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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Fowabo wrote: is water considered a prim? SL "water" is an non-physical plane that viewers create at a certain elevation above level "0" - most of the time it's at elevation 20 but that can be changed by the owner of the estate. It has no land impact and can't really be interacted with except with tricks triggered by the elevation you're at. If you are below this elevation you will see the world with an "underwater" visual scheme and if you fly below this level you'll use a swimming animation. Boats are scripted to move at the level of the water plane as well.
  2. Look at what you're wearing and make sure you're not wearing anything labeled "New Pants." Every once in a while a glitch will cause the system to think you're wearing a completely "raw" clothing item which starts out as completely white and skin-tight to your avatar.
  3. Livio Korobase wrote: I don't know if is a know bug, but i noticed a annoying problem with windlight rendering in different viewers: the sim loose info about windlight, and each viewer show different scenario. I have put some photos here: 1. Singularity https://www.flickr.com/photos/liviokorobase/20621247876/in/datetaken-public/ 2. Firestorm https://www.flickr.com/photos/liviokorobase/20024955334/in/datetaken-public/ 3. Linden Viewer https://www.flickr.com/photos/liviokorobase/20647539065/in/datetaken-public/ 4. the real WL fresh loaded from region tools: https://www.flickr.com/photos/liviokorobase/20024990254/in/datetaken-public/ All the images are in Ultra, same region same time. Region is LEA19 ? Livio "Ultra" is meaningless - it's just a shortcut to a bundle of individual settings and some viewers may set each individual setting differently as part of their "ultra" setting. You might find the problem by looking at the individual settings each viewer uses at that level.
  4. All of your inventory items have an "Acquired" date telling when you first added them to your inventory. You can see this date by right-clicking the item and selecting "Properties." If there are any objects you or your partner got because of the wedding you may be able to narrow things down considerably by checking the "Acquired" dates, especially if you remember what day of the week it was.
  5. Ssmiles wrote: Just to clear things up, it's not the store name itself that is the same as a RL designer, it's the name of their products and help staff. For example, they have help staff with names "Chanel" "Dior" "Prada", etc... clearly listed in their store (these are not the exact designer names they are using, they are using different names that are just as famous - I picked these just to give you an example) and the shoes they sell are named after a very famous shoe but it's simply spelled different. For example, it would be like them selling "Polo" look-a-like shirts and calling them "Lolo" shirts or selling lipstick and calling it M.A.K. instead of M.A.C. The names they are using are pretty pretty obviously famous so it's definitely not a coincidence. I don't want to say exactly the names they are using because I'm not trying to throw anyone under the bus. Suffice it to say though, the names they are using are from my understanding are in blatent violation of T.O.S. I would assume they either aren't familar with T.O.S. or they don't give a crap. I am guessing it's the latter. Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel, Christian Dior and Mario Prada all had ancestors and relatives with those same last names, not to mention all the other people with those names who were never famous. Becoming famous didn't give them dominion over the last name that chance and fate assigned to them. A name is only protected if it's a trademark, and if it's a non-unique name the trademark only applies to limited applications. Ralph Lauren has a trademark for the word Polo for clothing; Volkswagen has another trademark for the word Polo for automobiles. Having a name the same as someone famous is only a violation if you actively suggest that you really are that person or are somehow associated with them when you aren't.
  6. LishaJoya Haven wrote: OK--- here is my delima... I have a massive inventory size that cant seem to stay on/get on the new VMM while my lower inventory alts can get on it flawlessly... so for the past 2 weeks i have been sorting/deleting my inventory that was once 275,000 and is now jus tunder 170,000.... before i couldnt get on this viewer at all....but to day i managed to be a stuck while cloud with my lindens amount as ???? marks...LOL.... I have ony a few more days to get all my issues fixed/resolved...becuase my store on the MP will suffer with my breedables in my store not all fully migrated to the VMM.... or i will have to transfer my breedables to my main alt.....and my MP store there... So what is the inventory size MAX i can be so i can get on the VMM viewer Thank you all my precious SL family! ♥♥♥ Lisha From what I hear, the biggest problem with inventory loading isn't the number of items individually but the number of items in each folder. Folders are fetched one at a time and if there's more than about 10,000 items in a folder it will often time out. You should also try to cut down on the number of folders in your base inventory not in subfolders - for instance, if you have 10,000 folders in your inventory you'll want to organize them in 10 subfolders of 1000 each rather than having them all on the main inventory level.
  7. Colby Firehawk wrote: A - Defaming someone by labeling them a griefer, cheat, bot, or doing something nefarious is a violation of the ToS REGARDLESS of whether it is true or not. It is not one residence' privilege to determine guilt or innocence. The ToS does not make exceptions for defaming based on intent, good reasons, opinion, or the perception of guilt by ANY resident. Legally, "defamation" is only a false statement. If you say something about someone else that's true, no matter how horrible and insulting it may be, it can't be considered defamation, slander or libel. Also, the burden of proof is on the one who claims to have been defamed.
  8. BalenStep wrote: Hi Everyone :-/ I am a premium member but because I am an engineer in real life I would like to buy my own piece of land on the mainland so I can construct my own house (i.e. not a prefabriacted linden home). I have tried to bid on \ and buy land but they all have a tier price which means I have to keep paying each week for the land? I am already paying linden labs a lot of money for my premium account. I have abandoned my linden home in order to buy new 512 land so I have architectural contol over it but I am having trouble finding land to puchase that doesn't come with weekly land tiers. I feel like these tires are a bit of a mafia rip off. Any help or advice as to where I can find my own patch to develop on while paying only the Lindend/second life company my tier instead of some random land lord Thank you in advance forany help Ignore the auction section of the SL website. For some reason they promote it as the main way to buy Mainland but it's far more common to just buy it in-world. Go to your "World Map" and check the box labled something like "Show Land Sales. Lots available for sale will show up in yellow and most of them should have a "price tag" icon next to them showing the upfront cost to buy that lot. As a premium member you should look at "Mainland" - very large connected area. Lot prices vary a great deal - for land on water the price can be very high and a small landlocked parcel is usually very inexpensive - sometimes less than L$1 per square meter. After you pay the upfront cost to buy the land you won't pay anything other than your premium membership fee to own a lot up to 512 square meters.
  9. aristoteles Himanez wrote: Don't get your hopes up by comparing SL to a regular MMORPG. You'll be disappointed for sure. Why? Why can't the avatars be like this, so flexible and detailed? I'm really not impressed by the "flexibility" of that avatar. Sure, it can be made to look like Megan Fox - however, that's because it is basically shaped to represent a generic traditionally attractive young female, and that's the niche that Megan Fox represents (and she probably wouldn't have a career if she didn't.) I'd be more impressed if the video showed it being turned into Mayim Bialyk, Melissa McCarthy or Grace Jones.
  10. Qie Niangao wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Linden Lab won't do anything similar with Second Life because of the grossly inefficient way land is currently simulated, but it looks like they're planning on doing exactly that with Project Sansar. Personally, I don't think inefficiency has much to do with it. I mean, idle land is much less expensive to simulate than active avatars, yet there's no charge for logging in. I too have heard that Sansar will make trivial the cost of preserving "land" state from one visit to the next -- land "too cheap to meter" -- I'm pretty sure the current practice is a business decision about which rents are most reliably and simply extracted. There was a "prim tax" early-on; I don't think land tier was the only option for monetizing the SL architecture -- but it put Anshe's mug on the cover of Business Week. Avatars aren't really simulated at all as a separate entity in Second Life - they're just an add-on to a series of fixed simulations of 256m x 256m chunks of land that have to be simulated whether or not anyone's there at all. From a hardware/staffing standpoint, an empty region costs exactly the same as one with its full avatar load on it. The simulations have semi-fixed network addresses, constantly run a simulation at a minimum of 8 frames per second and have to be individually restarted when the software changes. Any increased amount of land will require more simulators running, which means more hardware and overhead.
  11. Chaser Zaks wrote: Scooby Mode wrote: Wished I could just start a petition, and somehow get this out to LL. Do you guys think we should get free linden homes? Epecially those who have been on a long time? Should America give free land and homes to people who have been living in America for a long time? They already did in the latter part of the 19th century: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homestead_Acts At the time there was so much otherwise useless land in the Midwestern territories that it was given free to those who promised to make it productive (and thereby creating taxable income.) Linden Lab won't do anything similar with Second Life because of the grossly inefficient way land is currently simulated, but it looks like they're planning on doing exactly that with Project Sansar.
  12. Faye Feldragonne wrote: Besides being impossible to build on this viewer, can someone for the life of me tell me why there's no option to turn off group chat? I'm tearing my hair out with all the damn beeping! I read somewhere, you can't turn them off. Also, the windlighting will NOT stay to midday. It just doesn't work in their palsy enviromental tab. I'm really trying to be a trooper so I can manage my Market Place, but this viewer, crashes for no reason, has issues when searching items...awkward tools...like is there a way to IM without going to the Interent first? It's so slow that it has to go through that loop? Why isn't my contacts on the same box as all this communcation coming in? Another thing I'm struggling with... I give up. 1) To turn off group chat go to "Preferences" - "Chat" and set the notification level to the least distracting one for you. "No action" will let you completely ignore incoming group chat. 2) To set persistent daylight settings, go to the "Debug" window and set EnvironmentPersistAcrossLogin to TRUE. 3) To IM someone hit the button with the "+" in the "Conversation" panel and search for their name if they don't appear on the "friends" or "nearby" tabs. You can also use right click their name on the "People" panel if their name appears on it. 4) Contacts have been separated from conversations on the Linden Lab viewer ever since Viewer 2 was introduced. Personally I find it more efficient than digging under the conversations to find them.
  13. Rogue Braveheart wrote: On July 14th Popular TV 'Psychologist' Dr. Phil used a Custom Avatar in Second Life, to illustrate how far Video 'Game' technology had progressed. This event was even 'advertised' in the Featured News section of the Second Life Blog. The segment did a decent job of highlighting some of the many (G-rated) activities that avatars could participate in. The 'best' part of the segment was Dr. Phil himself looked... well, he looked Just Like Himself in 1st Life! A couple of years ago, I spent about $500 US for someone to create an avatar that looked like me in 1st Life, hoping to use it to shoot Promotional Machinima, to be featured on 1st Life web properties. The quality of the resulting avatar was dissappointing and I abandoned the idea. So here's the Question: Did Recent Dr. Phil Episode Featuring a Custom Avatar in Second Life set Unreasonable Expectations for New Users? As an onlooker, you knew that avatar was supposed to be Dr. Phil, and he has a number of recognition points that are uncommon in Second Life - baldness, the moustache, gray hair, etc. Whether that avatar would have been recognized as only Dr. Phil without prior knowledge of who it represented is an open question. When it comes to yourself or people you know well, you have a very strong image/self image of exactly what they look like. (With yourself, it's probably mirror-reversed though.) You're going to notice any tiny imperfections instantly. You also don't say whether it was a mesh avatar or "classic" one you had made. My alt aunt has a little makeover shop where she does custom shapes but she always tells clients that it's impossible to make a classic avatar look exactly like a real person because the human face has asymmetries that the SL avatar just is not structurally capable of reproducing.
  14. istanbullet wrote: If I want to transfer some lindens to my friend how much lindens can I send (pay or tips) in 1 times? There isn't a clear limit that I know of but if you send an extremely large amount, especially if either you or your friend have new accounts, it can look suspicious and Linden Lab may investigate or even put a hold on the accounts. There isn't a publicly known number that will trigger this and you shouldn't have a problem with the usual amounts people tip.
  15. Kenbro Utu wrote: “Second Life is a platform dressed as a product,” said Altberg. Project Sansar will be a platform that will allow others to build products. “The experience is the primary brand,” he said. It sounds as if the customers that LL are hoping to attract are specifically developers who will be creating an "experience," i.e., virtual world, as a product, and Sansar will just be a tool to achieve this. If this is true, casual users will be the consumers of individual developer's product or "experience" and not directly a customer of LL like they are in SL. Isn't this what Blue Mars set out to do? It's worth noting that the article quoted was in Variety, which is aimed at people who are already in the business of creating "experiences" in the entertainment world.
  16. Qie Niangao wrote: An eagle eye across the street spotted an article about Project Sansar in Variety, of all places. This dramatically changes my perceptions of Variety -- and of Project Sansar. As I read it, the article very much reinforces the idea that Sansar is Not For Us, but rather is to be a platform for customers to peddle their content to a mass media market hungry for 3D "experiences" such as games, news, and commercial telepresence. That's not completely disjoint from SL, true, but the emphasis seems very different. As to hardware, we know one target is the "talented and Rifted" all of whom come pre-equipped with the latest hyper-spec'd computers. I suspect, however, that the overall target is much wider, with much lower hardware demands -- and if they're serious about a real mass market by 2016 had better include iOS and Android clients (and not Linux, as we know). Some time ago I came to the conclusion that Project Sansar is meant to be what the mass media thought Second Life was in 2007 or so. Hordes of people and companies interested in that story tried Second Life back then only to leave when they discovered that it wasn't what the stories said it was. Still, a demand was demonstrated for a virtual world - just not one built the way Second Life is.
  17. Genetikk129 wrote: First of all thanks for the suggestions . I describe my style a little bit: I like a natural look and im roleplaying a 18 years old Teen. My style usually consists of an open leather jacket with a T -shirt underneath and a cool jeans. I want to look like a college student a little bit rebellious maybe. I n the direction goes my style (I have a Mesh Body) Sounds like you'd like Lapointe & Bastchild.
  18. Prokofy Neva wrote: THAT there ARE land sales of some kind is the first thing to predicate upon because it's not the case that land is just a giant tissue box for free and you take as much as you need to put under content, and content determines (like the old "prim tax" method which the Lab jettisoned after a resident revolt, in case you don't remember). "Land" has value in Second LIfe only because it's limited, and it's limited only because the Lab built Second Life on an extremely cost/hardware intensive architecture and it is in their best interest to limit it. The architecture of SL was intended originally for a combat simulation that needed instant updating and the ability to dynamically change terrain. It was a world that was very small with no private islands or in-world economy. The decision was made to simulate this world by simulating land, whether it was being used or not, and this created the mall parking lot dilemma of needing to be built to support the maximum possible load at any moment even when the region was completely empty, while at the same time limiting the maximum possible load to the ability of the infrastructure for that patch of land. For the vast majority of Second Life "landowners", who only have little private pieds-a-terre, the networking and computing structure necessary is far less than what Second Life does. It's entirely possible to make a simulated world using far less infrastructure for most of the world. Meanwhile, other parts of the world could be designed for a dynamic load that could be far greater than the maximum load Second Life can support in a region now. A person growing up in a colony on the Moon would think selling air would be a necessary and lucrative field. If they moved to the Earth they may find things to be different.
  19. Zeaig Zabelin wrote: Does anyone have any idea why i am getting such low FPS? i get on average 20-30 fps. In a fairly empty sim. But when i go to a new sim it jumps down to almost 11 FPS untill it fully loads everything and then goes back up to a low 20-30fps again. I would assume this should NOT be happening considering my hardware. I have the graphics set to max, But shadows are off and view range is only 256. Water Reflections are also set to minimum. I have a EVGA Nvidia GTX 980 Classified Edition graphics card. Ram - 24gb DDR3 Processor- I7 CPU 920 2.67GHz [ This is obviously my weakest link in my pc ] HD - 512gb Samsung SSD OS - Windows 8.1 Pro To put this into perspective, I can run crysis 3 on max graphics at nearly 60+fps the whole time. Why cant i run SL at a reasonable rate? I have a laptop with a mobile graphics card that seems to run second life better lol. Any suggestions on this? There was a post by someone who had similar problems who said they were improved by turning shadows on - apparently some high-end Nvidia cards throttle themselves down in SL if the load isn't high enough and turning shadows on helps with this.
  20. ShadowBerrie wrote: Ok so I started playing this game and thought I'd get my GF into it. She followed the simple steps of simply clicking "remove current outfit" so we could replace it with a new shape/clothes etc. We got this. https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xft1/v/t34.0-12/11745938_1495532410738800_3662264775236947318_n.jpg?oh=faa26cbc9350b4b7771990b4d580485e&oe=55AE52C0&__gda__=1437564190_a3cdaa41d9dd7a3fc4ce2aae1e3dbeeb https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xft1/v/t34.0-12/p206x206/11742770_490632301087169_656430497944773022_n.jpg?oh=1cc5d33621938811e35e5c92b8aea209&oe=55AF08CD&__gda__=1437489103_e6c53a924f4086a36c1473000a59d6e0 What's going on? She can't "add" or "Wear" hair (she goes with a mohawk) because that hairbase stays. Can't change shape or face because that face stays. She can't remove the underwear and add her own because it stays. She signed up, 20 years old, 21 in August, and we brought several items that were a couple hundred $L it would be real nice if we can fix this glitch so she can use this account. Yes, she's tried clicking "Add" "Wear" on the new shape, no changes. Same with hair, except the hair goes over the top of that cut. She's tried readding the default outfit and removing/detaching one by one, same result. She deleted the folder in the second screenshot, nothing happened. She tried removing the remaining objects in the current outfit folder and nothing happened. Yes, she has her general settings on General, Moderate and Adult. Please help! We'd really not want to create a new account for her. It looks like you've coached her to make her viewer look and act as much like Phoenix as possible and are telling her to do most outfit work from inventory instead of using the Appearance panel. This isn't the workflow the Lab expects for a new avatar. It looks like the "Current Outfit" folder is throwing some sort of hissy fit. Don't try to manipulate it directly. Have her open the "Appearance" floater and have it open while she's making changes. This problem would have nothing to do with a mesh avatar because the initial outfit this account used wasn't one of the mesh avatars.
  21. Hoshi Kenin wrote: Alas and alack. Now that nothing seems to have taken up the small, tiny void that Pixeleen Mistral and the Alphaville Herald at one time inhabited, who can hold LL to account for it's remarkably cozy legal 'flexibility' and lack of responsibility? Why don't you do it? I'm sure everyone who's seen your contributions to the forum will come to a decision on your value as a news source.
  22. Zara Marais wrote: My shape hover is 56 but my set hover in the appearance wheel is -0.463. My feet look on the ground but when I go into a pose ball I am sunk in. My partner sees my feet hovering over the ground. We both use Firestorm viewer. This happened suddenly. One minute I was fine and the next issues happened. I have purchased a new shape, cleared cache, uninstalled and re-installed viewer. What else can I do? Is there some reason your hover height is set at 56? That'll raise you off the ground pretty much automatically. You've then set your appearance hover adjustment to lower yourself, which means you'll be too low on poseballs. Your partner probably uses the older version of Firestorm without the appearance hover tweak. The first thing I'd do is to set your hover to 50 (default), zero out your appearance wheel hover and see where that leaves you.
  23. Aeriabella wrote: I own a full sim and a region side by side. Both have had their terrains formatted by successfully uploading a Raw file. When I view them both in the SL world map, only the shape of the sim shows correctly. The formatted terrain of the region still only displays as a blank taupe square. How do I get the region to dispay as clearly as the sim, or are there restrictions that I am not aware of preventing this. If you have a "sim surround" or other very large build it will make the region look like a blank square. The map rendering program can't properly display sculpts.
  24. TheOriginalCatriona wrote: Hello I am very new. I orginally purchased Slink Med and didnt realize the shoes I got will not work so now I own Slink High. How do I switch the feet? And then the skin will need to change color too yes? I appreciate any help Thanks! You can just wear the new feet - they should usually just replace the other feet automatically, but if they don't you can detach the "Mid" feet afterwards. If you've been able to match the skin on the mid feet already you can use the same steps on the "high" feet. If you haven't reached that step yet you can either use the HUD packaged with the feet or you can see if the maker of your skin offers an "applier" which will match the skin semi-automatically. The same applier will work for all Slink foot heights.
  25. BilliJo Aldrin wrote: "4) Article I, Section 10 states that "No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance or Confederation."" That is absolutely right as long as a state was a member of the union. However, once a state removed itself from the Union thru articles of secession passed by the state legislature, it was free to make whatever treaties alliances or confederations it chose, as a free independant country. AN ORDINANCE to dissolve the union between the State of South Carolina and other States united with her under the compact entitled "The Constitution of the United States of America." We, the people of the State of South Carolina, in convention assembled do declare and ordain, and it is hereby declared and ordained, That the ordinance adopted by us in convention on the twenty-third day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, whereby the Constitution of the United States of America was ratified, and also all acts and parts of acts of the General Assembly of this State ratifying amendments of the said Constitution, are hereby repealed; and that the union now subsisting between South Carolina and other States, under the name of the "United States of America," is hereby dissolved. Done at Charleston the twentieth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty. So, you're saying that a contract can be freely dissolved by one party without the consent of the other party? I'll have to remember that if I ever do business with you. Incidentally, Virginia, North and South Carolina and Georgia, the only Confederate states that ratified the Constitution and therefore could even theoretically "unratify" it, also ratified the Articles of Confederation before it: [T]he Articles of this Confederation shall be inviolably observed by every State, and the Union shall be perpetual; nor shall any alteration at any time hereafter be made in any of them; unless such alteration be agreed to in a Congress of the United States, and be afterwards confirmed by the legislatures of every State. The Articles of Confederation were actually ratified by what would become the states before the end of the Revolutionary War; none of the colonies functioned as independent states before ratification. If South Carolina could "revert" to anything, it would have been to a colony of Great Britain.
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