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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. I declared myself the owner of the moon a long time ago but I've yet to see a royalty check because nobody pays any attention to me either.
  2. Seems like you've already addressed this problem by creating this alt, n'est-ce pas? Get her some nice stuff and make some new non-stalker friends.
  3. If you want a real-fake-world rule of thumb, I suggest: Don't violate the copyright of a company in such a way that could be detected by an intern using a web browser to search the name of that product. Linden Lab generally only pursues copyright issues if they receive a complaint. If someone is selling an Audible the Groundhog avatar under that name on the marketplace, the intern from AudibleCo may see that web page pop up in a search and then tell their supervisor, who will then annoy Linden Lab enough that the product will be taken down. If you sell an avatar that looks exactly like Audible only you call him "Noisy" and let the buyers connect the dots, it's doubtful that the intern will find that ad. It's highly unlikely that the intern will delve deep into the Marketplace or, God forbid, go in world because that will probably find them getting up to something that will get them de-interned in a matter of hours/minutes. It would be like having a four-year-old watch your cookies.
  4. SinfulPrince wrote: They never send textures to be saved as .tga files? A skin template worthy of the name "template" should have layers - ;tga files don't support them.
  5. anna Acanthus wrote: My sim having poofed a couple of hours ago, i thought i'd share this info with those who don't yet realise it. I find out have to wait until 8 am SLT for someone to get to work to (hopefully) fix this. I just can't believe it's not possible to provide at least some basic 24/24 maintenance service. Too dumbstruck to get angry ... yet ^^ Maybe it's not "basic maintenance" then.
  6. If you plan to rezz and de-rezz a certain setup repeatedly you may want to invest in one of the commercial rezzers which can put out multiple configurations and then delete them with a click. Typically they require everything to be copy/modify though.
  7. If a new group doesn't have at least two avatars in it in the first 48 hours it gets deleted automatically.You need to invite someone else (even an alt) into the group and have them accept.
  8. Is there a particular reason you use Singularity? It's somewhat of a niche viewer that exists because the it runs better on older hardware and the interface is similar to older viewers that users that have been on SL a long time are more familiar with. However, it does things differently than most recent viewers. Given that you're just starting out it should be equally easy/difficult for you to get used to any interface. If you're using it because you tried a number of viewers and it works best for you, by all means keep using it. If you're using it because someone you met told you it was "better", though, bear in mind that twenty-five years ago I would have irritably told you that LP's are better than CD's (which they ARE, mind you) but you should have ignored me then too and started your music collection with the current technology.
  9. Given that you were on SL against TOS because of your age and that the Lindens you used to buy your outfits were acquired fraudulently, you're lucky to have an account at all. Your inventory might have been wiped because of this little problem.
  10. Templates are generally Photoshop or GIMP files that can't be used directly in SL so there's no way of delivering them to your SL inventory. People selling templates like this usually have a notecard describing where and how you can download the actual template files in with the things they send you in SL. See if there's anything like that in what you got.
  11. Your inventory should be intact on the servers; it's just a matter of getting it fetched properly. With an inventory that large there are a number of areas that can go wrong. Here are things to try: 1) Delete all your cache files manually and log into a quiet area. You've probably tried this but I'm just putting it in for the sake of completeness. 2) Go to the "Develop" menu and check the status of "Use HTTP Inventory." Normally this is the fastest and most reliable way of getting your inventory, make sure it's selected. However, if it is and you're still having problems see if turning it off can help. Some routers have issues with the way SL uses its HTTP connections. 3) Did any of your inventory folders have a very large amount of items (around 10.000) without subfolders? Possible culprits can be "Objects", "Textures" and the trash can. SL retrieves your inventory one folder at a time and it's got a time-out set up so it doesn't get stuck trying to fetch a folder forever. If you have a very large folder (10,000 items or so) the folder may be too large to retrieve before the time-out hits, and none of the items will appear. If this might be the problem, try accessing your account from another computer with a very fast and reliable internet connection and hopefully the problem folder will load so you can break it up into smaller folders.
  12. Happy Undead have three levels of curviness for each size - they mostly have skirts and minidresses for now but what they have gives you a lot of options.
  13. Drtamersameeh wrote: Why allow me to buy Lenden Dollars and then allow me not to get back my money for a month? If I am not trusted, they should have asked for verification documents before I buy, but the "Come on, buy" and then "Sorry, you can'sell for one month" is really a scam-like behavior. Thanks God, I have paid via Paypal, so I am getting my money back in 2 days. Thanks for communicating politely with me. Second Life is an online virtual environment, which you are obviously aware of as you belittle other posters for engaging in it. Linden Dollars are intended for use in this world. Their use as a currency exchange is only a side effect. Therefore, they have clear restrictions on their use which were spelled out on documents which you obviously had access to because you linked to them. And I wouldn't count on getting the refund from Paypal: 13.1 Types of Problems Covered.PayPal Purchase Protection (also known as PayPal Buyer Protection) helps you if you encounter either of these problems: You did not receive the item you paid for with PayPal – “Item Not Received” (INR), or You received an item you paid for with PayPal but it is “Significantly Not as Described” (SNAD) (as described below) If your problem is a transaction that you did not authorize, please use this form to report the unauthorized transaction. An item is “Significantly Not as Described” if it is materially different from what the Seller described in the item listing. Here are some examples: You received a completely different item. For example, you purchased a book and received a DVD or an empty box. The condition of the item was misrepresented. For example, the description when you bought the item said “new” and the item was used. The item was advertised as authentic but is not authentic. The item is missing major parts or features which were not disclosed in its description when you bought the item. You purchased three items from a Seller but only received two. The item was damaged during shipment. An item is not Significantly Not as Described if it is materially similar to the Seller’s item listing description. Here are some examples: The defect in the item was correctly described by the Seller. The item was properly described but you didn't want it after you received it. The item was properly described but did not meet your expectations. The item has minor scratches and was listed as used condition.
  14. Drtamersameeh wrote: It is not decent to describe people's action as "dumb" and "rediculous" and I won't sink down to your level and use such indecent language. When Second Life markets that you can use it's so called "Linden Dollars" to buy Bitcoins, then they are scamming people who would buy the Linden Dollar, only to know that they can't sell those Linden Dollars except after a month. Anyway, I think I will have to wait this month, but I will spread the world about "Second's Life Scam" Dr. Sameeh, would you care to address the fact that this entire thread was based on your calling something a "scam" despite the fact that it works exactly the way it was described on web pages that you yourself linked to?
  15. Thank you for saving me a little cutting and pasting by posting that link, Dr. Sameeh. Now read down to where it says: Certain restrictions on Linden Dollar deposits are imposed via Linden Labs' RISK API. For example, your Second Life avatar must be at least 30 days old to deposit Linden Dollars into a VirWoX terminal. There are also various restrictions on the quantity of Linden Dollars that can be deposited at a time.
  16. Drtamersameeh wrote: It is not decent to describe people's action as "dumb" and "rediculous" and I won't sink down to your level and use such indecent language. When Second Life markets that you can use it's so called "Linden Dollars" to buy Bitcoins, then they are scamming people who would buy the Linden Dollar, only to know that they can't sell those Linden Dollars except after a month. Anyway, I think I will have to wait this month, but I will spread the world about "Second's Life Scam" I'm curious - where did you see this mentioned? What was the source of this "marketing"?
  17. If you're using a pathfinding-supporting viewer you can see a list like that under "Build" - "Pathfinding" - "Linksets."
  18. I see that you sell vehicles and houses. When you're dealing with objects that are rezzed, it's very unreliable to just change the permission on them when they're in your inventory because inventory and objects in the real (fake) world are treated differently. To make sure your permissions stick properly, you should rezz the object, set its permission by editing it and take it back into your inventory.
  19. They're testing a couple of new server setups. I don't see any of the old sandboxes up right now but there are plenty of places that will do the same thing for you. Search for "GC Test" - they're test regions set up as sandboxes for the new region-crossing version that's coming out soon and you can they work like regular sandboxes.
  20. Pyrite Sopwith wrote: Hi, I am considering giving my avatar a new look for the new year. I plan to make my avatar skin look like (hidden). Is there any way I could create the realistic skin by importing a picture of (hidden) to GIMP? What would I have to do if I were to import the image of (hidden) to the skin template using GIMP? What you are proposing would be very impractical. You'd need a full-on face shot which you'd have to manipulate heavily to fit the face template, first of all because it's a flat representation of a round surface like a peeled off label from a can and secondly because all the features need to be in very specific locations so you'd need to morph the face like crazy. After that you'd need to get the face shape right and you'll probably find you don't have the range of manipulation you'd need, especially for the natural asymmetry everyone's face has.
  21. Does that mean I WON'T get that gown after it clears Nigerian customs? *pout*
  22. He'll have quite a bit of control over you when you put the collar on and use a viewer that has RLV support turned on, but he can't control you at all if you turn off RLV in the viewer or use a viewer that doesn't have it.
  23. With a chimera, either type will work - some makers charge less for transfer/no copy dances than copy.no transfer dances, but as has been said it's always safer to have copyable things. Also, if you put any no-copy dances in your chimera you can't copy your chimera either while those dances are in it.
  24. Looks like a Equestria's Pride / Mero pony, yes? There's really no way to change its size because of the dependencies of how the animations and deformer works. You should be able to unpack your original pony box and get the pieces back to the right size and location. I wouldn't bother even trying to salvage what you have now. If you don't have the original box I know Equestria's Pride has a reorder terminal and since they're copy/no transfer you should be able to get a new one.
  25. Czari Zenovka wrote: I'd like to see some suggestions as well since I will be in the market for a PC after the first of the year. Or even components since I received some great suggestions in the Merchant's Forum for ways to put together a nice machine at relatively low cost. I'm partial to midrange Nvidia cards - I've been using a GT 430 and recently changed to a GT 640, which behaves about the same. They fall exactly in the middle of the range of settings with the current graphics preference setup, which means I can use deferred rendering ("lighting and shadows" ) and a 128 meter draw distance pretty much everywhere if I don't turn the actual shadows on, and if I'm in a quiet area or setting up for a photo I can turn just about everything on if I don't mind pokey frame rates. They're reliable, don't draw extreme amounts of power and the drivers are usually trouble free. They're not the most powerful cards on the market but you can find one for less than $100 if you look around and given what you're used to it'll be like being a watcher of the skies when a new planet swims into your ken or stout Cortez [well, Balboa] silent on a peak in Darien.
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