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Eddy Vortex

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Everything posted by Eddy Vortex

  1. Herein lies the problem - we need more to go on than <10 word one-liner quips. We are not mind readers.
  2. I'm old enough to remember the "Michael Photorealistic skin". They were the only low budget option for penniless male noobs.
  3. Rideable reindeer by Abranimations and a shirt from Appliqué Chic that screams 2020.
  4. *stares into the distance* Yep, those were the days. I remember it wasn't that bad in 2010. There was an occasional chat lag, but it wasn't nowhere as bad as every day since 2019.
  5. I just remembered another one: when group chats were stable and everyone's texts went through smoothly.
  6. Long gone sims such as the Frank Lloyd Wright Virtual Museum.
  7. I never had much success with the built-in neck fix faders. They look too much like molting skin to my eyes. I have them turned off and use BoM instead. The neck fix for the Genus head, I think, comes as a separate attachment. For the Tweenster body, go to the alpha section in the HUD and click on "Fader" to turn off the neck blender. I've had better results with turning off the shine, gloss, and materials in both head and body, and getting the same head and body skin from the same store. If you can't find matching head and body skins, you can pick up a BoM neck blender and tint it to a close match to bridge the skins you already have.
  8. Like Tari said, here are better ways to earn income than playing sploders. Places that need to pay avatars to visit their sim are sad places. They end up attracting mostly plunder bots. Those bots can't interact with you. Places using voodoo devices are not worth visiting anyway. Worthwhile places do not need to entice visitors with money. SL is a big world and there are better ways to spend one's time in it. Get out there and start exploring.
  9. The Daily Fail is a trashy tabloid I would not touch with a 10 foot pole. I made the mistake of stumbling on there once and their pop-unders still managed to get through on a computer armed with an ad blocker, antivirus and firewall.
  10. This sweater is so awesomely in theme. I am done with shopping for more clothes; I'm going to wear this one year round.
  11. Don't have kids or have one living with you. They'll wreck your living room and the rest of the house.
  12. Same here. My 'brother' probably has some moldy sculpties lurking somewhere in his inventory.
  13. New group gift from Lelutka; 6 Christmas trees. Get them inworld (store) or in group notices.
  14. Heck if I could remember. XD Unless if your biped has been telling my brother to put some meat on his bones, I doubt it.
  15. I have only three letters: I K R. (haha) I wonder if it's a form of self-projection on their part.
  16. (cross-posted to the 52 weeks of color thread)
  17. I just got myself another mesh body. Now I'm really broke. Broker than broke. 😂
  18. BRUH... Just saw notice of Signature sale! ============================= Today is the last chance to get your favourite body discounted ! All Signature items, heads and bodies are at 50% OFF We wish you the best, and as always thank you for your support! END 29 NOV AT 12 AM SLT TAXI : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Signature Body/152/151/541
  19. I noticed the nails are in a splayed fingers position. That's what I usually see when I tp into a busy sim and see half-rezzed body parts flying around. The upper torsos are stuck in a t-pose with fingers apart until the avatars finished rezzing. I'm guessing it may be lag that is delaying the nails' reaction time to your hands. You can try teleporting to an empty sim to rule out lag issues.
  20. Even with simplified articles and no grammatical gender to contend with we native English speakers still manage to fail at our own language.
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