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Eddy Vortex

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Everything posted by Eddy Vortex

  1. A chubby gray relative of the Siberian unicorn? Sometimes known as the battle unicorn?
  2. Because unicorns are made of glitter and magic, and full of awesome.
  3. Greg was really into dinosaurs. What kid isn't obsessed with dinosaurs?
  4. 😁 It took me a while to get the joke. I was wondering what vagrants have to do with this until I realized bum has a different meaning in the UK. 😆🤣
  5. Sounds like you're really dead set on getting the Actanon. Many people had spoken up in the reviews of the demo and full version product regarding clothing support or lack thereof. If you want to see for yourself, pick up the body demo along with some demos of clothes rigged for common brands such as Aesthetic, Belleza, Signature, and Slink to see exactly how well they'll fit with the body you're considering.
  6. Peeking through my window doesn't count.
  7. Creators dropping support for the ubiquitous Gianni, but continue to make new releases for the Jake body that hasn't been updated in eons. Why tho?
  8. Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach
  9. ZOE's Deluxe Mancave structure for the Manly Weekend sale at $50L. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ellis Island/155/211/23 I could see this as a kids backyard playhouse and made it so. I've added the pirate flag to give it a finishing touch. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/DC-FREE-Pirate-mesh-black-flag-banner/20250310
  10. ChiMia offers the Hera Iris Curtains for this weekend's TSS. Only 1 land impact. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Serena%20Pisces/92/121/22
  11. Interesting. Guess I'm lucky not to have seen this. But it's still not right for the block feature to fail like that.
  12. You can take a gander at this thread where you'll find a good variety of folks with various tastes and springboard from there: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/449277-what-are-you-listening-to/ Or check out the Music suggestions section on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/musicsuggestions/
  13. I did remember it was in the General forum. I thought I was experiencing deja vu when I saw this in here.
  14. Fashion? I'd say no. You're never too old for fabulous fashion. Wear what you feel comfortable in. Internet drama and fighting on social media? That is best left to the Tumblr & Tik Tok generation.
  15. I have several skeins of unused yarn and got the bright idea to look for ruana knit or crochet patterns... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cp_XNa6Lqh8 https://youtu.be/4KBSs8Z3b1g https://youtu.be/4RQ4L2fg8no I am also trying to relearn the Tunisian crochet: https://youtu.be/KsgJ8qLcIz8 Then I got sucked into the infamous YouTube rabbit hole: https://youtu.be/vpJc1Xh4WMw https://youtu.be/4hhCnbMBfZQ https://youtu.be/y6rRekNsYts https://youtu.be/yrzOQ2Ssqnw https://youtu.be/4_YBELE4LpM How did I end up with chocolate truffles at 2 AM?
  16. Modern technology. I'm glad to have lived long enough to see the advent of Zoom that allows me to have a work conference with someone in Israel without needing to go through airport security theater.
  17. It's a ruana. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruana
  18. I tell him to get off the table and he blows a raspberry. This kid will be the death of me. >_<
  19. What was the song title and artist, please? Apparently the video doesn't like Americans:
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