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Eddy Vortex

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Everything posted by Eddy Vortex

  1. That's all it matters. If you're happy the way you are, there's no need to change. If you do decide to upgrade, it should be on your own terms, nobody else's. Not your friends, family, nor mesh snobs. Mesh snobs can go jump in a lake if they have problems with your avatar. Everyone gave valid reasons for mesh, including personal choice, wanting to look good naked, and current market offerings for clothes. One of my reasons for upgrading to mesh is because sandals are hard to pull off with system feet.
  2. Adults operating preteen avatars seem to forget that kids are capable of speaking normally. Not bababababa dadadadada ahgagaga, switching out every other letter with 'w' nonsense. Do they not remember how they spoke as a child or had contact with one in RL? I do not know of any 8 year old in RL who speaks in baby talk. Four/Five year old kids running around with pacifiers. If you're old enough to graduate from diapers to big kid underpants, you're too old to be sucking on pacifiers.
  3. This is certainly easier than the Photoshop method. wheeeeee....
  4. The moment I knew I'd never want kids of my own.
  5. Ok, I get it. They don't like non-binaries and insist on misgendering poor Eddy.
  6. According to them, cute kids don't grow up to be cute adults. They think I should get a bunch of botox injections:
  7. I actually have a goldenrod piece in my closet!
  8. I wondered if she had slipped a few peanuts into my dish after I told her of my allergy.
  9. But they do taste nice together with a bit of honey mustard in a sandwich. Greg started life as a vehicle for exploring this virtual world a decade ago, and he evolved into a semi-fantasy character over time. He is what I wish to look like if I had the motivation to exercise and the money for a top-notch plastic surgeon. Eddy was created many years later for the one job of catching a second Linden Home. Then something funny happened and before I knew it, some bits and pieces of my RL self spun off to manifest themselves in these two avatars.
  10. It's YUMESH mesh Ornament #20 Teardrop Full Perm: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/YUMESH-mesh-Ornament-20-Teardrop-Full-Perm/6042286 I recolored it and made the center stone to Bakes on Mesh to get my eye to appear on it.
  11. Greg went through an emo phase as a teen. This is him as a 15 year old. Nothing says edgy and cool quite like braces on an awkward emo kid. As Mollymews said, fashion choices for many teens are limited by what their parents would allow them to wear. Greg wasn't given much leeway back then; that's why he has no facial piercings nor tattoos. I don't think his parents allowed him to wear skimpy crop tops. Hoodies and band t-shirts are good universal choices for teenagers.
  12. If I had a club, instead of installing a basic disco ball, there would be a spinning toilet.
  13. It's the Eight Pages Bellisseria Slenderman Hunt. There are eight sheets of paper scattered throughout the parcel to find. Buy them for 0L and get prize. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Canvas City/118/158/59 The hunt item to look for (doodlings will vary):
  14. I picked up a new segway from Slendy's hunt and took it for a spin around the neighborhood.
  15. I would call them both off-white or light beige. That's what they look like to me. I took the color chart posted upthead and rearranged it in a way that makes more sense to me. Going through my inventory, it looks like I don't have much color variety in my closet. 😅
  16. It is indeed not funny. Group chat has been broken since 2019. Sometimes you get lucky if they work for about 4 minutes at a time; then dead silence after that.
  17. I also couldn't understand what living with aphantasia is like with being unable to suspend disbelief when watching movies or create things from imagination. It reminds me of a time when I met someone who thought everyone should have their avatars resemble their RL selves. I dismissed them as a pedantic fool who was completely missing the point of SL. Aphantasia may partially explain why they lost their sh*t when they saw me running around in an avatar like this:
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