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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Flying: you may be at a location that the owner set to not allow people to fly. Some owners don't want people to fly for various reasons (privacy or to maintain a realistic "human" environment) so they use a setting that disables flying for people who go there. If you see a picture in your top bar with a little black figure with outspread arms next to a red "No" symbol that's what happened. You should still be able to fly at most other locations. Walking: You probably got something to wear called an Animation Overrider ("AO"). It's a thing that appears on your screen that changes the way you move. It may have gotten detached somehow - in that case, look for it in your inventory and reattach it. If it's there and doesn't work it probably has a big on-off button. You may have turned it off accidentally. Turn it back on with that button. There's a chance that the owner of the place you're at doesn't allow "scripts" to run, in which case turning it back on won't work there but you should be able to go to another place and turn it back on. If scripts are turned off where you are there will be a sort of squggly black "S" with a red "no" symbol next to it in your top bar.
  2. A number of third-party viewers have a feature called an "asset blacklist" - I use Dolphin, which has it and I believe Phoenix and possibly other viewers do as well. It allows you to click on an object and permanently erase it from your view. Other viewers such as Firestorm have a "derender" function that will temporarily erase things but they reappear after you log back in or teleport away and then back.
  3. I was just able to log in with my main and the abnormal pattern of offline sims seems to be gone.
  4. I got that message with my main account but was able to log in with an alt who lives at another location. When I looked at the world map, it seems like an abnormal number of sims are offline right now, including my main's home sim. Normally when I try to log in and the sim is down I get shunted to a "safe hub" but didnt' get that message today. There may be a partial hardware failure somewhere.
  5. Many third-party viewers have an "area search" function that will let you highlight a named item with a "beacon" - type in part of the name of the body and double-click on the name once it shows up on the list. If you don't want to use a third-party viewer and the body has scripts in it you can do something similar by going into "About Land" and clicking on the "Script Info" button on the bottom of the first page. It will list the things on your parcel that are running scripts and you should be able to locate it in the list.
  6. Try again now. Apparently there was a brief window where people couldn't log in right about the time you made your post, but people are logging in normally now.
  7. The only change to the servers this week was a small change on Blue Steel. The other server channels had the code for region idling turned on but this code had been sitting on the servers unused for some time. None of the other server channels even had thier equipment re-started this week.
  8. It's possible they both started with the same full-permission hair bases from a third party. There are "wholesalers" who sell parts for clothing, houses, etc that are specifically meant for others to re-sell on a "retail" basis.
  9. You can buy a small lot on the Mainland. An easy way to find one is to go to the "World Map" and click the checkbox that says something like "Land Sales." All the lots available for sale will show up in yellow. There are many lots available for 1 L$ per square meter but lots in better locations can be more expensive and some lots are even less. 512 square meters comes with an allowance of 117 prims - if you buy empty land your house will take up some of those prims though.
  10. In addition to the fine answers provided you should be aware that a lot of people have been having problems "rezzing" items in Linden homes if they try to do it close to the exterior walls because of a server problem that makes it think you're trying to place things off your property. When you try to place your item "rezz" it right in the center of your house and then move it to where you want it to go using the "edit" command after it's "in the world."
  11. Did you recently put up any large landscaping items, especially one of those "sim surrounds" that puts up scenery outside of the borders of your sim? In some cases they can interfere with left-clicking because you're technically "inside" of them even though they don't block your movement. Large "phantom" prims like "sunlight" effects can cause similar problems.
  12. This sounds like a problem described in this JIRA (bug tracker report). Follow the link for a description and possible work-arounds. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-28954
  13. The notifications/menus may have opened up but became instantly minimized by another notification. Have her click on the "envelope" notification icon or on any of the "gray cube" minimized object menu icons and see if she finds the necessary messages.
  14. This is what SImon Linden said about that - I don't know enough about scripting to know if it would do what you want. Is there any LSL support? The llGetRegionTimeDilation() function will report a high time dilation when regions are idling. You can now pass “region_idle” into the llGetEnv() function to determine the current idling state on a region.
  15. You might want to look at the feature sets for Dolphin and Catznip too. They're both quite similar to the LL viewer as far as their underlying structure but have additional features.
  16. There's a known bug with rezzing things on Linden Home lots. When you try to rezz an object on your land and the line of dots from your hand goes off your land, it thinks you're trying to rezz outside the house even when the item would normally end up inside your walls. Work-arounds are rezzing straight down or toward the center of your land, and also "wearing" the object and dropping it instead of the usual rezzing process. Sometimes no-copy items will temporarily vanish when this happens. Most people are reporting that they return to their inventory when they re-log or clear cache. A fix for this is in progress and should be out fairly soon.
  17. JeanneAnne wrote: >>I think that the formalized rules are determined by grid architexture & software. The newbie enters the game & must rather quickly learn how SL works. They learn well & thrive or learn just enuf to function in the limited way they see fit or they fail to learn how things work, get frustrated & leave. The latter outcome seems the most common. Seems to me that SL has far more 'losers' who leave than 'winners' who stick. Or do I have that backwards?<< Yes, but the rules aren't FORMALIZED, just as in real life there's no book (as far as I know) saying LEVEL 1 - BABY: Crawl from LIVING ROOM to DINING ROOM. Optionally, eat RAISIN ON FLOOR for one Snack Point - roll 2d6 to determine Diarrhea Level. >>Do we? Or are those roles wholly determined by our heredity & environment?<< I note that you wrote this post as Liberal Arts Class Jeanne instead of Sk8rgurl Jeanne. This was a "choice" as you had more than one option. Whether or not what we choose is predetermined by our upbringing is an interesting question but not really on-topic here. >>So our real lives are the roles we play & our SL avatars better reflect who we 'really' are? Even if our avatar is a fire breathing dragon?<< Bingo
  18. Keli Kyrie wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: I try to simply take things in stride and be respectful of others. I do have my Martian avatar that I goof off with occasionally but I also recognize that there can be a point where enough is enough. As far as your SL experience being a reflection on your RL I don't see a way to separate them. It is still "you" sitting behind the keyboard. But really what your questions make me think of is my best and oldest friend in SL. We have stood by each other for over five years now. She is a very warm and caring person. She is a Second Life artist. Her art work is stunning! But it is also dark and moody. So while I marvel at the emotion she can capture and evoke with her art work, it is also difficult for me to look at. Maybe the best way I can express it is that when I see here art I can also feel her pain. Thank you Perrie is it always good to see your thoughtful replies. While I can see that it is very hard for a lot of people to separate their SL from their RL I think it is worth reminding for others it is not. For them it is like going down to the arcade, putting a quarter in the slot, and using up their three lives. When the game is over they just start again sometimes with a new alt. For them it is hard to see why everyone is taking things so serious, to them it is just a game after all. btw thank you so much for sharing your story about your friend it has given me much to think about. Let's approach this from the point of view that Second Life really IS "just a game." However, there aren't any formalized rules or roles to this game - you play it however you want to. And HOW you play it is a function of the person who's behind the keyboard - in a setting like this, how could it be anything else? There are people on SL who maintain they're playing "roles", even when they're posting in fora and on feeds. Where did the roles come from, though? I don't believe any of us here has an agent calling us saying, "Hey, good news - you can pay rent for a couple of months! I got you a gig as the villian in a toothpaste commercial forum feed." We play the roles we choose to play and ultimately WANT to play. And what we want to do comes from who we ARE, sometimes even more strongly than what we ACTUALLY do in RL where we temper our behavior to follow laws and conventions.
  19. The quote you mentioned didn't say that you couldn't use a celebrity's name, but that you couldn't "violate a celebrity's right in their name." The singer Michael Jackson didn't gain dominion of the combination of an extremely common male first name and an extremely common last name by becoming famous. However, if someone says, in a high squeaky voice, "I'm Michael Jackson. I'm a singer. I'm creepy. I have vitiligo. I'm dead. Give me your money because I'm THAT Michael Jackson," and the person wasn't really THAT Michael Jackson, THEN you have a rights issue.
  20. There's a known bug with rezzing things on Linden Home lots. When you try to rezz an object on your land, it thinks you're trying to rezz outside the house even when the item would normally end up inside your walls. Work-arounds are rezzing straight down or toward the center of your land, and also "wearing" the object and dropping it instead of the usual rezzing process. Sometimes no-copy items will temporarily vanish when this happens. Most people are reporting that they return to their inventory when they re-log or clear cache. It looks like a fix for this is in progress and should be out fairly soon. --||-
  21. Saving chat logs is strictly done on the user's computer. If you just switched to a new computer and the old one is gathering dust or was given to someone you can borrow it from the old chat logs should still be on it. If the computer's gone or the viewer was uninstalled from that computer for some reason there's no way of getting them back though. If there's a specific person whose converasations you're interested in you could see if they'd be willing to send you a copy of their logs.
  22. Beta regions have their server code changed much more often and less predictably than the main grid and many other types of testing are done on them. A number of the beta regions may have been taken down or the one you were on may have temporarily become disconnected from the rest of the grid. Try again in an hour or two and see if you have any better luck.
  23. There's a known bug with rezzing things on lots that are next to lots that don't allow object entry. When you try to rezz an object on your land, if the continuation of the vector that goes from your hand toward where you want to rezz the object hits a neighbors land that doesnt' allow object entry the rezz attempt fails, even if where the object would actually rezz would be on your property. No-copy items will temporarily vanish when this happens. Most people are reporting that they return to their inventory when they re-log or clear cache. Work-arounds are rezzing straight down or toward the center of your land, and also "wearing" the object and dropping it instead of the usual rezzing process.
  24. First of all, the skin and shape demos may have come in a "box." If you just see an orange cube in your inventory with the name of the skin and shape you got, go to a place that lets you "rezz" objects. There are lots of places that will - just off the top of my head I can recommend a sim called Barneys Bay. Search for it and then teleport there. When you arrive there, drag the cube out of your inventory and onto the ground, right click on it and select "Copy to my Inventory." That will copy the stuff in the box to your inventory and make a folder. Look in that folder and you should see a few files. The "shape" will have an icon looking like a tall and short person standing next to each other and the "skin" will have an icon that looks llike a head and torso that's half pale and half tan. Right click on each of those and select "wear." Since theyr'e demos they'll look strange because the maker wants you to buy the full versions of them but you can get a feel on how they'll looik. It's really not as complicated as it sounds once you get used to it. Welcome to Second Life!
  25. There's a known server issue that causes the server to think you're trying to rezz outside of your parcel sometimes and it's hitting Linden homes the hardest. Try rezzing straight down in the middle of your house - you can move your objects to where you want after they rezz. Another work-around is to "wear" the object then right-click it and select "drop" to place it in world.
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