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Psyche Starling

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Everything posted by Psyche Starling

  1. Exile Tempest https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Exile-Tempest/24841611
  2. Yeah, there's a definite possibility that this new seller and OP's favorite creators both got templates from the same place.
  3. You know, this is a very good point! I've seen some folks with profiles like "I am darkness. I hate everyone. ***** off." and people with profiles like "I'm a nerd and I make bad puns," and the latter seem much more approachable!
  4. A cooling pad changed my life! There are a variety of them out there, depending on whether you want it on your lap, on a desk, etc.
  5. And apparently going "citation needed" is bugnutz now, lol. The "women all want the top few best looking and richest men" is not just an idle stereotype, but tends to be the stalking horse for some other really gross stuff, and the videos that "prove" it tend to be from that same world. More money than me is...not a lot of money, but the only partner of mine in RL who made more was a woman.
  6. I've been hit on at major, laggy shopping events, at which I was wearing a t-shirt and jeans, and it was so laggy they probably just saw a cloud or EvoX cyclops anyway. I'm just trying to get my stuff and get out and Ping! "Hi pretty lady!" followed by a guilt trip when I didn't go home with them. Just chill, people. Lol.
  7. What info? What videos? If they're someone's random TikToks, they're not the gospel. I swear to all the gods old and new, women are out there dating average-looking, average-earning dudes all the time.
  8. I'm not dismissing Men's Issues, I'm disputing your stats.
  9. It is, and it gets repeated all over Reddit on the daily by people who've never even looked at it, just heard about it secondhand and thirdhand and fourthhand. It's the telephone game of statistics, but there's a whole contingent of people who think it's real trufax and proves something about every woman in existence.
  10. So there's a theory called the Pareto Principle, and it's where the 80/20 rhetoric comes from, but it was never meant to be about dating, nor was it ever meant to be applicable to all situations. It was originally about wealth being concentrated in a small number of rich people. Additionally, the rhetoric that women rate most men below average comes from an old OkCupid study, and what people never mention is that, even if you pretend it's representative of the whole population, they additionally found that women (while they did rate men's profiles more harshly) still messaged people they rated below average, while men only messaged the most beautiful. Given how bad men's profiles were on OKCupid back when I was on it, I would guess the real takeaway is more like "I'll give you a chance IRL even though you took your profile pic in a grotty bathroom and can't spell." Anyway, it's SL. Everyone is hot. It's just weird to jump into a stranger's IMs out of nowhere and either just go "hi" or jump straight into a sexual proposition. I don't really want to talk backchannel unless we've been talking in local for a few minutes first. Don't be weird.
  11. And old autohides! Some of my older Scandalize gifts do that thing on Maitreya where your body stays alphaed after you take the clothes off. It annoys me, so I've gradually been culling older items that do that.
  12. Frank's is what you want. They require formal or semiformal dress, and for a lot of the events you have to be a group member, which is expensive (which further keeps people from showing up who aren't into that vibe). There are a couple of different Frank's at this point. The one I'm a member of is called Franks Place Elite Club.
  13. Regarding Uber, I just picked up the gifts this morning and while I've only unpacked...a whopping one gift so far, it's exactly what I like in a gift! 🥰 The booth is selling a dress. It's a nice dress. The gift is another color of that same dress. I like it a lot and plan to go back and buy another color or maybe even the fatpack. The gift serves as a wearable demo of sorts, and piqued my interest in a store I've never heard of before.
  14. Oh, that is good to hear! I just picked up the Warehouse ones today so I'll go look at Uber in a day or two.
  15. The only time I want to follow an additional landmark to get the gift is if you at least have a picture of it so I know what I'm going there to get. I remember Petite Mort had an ad pic plus a link to one of their gifts at SL20B, and I liked the chair so I went. Breathe had a pair of shoes for the Uber event two years ago that--I forget where I saw the pic, maybe it was on Fabfree or something--I saw them and liked them and they're still staples in my wardrobe. So if you give me an idea of what I'm going to get, I'm not averse to going there. But not for a mystery gift lol.
  16. I'll take all the teal things! Lol! But I have also experienced what you describe. Like...you're a clothing store, this is your chance to show me what you can do with clothing, even if it's just a single color and maybe a weird color so I can at least get an idea of your abilities and whether I want to go check out more of your stuff. And in your gift box instead is...a sign saying Happy (whatever holiday). It's a big missed opportunity to generate goodwill and advertise! But to agree with AmeliaJ08 as well, yeah, the wildest I saw was a gift card for 500L to a house store, you could only spend it on a house and not any decor, and the houses were thousands of L, and you also had to contact the creator personally before using it. It was so weird!
  17. Bonbon Sophie! It's got flowers braided in. It's kind of funny because the bottom is rigged to your butt and moves when you walk.
  18. The NPCs I'm thinking of won't pose. They're like furniture or decor, except shaped like people. I have one who's in a seated position, and I rezzed her to put in a chair in a sort of tableau I made. But she was already sitting. I've got another one who just stands holding a tray. If you need someone to pose with, creating an alt will probably be easier and more effective.
  19. Yep! And as someone who bought GenX recently, support for it is a factor in whether I buy a new thing! Because I have enough clothes for Maitreya now that I could log into SL every day until the heat death of the universe and not run out of clothes. But I do need more clothes for GenX, so I seek it out. And if a Maitreya size comes with it too, I'm not going to toss it or anything, but finding stuff for it isn't currently a priority.
  20. Meshbody Classic, TMP, and sometimes Legacy Classic will mean the free one. But making it extra confusing, some creators will name their size for new!Legacy "Legacy Classic" to distinguish it from Legacy Perky!
  21. Oh wow, look at Reborn go! The Genus head was kind of a starter head to me, and helped me figure out how to use a mesh head, but once I tried a Lelutka I was hooked. Ironically, the Lilly, which I paid full price for because I missed the giveaway for it. 🤣 But it had the look I wanted.
  22. Did you accidentally rezz an unpacker hud? Sometimes when I do that, the hud is transparent on all sides but one, so I just think it didn't rezz at all, until I see the room from a different angle and there's a random rectangle just sitting there.
  23. There's one vendor for men's shirts that I've experienced this with. You get the mesh models in the box, but for the shadow maps and stuff you have to go to a link and download a zip file. If the zip file isn't working, contact the vendor.
  24. I was going to suggest Death Row Designs. They have a whole voodoo shop and some other occult shops. Lantian/Flox has some stuff.
  25. I've got a dress in my inventory. First time I put it on, I put on everything in the folder and my complexity shot up to 500,000. 😲 I thought it was the flexi skirt. Nope. Systematically took off every piece until I found the culprit. It was two ornamental roses on the belt. They blended in with the dress such that they could barely be seen anyway. Without them, I was a very manageable complexity of like 40,000 or so. Roses went into the trash.
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