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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Some of your problems sound similar to those of Mac users who have problems with their DNS (Domain Name Server) connection and Second Life. The standard advice for them is to try using the free Google DNS addresses. They can be used for PC's too. If you search on those topics you should be able to find information on it.. Also, a lot of the background tasks for newer viewers are done by a helper plug-in called SLplugin.exe. Make sure it isn't getting blocked somehow. I know we keep harping on your connection but MOST people use these viewers without your problems and those that DO have them typically have connection problems. It may not be obvious where it is, but that's where all the symptoms are leading us.
  2. SOMETHING is deeply wrong with your sim. The "frame rates" that are in the low thirties show the speed the sim is running on the server and those numbers are supposed to be just below 45. Those numbers have nothing to do with your computer and connection. Even in an extremely crowded sim it shouldn't be anywhere near that low, and it's showing only two people and a very reasonable number of scripts. Do you have a LOT of scripted animals, and who makes them? You mentioned dolphins and turtles. A dolphin maker has a JIRA out saying that people are having problems with them lately.
  3. "Copy and Wear" isn't really a good idea most of the time - first of all, many things intentionally come with multiple items in the packaging and also it will automatically take off things that you're already wearing that you might want to keep on. Look in the folder that got created in your "clothing" folder and see if there's a notecard of instructions - that's common with complicated things.
  4. There's a forum on the KittyCats web site, www.kittycats.biz that has places to post offers to sell or exchange cats. There's also an option to send them to what they call the "Menagerie", which is sort of an imaginary retirement home for them - they'll disappear from the SL world. You actually get rewarded for sending cats there. There's an option in your cat's menu.
  5. Sinisterguy Leodhais wrote: Well I must apologize for what seems a cheap publicity trick. I was sincere in my little rant but also it was made whilst being upset. I work hard at what I do. I felt bullied and in RL I would never tolerate that. I forgot that a lot of people must come across this everyday. The Store did respond to me earlier today and stated rather nicely and sincere that the issue is ended and no further action is necessary. I thank the store in question for seeing reason and appreciate the honest response. Your apology is accepted and I'm glad everything worked out for you. We all need to be careful of what we say and how we say it because others may see things in it that we never meant to express.
  6. Cincia Singh wrote: You all are becoming as predictable with your demanding posts as "a certain someone" is with her imminent demise posts. And even if LL gave you EVERY detail about what's going on there wouldn't be a thing you could do with the information except whine about disagreeing with them, which you already do. Yes, when you know exactly what people are going to say before they say it there isn't much point in listening to them, is there?
  7. First of all, make sure your viewer allows multiple alpha layers. Firestorm and the Linden Lab viewer do, I'm not sure if Phoenix does yet. Then, when you've got the first alpha on and you select the second, use "add" instead of "wear."
  8. You'll only pay the fee once, and that's only if you want to re-activate the account after it's finally been de-activated thirty days from now.
  9. Oskar, I'm noticing that Magnum Sandbox 1 on Agni is running Second Life Server instead of the Magnum code - is this intentional?
  10. Cully Andel wrote: one question. Has the problem been solved? Because if it should have been, it doens't look like it has been. Cully, the fix was distributed the way server updates normally are - it is currently on about 30% of the grid and assuming no major problems happen it will be on the entire grid next Tuesday.
  11. Nalates Urriah wrote: I've been running a network monitor the last few days and preparing to see if SVC-8124 in Magnum makes a difference. While several people I trust to avoid Chicken-Little-reactions tell me it is a significant problem, I had to go looking for it. I live near the SW corner of a region. I haven't seen the HUGE problem in the regions I've explored except in the Viewer Statistics. My monitor shows only about 12% of what the stats panel is showing. Searching I have found a couple of places where the Viewer Stats show bandwidth spiking but the monitor shows a much smaller increase. Natales, sounds like you're using a monitor that reads in kiloBYTES per second and the statistics bar reads in kiloBITS per second, so your monitor should give you a reading exactly 1/8 of the statistics bar, or 12.5%. The important issue is that the bandwidth draw in the effected areas is a good five times what it would be normally and you're probably not going to notice if you're not looking for it. Nalates Urriah wrote: I seldom get any special information from the Lab. The information I report is available to anyone. The Lab has NOT made it easy to find, but a huge majority just don't care. So, the effort at communication is probably in balance with the interest of users. That's certainly an interesting conclusion. However, I imagine anyone using a bandwidth-metered account WOULD care that they could be using five times the bandwidth they were expecting to use. Some of my posts on this topic may sound like I'm part of the "prosecution." I don't see it that way - I think of myself as an "expert witness" who is trying to determine exactly what is going on. I'm actually more likely to defend Linden Labs against the charges of forum posters than pile onto them and I'll decline to give my impression of certain posters on this topic because using the words "drama queen" very seldom advance a discussion. However, I find Linden Lab is consistently poor at explaining technical issues and changes. It's not necessarily the job of the programmers but it should be the job of SOMEBODY. And it is Just. Not. Done. I'm reminded of how Viewer 3.2 with the new interface was rolled out on a Tuesday night as an automatic update with no notice and before the tutorials were even up. The new interface wasn't even mentioned in the release notes if I remember right. Nannies don't take care of children because they love them; they do it because somebody is paying them to do it. If someone pays a nanny to take care of their child and comes home to find the child locked in a closet with a bag of Oreos while the nanny settled down for an afternoon of Wii action they are probably going to be upset. People are paying Linden Lab to provide a service. When you contract for a service you generally would like it to be done to, well, the standards you want. Quietly accepting the level of service you're given is what you do in the fiberglass chairs at the Department of Motor Vehicles.
  12. How big of a boo-boo was it and do you own or rent the homestead? If you rent it you need to ask the landowner to request a rollback and the reason needs to be pretty compelling.
  13. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: But this thread is great advertising, eh? Not if people reading it assume it's a clumsy, suspicious looking example of "astroturf."
  14. Do an Internet search for an avatar named Eloh Eliot. She's a skin maker who puts the Photoshop files she uses to make her skins online and available for free download. If you load them in a program that will open Photoshop files (GIMP is available for free) you can see what goes where and one way of setting the files up. You're allowed to modify the files and make new creations from them for free as long as you respect the open-source licensing agreement she offers them under.
  15. Where are you at when you see this? If you're on the Mainland or in a large multi-sim private estate, it's possible that a glitch is causing your connection to be flooded with unnecessary data that could be crowding out the stream and other information. It only happens if you're on a sim that has a neigbor diagonally to the south. It's a server problem that started about two weeks ago and should be fixed soon.
  16. With the way the skin mapping works there's only one map that's used on both arms so there isn't an easy way to have a one-arm tattoo.
  17. Macs are notorious for having DNS issues with Second LIfe (i.e. finding/using the correct Internet addresses to have everything connected) Google offers free DNS addresses that have helped some people with these issues. You should be able to find information about how to use them if you search that topic.
  18. The current land impact for a vehicle using mesh accounting is 64. I changed a sculpty jeep to use the new accounting and it still works despite having a land impact of 44.
  19. This reminds me of an aircraft acciident in 1979. An Air New Zealand pilot flew into the side of a mountain because the route he was flying had been changed without his being told about it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_New_Zealand_Flight_901
  20. Peggy, I'm pretty sure you're not seeing this problem because your region's on LeTigre. When I was doing the research for SVC-8155 I did it Wednesday morning before the RC server rolls and it looked like the problem either didn't occur or was much liess on BlueSteel. The Wednesday server rolls put LeTigre on the same code as BlueSteel. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-8155
  21. Maelstrom Janus wrote: Well I tpd from one region that was affected to one where pathfinding has been shut off and the drop was immediately registered on my usage meter.... But I suggest everyone try it for themselves download a usage meter and go to a region on mainland watch the usage rocket then try a region where its turned off SHADY was the region I went to and I didnt turn south east south west or any other compass alignment.. I walked across SHADY as soon as tp'ing in and the difference was immediate... but dont take my word for it...try it for yourselves... TURN PATH FINDING OFF NOW... :smileymad: I have no need to try it for myself - I can take you at your word. You saw much lower bandwidth use on Shady. BECAUSE SHADY HAS NO NEIGHBORS. Just like my home region which has a consistendly low bandwidth despite having pathfinding on and being on the benighted Magnum.
  22. I'm not going to say that your idea is stupid but there are many reasons why it's extremely unlikely. 1) Pathfinding and region idling have been running together for weeks/months and this has only popped up recently. 2) They don't seem to have THAT many systems engineers at Linden Lab - the same people are usually associated with many projects, at least server side. 3) An idling region never stops existing - it only runs more slowly. It's not like the new cars that shut their engines off when you take your foot off the gas, it's like an older car that, well, idles - the engine runs just fast enough to keep running. 4) This seems to be caused by a glitch with diagonally touching regions, which are unusual in an important respect. If a series of regions are laid out as a checkerboard and only touching at the corners they're supposed to be invisible to each other. You can see swaths of private regions laid out like this on the map. If other regions fill in the blanks in the checkerboard, though, diagonally touching regions ARE supposed to be visible because they form part of a continuous area. Don't ask me why they work this way; don't ask me if this is a good idea. It probably isn't a good idea for English to have three hundred different ways to pronounce the letters "-ough" but that's how things ended up being built. There was a JIRA about diagonal visibility of sims that came up right before this issue popped up and that may have been the window the bug flew in through.
  23. I'm not too familiar with Steam but it looks like everything's tied to a central account and I saw that you're only allowed one account per E-mail address. Seems to me someone coming from Steam would have a lot more accountability and trackability than the average SL account, particularly disposable ones. If someone's looking to make trouble it would be much easier just to create new anonymous SL logins than to create griefing accounts through Steam. With everyhing tied back to a central account they could be threatened with losing their entire account for all their games if they cause trouble.
  24. Darleen Emerald wrote: Mastro/Oskar...Could you please give the paying SL residents an update on the current excessive Bandwidth disaster? Any estimate of when we can expect a new server version to correct this? (this coming week? or?) Any recommendations of how to minimize the excessive data rate that connecting to SL is causeing ? Many residents are hitting their internet providers CAPPED monthly DATA LIMIT in less than 2 days! Possibly this is related to idling Sims when no residents are present? Looking forward to hearing at least something........ An informed resident is a happy resident :matte-motes-angry: I've been spending quite a bit of time researching this and here's what I've found out. 1) It's caused when your draw distance hits a neigboring region that's diagonally to the south of the one you're in - i.e. southwest or southeast. For some reason these regions start sending information about their status over and over at speeds that don't respect the bandwidth throttle you've set in the viewer. 2) It does not occur on a region that doesn't have neighbors diagonally to the south - i.e. stand-alone regions or the bottom strip of a cluster of regions. 3) It does not occur if your draw distance and direction of view dont' hit the sims to the southwest or southeast of you. 4) It happens on all server channels - Magnum has nothing to do with it and probably never did. It was first noticed by someone on a Magnum region and people hadn't worked out exactly what was happening so it LOOKED like a problem with Magnum. There is no way it could have "spread" from Magnum this week because the new code on Magnum wasn't promoted to the rest of the grid. 5) Turning dynamic pathfinding on or off doesnt' seem to make a difference. Mainland regions with pathfinding on but no southern neighbors show no increase in bandwidth; private regions that have pathfinding off but have neigbors to the southwest or southeast do (i.e.. the Caledon sims.) 6) The excess information being sent appears to relate to the physical description of the sim. It happens with empty sims as well as occupied ones. 7) This seemed to pop up quite recently - I live on a Magnum sim and did quite a bit of experimenting in the Magnum sandboxes before pathfinding was rolled to the rest of the grid and didn't notice anything like it. It still doesn't occur in the pathfinding test regions on the Aditi beta grid. 8) At the server beta user group on Thursday Maestro said there's a fix being tested on the Aditi beta grid now.
  25. You can create a group with your friends, "edit" your furniture, set it to that group and check the box that says "share." It's also possible to give certain friends the ability to edit ALL your objects but creating a group is probably safer.
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