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Eddy Vortex

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Everything posted by Eddy Vortex

  1. I find using an alt as the photographer easier when working on a project such as a multiplicity photograph. The alt positions the camera in the frame and not move anywhere, then go to the other viewer where the main is and they can switch poses and move around the scene to their heart's content. Return to the alt's viewer and snap away.
  2. How to you make gifs from SL? I tried to looking for tutorials but couldn't find any.
  3. My Grandpa told me about B.B. King. My Dad told me about Yngwie Malmsteen. My proverbial kids will hear from me about Joaquin Gustav. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kings Stone/211/177/22
  4. Awwww sheeeeet. I wasn't expecting this nice surprise. 😃
  5. I forgot Greg has a khaki sweater in his inventory. That's what the shirt label said.
  6. I have two Linden Homes. The houseboat is my primary residence and I don't plan to abandon it. The Victorian is more of a weekend home. I might give that one up when the German chalets are released.
  7. Most of my musical discoveries came from hanging out with kooky people with eclectic tastes. They have introduced me to unfamiliar artists such as Daler Mehndi, Cheb Mami, We Are Scientists, Jesse Malin, Kohachiro Miyata, Teho Majamäki, Vitas, Dimash Kudaibergen, and many others. Also, Eduard Khil. Regardless of meme status I could listen to this guy sing all day long.
  8. Chinese food has been a favorite since biblical times. It's from wandering in the desert for 40 years. We were unable to cook and had to make do with delivery.
  9. So far, I've only seen sweaters. I'm still on the look out for a tacky one for men.
  10. I haven't been big on holiday celebrations since childhood. My family usually do lunch or dinner at a Chinese restaurant. This year with everybody social distancing, I'll just stay in and order delivery.
  11. Herein lies the problem - we need more to go on than <10 word one-liner quips. We are not mind readers.
  12. I'm old enough to remember the "Michael Photorealistic skin". They were the only low budget option for penniless male noobs.
  13. Rideable reindeer by Abranimations and a shirt from Appliqué Chic that screams 2020.
  14. *stares into the distance* Yep, those were the days. I remember it wasn't that bad in 2010. There was an occasional chat lag, but it wasn't nowhere as bad as every day since 2019.
  15. I just remembered another one: when group chats were stable and everyone's texts went through smoothly.
  16. Long gone sims such as the Frank Lloyd Wright Virtual Museum.
  17. I never had much success with the built-in neck fix faders. They look too much like molting skin to my eyes. I have them turned off and use BoM instead. The neck fix for the Genus head, I think, comes as a separate attachment. For the Tweenster body, go to the alpha section in the HUD and click on "Fader" to turn off the neck blender. I've had better results with turning off the shine, gloss, and materials in both head and body, and getting the same head and body skin from the same store. If you can't find matching head and body skins, you can pick up a BoM neck blender and tint it to a close match to bridge the skins you already have.
  18. Like Tari said, here are better ways to earn income than playing sploders. Places that need to pay avatars to visit their sim are sad places. They end up attracting mostly plunder bots. Those bots can't interact with you. Places using voodoo devices are not worth visiting anyway. Worthwhile places do not need to entice visitors with money. SL is a big world and there are better ways to spend one's time in it. Get out there and start exploring.
  19. The Daily Fail is a trashy tabloid I would not touch with a 10 foot pole. I made the mistake of stumbling on there once and their pop-unders still managed to get through on a computer armed with an ad blocker, antivirus and firewall.
  20. This sweater is so awesomely in theme. I am done with shopping for more clothes; I'm going to wear this one year round.
  21. Don't have kids or have one living with you. They'll wreck your living room and the rest of the house.
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