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  1. Did the clean install including the hidden cache folders and even did the regedit and removed everything sl, firestorm, phoenix, and imprudence, and radagast. I ran the ccleaner to remove fragments of old programs and still the names persist. I tried to contact second life support but frankly can not figure out how to do that. There are no drop down choices for my problem and they seem to not want to be contacted. They make it nearly impossible to do so.
  2. Nope problem not solved. The item comes back when I relog. I did a clean install of all browsers and it persists. I want the names off the list and they won't go away.
  3. I tried to use the unblock button and the items come back when I relog.
  4. I have things on the block/mute list that no longer exist. They can not be removed. List is cluttered and taking up space in servers. Am I the only one? I asked before and it was suggested I right click the item and unblock it. That is when I realized the items no longer exist. Before posting here I did a clean install of the latest firestorm and sl viewers and the list persists. Obviously I can not right click an object that no longer exists and I wonder how much space is being taken up by this. My list contains many items that were annoyingly noisy so I shut them up. Others who responded said they don't try to unblock and have no idea how many things are on their list. How many are on yours and perhaps the servers would lose my favorite undies less often if they were not full of blocked things that don't exist.
  5. I tried to do that but the items no longer exist. That is why they no longer need to be on the list. However I had not thought of that. There was a name on the list that did not come back and they are still in SL so the problem may be that the items are not there anymore.
  6. I used the right click and block some noisy items. I upgraded to firestorms latest and did a clean install. I removed everything and did another clean install. I downloaded the latest LL viewer and still the names persist. I remove them and they come back when I relog. How do I permanantly remove them from the list. I tried to locate them and use the right click and unblock but they no longer exist and that is why they do not need to be on the list.
  7. I tried to rez a boxed gift card and got a message that said attempt to rez object failed. I tried again and same thing happened, each time it was returned to the objects folder. I thought there was an issue at the location so I went home and tried again and now the object did not rez, is not in my folder and I got no error message. Where did it go and can I get it back?
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