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  1. Ok so I started playing this game and thought I'd get my GF into it. She followed the simple steps of simply clicking "remove current outfit" so we could replace it with a new shape/clothes etc. We got this. https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xft1/v/t34.0-12/11745938_1495532410738800_3662264775236947318_n.jpg?oh=faa26cbc9350b4b7771990b4d580485e&oe=55AE52C0&__gda__=1437564190_a3cdaa41d9dd7a3fc4ce2aae1e3dbeeb https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xft1/v/t34.0-12/p206x206/11742770_490632301087169_656430497944773022_n.jpg?oh=1cc5d33621938811e35e5c92b8aea209&oe=55AF08CD&__gda__=1437489103_e6c53a924f4086a36c1473000a59d6e0 What's going on? She can't "add" or "Wear" hair (she goes with a mohawk) because that hairbase stays. Can't change shape or face because that face stays. She can't remove the underwear and add her own because it stays. She signed up, 20 years old, 21 in August, and we brought several items that were a couple hundred $L it would be real nice if we can fix this glitch so she can use this account. Yes, she's tried clicking "Add" "Wear" on the new shape, no changes. Same with hair, except the hair goes over the top of that cut. She's tried readding the default outfit and removing/detaching one by one, same result. She deleted the folder in the second screenshot, nothing happened. She tried removing the remaining objects in the current outfit folder and nothing happened. Yes, she has her general settings on General, Moderate and Adult. Please help! We'd really not want to create a new account for her.
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