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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. If you don't need rezz rights I recommend the Calas Galadhon sims, the Grand Canyon and Raisin Ranch at Fruit Islands (all should turn up in search). The End of Time sims are also very nice and also allow rezzing if you join their group.
  2. I had a thought - This club was previously in Dobinson, a waterfront mainland sim, even though it didn't really have any reason to be on the water. It created such a load on the sim that people abandoned or dumped prime waterfront real estate. I swung by Dobinson and a lot of it is now on sale for pretty high prices. Now, this club appears in Bay City, home of probably the highest average real estate prices in SL, despite not really having any reason to be there. It's creating a load on the sim and people are having a hard time using their expensive property. Is anyone familiar with the term, "blockbusting?" Hmmm....
  3. If you use Phoenix you can only wear one alpha layer at a time; you may be able to make a composite one if the makers gave you the alpha textures for each piece. If you're using the LL viewer or FIrestorm you can wear more than one alpha at a time by selecting "Add" instead of "Wear."
  4. Rezzing over or onto the water has been a little flaky lately. The "selection beam" may be going through the water and hitting your neighbor's property, or it be something else. In any event, the water's all yours; you may have to drag things in after rezzing on the land but they'll stay in the water once you get them there. "Wear and drop" might work too.
  5. WHAT I KNOW: Avatars never actually had a true "last name" in the form of a word that was stored in their data. They had a "first name" which is up to 31 letters and then "last name" field which is actually a number which is looked up in a database. When you picked a last name you actually chose one of a range of numbers. My name is actually Theresa 10910. The datafield for a number is far smaller than a name - using the typical method of coding letters two letters take up the same space as over 64,000 numbers. This is why custom last names were very difficult to get - they had to be added to the central database. This also is why people who become Lindens can have their last name changed - the number is changed from whatever it was to "1" which becomes displayed as "Linden" and probably also grants them Linden powers. WHAT I SUSPECT: I first joined just weeks before "last names" were discontinued - note that my last name corresponds to 10,910. Databases in SL tend to become slow and unreliable when they have much more than 10,000 entries. I also assume a copy of the database needs to be loaded to the viewer. Over 10,000 people create new accounts in SL every day - the vast majority of them don't stay, of course, but they all need unique names. If they all got old-style database last names the database would keep growing until it started causing performance problems. I've created several alt accounts since the change and haven't had major problems with names. If you choose a first and last name for yourself that aren't that of a famous person or are extremely common and you make your username "FirstnameLastname" you've got a very good chance of getting that name.
  6. Carl Allegiere wrote: I switched over to Macbook Air and Mac Mini from Windows laptop and desktop about 6 months ago. The SL viewers running on Macs are horrible by comparison with Windows -- lag is awful. My guess is that the SL Mac viewers are not optimized for the new MacOS Lion and the drivers in these newest generation Macs. The current MacBook Air relies on Intel HD 4000 graphics, which is good for things like streaming video but is very poor for calculating and displaying 3D objects, which is what you need for SL. Mac Minis are also pretty low-end for 3D graphics. I'm not saying that Macs are bad computers, but those two examples are designed for pretty specific requirements - i.e. extreme light weight and low power use for the MacBook Air - which require compromises that are the exact opposite of what you need for good performance with heavy 3D calculations.
  7. You can go to the place that made your skin and try to find a version of that design that has less eye makeup. Skin makers usually give each skin "family" a name and have a number have a wide range of makeups available that are variations of that basic skin type. As Lindal said, you can add makeup to a "plain" skin with tattoos.
  8. What version of OSX are you running and are you by any chance on a PowerPC Mac? That message implies you're on a pretty old Mac. Apparently they just changed the oldest supported Mac OS to 10.6 (Snow Leopard). 10.5 (Leopard) was an option until recently but caused a number of problems. You can probably find a third-party viewer that will support Leopard if you have to, but if you're running anything earlier or are on a PowerPC machine there are very few options left and you'll be missing out on a lot of content in SL. You can edit your initial question to give us your OS version.
  9. My jeep can go pretty slow and if it goes off the road it looks like you meant to do it: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/GPW-JEEP/2096511 I think a big part of the problem with driving on the Mainland is you keep entering new regions so you constantly get a flood of new information your viewer has to deal with. Also, be very subtle with the left and right arrows - if you hold them until you see yourself turn you've probably held them too far.
  10. "Promo" is short for "Promotional" - it's something that you can get for a very low price but has advertising for the maker on it. Lots of companies do this in RL as well. You can't take the writing off because that's why you were allowed to get the item at that price in the first place. If you have writing on your avatar's skin itself it's probably a "Demo" (demonstration) item - they're given so people considering buying a product can see how it will look on them but it's deliberately defaced so they won't just wear the demo instead of buying the full product.
  11. Darleen Emerald wrote: Does anyone know why sim server "sleep" time is now equal to "Spare" time? perhaps Oskar or Mastro can explain this? thanks The server program is set up so that it can simulate everything going on in a region 45 times a second - these 45 events are called "frames." (This has nothing to do with the VIEWER frame rate, which is dependent on your graphics card.) If everything going on in a region totals up taking more than 1/45 of a second, the server runs fewer frames for a second and you get server lag. If everthing ends up taking LESS than 1/45 of a second, though, there's no advantage to running more than 45 frames in a second because everything in SL is built around a server rate of 45 and if it got faster things would start to misbehave. In a lightly-loaded region the time left over from running the processes in a 1/45 second frame is called "spare time" and to keep the clock running normally the server uses this time up by doing nothing for a calculated length of time. This timed nothingness is called "sleep". As you can see, it would make sense for "spare time" and "sleep" to be right around the same number.
  12. They don't work if you use deferred rendering/lighting and shadows but they do if you don't. This was an intentional change by LL several months ago.
  13. If you know what area it was in last you can try contacting the owner of the sim to see if it's still there and have them return it to you. If that doesn't work many no-copy rideables or other "animals", and almost all breedables, are tracked by their manufacturers in separate databases that aren't directly part of Second Life. If you contact the maker chances are good that they can give you a replacement copy.
  14. Assuming you're looking for a high-heel shoe, with the way the basic avatar foot is constructed SOMETHING has to make part of the foot invisible because otherwise you'll see an ugly cone at the heel of the foot. The options are invisiprims (which are no longer officially supported with advanced rendering settings and cause a variety of glitches) or alphas. Most shoe makers are trying to phase out invisiprims. Is there a special reason you don't want to use alphas?
  15. Known problem with some video drivers - update to the latest drivers you can get. It used to be ATI/AMD that had the most problems with this but I haven't heard anything about it lately from that group. Some Nvidia users started having the same problem recently but it was corrected by the latest official driver from Nvidia (306.23)
  16. Look in your "Lost and Found" folder and see if there's one file that looks like a broken orange Rubik's cube with the name of ONE of your missing objects. That would be everything from your lot bundled together temporarily - that's how returned items typically arrive. If you rezz that item all your missing items should show up. Sometimes it takes a while for the bundle to show up in your inventory - check the "recent" tab of your inventory and see if anything like what I'm describing shows up.
  17. Qie Niangao wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: Ummm, I've had my vehicles returned from mainland roads on standing. Really? And you hadn't been on the Linden parcel for more than the auto-return interval? Did you happen to check whether it was some odd case where object-entry was disabled? Certainly the majority of Mainland roads and waterways allow object entry, but I've seen it get flipped--even on the SLRR, a time or two--presumably as a side-effect of some anti-griefing measure. Most of the Linden roads and waterways I'm familiar with have a rezz zone in a small portion of each sim but don't allow rezzing on the majority of the rights-of-way.
  18. This just doesn't sound like a real message from SL to me - the "2k linden" sticks out like a sore thumb, and I doubt they'd use a no-reply address for something like this or not give you instructions for replying. It may be the person who gave you the money running some sort of scam - they don't appear in search either. I'd definately submit an abuse report and ticket on it.
  19. Go to "Help" - "About Second Life", copy the information to the clipboard, edit your original post and paste it there. That will give us a lot of informtion quickly. Sluggish walking and teleporting is often a connection problem. Crashing when using the camera controls in a busy region is a known problem - the viewer doesn't release the memory it uses reliably so when you use the camera it takes more and more memory until it finally hits the wall of how much it can possibly use (about 1.5 gigabytes) and crashes. If you go to "Develop" - "Show Info" - "Show Memory" you can see a display of how much memory the viewer's using. Clearing cache is something that only helps if you see a specific problem, like your inventory showing the wrong numbers of items or if you see textures that are obviously showing wrong. Clearing it as a matter of routine will only make your viewer work harder
  20. If you have a bit of spare money and are reasonably handy mechanically you might want to look at getting an inexpensive slot-mounted video card, installing it and bypassing the built-in graphics. Even an inexpensive plug-in card is going to give you much better performance in SL and it will also extend the effective life of your computer if you can bypass your built-in graphics before it completely fails.
  21. 1) Make sure you're not wearing any clothing layers - I think some of the default avatars have some of the same clothing pieces both printed on the skin and as separate wearable layers. 2) If you're not wearing any clothing layers then you're not seeing the actual skin you're wearing for some reason. A "skin" has three separate parts - a texture for the head, one for the torso and one for the legs. Your viewer may still be trying to draw the torso or legs from the old skin instead of the new one. Try wearing another skin and then putting on your new skin. If you still see the underwear on the new skin, go to "Preferences" - "Advanced" and hit the "Clear Cache" button and then relog. This will make everything reload - it might take a while, but you'll get new copies of everything from the servers.
  22. What region is it and are you sure the region itself is offline as opposed to your not being able to access it for another reason? You can edit your initial post to tell us this.
  23. If possible, delete the resize script from the hair. It's really no more difficult to resize hair by selecting, editing and stretching it and it sounds like the script in this particular hairstyle is very wasteful, with a script in each individual prim of the hair.
  24. Pathfinding is designed to use no more than 4 ms of frame time on a full sim. A large part of this is taken up by updating the positions of objects in-world that have the potential to move, which would affect a pathfinding character. However, since there isn't an automatic way for the server to tell what things might move and might not the pathfinding code assumes everything might move unless it's specifically told otherwise. This means that in most sims where the owners haven't gone through the setup process it will use the full 4 ms even if there are no pathfinding characters on the sim. Setting up the sim for pathfinding by telling the servers what objects are stationary or can be ignored for pathfinding purposes should get a lot of this time back. This 4 ms is reflected in the sim's physics time and normally comes out of spare time but if there isn't enough spare time then script events will delayed so only a certain percentage of the scripts will run in a given frame. The ones that don't run will be given their turn in a frame or two. I'm not exactly sure how your script-timer notifications work or what they're detecting but this may be the problem. The way scripts are set up currently if there are more events than time available then normally the scripts will run less well withoult slowing down the server process.
  25. Mitchell Indigo wrote: Today I was driving a vehicle of mine around in SL and all of a sudden, the minute I got out of the vehicle, it poofed into my lost and found folder. I checked the auto return time and that wasn't a factor. What's up with this? It sounds like you got out of the vehicle on a lot that doesn't allow you to rezz objects. Driven vehicles are allowed into these lots because of special exceptions written into the code so vehicle owners won't be constantly blocked but as soon as you get out of a vehicle it becomes a standard rezzed object and it will go to your lost and found if it's on a lot you can't rezz on that lot.
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