performance about 3 times faster than without it. Also Hardware settings have OpenGL, Vertex Buffer Objects Enabled, Anti-aliasing is disabled, anisotropic filtering is OFF, I keep my draw distance in the 200s, can still see far but not too far. Avatar Imposters is checked to render distant avatars as 2d only, this helps too. Hardware skinning is off as that slows my system down to a crawl and the same for HTTP get textures - very slow, so that is off as well despite claims to teh contrary it doesn't work for me. Before the upgrade to Mac OS X 10.8 I used to get FPS at my home sim wtih Graphics setting MAXED OUT of up to 150 fps whic is insanely fast, that with Mac OS X 10.7.4 and at that time Firestorm would run in the low Teens FPS (at my home sim) . So part of the problem was an immediate degradation of Graphics performance upgrading the Mac OS from 10.7.4 to 10.8 However, even then Firestorm was unacceptably slow (as is Phoenix 1.6+) I hear stories of people getting great performance with Firestorm, and even if I bottom out the Graphics settings it's still poor, so for my system, os, etc, Firestorm is still not an option and I need something to speed it up considerably. If it also means switching to NVidia Graphics I would do that as well. Not sure, as it's hard to find good information. Any ideas would help. It sounds like something in your setup doesn't like more recent versions of OpenGL. Macs were stuck on around OpenGL 2.1 until whatever cat just came out (Mountain Lion?). OpenGL 3 and later work quite differently. Mesh viewers are also optimized for more recent versions of OpenGL. One thing you should try is turning off Vertex Buffer Objects - they don't work well with ATI cards and SL right now.
  11. That usually happens when your shoulders are too narrow. The default male shape has pretty ridiculously wide shoulders and narrowing them can cause problems like you're seeing. If you're trying to make a slender male avatar it's often easier to actually start with the default female shape - it won't have any effect on anything else.
  12. Yep, it sounds like your viewers think you're using a German keyboard for some reason - I assume your menus aren't in German, though, as you probably would have mentioned a little thing like that. If the viewer settings don't do anything then try re-installing and making sure the language is set as English.
  13. Your computer is too old and underpowered to run SL at "Ultra." I think I used to have that video card and when I had it I didn't run at over "Medium" and I have a quad-core processor and three times the memory than you.
  14. Try going into your Nvidia settings and turning FXAA anti-aliasing off for your viewer. It's a type that SL uses by default that tends to be faster but can cause issues like you're describing, especially the blurred text.
  15. In that picture, your avatar looks like it hasn't completely "baked" (hit it's maximum resolution level.) This happens when you're not getting the final textures from the server properly. When your avatar isnt' completely "baked" the alpha hasn't reached it's final shape either so it won't look right. This particular problem has nothing to do with mesh and happens with sculpts too. Rebake your avatar (Crtl-Alt-R) and wait for it to look as clear and crisp as possible and see if you still have the same problem. If it doesn't work you can see if you can find a different alpha that goes higher up your leg. Alphas for boots are very simple to make because it just involves erasing your leg below the top of the boot, and you can use an alpha from one item for a different item.
  16. candella1 wrote: Hello!i would like to ask something... i have an item that i want to be copiable so that anybody can copy it and use it but i don't want other people to be able to read the script that it is included in it.How can i do it???? thanks! Set the script to "no modify." It will still be copyable (if it's set that way, of course.) If the script needs to be configurable by the owner you can do things like having the no-mod script read a modifiable notecard.
  17. It sounds like your account has been compromised. Change your password if you can and contact billing support RIGHT NOW. You need to contact your bank too. What was the charge supposed to be for? Note that this forum isn't an official Linden Lab service and we can't do anything directly for you here. Have billing issues? Give us a call. Note that phone support is for billing issues only. If you're having technical issues, please use technical support. Billing support phone numbers Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Our Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Brazil: 0800.762.1132 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only
  18. Looks like that MacBook has Intel HD 4000 built-in graphics, which is fine for what it was designed for (streaming video) but doesn't have the 3D calculation ability necessary to run advanced SL graphics.
  19. Quick crashes like this are usually viewer crashes and it takes a moment for the servers to realize you're no longer online. The system has to log you out before you can log back in again. If you wait a minute or so before you try to log in again you won't get this message.
  20. Right click on the NAME of the object IN THE LIST to remove it, or select it and use the 'Remove" button.
  21. You sound like you have experience in SL despite the new avatar. What viewer are you using? If you're using Phoenix your avatar won't load properly until you go to a region that allows objects to be rezzed because it's trying to create the "bridge." ETA - sounds like that's what's happening and the attempts to fix it made things worse. See this Phoenix JIRA... http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/PHOE-1124
  22. I'm guessing that anyone that has the ABILITY to go to adult rated areas is sent to an adult-rated infohub because the system has no idea what they were doing when they logged off last. This works when it's only an individual sim that's down but in a situation like a restart there are too many regions offline at a time for all the people logging in who have the ability to access adult content to fit into the limited number of adult "safe hubs."
  23. snoogans213 wrote: hope someone can help i asked inworld but no one was willing to listen :catsad: bottom line i can't use blender and not through lack of trying i'm just not artistic in that way,i have 4 PS templates so far tank top,booty shorts,bra &panties. i need 1 mesh for each template. The items you're making are actually not good candidates for mesh - they all are meant tol fit very tight to the body and a mesh will cause your buyers problems with getting them to fit and clipping through their bodies when they move. The tank top is a possible exception for women with larger breasts, but booty shorts, bras and panties are SUPPOSED to look "painted on." There are also many inexpensive full-permission mesh items meant for clothing manufacturers that you can get - many of the stores selling mesh clothing use them instead of the creator making the mesh themselves.
  24. Sim crossings are all handled by the servers; I haven't seen any special tests or procedures for sim crossing in a little scooter I have that crosses sim borders quite well (it's the only vehicle use that I can read the scripts in so I dont know about more complicated vehicles.) Have you tried crossing into different sims? If you're trying to cross a sim border into a full lot or one with public access off you'll have problems. You might try taking a look at the scripts in the "Kart 1.0" vehicle that's in your Library - it's nothing fancy but it will show how a basic vehicle script works.
  25. It depends on what you mean by "combat" - to me, that would be some sort of organized wargame-like simulation with rules. If this is what you're after you'd need to see what the sim owner of the combat area will allow. When I read the description of that HUD it looks to be a griefing tool plain and simple.
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