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Psyche Starling

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Everything posted by Psyche Starling

  1. I think your options would be to either (a) make your body Bakes on Mesh too, or (b) get a different body alpha that covers your body but not your head.
  2. Classic is honestly my favorite body that I've tried, proportion-wise. I just can't justify the price tag to myself at the moment.
  3. That Default Avatar Eraser is an alpha. IIRC, it alphas your head too.
  4. Plus, you can get by on TMP without it. One of my alts has it, and I managed to get him an impressive wardrobe for free or nearly-free. He can wear TMP plus a lot of standard size and some modern Legacy clothes.
  5. Cargo shorts, sandals with socks, and those mirror shades that angry dudes take their Facebook pictures in!
  6. Some shoebases do, yeah. When that happens I delete that one and use either the one that came with the body, or adjust my hover.
  7. I like my ones from Sweet's: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Sweets-Sweet-BoM-Denims-JeansCaprisShorts/21211866 They aren't high-waisted, but they're a lifesaver for putting under things like a long sweater/short dress.
  8. And it's called Piggu. Not really a complimentary name!
  9. I used to do this too! It was like a little ritual when I logged off. I'm not sure why i felt the need.
  10. Bonbon has one in their old group gifts (Nehalennia I think?) that's looooong af. It's high complexity, as a fair warning. Ali & Alli Loreley is another.
  11. And the thing is...Classic is lowercase-c curvy! I demoed them both and I could get all my curve needs from Classic if I bought it. It didn't seem that far off from Freya. I still haven't pulled the trigger, but I've started saving the Classic sizes when I buy something that has them, so it's clearly still niggling at my brain.
  12. Does anyone really buy everything on any given sale list, or prioritize the ones on the top? I look through it and see which things I actually want. Some stuff's not my style, some stuff I'll never use. My favorite thing might be down in the V's. And I figure everyone else does the same thing, but their favorites won't be the same as mine, because their tastes and needs are different. I might be looking for a house and you're looking for shoes and both stores get a few lindens.
  13. Maybe also take a look at SpectacledChic and C'est la vie.
  14. Good call. Just got one of these for one of my own alts. Quick and cheap way to get a unique look if you're not planning to spend $$$$.
  15. This is a very good point. Try taking off each bit of your outfit at a time, see what happens. I bought an outfit last year. Put the whole thing on at once. 500K, yikes! So I started removing bits, and it turns out that almost all of that came from two ornamental flowers on the belt that almost weren't even visible. Wearing the outfit without the flowers gave a totally reasonable complexity number.
  16. So, that's pretty high, and the risk is mostly that few people will see your awesome-looking getup because they've got their settings lower. I usually have it set to jellydoll anyone over 100K. Once I'm at an event, if my computer is running it OK and I'm curious, I might decide to render some of the jellydolls. But it all depends on how well my puter is behaving. My own avi is usually under 50K in public, though I'll go higher if I'm just hanging out in my house with one or two people.
  17. I'll put in a plug for the one where I have a house! Toor is a really lovely sim with trails to ride and lots of horse people around. There are organized horse events if you're into that, but it's also a nice place to just take a leisurely ride around.
  18. You can also get good head shapes by buying skins (especially if you pick ones designed for your specific head, or at least your brand of head). My trusty head shape that I've had for over a year is from a skin I don't even use anymore, but I liked the face shape and have kept using it with different skins.
  19. AsteroidBox is another place to try. A friend of mine wears Legacy and got a really nice outfit from them at Engine Room. I'm not online right now, but based on this outfit on MP, they might have some nice things in their mainstore too: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AsteroidBox-Theo-Outfit-Stripes/20424124
  20. The body shapes that come with heads/face skins are often kind of arbitrary, because they don't really matter. They figure you're just going to adjust the body to be what you want anyway, but they have to fill something in there--it can't be a "shape" without any body numbers. Kjartan has the way of it.
  21. To me, Marketplace and in-world sales serve totally different functions. In-world sales are where I look around for things that catch my eye, buy them, then figure out later what to do with them. MP is more for "the event is in an hour, and I need a knee length dress with squirrels on it NOW" 😄 It's not as fun as inworld, but easier if you just have a really specific query.
  22. That I figure is fair game. I might kick myself for not waiting another day, but if you go by that rule, you can't ever discount anything and that's just silly IMO.
  23. Yeah, I get a little annoyed when I buy an Exclusive! New! Shiny! Thing! at a seasonal event for 1000L, and then literally the next week it's on a weekend sale. But if it's been months or a year, that's fair game. In that case I paid for the privilege of having it much earlier.
  24. I found to my delight that my preferred Glam Affair tone (I think it's Fair) matches without a seam to my preferred Velour body tone (Icy). A matching Glam Affair body skin also came free in my Maitreya folder, but I like the painted details better on the Velour, so was tickled when I realized they matched.
  25. I'm unpacking my Shop & Hop stuff and I found one gift that had a Prima size, though I don't recall which store. And Lapointe Bastchild had Belleza X, both sizes, in the shoes they had as a gift.
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