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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. An average amount would be around L$2/prim/week, maybe a bit lower. There are places on older sims or the mainland that can go as low as L$1/prim/week but don't count on that. If someone asks over L$2/prim/week they should be offering some sort of added value.
  2. Toy, also look at the posts toward in this week's server release thread - a number of regions are running slowly due to an abnormally high script time (over three times what you'd see normally), which is difficult to have happen unless a script is deliberately forcing the servers to do something unusual. Their neighbors are acting completely normal. I've also been in regions that have the same number of avatars as you're describing have events with changes of stream with no problems. I've been seeing activity of some people who are trying to put together a griefing campaign. It reminds me more of the movie "Bugsy Malone" than anything significant but they may have some fair griefing technology and I'd suggest filing a JIRA as a security issue as well as updating this forum.
  3. Cincia Singh wrote: There is a reason mainland regions are limited to 40 avatars; not 40 on a parcel, 40 total across a region. There's nothing "enhanced" about the setup of a private region ... it's running the same software, on the same hardware, and sharing server resources with as many other regions, as any mainland region. Private region owners "can" choose to set the avatar limit on their region as high as 100, I believe, but that doesn't mean the region will run well if that many are present. So pretty much anything over 40 avatars present starts to make lag almost an expected experience. A region supporting 65 avatars would be running at more than 160% of design limits for a well managed region. I don't understand why anyone would be surprised when the conditions you describe cause a poor experience. FYI a mainland region restart can be requested in live chat, but you have to get the avatar count on the region below 10 before they'll do it. Cincia, MAINLAND regions are limited to 40 per region because they always have neighbors and an avatar in a neigboring region is considered a "child agent" that counts in the load on the server. I've been in standalone private regions with 70 avatars and the server hasn't shown major signs of strain - it's laggy as all get out on the client end, of course, and script running gets slowed down but the server frame rate itself stays pretty high.
  4. It sounds like something's been corrupted in the configuration files on your computer. Do a search for information on how to do a complete uninstall and clean installation.
  5. There's a new way of calculating of calculating land impact that is meant to better reflect the actual load a build puts on a server. Simple box prims usually have a land impact of less than 1, sculptys are usually around 2 and hollow objects can have a much higher land impact which can be reduced by changing their "physics type" so that the server doesn't calculate them as hollow when it simulates the physics on them. Mesh items have a similar, more complicated calculation. If a linkset includes at least one object that's mesh or one that's had its physics type changed to "none" or "convex hull" the entire linkset will be recalculated using the new formula. When its unlinked everything but the mesh items will be calculated with the old 1:1 system. Re link your house parts and then edit them and click on the "More info" link. I'm willing to bet that it will tell you the linkset has a "download weight" that's a fairly low number, a "server weight" of about 43-44 and a "physics weight" of 115. Now go to "features" and change the physics type for the linkset to "convex hull." When you re-select it you'll probably find that the land impact of the house is not only less than 115, it's less than the 86 you'd get counting the prims individually - you can often cut the land impact of a house to half of what it would be under the old 1:1 system this way but it can get complicated if you have a lot of scupties or hollow walls you need to be able to walk through.
  6. As far as I can tell that tweet translates to, "CIA agent, rabid feminist/Muslim lover, Christian fundamentalist, flat and madly in love with a man - can you be all these things at the same time?" Sounds like she's describing all the things she's been CALLED and noting how contradictory many of them are. My thinking? If you're a CIA agent you don't tweet that you're a CIA agent, and if you want to destroy someone you come up with a much jucier story than she has.
  7. Get on a pose stand, put on the shoes but DON'T put on any alphas they came with. Most boots actually attach to your lower legs and not your feet. Slide the boots up until the feet of the boots match the location of your bare feet. If they're regular shoes and match your feet pretty well then you'll need to adjust your offset like other people described.
  8. You update your inventory on the beta grid by changing your password - it's usually safer to wait a day or two afterwards before relogging because some people have been having problems with their beta grid inventories right after they update. You'll get a new batch of beta money that's normally related to how many Lindens you have on the main grid. If you have a lot of beta money now and you're afraid the update will reduce it you could make an alt and send the money to it when you're both on the beta grid before you update.
  9. Does this happen when you're barefoot or only with certain shoes? If it's with certain shoes that hide your avatar's feet with an alpha you might be wearing your shoes too far down on your legs. so the foot of the shoe is below where your avatar's foot actually ist. If it happens when you're barefoot as well the animations in your AO may be to blame. Most third-party viewers have some sort of "Z offset" control that allows you to adjust the up/down position of your avatar to compensate for problems like this.
  10. Right now there are several mainland sims that are running in a constant state of lag - less than half their normal frame rate - while being nearly empty. They're all showing abnormally high script times - often around 50 ms when it's usually in the neighborhood of 15 ms. Even so, they're shown as running only a very small percentage of script events per frame - well under 1%. In a perfectly running sim this should be 100% and even in very crowded sims I haven't seen this much below 40%. Other nearby regions are running completely normally. I'm wondering if there might be a new griefing script out that can silently lag the servers.
  11. I don't see how any server changes could have caused a sudden-onset problem in the last few days because the main channel hasn't seen any code changes since September 18 and the RC channels were last updated the week before.
  12. I'm standing in Achemon right now which is showing these symptoms. The problem seems to be a rogue script or many rogue scripts that are causing sleep time. Sleep time peaks at just under 28 ms, script time is often over 50 ms, but the scripts run percentage is less than 0.5 percent. ETA - exactly the same high script and sleep times, low script running percentage in Idia and Bay City - Rollers. All of these sims are on RC servers. Nolidae and Didugua are showing time dialation, high script time and less than 1% of scripts run but are NOT showing elevated sleep times. They're both on main-channel servers.
  13. When was the last time you tried logging in before thism and what viewer were you using? There was a mandatory hot patch out a week or so ago for Viewer 3.
  14. If you're wearing a traditional skin and no alpha layer the textures in your cache may have become corrupt. This should be a temporary problem. Things to try, in order: Relog (although you've probably done this by now.) Change your active group and then rebake. Change to another skin and then change back. If these don't work, clear your cache and try the previous steps again. If nothing helps, see if you look normal in another viewer. Viewer 3 and Firestorm use a graphics compression system called KDU, others usually use one called OpenJPEG. Sometimes a texture will display properly in one but not the other.
  15. Go to your "Advanced" menu (turn it on in "Preferences - Advanced" if you don't see it) and go to "Show Debug Settings." There'll be a dialog box - type this in the dialog box (it'll autocomplete eventually:) RenderVolumeLODFactor When it auto-completes it will show you another dialog box with a number that's probably around 1.125 from your description. Change the number to 4. You'll have to reset this setting every time you use the quick graphics presets (i.e. "Low - Medium - High - Ultra") so try to avoid using those.
  16. Do you specifically want the head to appear bald or will it be under hair? If it's under hair you can put a hairbase tattoo over it - many hair makers have a wide range of them. If you want the head to appear bald you'd need some sort of custom tattoo, probably one that you have the ability to tint in-world. If you're comfortable with a program like Photoshop or GIMP you could get a head template, make a simple texture that's white over the hair and an alpha over the rest of the head, make a new tattoo in-world, drop that texture into the "head" slot and then tint it until it matches your skin. It wouldn't have shading but I haven't seen many skins that bother shading the scalp anyway.
  17. I just found this page that has a lot of suggestions for various behaviors, including "flying." http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Modular_Pathfinding_Kit
  18. It sounds like either there's a problem with your account or you're not saving your outfits correctly. A folder of links in your "My Outfits" is saved on the SL servers like any other inventory folder. Clearing cache is strictly on your machine and should have no effect on saved outfits. Do you ever lose any other inventory items? Make sure you're allowing your entire inventory to load after you clear cache. Please describe in more detail what you're doing - you can edit your original post to tell us.
  19. Right now pathfinding characters have to be on some sort of surface, and it looks like it can't be phantom. You could put a transparent, walkable surface in the sky your creatures can wander on and they'd avoid obstacles that stick through it, but they can't just stay in the "air." You may also be able to work out some sort of invisible "stilts" under the characters so they will wander on the ground but appear to be flying.
  20. Bonjour! You can get demos of the skins for free or perhaps 1 linden and see what they'll look on your shape. The demo will have some sort of graphics drawn on it so people won't just wear the free skin all the time but other than that it's the same as the skin you'll buy. You should know (and it sounds like you've already guessed) the large photos this particular store uses are VERY heavily retouched. Try the demos first, and also personally I'd recommend looking at skins from a number of stores before you commit to this one. Personally I prefer Redgrave and Belleza in this price range, and at Pink Fuel you can get very nice skins in a wide range of prices, starting at L$100 each for their older ones. A lot of people like Al Vulo and LAQ too. If you'd like a nice new skin for free to wear when you're looking (and you may actually decide you're perfectly happy with it later) FabFree Station and Free Dove have a lot of high quality free things that are put out by good stores specifically so new people can sample thier work. Avoid most of the other "freebie" places though - most of what they have is outdated and looks bad.
  21. Anabella Maidstone wrote: So voice doesn't work on the new mountain lion update. Has anyone been able to work around that? I have tried almost everything, nothing works!. I even heard firestorm's voice worked on mountainlion but, when I downloaded it my system wouldn't let me open it. -.- This is what worked for some other people with voice issues on Mountain Lion: Symptom: After updating to Mountain Lion, voice input is no longer recognised. You can hear but not speak. \[Not a DNS/connectivity issue Note: This appears to only affect built-in mic. I cannot repro on a Mac Pro with no built-in mic. Workaround: First, check the mic is actually being seen at OS-level... Open Mac system prefs/Sound/Input Make sure your mic is selected & shows some visible level on the settings underneath. If that is OK, go to voice prefs in SL [prefs/Sound & Media] Click Input/Output devices & switch the Input drop menu from Default to your specific mic. Click OK. Re-open the pref. Check you can now see visual indication of your mic working.
  22. There have been a few reports of pieces of web profiles being mixed up between two completely different accounts. Due to the fact that the theoretical identity thief has a profile written entirely in Turkish it doesn't sound like she's trying too HARD to steal your identity. I think the more likely cause is a scrambled database similar to what happened with the Marketplace. File a BUG report.
  23. Avatars wear a variety of scripts for anything from animation overriders (useful and even important) to scripts in shoes, hair and other wearables in order to allow them to be resized (usually not too important, especially once you get them fitting right.) To see what sorts of scripts you have, go to the "World" menu and pull down "About Land." At the bottom of the "General" panel click on the big button that says "Script Info" and then go to the tab that says "My Avatar." It'll give you a list of all the scripted objects you're wearing and how big the scripts are in each one. See what the biggest numbers are. Really nothing NEEDS to have a script size in the thousands for the average human avatar - AO's (animation overriders) are usually the biggest and they're not usually more than a few hundred kb's. The 5 and 7 numbers are probably megabytes and 7 is REALLY high. My AO is really oversized for what it needs to be and I still am only at about 3.5 megabytes as I speak. You might be wearing objects that have old resizing scripts that were notorious for being wasteful. If you see something like your shoes or hair having a number in the hundreds or (yikes) thousands, click on that object and see if there's an option to "remove scripts" anywhere. If there isn't that option, see if you have something different you can wear instead.
  24. I poked around this general area and noticed a build (and I use the term very loosely) in the sky that actually straddles the road in the southeast corner of Cipactli, which is right around this problem area. You can see it on the map too. You should contact LDPW - this may be causing the problems. I had some problems with border crossings in the area too but they seemed temporary.
  25. I thnk existence of any given paper here is just as likely or unlikely as the existence of a scamming octopus DJ/Hostess, or EvaFord's status as a former club-owner, shut-in, wife of a lawyer, betrayed longtime business partner and/or Noodle Queen of Siam. (Well, she didn't actually CLAIM to be Noodle Queen of Siam, but I WANT there to be a Noodle Queen of Siam, I know I'M not her and EvaFord is certainly adaptable.)
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