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Katherine Heartsong

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Everything posted by Katherine Heartsong

  1. I've tried WINE on a very powerful Mac. It's why I bought a gaming PC. Natively FS and LL viewers are okay, once you emulate SL it turns into a sluggish mess.
  2. Looking close, I'm tempted to say that's not actually a blouse, but a light weight button-up cardigan type sweater, based on the slight fuzz, the cuffs, and the way it drapes.
  3. Adds this to my list of places to visit. Love well designed and thematic sims.
  4. Probably do the same thing. Then sail around that mountain in circles.
  5. Love seeing all these efforts, so many well done for not many L! I'm not seeing any(?) though that have a non-default AO so they don't strut around like poorly rigged robots. What the best cheap AO do you think to add to some of these?
  6. What Lillith said. Demo everything. Grab every demo body you might like, and create (naked) outfits to compare them. Then before deciding, check out (demo!) your choices in clothing, especially if you're aiming for a specific fantasy style of look. You may LOVE a body, pay a few thousand Linden, then find out that Viking look you want doesn't exist clothing-wise from anyone, or anyone you liked, because the great outfits may only be made for one or two bodies. Same with heads. Find one with the type of basic look you want, demo and modify to see if you can get those high cheekbones. The head will most likely set you back much more than the body will in terms of price. Lillith pointed out as well .. skins for body and head? You buy those separately. Easy to find pale Nordic at most of the good skin stores. Happy to help in world if I am online, say hi!
  7. Exactly what most of us do. Here is X, it's 350L, there's only one of it. You like? You buy. Plus if I worked out the math, I'd never actually want to sell anything ... I spend sometimes 2-3 hours on something I sell for 350L ... around $1.50. Once. All my pieces are one-of-a-kind. I do it because i love it not be get rich. It's not tricky? I sell one of a kind artwork (no copy, no modify, transfer) that the new owner can transfer or even sell on, just like my real art. I think I missed the point of your post?
  8. Could this be reset to Moderate instead of Adult, go to grass, and have the basic landform back to one of the basic sim styles that Linden will set up for you? The later of those three is the least important to me, I can landscape/terraform pretty decently myself. Finally, does payment need to be in Lindens or could it be simply a monthly PayPal in US$ for the $ equivalent ($112.47 currently)?
  9. And since I am always changing things up, I now have two side-by-side waterfront 2048s ... one for my home and (sky) gallery, one for the 24/7 open jazz club my male alt set up/runs. I also helped decorate a cute 1024 next door for a friend.
  10. $1000 is cheap. I've seen sims on Blake selling for the equivalent of nearly $7000. That's so far beyond sane I don't even know what to think. If I told my wife I was spending $7000 on virtual land in a game she'd divorce me on the spot.
  11. Now I am a touch paranoid, given the years of dubious moral business practices the body makers have gotten up to, but I would not be surprised that some of the largest land owners have a very much vested interest in maintaining this status quo and may have expressed this to LL in some manner (the "you must own a full sim before you can own a homestead" thing). I may be utterly way off base, of course, and am NOT accusing any landlord or SL player of that sort of thing, just stating it's possible and you can understand why they might. I have owned enough land in the past to know exactly what 5000 prims could afford me on a homestead, and how I could still manage to decorate and landscape it amazingly. And I'd be more than willing to pay LL for a homestead set up and then their monthly $109 fee. But there is no way I'm paying a landlord an extra $30-50/month for the privilege of renting that same land. And that's what many of them are charging, as anyone can see by simply doing a L-to-US$ calculation on their rental fees. For example, here's a popular landlord, asking 6900L/week. That works out to 358,800L/year, or 29,900L/month. That last figure is currently worth $124.07. That's not bad, but also not good. I did find one at the equivalent of $116.88 (yay!!!, and I may reach out to them, actually), but there are also landlords in the Homestead Rental forum asking for the equivalent of $145. (I'd also want to pay in US$ via PayPal and not Lindens, but that's another thing entirely.) @Rowan Amore I think once posted that she rented once at $112/month, which I'd also pay. But once you start charging 25%+ on your rental versus your cost? Nope. I would LOVE to OWN my own homestead and pay LL, but not when I have to own a sim as well. But this topic has also been beaten to death a number of times, so you're preaching to the choir, here.
  12. Absolutely will visit, and the best of luck with the venture!! My own gallery has been selling my work as one-of-a-kind originals as well, and I'm glad to see the idea catching on. Something unique for a buyer makes it much more special.
  13. 30 year UX design veteran here ... and I wouldn't even know where to start the redesign, it's that bad. Give me six months and a team of 2-3 UX folks and a few devs? I'd get it there. But that's a $150-200K investment that LL is unlikely to make, simply based on monetary ROI.
  14. My advice? Start with an outfit called **Base or **Naked. That's where you'll assemble a naked male avatar. In that you will have your basics: body, shape, head, BOM skins, tats, freckles and moles, hair, and male anatomy bits. I ALWAYS copy and paste links of the items into an outfit folder, never the actual items themselves. Then create a new (empty) outfit and call it C-Suit or C-Athletic or C-Swin, depending on the outfit you want. You will then need to make a few more empty outfits and name them to correspond with the first basic looks/style/outfit you think you want to wear. My male alt has about 7-8 of them (a few business looks, some sport looks, some casual looks, and some workout/beach looks); me as Katherine has about 60+ (yes, a tad shopaholic I am). Leave the folders empty. There are a lot of good men's wear places like Cold Ash, Lapointe & Bastchild, A&P, Deadwool, toksik, etc. Deadwool makes the best suits IMHO. Anyway, go grab some male demo clothes and then rezz them and put them on and see which ones you like, then go buy your first real outfit, wearing your demo (please don't wander around naked in the stores). Then simply copy and paste links of the outfit items from the manufacturers folder into an empty outfit folder that matches your outfit. For example, if you go buy a casual suit from Deadwoool, you'll have two folders ... one from Deadwool with all the items in it, and the empty C-Suit folder in your outfits. Why "C"? I code my outfits and C means "Casual". F- means formal, D- for dresses, L- means lingerie, L-SX- means sexy lingerie, S- means swim, CY- means cyberpunk, X- means fantasy, A- is avatar (non human), etc. I also add asterisks to my favourites to bring them up to the top. It means my outfit Inventory window is nicely organized. When you have 50+ outfits this helps. So after you do this a few times and have three or four basic outfits? It's now very easy to change clothes. Right click on the outfit folder you're wearing (the suit, for example), select Remove, and you're left with your basic naked avatar. Then right click the next outfit you want to wear, and select "Add to outfit". You're now adding those clothes to your basic naked "outfit" and suddenly you're dressed in a new set of clothing. In other words, you will always wear your naked/base outfit, then add or remove outfits from that. That's the main reason I separate my clothes outfits from my body outfit. You "add" to, or "remove" from your base naked outfit, and don't have to have all the body stuff in with every outfit. I even make extra outfits for my accessories (like jewellery) and simply add the pieces I want, without having to dig into my large inventory to find things. If that didn't make sense say hi in game and I'd be very happy to help you for an hour or two. In this example I am wearing the three outfits I highlighted ... my Base body with the BOM skin I like, one hair outfit, and one clothing outfit, along with the necklace from inside my Accessories outfit. I am now trying to label my outfits with descriptions, their name, and who I bought them from. Ignore the older naming convention with the numbers at the end. This dress is called Bad Romance from Valentina E and it's a fave of mine, therefore "*D - Hippy open floral / Bad Romace / Valentina" as an outfit name. Plus you can get as descriptive as you like in your outfit names, adding a colour perhaps, the fact that it has multiple colours via a HUD, etc etc. PS. As a female avatar, I even have my different hair styles as different outfits (H-name-description) so I always am wearing ... my base naked avatar outfit + one hair style outfit + an outfit of clothes. Makes changing very easy, I usually just remove the outfit of clothes and add another outfit of clothes, because I normally keep my hair the same except in some settings (like worn pinned up with a formal gown at Foxxies, for example).
  15. Agree with all but with a caveat where I bolded. You can get skinny, but you can't get slim. What I specifically mean by that, is the hips can not be made narrow enough to match the slender rest of the body. My desired look is small breasts, narrow waist, and narrow hips with only a slight curve in the tush. I love the efforts going into this brand and the great quality of work in unquestionable, and agree it will take off, but when looking straight on at the hips I can't make them narrow enough to match the proportions I want. The internal pelvic bones are pushing the hips out too much, at least the last time I tried the demo. That Vis Tri count does rock!
  16. As @Rowan Amore said, I think you're mistaking my post for someone else's? I didn't butcher anything.
  17. Visible triangles. Great explanation here ... https://theavatarindex.wordpress.com/2018/09/27/complexity-and-triangles-an-explanation/
  18. I actually corresponded with Richard Bach in the 80s and have some personal letters from him. His one book Illusions, and a lot of D&D, actually got me through some mentally tough times. To the OP ... I love this little quote ... "Blondes get noticed. Redheads get remembered."
  19. Valentina E rocks hard!!! Highly recommend their dresses. Just bought yet another one from them today.
  20. His wife got the best divorce ever .. 1/2 his fortune and he left the damn planet. He could have paid to have everyone in the world eligible vaccinated and still been richer than the start of the pandemic. He's a narcissist, and one of the most unsmiling human beings I have ever seen. I genuinely thought he's rip off his human skin in sub-orbit and finally show his reptile face. His ex-wife has donated more to philanthropy in the year since their divorce than he has in 25 years of being wealthy. He and his kind are scum. We don't need philanthropy, we need a rewrite of the tax system so these guys pay what the Rockefellers did and yet still lived like kings. Wealth needs to be taxed like income. (And no, I do not shop Amazon. Obviously.)
  21. I don't like curvy, while acknowledging that the brand is doing a good job quality-wise. I like their approach and certainly the support and quality are really good. My biggest pet peeve is the horribly unrealistic leg to torso proportions. Not just on this brand, but on the lot of them. Male and female. Body makers need to stop making the legs almost 20% taller/longer than they actually are on a well proportioned human, and get the belly button, hips, crotch, and knees in the right places. All I see (as an artist) is a student handing me that in a figure drawing class and me failing them for getting it so wrong. Lower those hips and waist, people! Sigh, I know this only bugs me.
  22. Newest stat: Of the 8,787 people who have died from COVID since early February in Texas, all but 43 were unvaccinated. In other words, 99.5% of COVID deaths in Texas were of unvaccinated people. I'll take the vaccine, thanks. (Two shots done and all good.) You're not only doing for you, you're doing for everyone around you ... but I understand that not caring about anyone but yourself seems de-rigeur these days for some. (Source: Texas Tribune)
  23. No there aren't. Can vaccines cause reactions? Yes. Can they cause severe reactions? In a very miniscule percentage of recipients. Are there plenty of these happening? No. No there are not. For COVID here are the current stats for the US. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html
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