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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Looks like a Equestria's Pride / Mero pony, yes? There's really no way to change its size because of the dependencies of how the animations and deformer works. You should be able to unpack your original pony box and get the pieces back to the right size and location. I wouldn't bother even trying to salvage what you have now. If you don't have the original box I know Equestria's Pride has a reorder terminal and since they're copy/no transfer you should be able to get a new one.
  2. Czari Zenovka wrote: I'd like to see some suggestions as well since I will be in the market for a PC after the first of the year. Or even components since I received some great suggestions in the Merchant's Forum for ways to put together a nice machine at relatively low cost. I'm partial to midrange Nvidia cards - I've been using a GT 430 and recently changed to a GT 640, which behaves about the same. They fall exactly in the middle of the range of settings with the current graphics preference setup, which means I can use deferred rendering ("lighting and shadows" ) and a 128 meter draw distance pretty much everywhere if I don't turn the actual shadows on, and if I'm in a quiet area or setting up for a photo I can turn just about everything on if I don't mind pokey frame rates. They're reliable, don't draw extreme amounts of power and the drivers are usually trouble free. They're not the most powerful cards on the market but you can find one for less than $100 if you look around and given what you're used to it'll be like being a watcher of the skies when a new planet swims into your ken or stout Cortez [well, Balboa] silent on a peak in Darien.
  3. Go into "Edit" mode and edit your alpha. There will be five large rectangles with little checkmarks in them. Make sure that there's only a texture in the rectangle labled "Lower Alpha" (the rest should be solid white) and that there are no check marks in any of the little boxes. Have you seen any problems with any other alphas or just your feet?
  4. The latest update changed a lot of people's default graphics settings. It sounds like yours were changed to turn "Lighting and Shadows" on. This is a newer graphics system that has the potential to make things look fantastic but it has side effects. One of them is that it disables old "invisiprims" which used to be used to hide body parts. This disabling is on the viewer side. Your shoes probably used invisiprims. The way to get around this is to wear an "alpha" layer that is another way of hiding body parts that's better than using invisiprims in a lot of ways. If you're lucky your shoe maker included alpha layers and may have also included a "Viewer 2" version of the shoes which don't have invisiprims at all. If you don't have an alpha for your shoes you may be able to find them - they're pretty common now and an alpha from one shoe can be worn with a completely different one. If you're seeing four feet it means your shoes have their own feet built in, which will make finding the right alpha easier. If you don't want to deal with this you can go into "Preferences" - "Graphics" - "Advanced" and turn off "Lighting and Shadows," but be aware that as time goes on more and more people will see your feet this way until you start using alpha layers.
  5. Is it a mesh item? I've found some meshes don't appear for me occasionally for some reason. They usually display just fine if I log out and log back in - see if that helps.
  6. Under "Preference" - "Move and View" you can adjust your "View Angle", which is the equivalent of changing the focal length of a camera lens. Push the slider left for "telephoto" and right for "wide angle." If you push it slightly to the left you should be able to take pictures of small objects with less perspective. That's a trick RL photographers use for portraits and probably merchandise photos too.
  7. Threaded region crossing is being rolled out in multiple phases. The first phase was released to the main grid months ago.
  8. The latest update changed a lot of people's default graphics settings. It sounds like yours were changed to turn "Lighting and Shadows" on. This is a newer graphics system that has the potential to make things look fantastic but it has side effects. One of them is that it disables old "invisiprims" which used to be used to hide body parts. This disabling is on the viewer side. Your shoes probably used invisiprims. The way to get around this is to wear an "alpha" layer that is another way of hiding body parts that's better than using invisiprims in a lot of ways. If you're lucky your shoe maker included alpha layers and may have also included a "Viewer 2" version of the shoes which don't have invisiprims at all. If you don't have an alpha for your shoes you may be able to find them - they're pretty common now and an alpha from one shoe can be worn with a completely different one. If you're seeing four feet it means your shoes have their own feet built in, which will make finding the right alpha easier. If you don't want to deal with this you can go into "Preferences" - "Graphics" - "Advanced" and turn off "Lighting and Shadows," but be aware that as time goes on more and more people will see your feet this way until you start using alpha layers.
  9. Set up your objects so that the layer assignments are logical - the viewers you should be using are set up so that you can have more than one clothing item on them and you can change the ordering. The one exception to this is Phoenix, which is an older viewer that's popular with residents who've been in SL for a long time but is being phased out by its manufacturer. If someone's gotten you to use Phoenix when you're just starting out thank them sincerely and then download any of a number of more-modern viewers. Anyway, layering this way will mean there will be very little chance of becoming naked, and you can set up proper outerwear and underwear. You can also set up outfits so that the entire outfit changes automatically. And even if you are naked temporarily? Don't think of Linden Lab as some sort of Gestapo/Stasi/Securitate organization that is constantly monitoring everyone's behavior. Instead, they're closer to Inspector Renault from Casablanca - they pretty much leave people alone unless someone nags them so much that they have to look authoritative. (If you haven't seen Casablanca, do so. It's probably not as good as movie-people say it is but it's one of the things in this world that is good to have as part of your shared body of knowledge.)
  10. These particular bots have a human handler who monitors them and occasionally joins in the conversation. It takes a while but you can often get them to join in and they pretty quickly become abusive so you can report them for that. Follow your bliss and report them, Carl!
  11. Pamela Galli wrote: "Still, I believe that to be in better compliance with this section of the SL TOS, merchants in world should NOT spam everyone who walks in their shop; and should keep ads sent even to subscribers to a modest amount. Perhaps once weekly at most. This would also include clubs, who sometimes 'spam' with several 'announcements' in IM and notices several times per day." I completely disagree with your interpretation of the TOS. I always disagree when someone asserts his right to tell a land owner what he may and may not do on his own private land (except if it creates a problem for neighbors). If you don't like what happens on someone's private property, don't go there. Also, if you subscribe to or join a group, you have no right to decide how often the owner may use this tool. If you find there is too much spam to suit you, leave. Some merchants have lists that you "subscribe" to automatically by buying something, including on the marketplace, or even when you receive a gift from someone else, and don't tell you that this is putting you on a list or give you the option to decline. I think some places even automatically add you to the subscriber list when you show up. These merchants typically use a system that has no way of unsubscribing at that merchant themselves - you need to go the store of the manufacturer of the spam-o-matic customer relations facilitator and find a terminal to be taken off of it.
  12. It sounds like the top is made out of multiple prims. If you're trying to stretch something made of multiple prims you can only resize it evenly all over using the white handles --- UNLESS you select the box labled 'Edit Linked." After that you can just select one of the prims making up that object. You should be able to resize its length, width and height individuallly then, which will make it easier to custom fit it to your shape. You'll probably have to edit several of the prims and move others to get it to look right. This is a very fussy operation; always make a copy of the clothing piece before you try it.
  13. Some people have it work fine and some have been reporting problems. The recurring problems I've heard are with Intel integrated graphics causing problems with the viewer interface. Nvidia and ATI/AMD graphics seem to work better under Windows 8 and they're always better for SL anyway. It also depends on your viewer; my understanding is Phoenix has problems but the Firestorm, the Linden Lab viewer and other Viewer 3 based viewers are working.
  14. My guess is that you're having problems with your laptop realizing it should be using the Nvidia chip instead of the Intel chip with SL. There have been problems with auto-switching laptops not using the high-performance chip. You probably have an option to force the laptop to use the Nvidia chip for certain applications; use that to force your viewer to use the Nvidia chip. Also, don't try running SL on your laptop without it being plugged into the wall; a lot of laptops use the low-power graphics option automatically when they're on battery power.
  15. Looking at those locations my best guess is that if they were originally protected they were meant to be open spaces but were re-zoned during the land boom of 2007-2009. Note that they are mainly on Jeogeot and Satori. I imagine at that time there was tremendous BAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWing for more land so while Corsica and the Gaetas were being planned former coastline areas were allowed to be filled in with Zuider Zee-like polders. With the current state of SL I see very little chance that we'll see more of that happening.
  16. The derendered avatar should come back if she teleports to another region or if she logs out and logs back in. Changing her group tag might make it come back too.
  17. The new update changed default graphics settings for some people and it sounds like it made some bad decisions for you. Here are some things you can try: 1) See if there are updated video drivers for your computer. Even though it's only a year old, video chip makers update their control software all the time and outdated drivers can cause problems. 2) Go to "Preferences" - "Graphics" and click the "Advanced" button. Turn off "Atmospheric Shaders" (pretty skies) and click the "Apply." If that doesn't help then also turn off "Basic Shaders" in the same menu. 3) In the "Graphics - Advanced" menu, click the "Hardware" button and see if "Use OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects" is selected. If it is, turn it off and see if that makes things go any faster for you.
  18. It sounds like you got land when you were a Premium member. You can't go back to Basic without getting rid of that land - it doesn't happen automatically. You have to go to that piece of land and abandon it. If you've already done this you need to contact support directly - this forum isn't part of the support system.
  19. The only "Pleasant Valley" I can see is a privately owned region - you'll have to contact the owners of that sim for the rules there and to see why you can't rezz your furniture. You can find out about the owners by going to the "World" menu and selecting "About Land." This land is completely separate from any land you have the right to own as a Premium member.
  20. Theresa Tennyson


    You can rent land from someone else who "owns" land, either on the mainland or as a private island. You can even rent an entire region this way. There are a number of land rental agencies out there.
  21. Knowl Paine wrote: As an avid Map viewer, words cannot fully express the pain, of hundreds of unspoken voices, whose former places of residence in SL, were on a Mainland Shoreline. Yeah, in RL people just have their kids get shot.
  22. What probably happened is your graphics were set to use the setting called "Lighting and Shadows", which is a different way of rendering that looks great most of the time but it can give you the washed-out look you see if you're at an area where the builder pumps in a lot of extra light sources in an attempt to make the area look better with the older system of rendering. Does this problem only occur a few places, or everywhere? If it's at an area you can control things at you can start getting rid of unnecessary light sources. If you're using a facelight take it off. If you just don't want to deal with this and want things to look the way they did before go to "Preferences" - "Graphics" and hit the "Advanced" button. Then click the button next to "Lighting and Shadows" to uncheck it and hit the "Apply" button. This should reset things to a look similar to what you had before.
  23. Just keep your pants on and you'll stay out of trouble. Works the same way in RL a lot of the time too.
  24. Madeliefste Oh wrote: Pamela Galli wrote: Really smart people skip the whole time-wasting business of coming out with innovative products first, and just copy what others do, at half the price. (I am not one of those really smart ppl.) The smartest ones to putting thier time in this blind alley at all, and move on to greener coasts. (I'm not that smart either) NOTE: NOT PERSONAL RESPONSE TO PAMELA OR MADELIEFSTE Do you know what the dumb ones do? They do things like putting up long, incoherent forum posts that do nothing except advertise their competition's temporary half-off sales, or fill the forums with posts that are so over-the-top melodramatic that customers decide to write off that merchant even if they decide to offer everything for free. I"m not a merchant; I have great respect for those who are and who produce great products. However, I read the forums a lot and if a merchant posts often I often start to check out their products. Do you know what? I've yet to see a situation where I go, "Well, so-and-so's a real pain on the forums, but they make the best whatever I've ever seen." I haven't seen any irreplaceable merchants out there and if someone's forum posts make me dislike them I'll be more inclined to look to their competition, even though for all I know their competition may be even more obnoxious -- but they're QUIET about it.
  25. Mitsuko Kytori wrote: I thought Second Life was a system of meritocracy and not L$ocracy ... Then why did you think that spending L$ would magically move your products?
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