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Everything posted by Ayeleeon

  1. Yes it is the one @Marianne Littleused a few pages back that is free on MP.
  2. Standing around my apartment, not looking pretty at all, but the sky is nice at least.
  3. Not always, sometimes they are describing the person they want to be here. SL is a place you can be whoever you want to be. Unfortunately often people put in their profile who they want to be, but thier behavior is someone else.
  4. I will look you up when I get in world tonight after work, or you can look me up
  5. I am looking for friends too, IM me in world if I don't IM you first.
  6. I love the song but the video is amazing, though I admit I had seen it a few times before I realized that. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=LqldwoDXHKg&feature=share
  7. I am not a gamer, not do I make mesh, but if you are willing to hang out with someone not into those things, then hit me up sometime.
  8. This song always makes me think of the scene in Apocalypse Now, the the helicopters flying in over the ocean. This version makes me think of that scene done with bumblebees.
  9. I have probably shared this before, great song, even better video.
  10. Thanks to @Marianne Littlefor the tip about the EEP
  11. This is one of my all time favorite songs.
  12. The slightly tilted one just looks like you were going for straight and didn't quite make it, which is a bit annoying, but you should use whatever you like. No matter what you chose, some will like it, others won't.
  13. But. By that logic you can get even more detail if the picture is a horizontal format, because you could crop close to the figure and have very little background. But the angle is your style, there is nothing wrong with that.
  14. It is Monday, so back to work, it is cold, by Florida standards a lot of you would think it's a heat wave. Have new shoes, hoping my feet won't hurt at the end of the day like they did every day last week after wearing old worn out ones. Checking the forums on my phone, and thinking about a picture I want to take when I get back to SL.
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