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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. LilyWilliams wrote: I'd like to make my shape look like a certain person, but I don't know how or if that's even possible. Are there any successful cases of shapes looking exactly like you want them to? Like a virtual version of yourself or a celebrity? If you find an appropriate skin you can probably make someone recognizeable, but you'll never get an exact match. The sliders for the face don't have enough flexibility and precision for that. In particular, actual human faces are slightly asymmetrical and there aren't enough ways to model that with the sliders, particularly the fact that almost everyone has one eye noticeably higher than the other one if you look closely.
  2. Ayesha Askham wrote: I notice that the Grid Status Page Google diary no longer has a Main Server Roll scheduled for tomorrow. I didn't register when this disappeared from the schedule. Does anyone know why this is the case?:matte-motes-confused: The release candidates had issues this past week - the interest list work never got put on Magnum due to issues causght in QA and there were problems with the other project. Nothing ready to promote this week.
  3. Your inventory is what it is on the servers - all your viewer is doing is giving you a report on what's there and for various reasons that report can become inaccurate. Firestorm and Phoenix have a lot of differences in the nuts-and-bolts of inventory management, especially with the "recieved items" function because it didn't exist when most of Phoenix was coded. If you clear your cache in Firestorm your items should re-appear once it reloads. I'd suggest you avoid having items hanging around in your "Recieved Items" area for longer than necessary, and you probably want to set up separate caches for Phoenix and FIrestorm if you're going to switch between them often.
  4. Jasmine Digital wrote: You really want to know why there are so many freebies on Marketplace? Because all of the major content creators have had to pack up their shops and leave as a result of Marketplace. It's a double-edged sword. Linden Labs invested a whole lot of time and money building Marketplace - now they evn announce that they're migrating to Amazon too. People like me, who used to own stores spread across three full islands have long gone. I started in 2006. I built a vast collection of furniture and homes. At one time, I was earning $50,000 lindens per day and withdrawing $1,500 to $2,000 USD per month. I spent every moment I could building, revising, redecorating, rebuilding, and expanding. Slowly though, the Marketplace became the king. Who's going to pay $5,000 L for a house they can get on Marketplace for $100L? I'm all done now. Today I popped in to convert my premium account to free basic membership. Some of my old furniture and homes are still on Marketplace. I'm giving it all away now. Just like all the other "freebie makers" out there. There was a SL car maker that was selling a car based on the Isetta bubblecar. It was for sale for L$800. It was cute but the construction was a bit dated and I didnt' have a compelling reason to buy it. Some time ago another builder released an Isetta on the marketplace for free as a promo for their full-perm cars. I got it - it was nice enough, but the conversion of the mesh had issues and I wasn't inspired to pay even L$100 to get an upgraded version that was available in different colors. The first builder I mentioned took their Isetta out of their store. Some builders in this position would then be on this forum telling about how "freebies were destroying thier business." This builder, though decided to do something different. A few weeks later the first builder released a new version of their Isetta that was ONE OF THE MOST AWESOME THINGS I'D EVER SEEN and priced it at L$500. I found myself trying to come up with reasons why I needed an Isetta (with me, this would mean suddenly discovering that my avatar had relatives in Germany in the 1950's - that's how I roll, usually.) I know someone who got one of the new Isettas and liked it so much that he routinely walks around carrying a little suitcase that came with it. Recently the new Isetta's been re-priced at L$1000 and I'm still working out excuses to get it, despite not being interested in the previous L$800 one or a competitor's L$100 one.
  5. You're seeing the fold between the cheek and the lower eyelid. There's no way of removing the fold - you can mimimize it by reducing "eye bags" and "eyelid puffiness" to their minimums. It's noticeable with the default SL lighting because the "light source" is high and contrasty. You can see the same thing in RL with most people under most non-studio lighting setups. You don't see it in the editing screen or RL glamour photos for the same reason: lighting iis "flat" and lower-contrast and coming directly at the face. You can adjust your global lighting in SL to make the lighting flatter, and you can TRY wearing a "facelight" for photos. , However, if you walk around wearing a facelight you will probably irritate a lot of people and end up looking noobish.
  6. You should find that the boots from J's are excellent quality and you can get a demo in-world. My various avatars have many pairs of J's shoes and boots among them.
  7. That can sometimes be a temporary glitch, unless you've been bad, of course, in which case LL would have banned your computer/connection. If they HAVE banned you there would have been an E-mail telling you about it so check your E-mail. I've seen the message for no reason though and it's cleared up in a few hours. Resetting your modem might help, or you may need to file a support ticket.
  8. It looks like Linden Lab foreclosed on your landlord. I was able to enter your lot - your things are still there. Your cat isnt' sick yet but scripts are only on for group members and the lot is no longer owned by group I'm assuming you''re in and that would cause problems. KittyCats has a "cattery" that's sort of an offline cat-boarding area - you may want to put your cat in there until you find a new place. As I said, I had no problem entering your lot itself - are you able to log into anywhere else? Try logging into a different location, possibly taking your land-group tag off and then going to the lot from the map. It looks like you'll need to find a new place.
  9. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: I was browsing the MP yesterday thinking of treating myself to some new clothes. I sorted women's apparel "newest first" looking for something new I haven't seen all over. I looked at over a hundred pages of stuff. Most of what I saw was mesh, and most of that just variations of the same mesh models. Time after time, the same dress, the same shirt, the same skirt etc., all alike other than color or fabric pattern. I even saw mesh models textured with freebie textures from the library. I saw very little original work. A new mesh model hits the market and within days a lot of merchants are selling it with some slight variation. Basically, you just said, "I wanted to know what people in New York were like so I opened the phone book to a random page and EVERYONE'S LAST NAME STARTED WITH J! What a boring city!" Your search technique almost guaranteed that you'd see exactly what you just saw. If you look at fashion blogs or go around to stores with designers who you know are more technically advanced you'll probably see something different.
  10. What message are you seeing and where are you seeing all these reports? This is the first I've heard about problems recently. All the Nvidia problems with new drivers I've heard about have been about a situation that was happening in the second half of 2011 and was fixed in early 2012. (I have a fairly new Nvidia card and it affected me too). The OpenGL calls were completely re-written then to use the latest standards. I'm not saying there isn't anything happening now, but it would be so new that a web search doesn't turn up anything about it. Check the dates on those reports and make sure you're not looking at a report of an old problem.
  11. Your best bet is to look for in-store promotions, group gifts or events like "Fifty Linden Fridays." If you don't want to invest the dollar of RL money that represents the average full-price hairstyle you're going to have to invest your time.
  12. The phrasing of their reasoning was very odd: Effective December 13, Adobe disabled the activation server for CS2 products and Acrobat 7 because of a technical glitch. These products were released over 7 years ago and do not run on many modern operating systems. But to ensure that any customers activating those old versions can continue to use their software, we issued a serial number directly to those customers. While this might be interpreted as Adobe giving away software for free, we did it to help our customers. Note that they DIDN'T say, "While this might be interpreted as Adobe giving away software for free, BUT IT ISN'T."
  13. Your skin actually IS in two halves - actually four quarters to be precise (head, upper body and arms, lower body, and feet.) There's a joint between these areas with the way the avatar "map" is laid out and if the skin maker hasn't perfectly matched the tone across the joint you'll see a line if you look closely. Unfortunately, you'll either have to live with it or find another skin.
  14. Uy, lots of questions.... 1. and 2. Custom body shapes traditionally were made of individual pieces worn over the various parts of the default body mesh like a suit of armor. These can be made partially in-world but if you want to have elaborate shapes you will want an outside program that will allow you to make "sculpt maps" to shape the pieces. There is a newer way to make a custom shape that involves making a "rigged mesh" but that has to be made in an ouside program like Maya or Blender and be uploaded. 3. All animations work by moving the default character mesh so you need to take into account the "bones" of this mesh - i.e. the hand of your shape has to be somehow connected to the hand of the default character mesh for it to work as a hand. 4. If you're referrring to system clothing layers they're fairly self-explanatory. They're the only things that have dedicated values as clothing. Everything else is an object that is only "clothing" because it's attached to a certain part of the base avatar mesh. If you drop it on the ground it may as well be a tree. 5. The best search term would be "deformer". 6. Character size is independent of the land. The general unit of measure in SL is the "prim" which originally stood for "geometric primitive" but it's been sort of modified recently to a general term called "land impact." A full region (the square named areas on the map) can hold up to 15,000 "prims" on the land as landscaping, etc. As I noted, this doesn't include prims on avatars. A common small lot size can hold 117 prims on the ground but if I walk in wearing a 100-prim necklace this won't count against it. 7. and 8. Before you get into things like this, I'd suggest just hanging around SL for a while and inspecting things you see around you. There are a number of different types of avatars in the "library" in everyone's inventory, for instance. You can "edit" things to learn a certain amount about them even if you can't modify them. Also, if you want to get "hands-on" there's a building in a sim called Natoma called the "Ivory Tower of Primitives" that has a rather old-school demonstration of basic building. A lot of it has been augmented by more specialized procedures but it's still a good way to get started. Now go out and play for a while before your next round of questions.
  15. If they have their offline IM's forwarded to their E-mail you can send them an IM (even though they're not on-line) and it will be delivered that way. If they don't have forwarding turned on there isn't much you can do.
  16. Okay, let's say you're buidling a building. The Second Life app plays the part of the architect. It writes the specificattions. Say the specs are in English. The specs go to the general contractor, or in this case the operating system. The GC can read English but he can only speak Italian. Now the specifications need to go to the actual carpenter who will do the building - in this case the video card. Say he can only speak Spanish. In order for the GC to communicate with the carpenter, he needs a foreman who can translate from Italian to Spanish. In a computer, these would be the video drivers. ----- Now say the client decides to go with a new general contractor - WIndows 7, in this case - but keep the same architect and carpenter. However, this general contractor can read English but only speaks SWEDISH. The carpenter can still only speak Spanish, though, and now the old foreman can't tell him what to do because he can't understand what the new contractor is saying anymore. There needs to be a new foreman who can translate from SWEDISH to Spanish. And if they can't find one? The building doesn't get built. Architect's fine, contractors fine, carpenter's fine, but they can't communicate without the right foreman. ---- Short version - you need video drivers for WIndows 7. There's no way around it.
  17. You need either need to get new drivers from the video card maker if they're available or a new video card if you can install one. A video card that can only run XP must be ancient in computer terms anyway.
  18. You should be able to do it with the new Microsoft Surface that runs the full version of Windows 8 but it won't look as good as even a middle of the road desktop.
  19. Gadget Portal wrote: Seriously though, if you ignore objectives and ignore where the content comes from, the technology and environment are literally the same thing. If you ignore the fact that they're radically different, the basic cellular structures and materials of a cat and a peanut plant are literally the same thing
  20. Shab Aelberts wrote: In fact I want to tell you all also about new people ( whether copybooters or avatars with basic accounts ) they have a program to copy lot of items and they can sell them in a very cheap prices on marketplace, and one day i asked someone how they can design and sell items in cheap prices. They told me they have a program to copy and steal any kind of stuff and sell them without any problem, and they told me also if they will be banned by LL, so they can create a new avatar and join SL again and doing in same way. That's why I want LL to take more serious about this issue, and then they can change the rule to not allow any newbie to create a new store on marketplace without upgrade membership to premium, and must also to open a least one main store on SL in world. It's entirely possible to have an in-world store where you sell copybotted merchandise too. In fact, I know of one where the copybotting is so obvious that the merchandise still shows the name of the original designer on it. And this is at a mall that I imagine you are very, very familiar with.
  21. It's a network problem on Linden Lab's side - they know about it and are working on it.
  22. They're based on the maximum amount of land you owned at any given time during the billed month.
  23. Yordie Sands wrote: Hi Theresa... I hoped that's how it works. Any idea why visually and on the mini-map, sims appear to be down? It is very puzzling what is happening. Also, what is the terminology for the sleep server technoloy? Thank you, Yordie The sleep technology is called "Region Idling" and it's been pretty trouble-free. Today you'll see sims going down and back up all day on the map because they're running the weekly server restarts (which haven't been done for a few weeks do to the Holitays). Also there are periodic map glitches where the "tiles" (graphic cartoons of the regions) showing up occasionally, often causing long blank strips through continents. The regions themselves should be fine.
  24. My understanding of how those "free apartments" worked was that there were a limited number that were first-come, first served and they were reset periodically so you'd need to re-apply to get another one after they were reset. In OpenSim you can have as much free land as you want, but you'll be providing the server and support yourself and there won't be nearly as much content from other people available for you to use.
  25. Leia36 wrote: I'll give you an example, I answered a classifieds ad about three months ago, the poster wanted a custom logo for his shop. I am a graphic artist (amongst other things) in RL and I answered his ad. Usually a logo such as he wanted would take around 8 hours from concept to completion in various formats. I calculated my normal rates and the price I would charge in RL would be close on 65000L and that's bargain basement rates, he wanted to pay me 1200L ..lol Point is a logo is a logo here or in RL. The above is only an example I am sure others have had there own experience. I am curious about how others feel, the OP is not a challenge to anyone's rice bowl. Your RL fee isn't entirely based on your artistic ability or logo-making skills; in fact, that's really only a small part of it. it's entirely possible that a LOGO as good as yours (including the eight hours of work) could be produced by an art school student for portolio fodder, an artsy housewife for fun, or (in the case of Chevrolet) a megalomaniac entrepreneur who sees an interesting symbol in some wallpaper. Your fee, (which you deserve, mind you) is based on your artistic ability PLUS an expectation that you'll work when you'd really rather go out dancing, that you'll take responsibility for your work and avoid doing things that will get your client sued, and that you won't flounce immediately when you find that you're working for a raging tool. In RL the financial stakes are high enough that these additional factors are worth paying for, but in SL they aren't. Yes, a SL region private region is expensive, but it's cheaper than 16 acres of RL land with full services, which is what it's the equivalent of. With this in mind, it makes more sense to go with the equvalent of the art school student or the housewife (or to be the megalomaniac entrepreneur your ownself) than to pay extra for professional services. (In SL the cost of a provider giving up the Right of FIrst Flounce in itself would be staggering, given the raging-tool population.)
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