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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Are you going to regions with a lot of avatars present and are you using your camera a lot? More recent viewers can use a lot of memory in situations like this and in fact can use more memory than a 32-bit application is allowed to "address." If you're running programs in the background that can aggravate this problem.
  2. The sexiest skin and shape for an escort would be the skin and shape worn by the sexiest escort, and sexiness comes from how you think, how you act and what makes you memorable. I noticed that you've been on SL for four years but don't have a profile picture, and your profile really doesn't make you seem all that unique. At any given time there hundreds, possibly thousands of stripper/escorts on SL. Try to decide what quality you have that makes you unique and then we can get a handle on a look for you.
  3. V3 is also intended to be the starter viewer for new accounts, and the viewer that Linden Lab has to provide support for. RLV is a feature that you really need to be familiar with before you get involved with it and I think they feel it would cause too many support and potential griefing problems for new users.
  4. Tell us what you THINK the last name was and we should be able to figure out what it is. You can edit your original post.
  5. As far as places to go just to look around and maybe or maybe not buy anything, I like The Nest (which is mostly home stuff but has a little area of special clothing items too) and Tableau, which is... Tableau. You'll find out what that means if you go there.
  6. Lotus Island on Magnum has been stuck in a navmesh rebake for several hours now.
  7. emilia Avindar wrote: Hello Phil, yes it's called your proxy amount--after a couple of bidding rounds, i raised it to 20,000 Linden but i remained the winning bid at considerably less than that until 11:57am. At the last moment, my pangs of potential defeat made me try to raise it quickly to a bit higher, and while that would have been an emotional bid, it would have possibly left me the winner of the parcel. However, i am told elsewhere that the winner probably used a bot to generate the winning bid anyway. Does anyone know anything about this? And would such a macro be able to generate bids at the last moment? I fear a macro could in fact test the winning bid without taking the big proxy bid steps most of us use when we really want to win. It is true that your proxy bid may be ridiculously high and yet you win at a much lower price because no other bidder comes forward to test it, or at least not in the time it would take to attempt all those small steps. However, this is not the first time i have lost at the last moment, and it does make me wonder if the landflippers use macros to outbid at the last moment. If anyone has any knowledge of this practice, i ask you to comment here, because perhaps there needs to be a corrective action. SUGGESTION--**LIMIT THE BIDDING INTERVAL TO ONE BID PER PARCEL PER HOUR** ...this would not keep the bidder from bidding at the last moment, but it would force them to bid in ONLY ONE STEP, not to use a macro to climb up to the winning proxy bid. This would encourage each bidder to give a reasonable proxy bid to stay in the bidding, so that it is not a robot's game at 11:57am SLT. It didn't have to be a macro by any means. Three minutes to close is an eternity with online auctions. On Ebay, if you really want something it's best to type in your maximum bid in the entry field and wait until there are SECONDS left, watching the web page like a hawk and updating it often. Then you hit "Return" with just enough time left to hit the confirm button that will pop up. I've ninja'd stuff at the last second; I've been ninja'd myself.
  8. Perrie Juran wrote: Not everyone is an artist. Or wants to be. You seem to be dividing the world into people who are Artists, who Make Stuff, and Everyone Else, a group of people that Doesn't Make Stuff. If someone's an Artist, you know by seeing or hearing what they do - they take the Stuff they Make to a higher level that's hard to describe but you'll know it when you see it. If someone has to tell you they're an Artist, they probably aren't. But you don't have to be an Artist to Make Stuff.I grew up in a house with a piano. My mother had a sewing room and did fabric crafts. My father had a wood shop in the basement. I don't think anyone thought of us as a family of Artists, we just Made Stuff. Some of it was meh, some of it was pretty good. Lately it seems like fewer people are Making Stuff by the time they're old enough to get on SL. It's kind of a shame - it can feel really good to Make Stuff. I found myself running a college costume shop where I taught students basic clothing construction - i.e. "This is called 'thread." We don't call it 'string,' we call it 'thread,'" After using them as slave labor to do show costumes for a few weeks I had them design and make their own pillows. Few of them had any experience Making Stuff but most of them really got into it, even some of the most laid back, literally-falling-asleep-in-class ones. Some of them made absolutely beautiful pillows; some of them made pillows with, well, great personality. Some made extra pillows after they got their first one done, just because they wanted to. In SL, making shapes is a great way to get into Making Stuff. All the tools are free and they're right in front of you and can be used if you have the hand-eye coordination of a four-year-old. Most people, even those really into SL, have some experience of how other human beings look. No license or union membership is required. Even your very first, probably somewhat scary, shape will be completely functional right out of the box, legal in all jurisdictions and meeting all applicable codes. When you're making it, the answer to "What happens if I do THIS?" is almost never, "It catches on FIRE!!! AAAHHH!!!" You can make a shape in an hour but tweak it for years and once you get something you like you can create variations quickly for free. (For those who say, "I'll never change my shape to fit clothes" I'd like to offer six words from RL: PUSH UP BRA - CONTROL TOP PANTYHOSE.) You don't have to make your own shape, of course. If you want to have "Danika face" like half the girls my avatar hangs out with you know where to get it. If you want me to sing (I'm Gonna Get On My Pony and) "Ride" by Dee Dee Sharp every time I see you, that's your prerogative. But with barriers to entry this low you might as well dive in and see what happens. DOOO EEET!
  9. I have great respect for the skill that goes into making a shape. What I DON'T have as much respect for are the SHAPES THEMSELVES. This is because making a shape is the equvalent of hairstyling in RL - it's the process of manipulating existing resources to their best advantage. With hairstyling it's the client's hair in relationship to their face. With shapemaking it's the manipulation of the substructure UNDER A SKIN, and UNDER THAT PARTICULAR SKIN. I make shapes for myself and other people, but they're always tuned for a particular skin. [My bona fides for doing this? Master's degree in costume design with the associated years of studying and reproducing anatomy.] People seem to think I'm adorable with the skin and shape I wear, but I'm well aware that the skin I use is rather quirky and if I wear it with most off-the-shelf shapes I'll look like the product of six generations of inbreeding. I'd say good hairstylist in RL is very skilled and is fully deserving of a generous payment. However, I wouldn't pay nearly as much for a list of lengths of hair they've measured off of a hairstyle from another client because I have no idea if that particular cut will look good on me. Buying a SL shape without a skin or at least a style card would be the equivalent of buying this list of hair lengths. And I'd NEVER pay a hairstylist who froze my hair in place and threatened me with the scissors if I so much as dared adjust part of it once I went home, which is what you get with a no-modify shape. I'll take your word from your other posts that there are people who resell shapes that they've copied by transcribing the settings from another shape, but I've actually copied down all the settings from one of my shapes in order to duplicate it on another account with that account as creator - it's three pages of data. It's actually much quicker and easier for me to create a new shape than transcribe and reproduce all that raw data. I'm one of the people who tells others to avoid paying for shapes for these reasons, but also because I want to encourage them to "learn to do their own hair." It's not easy and it takes practice, but all the tools you need are sitting right in the viewer for free. Personally I find it fun and I think a lot others will find it fun too but they won't try it if they are led to believe that the L$800 shape they see on the Marketplace is something fundamentally different that what they have the tools to create right in front of them.
  10. Madelaine McMasters wrote: 16 wrote: so i can say: i rang that person and left a message. they didnt return my call Which I'd word as: I rang Snugs and left a message. That jackass didn't return my call. I realize this doesn't demonstrate the use of "they", but I don't care ;-) You just outed Snugs; a jackass is by definition a male donkey. A female donkey is a jenny.
  11. English has a perfectly good gender-neutral singular pronoun - "it". People use "it" for generic non-human animals and children - you might as well use it for human grown-ups too. If you're trying to be efficient, correct and non-namby-pamby, just use 'it". It will make you look like a tool, of course, but you'll be efficient, correct and non-namby-pamby. Or just use "they" and "their" singularly, jeez. They're technically incorrect - so what? There's a job that needs to be done and these words have volunteered to do it and the use in this way doesnt' cause any confusion. Language is a tool for communication. Over the years we've adapted languages all over the place. I imagine people who are bothered by using plural pronouns singularly would also admonish someone for treating "data" as a singular word because it's actually the plural of "datum." However, I almost never hear them saying things like, "Are the spaghetti ready?" despite the fact that "spaghetti" is the plural of "spaghetto." Are only dead Italians worthy of this gramatical respect? This is all completely ignoring the fact that so many people in SL have multiple avatars that they could be considered plural their ownselves. [ncidentally, there ARE lowercase numbers that are used in typesetting - they just got left out in the cold when the typewriter keyboard was put together. And iif you have a REALLY old typewriter?" No exclamation point - it was made with "apostrophe - backspace - period."]
  12. Edfred Jungsten wrote: That anyone else sees me falling through is irrelevant. Who cares if others see me falling through? Who cares if someone has put a giant phallus over my avatar and it's following me around, as long as I am not hindered by it after the owner (or even creator) has been muted. I want to achieve "falling through" and derendering for my avatar alone. You speak as if I want the whole sl world to adapt to my mute button, and that isn't the case at all. What I desire would only affect my avatar: Muting someone and not seeing or being affected by their objects afterward and forever more. What you're asking for would be having the servers calculate and stream a different version of the physical world for each person depending on their mute list. Or, in other words, wanting the whole sl world to adapt to your mute button.
  13. A sandbox would be the logical place but the public sandboxes are a pain. If you've got a premium membership you can use a number of semi-private sandboxes, or if you aren't you can join the group "Second Life Beta" and use the beta-testing sandboxes, which are in clusters of four.
  14. Carl Thibodeaux wrote: Thought of this the other night in a dream. When it comes to demo shapes, usually the shapes have a hand/foot thats bigger than the other. Sometimes it's other body parts aswell. But with mesh now, with all the alpha's.. It's possible to just get the demo shape and replace the hands and feet and other parts with mesh body parts. I don't entirely know if this is a good thing or a bad thing at all.. If you saw a trailer for a movie you liked, you could hire the actors to re-enact it in your back yard instead of going to the movie itself. But I don't think a lot of people are going to go to that much trouble either.
  15. Maestro, you should probably get this thread stickied by Wednesday so people can find it. I didn't see it at first. Thanx!
  16. You said you're logging into the beta viewer. The version number for the beta viewer IS 3.4.3. It;'s typically one version number higher than the release viewer. The release viewer will launch separately. HunterMinta wrote: after i downloaded last sl viewer 3.4.2 i guess i didnt install is there any problems with it ? i know that there are many others viewers bu sl one is the best for me and when i login to sl beta viewer it says last updata 3.4.3 not 3.4.2 ?
  17. If you post the information from "About Second Life" someone may have a suggestion. Also, have you done a complete cleanup and reinstall on the LL viewer as was suggested before? It definately sounds like there's a problem with your install.
  18. Edfred Jungsten wrote: As far as I know, currently all muting stops is particles,sounds from their objects. It does not render objects by the muted resident invisible nor effect any scripts that might be targeting you from that person. I would like to see all objects from a muted person rendered invisible automatically and any of their scripts targeting my avatar (or anyones avatar in the vicinity in which might affect me) made useless by the action of muting. If I mute someone, I don't want to see any evidence they further exist aside from seeing them on radar. There's a reason there is a mute button and reasons why people are muted. Derendering only makes things invisible in your viewer - it doesn't eliminate their physical existence. If a blocked person's objects were derendered automatically they could trap you with objects that you couldn't see.
  19. Are you by chance rezzing these airplanes on a long trip that involves you traveling directly from one sim to another without teleporting? There's a glitch that causes your inventory to keep trying to load after it's all actually been loaded and it tends to pop up when you're traveling between sims. Fortunately there's an easy workaround if this is the problem: When you get this problem, go to the "Develop" menu (if you don't see it you can turn it on in Preferences) and uncheck "Use HTTP Inventory." Wait a few seconds and then try rezzing your object. Sometimes it helps if you try rezzing a simple non-scripted object first, too. Once you are able to rezz again you can turn "Use HTTP Inventory" back on. I wouldn't recommend leaving it turned off continually because it's normally faster and more reliable than non-HTTP inventory; it's just this one particular glitch that can pop up.
  20. The grid is working fine and has been all day as far as I can tell. You have some sort of connection issue. The fact that you can connect to the website doesn't mean vinegar to a rabbit. Second Life runs many parallel threads of data simultaneously and uses a lot of ports, some of them rather uncommon. There are a number of places the connection process to Second Life can get tripped up and you'll never see them when you connect to 99% of the Internet. If you tell us as much as you can about your computer and connection someone on the forums may be able to spot the problem though.
  21. If you like the basic interface of the LL viewer but just want a few more features, I suggest trying out Dolphin, Catznip or Exodus. What sorts of stability problems are you having with the LL viewer?
  22. When Parcel Privacy came out there was a certain amount of bawwwwing that passers-by could see into the sekrit area if they were on the same lot up high, i.e. above the no-pubic-entry cutoff. This was probably done to address this loophole
  23. Recent Linden Lab viewers and third-party viewers based on the current Linden Lab code display your account balance as L$20 if they can't download your actual balance for some reason. If you wait a couple of minutes and click on the :L$20 it usually updates. You can always see your accurate balance when you look at your "Dashboard" when you log into SL.
  24. It sounds like you're logging into an area where an object or avatar is using local chat to grief, possiblyl by causing people's chat windows to be filled with empty lines of text and making chat impossible. Try going to another area.
  25. Deltango Vale wrote: I'm with you, girl, and Pussycat about being insanely frustrated with Linden Lab. I again make the comparison with Kodak, which, with all its scientists, managers, patents, IP, research facilities, lawyers, accountants and consultants, couldn't figure out that digital imaging would replace celluloid film. One gawks in amazement as the company eventually filed for bankruptcy. Not only did Kodak invent the digital camera (1975), but it saw its patent wall breached by Polaroid, so you think they would have learned their lesson. I'm sure that Kodak knew that photography was moving to digital, and they made digital cameras. However, Kodak was primarily a vendor of supplies, consumables and services rather than hardware and they had extensive infrastructure that was necessary to service a field that was shrinking and their infrastructure coudn't be scaled down. Digital photography uses far less in the way of consumables and services so their business couldn't be shifted easily. If they had tried to voluntarily phase out the film end of things their users who still relied on film would have howledl like banshees. Linden Lab is in a similar place as far as legacy systems that need to be supported. And the banshees who would howl if massive changes were made to it? Are reading this right now.
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