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Everything posted by Ayeleeon

  1. But if that is all you have available you might as well just try it and see.
  2. Oh you wanna see my pictures? I love showing them, and seeing other's pictures too.
  3. I rarely use backdrops or any post processing, relying on locations and windlight. I will crop when I can't get the picture framed right in the viewer. I use pictures to document my SL, in fact I do the same in RL. My Facebook is full of pictures of places I go, and interesting things I see.
  4. As someone who often cuddles with someone who multitasks, sometimes you just give them that. Every relationship is different, just because it doesn't work for you doesn't mean it doesn't work for everyone.
  5. This has happened to me more frequently as well, I just thought it was me, getting older.
  6. Since people mentioned changing the clocks, my current peeve is that several years ago, in a general election, the people of Florida voted to stop changing the clocks and stay on DST year round. This action has to be approved by the US senate, but so far they refuse to comply with the will of the people.
  7. Everyone has their own personal standard. And for some it will change according to their mood.
  8. I periodically go through the old ones and delete a few to keep the total under 1000, though I think I may be close to the point where I don't want to delete anything and will need to start a new one.
  9. it is , after all, the 5th of November.
  10. She looks a lot better than that actually
  11. My wife seriously looks 20 years younger than she really is. i have no issues with that question, That woman at the top is in her early 60s
  12. Minty, we go way way back, probably the oldest friend i have in SL'
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