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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. This was happening to me a LOT over the last few months. I don't know what's causing it, but I only ever see lag when I'm trying to decorate. Not sure if it's like this everywhere or if it's just my own home region, but man is it annoying. Always a pause when trying to drag something into place. Grrr.
  2. Just saw this notice on my Twitter timeline, in case anyone hasn't seen it yet:
  3. So much this. Lucy has been so good for my older account. Never need to spend much, but yet her inventory is overflowing and quickly catching up to mine, thanks to group gifts and event freebies. And somehow, she has nicer rings and nails that I now have to wait to go on sale again to get for Aya. 😄 I spin up new avatars every few days at this point (on this account so - same age), and I'm never spending much at all to do it, between gifts and endless sales. Not to mention my inventory's full of Legacy, Reborn, Belleza, Kupra, etc. just as a consequence for buying/grabbing cheap/free things for Maitreya, so I could swap bodies fairly easily should the need ever arise. Heads (for me) are the only timing issue - grabbing them while free/discounted to use for new avies down the road. I don't find clothing to be very expensive at all, but this really, really depends on where you shop and what you buy. As for hiding my account's age - I never even thought about doing it. I like running across people as ancient as me out in the wild, and seeing that I do spend quite a bit of time helping mesh newbies (not necessarily SL newbies, but some of them, too) with makeovers, it doesn't seem to hurt. I'd also hate not knowing when dealing with estate rentals and things. As amazing as that would be, I can't see it happening. Maybe by sheer coincidence, if we're lucky, lol.
  4. You're very welcome. And absolutely, you can credit if you like! Feel free to steal the idea even. No need to credit me. But if you get rich and famous, I get 20%! 😂 Also, if YouTube isn't your jam, there are always podcasts. As far as I know, Second Life still isn't allowed to be streamed on Twitch, so if you want video, you may have to look into other options. Have fun and best of luck! ❤️
  5. This is somewhat true, but there are some good Second Life vloggers out there, as well. https://www.youtube.com/@TheAriellXO and https://www.youtube.com/@NariaPanthar , for example, have some nice Second Life vlogs and tutorials. As does the official Second Life YouTube account. There are also tons of shopping and event haul videos, event vlogs in general, machinima (there's a link to our Machinima forum), a zillion actual blogs that cover fashion and all kinds of other stuff. I don't think YouTube vids are all negative, and a lot of those stereotypes you're talking about are years and years old - like from the 2010 and earlier era back when griefers ran rampant. I don't think a brand new series in 2023 is going to change any of those old perceptions. Not to discourage you, of course. I just wouldn't worry about what people think is all. I've been here a loooooooong time and seen/heard it all. The "real people with feelings" sentiment isn't going to sway anyone who is still referencing old mess and drama from 2007. Let them stay mad. 😄 Also very true. If you're interested in the creation side, you may want to visit sims like Builder's Brewery, for example, where builders and scripters tend to hang out and teach/learn. The in-world group might be worth a join as well. You can snag an invite to the group from the info kiosk at the sim. You could also approach some creators and store owners to ask if they'd be willing to answer a few questions. No guarantee they'll have the availability or willingness (I know a few with a gabillion projects and updates and events currently happening simultaneously so I doubt they'd have the time), but it's worth a shot. More likely, you might be able to find a few who will answer a couple questions in a notecard or something. Doubt many will have the time for a full-on voice interview. Events are constant in SL and creators are busy little bees almost 24/7 with all the different bodies and heads they've got to create for. And furniture and home and decor and landscaping designers get no rest either, since we're always redecorating and renovating our homes and spaces almost daily, it seems (what, you don't?!). 😂 ❤️ One quick suggestion - maybe you could start up your own Second Life TALK SHOW!!! Do weekly or monthly episodes, posted to YouTube, where you interview one person and chat for a bit. Create an in-world set, get the fun lighting and seating set up, have a topic per episode - make it fun. If it's entertaining enough, you might gain a decent following. Fair warning - this is a ton of work. I'm just throwing random ideas out there, don't mind me! I briefly considered doing a Maury-type show years ago and never did it. I can't handle that kind of drama in my first life, let alone my second. 🤣
  6. I don't think people are offended. It's just a bit of an odd request. I don't use VRChat, though, so I can't say how common it is there. I'd understand it more myself if you were also interviewing other gamers and groups - Escape from Tarkov players? Minecraft modders? Twitch streamers? Sims content creators? World of Warcraft raiders? Competitive Fortnite tournament winners? Path of Exile league players? Speed runners? I suppose I find myself wondering - What's so interesting about people who use SL? Other than some of us really happen to love tinkering with 3D programs, customizing avatars, and taking virtual photos, but that could apply to a lot of different groups. After all, Guild Wars 2 is nicknamed Fashion Wars for a reason. 😂 Also, voice chat is kind of a dividing topic in Second Life in general. Some love it, some hate it (breaks immersion, some people don't want to talk to complete strangers, language barriers, etc.). You might be able to find some willing participants in-world in voice-enabled social areas. No idea where those are as I'm in the "don't use it" camp, personally. Sorry I can't be of more help on that front!
  7. Trying to look like the skin ad usually isn't too difficult - if the creator sticks to wearing only the basics. Usually just requires wearing the shape, skin, and eyebrows. Usually. Trying to look like a character or celebrity is a whoooole other thing. I was going to take on Lel's book character photo challenge which ended last weekend or so, but my brain is still fried from weeks of shopping/inventory sorting/avatar building. I'm pooped. I found the components I'd need to do one and just couldn't bring myself to buy them, style it, and take photos. I'll wait for the next photo challenge LOL. I still have 3 new heads to create avatars for and I just...can't. I have some free store credit at Jinx running out at the end of the month, so hopefully by then, I can come up with something. 😄
  8. Yeah, I'm so not into edited ads for things like skins. That's the one thing I'd much prefer raw shots for. Though, I'm at the point where I don't even look at skin ads much in the first place - just show me the available tones - if they're different from the usual and use in-house body skins, I'm grabbing demos regardless.
  9. I think that's the store lighting. My brain isn't working properly either because I've only had a few sips of caffeine LOL, so I can't remember what store that is. Tres Beau? I forget...something pink. It's not Moccino... Edit: Nvm, LMAO. It's actually right there in the ad. Amara Beauty. I don't remember that store being pink tho... *sips coffee faster*
  10. She says she already bought the Ceylon head. I'd just try wearing the shape that came with the skin (not Ceylon's default), since that's what the photo is based on. Also, make sure you're wearing the included eyebrow base. The finer details (eyebags, etc.) could be enhancements, or maybe those are included on the skin itself. Hard to say. And switch to a flat, even light with few shadows to do your initial comparison - Nam's or CalWL will work.
  11. I agree! And you're very welcome! 😄 I don't think there's a massive difference where one body wearer would prefer one type of clothing over another. But I could be wrong. There's just no way to measure all of that, so it's all guesswork unless you do extensive interviews across the grid. I wear Maitreya, which is one of the more commonly used bodies, yet I'd love more avant-garde clothing and have been wanting it for years. Very niche bodies are niche mostly because very few clothing items exist at all and some require a lot of fiddling with alphas and sizes just to put together even a very basic wardrobe. If your goal is to make avant-garde fashion, you probably do want to include bodies that already have the basics already covered to where people aren't struggling to find a pair of jeans and t-shirt. Not everyone wants to skip around looking like a Björk album cover 24/7 (I mean, I do, but don't go by me - I do a lot of photography). That's just my advice, though! CZ Slim is a great choice for men because of the included high feet. That makes shoes that currently just don't exist for men in large numbers (heels, platform boots, wedges, high boots with cutouts, etc.) very, very possible. Belleza Jake could also be included, with the Maze Boys' Tiptoes mod. Legacy Male & Athletic (both very similar and I think they can wear the same stuff) are also popular choices with good wardrobes that need mooooore! It has no foot mod yet, but Maze did say they hope to do a Legacy tiptoes version soon. For female bodies, look for bodies that have chest mods (which helps if you want to do gender-neutral clothing) - Maitreya, Kalhene Erika (the flat option is in the body HUD itself), Legacy/eBody Reborn/Belleza Freya (those have V-Tech sizes - V-Tech absolutely needs more love), Kupra Kups, etc. Belleza Freya might be losing support overall now that Gen X is here and Belleza has said no more older body updates, but Gen X does not have a flat mod yet (that I know of?). Still, Gen X is brand new and still getting the basics made, so it's worth a look as well. If you go more niche than any of those (Prima, Signature Davis, Peach, Kemono, etc. etc. etc., you're going to find fewer users who are still in need of jeans, tees, shoes, basic dresses, etc. They MIGHT want to wear a pink bullet bra that shoots fireworks, but chances are, they just want some sneakers made for their bodies to show up from time to time. 😂
  12. You're very welcome. Oh and btw, I cried when McQueen died. I absolutely do not love what his house has become now (ugh). He was a genuine visionary and losing him in fashion was an absolute tragedy. Anyway, unconventional fashion absolutely has a place! I started SL in 2005, and Zibska, for example, has been around a looooooong time! I remember wearing some of her creations way back before mesh, even. Take a peek. Here's her Flickr. She's mostly makeup, headpieces/orbits, and some tattoos. And some other favorites of mine, just for funsies: Azoury's Flickr and Marketplace - mostly shoes, headpieces, and body mods like limb and torso replacements. irrISIStible's Flickr and Marketplace - elaborate costumes, some with various effects like flowing water, animation, lights, etc. Madame Noir's Marketplace and Mainstore - mostly eyewear, hats/headwear, eyes, shoes, and jewelry. Very out there. I love the stuff! Boys to the Bone's Flickr, Jack Valentine's Flickr, Boys to the Bone's MP - gender-neutral fashion. Such a great store. Imokon Neox/Cinphul's Flickr - LOOK AT THE SHOOOOOES! Accessories and headpieces, as well. If I'm not mistaken, all of those stores have in-world shops. Definitely check them out. I think the biggest gain for me would be having all of these amazing things (and more) available for both male and female bodies. I wear both, and I can't tell you how many times I've wanted things for my male avatars (they wear Legacy Male, but I'm wanting to make the jump to CZ Slim as soon as some more items are made for it) that I can get on Maitreya. Especially in the shoe department. Now that there are male bodies with foot states (CZ Slim and the Maze foot mod for Belleza Jake), having Cinphul-style heels for that body is a BIG WIN in my not so humble opinion! 😂 If Azoury picked one of those male bodies up, too, I'd be in heaven. I'd also suggest taking a look at the petite/flat chest trends and see if you'd want to make for any of those mods, too. Flat especially is lacking in clothing availability and diversity (like V-Tech, Maitreya Flat, Kupra Kups flat mod, etc.). There's always an opening there for more clothing and V-Tech and Maitreya Flat have been needing love for years now. Overall, though, just...more. Any niche is fine - just more clothing diversity at all could go a long, long way. Boho, retro/vintage, steampunk, cybergoth, Afrofuturism, punk, avant-garde, goblincore - any and all of that would be welcome and I'll have my Lindens ready!
  13. Ooooh, I love Rick Owens. I think the new CZ Slim would work great for that style. Flickr group here if you want to take a look at the body in various clothes already available. I'm also a massive fan of Alexander McQueen and Gareth Pugh, so um... I'd rock the hell out of anything like THAT. Zibska and Azoury already have some great headpieces and accessories in that realm already, so clothing to match would be amazing. Björk me out! I don't have any suggestions for female niche bodies as I'm mostly locked into Maitreya for the fantasy mod and wardrobe diversity, but in general, I'd love to see more unconventional fashion, techwear, gender-neutral fashion, costume designs, and goth fashion (in all of its various forms) for both male and female bodies. ❤️
  14. Lalafells are indeed damn cute and fully adult, but they really do look like little walking potatoes. Yes, I said it. Anyhoo, at this point by now, (well, long before this point), I would've just flicked my height slider to the right and kept it moving. Being on the taller side means so little in SL overall. I usually rock about 7 feet/213cm or taller plus hover to compensate for my high platforms and heels, depending on the avatar (usually taller for my monsters and creatures, a bit shorter for the furry critters, frog is about 7ish feet) and navigate around and actually do things without any issue. I may have had to resize some of my furniture up here and there or adjust my sits/poses, but I've not yet gotten stuck in any doorways or anything as buildings in general seem pretty huge. My cam's fine, running around my house is fine, etc. Dancing may prove to be an issue, but I don't really care about that to begin with. My height would be the last thing preventing someone from trying to waltz with me. Especially on my Nemesis. Realism is already out the door and down the block for me to begin with, so heights are essentially meaningless as far as I'm concerned. Go nuts. Be a giraffe (I'm considering this) or a potato (not considering this). If a sim owner complains, just tp out and be done with it, or adjust your height and roll with it.
  15. It really is the worst. I don't want to complain TOO much, because without streaming, I would've missed quite a lot of movies I would've never had a chance to watch otherwise (omg, let's not talk about how many times I sat through The Duchess - can't resist those period films full of drama, petty characters, and intrigue and that one was definitely packed with THAT). BUT, that said, those companies can sure be shifty when they want to be! Gotta stay on your toes and check those emails and hashtags for price increases. 😂
  16. This is soooooooo truuuuuuuuue. I also left Netflix after years because they started messing around with pricing and cutting service I was already paying for (oh, you want 2 screens AND HD, well that'll be our more expensive tier that didn't even exist 3 months ago, pay up!). So infuriating, lol. Though, I am slightly invested in one Netflix show that they'd better not cancel like everything else (Lupin), so if that comes back for Season 3, I'll grab one month and binge it and dip for good, but yeah, other than that, I'm not messing with Netflix's practices anymore either. You're right about all the good free channels on Roku. There really is so much. And so far, Hulu's been fair. We'll see how long that lasts, LOL.
  17. Yup, they're a bit fidgety (okay, more than fidgety), but that's my preference anyhow.
  18. I never even noticed Lucybody didn't have hand animations. Hit up Oracul. I think it's the New AO somethingerother on their teleport board. You can get super cheap (20L?) bento AO anims that animate everything - hands, too.
  19. Oh oh oh, Kali's renewal practices peeve reminded me of a very recent one I adopted yesterday. Okay, so if you guys have a streaming service subscription, you probably know how they roll out pricing changes, right? They send an email like a month in advance that HEY, your service is increasing in price, your next payment will be $xx.xx. Okay so, Disney+ did that last month - sent an email that they're increasing from $7.99/month to $10.99 for the same dang service and calling it Premium, but they're putting in a new Basic plan that costs $7.99 but has ads. Um, alright.... so you're just going to flip me over to the ad-supported version and keep charging me the $7.99, yes? No! We're going to charge you $10.99 for the very same service you have right now! Ok yeah screw that, I'll cancel. Not cool, guys. So I go to the Account page yesterday and see that I'm listed as having Disney+ Premium at $7.99/month. Nowhere on that page do they mention the $10.99 charge set to happen in 3 days, so had I not seen that email or entirely forgotten it, I wouldn't ever know...Peeve #1. So it hits me - okay well what if I just downgrade to Basic myself and keep the dang ads. Oh wait look, Hulu (which I also have) has Disney+ Basic as an addon for $2.00, so I could get both ad-supported services in a bundle for $9.99 total. Cool! Well, good thing I was already digging around in the Help pages to confirm pricing info and stuff, because there's a note in fine print that Disney+ with ads is NOT supported on Roku devices. Wait...what? I watch Disney+ just fine with my Roku now, what the heck? Yeah no, no sorry, the ad-supported Basic version is not available on Roku. But...Hulu with ads works FINE on Roku!! What in the...PEEVE #2!!!! Fine, you want me to cancel, I'll cancel!
  20. Oh that's true! Cooking for holidays, etc. But yeah, I'd just be asking nonstop and annoying eeeverybody in that house. 😄 I never liked scavenger hunts! The last time I cooked in someone else's kitchen during a holiday was years ago (my best friend), and man, he was watching me like a HAWK. But then again, I'm known to set things on fire, and he rightfully feared for his kitchen. 🤣
  21. Trying to find things in someone else's kitchen This one made me laugh out loud because my first thought was - why would you be in someone else's kitchen putting away groceries when they aren't even home to just ask? 😄 Just how common is this situation? I'm sure there's probably a good reason why someone might be (personal chef or something?), but I'm still pre-caffeinated. Though, THIS ONE: Parties that are just requests for presents Is a mood. 😂
  22. How are you going to get peeved at someone finding the perfect solution for lost house keys? 😂 I'm teasing - I've not really seen someone do that, but...I'm also rather surprised that I've not yet seen someone do that.
  23. Yup, those are the newer ones. These are what I was thinking of initially - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Swallow-Drop-Ears/12033226
  24. Oh are they new? I saw they have some dropped ears on the MP with reviews going back to 2017. I think the ones sold now are rigged for Evo X only though. I think? Don't quote me. Wait yeah, the older ones I was thinking of are unrigged for all heads. Like Pumec's, pretty much. They're whole attachments. The main version out in store now is only for Evo X heads.
  25. Yeah, Andore's also got tons. With and without plugs. And Pumec (all with plugs, I believe). Mandala, too. I love the plug/tunnel versions and wear them fairly often. I'm still tempted to get that done in RL - the small plugs, not the big ones. So much pretty jewelry for those.
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