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Psyche Starling

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Everything posted by Psyche Starling

  1. Exile Tempest is blowing to the side--might look like falling from the right angle.
  2. Just make sure you can find what you need in clothes! Like I said, pickings are limited, but I kludge together what I can from (a) official stuff from the Rebirth store, (b) things from MP, (c) buying full perm mesh rigged for it and using it to make my own, and (d) some old standard size stuff. (Before the Toddleedoos really took off, there were standard sizes for kids too! Some of it fits with alpha layers. Demo, demo.) Shoes are usually unrigged unless they're from the Rebirth store. But it's a handy body because it can be kid, teen, or adult, and if you get the full version it can switch gender too. If you're totally covered up, clothes would be easier to come by if you just use Maitreya and shrink the boobs down a lot. Naked, they'll look weird below about 30, but under clothes they look fine. (And there's way more historical clothing for regular Maitreya than for Petite.)
  3. I'm also fond of the Rebirth. I use it for a roughly 9-year-old girl avi. Clothes are limited, but you can wear anything BOM (tights anyone?), and I like the look of it better than Tweeneedoo, which always kind of looked like a scaled-up toddler to me no matter what I did to the sliders.
  4. I logged in my alt to find the names of these--Belle Epoque "Zander" and Viki "Flynn." Sadly neither is Legacy--you might demo them and see how the fitmesh size works for you. Also C.Y. Fashions has a NextUp set of Beauty and the Beast that has a nice Beast prince outfit that is available in Legacy. But it's in a NextUp so your mileage may vary.
  5. However, if you wear a mesh body, the toenails will probably still show through even if you BOM alpha. So for that you need to use your body hud to either alpha your feet that way or make your nails invisible.
  6. I've occasionally gotten a pair of unrigged shoes that turned out to be a single item instead of right and left, so it would stick to one foot as I walked and completely ignore the other foot. In hindsight, I wonder if they were unlinkable? But if the creator puts in two, they have always worked fine in my experience. Boots going higher up the calf are more likely to glitch.
  7. My poor inventory! I just got all my Fantasy Faire quest prizes sorted!
  8. I don't own that, but what a cool house! One thing I've done a couple of times is convert dead space under roofs into real rooms (accessed by TP button). So if any of that attic is just floorless ceiling space, that's one possibility.
  9. Some users are under 18 RL, and some have their settings set to not see any Adult stuff. More people will see it in Moderate.
  10. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/i-dont-know-how-to-explain-to-you-that-you-should_b_59519811e4b0f078efd98440
  11. Well, I went to Belleza this morning to get my mAlt a Jake body, because the things I want him to model look terribad on his TMP, and happened to see a sale on GenX too. So I finally got my GenX Classic Lite for 1550L. I knew exactly what i wanted so didn't check the prices on the others, but there are big sale banners everywhere, seems like more than one version might be discounted at the moment. Now to redeliver all my KC Couture shoes...
  12. This. I also remember some events on International Women's Day--not LL events, but put on by businesses and clubs. There were gifts and concerts. I went to one of them--they had a lineup of women singers and several gifts contributed by creators.
  13. It reminds me of Fantavatar and Moonstruck: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/FM-Oblivion-Iris-DEMO-Medieval-fantasy-Hairstyle/24344297 Though I'm not immediately finding one with both the horn shapes and the long down part.
  14. I had bought a building I wanted to rez and hang out in. In the end, I didn't end up using it--I was too inept at the time to figure out how to center the rezbox just right so it would fit on my barely-big-enough piece of land, I went with something else, and that second house is still there. Except now I own four more adjacent parcels because I realized they were abandoned and had something big I wanted to put in the sky. So I had the thing in the sky, but wanted to do something with all that extra ground I now had, so I filled it with trees and a pond and stuff.
  15. Maitreya can do curvy shapes, but in my experience, the curves start to look more like angles at the upper end. You can certainly make it bigger, and in clothes it will look fine. Nekkid, I was surprised by how much more fluid the curves looked on Legacy at the same size. (I don't mean same numbers/sliders, I mean visually making them look the same size. I stood next to a life-size picture of me to approximate it.) That said, I still wear it more often for the lower lag and because I rarely even have to check whether a clothing item comes in it.
  16. Yeah, I eventually found the article and it was the magazine who used the term House of Blueberry. For what it's worth, for the OP, pretty much nobody in SL uses the term "fashion house" for any of them. They'll just call it a store. But there are many! I agree with the suggestions to check out Seraphim and see who's showing items at events.
  17. I really like Cog & Fleur; the group is I think 100L to join and the group gifts don't change super fast, but if you stay in it a while, you end up getting a pretty great pile of stuff. If you like something on Midnight Madness, post in the group, we kind of have to be chivvied into going to tag it, but we rally when we get some encouragement!
  18. I mean, I guess, if you'd really rather see my 3D trees that are laggier to render than a screen of 2D trees, there's no real reason why not.
  19. Yep, any actual privacy I get is because I use the setting where people can't see avatars on my land.
  20. It's not for you. It's for me. When I'm standing on my land and I have my privacy screen in place, it looks like the forest keeps continuing in every direction as would make sense, rather than smacking into a cluster of skyscrapers on one side and an empty field on another.
  21. Your neck may not be the right size, which (unintuitively) can manifest as looking the wrong color. Have a look at this and see if it helps: https://7deadlyskinssl.wordpress.com/troubleshooting-neck-line/
  22. You need either a body and head skin in the same tone, or a neck blender. If you like the skin that's currently on your body, the tones aren't that far off so you shouldn't have any trouble fixing it with a neck blender. Look up Izzie's and Tville. Izzie's sells an EvoX neck blender (also a non-EvoX one if you're using the regular Evo setting), and Tville is where I got my body freckles.
  23. I'm a big fan of Trompe l'Oeil's Isadora cottage (unfurnished). It's not overtly witchy, but it does "medieval house in the woods" very well, and can be dressed up to look witchy, cozy, spooky, or whatever strikes your fancy. I like it because it's easy to move around in and fit furniture in. (I also made a floor to turn the cupola into an attic room accessible by TP button.) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Trompe-Loeil-Isadora-Rustic-Cottage-mesh/18450573
  24. I use alts for: Modeling. If I make clothes and want to photograph two people in it at once---maybe to show it on a man and a woman, or an adult and a kid, or different colors--I'll put one version on an alt, and the alt and regular-me will pose together. I could cobble that together in photoshop instead, but I like being able to just use an existing two-person pose, looks more natural IMO. One of my alts is usually a man, and one is usually a woman, and I grab them freebies accordingly, though I did turn the male one into a lady recently because I needed three women for something lol. Testing. Sometimes I'm not sure whether something really works, or is just working because it's me and I have all the permissions. So I'll log on an alt to see what happens when not-me does the thing. Getting online if I don't want anyone to know I'm on. Not to spy on anyone--usually this is just to pop on and look at something quickly if I don't have time for, say, people from one of my communities to message asking for a favor.
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